Detall de la convocatòria


Objectiu de la convocatòria
‘The Brain Prize’- is awarded to one or more scientists who have distinguished themselves by an outstanding contribution to European neuroscience and who are still active in research.
Característiques principals
The Brain Prize recognises highly original and influential advances in any area of brain research, defined as research on any aspects of the brain and the nervous system in health and disease. It is a broad research field, encompassing a wide range of disciplines from basic neuroscience to applied clinical research aimed at producing new scientific knowledge on aetiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment and prophylaxis of diseases affecting the brain and the nervous system
Lloc de presentació
l'IMIM i PSMAR personnel who needs more information, please contact:
Research Grants and Contracts Office. C/ Doctor Aiguader, 88. 08003 Barcelona. Tel.: 93.316.04.00.
• Carol Barnwell, Ext.: 1670
• Marta López, Ext.: 1576
Convocatòria (URL)
  • Only nominated candidates will be considered by The Brain Prize Selection Committee.
  • Self-nomination is not accepted.
  • Anyone can nominate.
  • Nominees can be of any nationality and work in any part of the world.
  • Nominees can work in any field of neuroscience.
  • Nominees must still be actively engaged in research.
  • If several researchers have contributed significantly to the achievement, more than one individual may be nominated.
  • Re-nomination of previously unsuccessful nominees is encouraged
  • Dotació
    10 million DKK (approx. 1,3 million €)
    All nominations must be submitted in English, using the electronic nomination form:


    The Brain Prize _ The Lundbeck Foundation.pdf
    Nominate your candidate for The Brain Prize 2024.pdf