Detall de la convocatòria


Objectiu de la convocatòria
Short-term international fellowship opportunities to cancer professionals.
Característiques principals
The aim of the UICC Technical Fellowships is to
  • Facilitate the international exchange and development of technical knowledge and skills in all areas of cancer control
  • Build capacity of the individual and the home organisation through the effective application and dissemination of the newly acquired skills in the home organisation upon return
  • Support the development of networks of cancer control professionals for the continued sharing of best practices and knowledge, and the informal provision of ongoing support, guidance or training.

    Types of fellowship:
  • Public health fellowships: aimed at cancer professionals working in public health including epidemiologists, health educators, social workers, nutritionists, administrators and other specialised professional and technical workers working in the field of cancer.
  • Research fellowships: aimed at investigators performing translational cancer.
  • Clinical fellowships: aimed at clinicians who wish to perform clinical cancer research dealing directly with patients, or who wish to learn new clinical techniques and skills by observing others.

    Cancer topics: 1. Cancer prevention
    2. Causes of cancer
    3. Cancer registries, analysis of cancer data
    4. Early detection, pathology, diagnosis, and prognosis
    5. Health economics, universal health coverage and policy, national cancer control plans related to cancer prevention and/or early detection.
    6. Patient support, survivorship and palliative care
  • Lloc de presentació
    El personal de l'IMIM i PSMAR que necessiteu més informació adreceu-vos a:
    Research Grants and Contracts Office. C/ Doctor Aiguader, 88. 08003-Barcelona. Tel.: 93.316.05.76.
    Marta López: Ext.: 1576
    Carol Barnwell: Ext.1670
    Convocatòria (URL)
    Target candidates:
    All cancer professionals, including cancer researchers, especially those performing translational, clinical and implementation research, clinicians, nurses and pathologists and public health professionals including epidemiologists, health educators, social workers, nutritionists, administrators and other specialised professional workers working in the field of cancer are all encouraged to apply for a UICC Technical Fellowship.
    In line with UICC’s mission to promote greater equity, priority will be given to fellowship applicants based in low and middle-income countries. In line with this focus, applications from organisations that are of seeking to build technical skills and knowledge in areas or services of key public health priority will be given priority over those with access to state-of-the-art technologies, such as robotic surgery for example.

    Eligibility criteria
  • The applicant may be of any nationality and may reside in any country at the time of the application but must apply to visit a different country for their fellowship visit..
  • The applicant must hold a minimum of a Master’s degree. Qualified medical doctors may be considered in the absence of a higher degree if they hold or are within a year of holding board certification (or equivalent) in a cancer related specialty.
  • Registered nurses who have an RN qualification with documented experience of working with cancer patients.
  • Applications including the attendance or participation in basic training courses, workshops, lectures, meetings, conferences, congresses, etc. or for visiting institutes without a defined project of work are not eligible.
  • Medical and PhD students are not eligible to apply, even if they already hold a Master’s degree.
  • To permit effective communication at the host institute, the candidate must have adequate fluency in a common language.
  • The candidate must also be on the staff payroll of a university, research laboratory or institute, hospital, oncology unit, registry or cancer society to where they will return at the end of a fellowship.
  • Candidates attached to commercial entities or associated to the tobacco industry are not eligible.
  • Only one UICC fellowship scheme can be applied to at a time. Candidates who have already obtained a UICC fellowship in the past may apply for further UICC awards only if they are Members of the Association of UICC Fellows and one year has passed since their previous fellowship has ended.
  • The applicant must be engaged in an area of cancer listed in the table of Fellowship topics
  • Dotació
    Maximum funding, US$ 2,200 to 5,800 depending on the duration of the fellowship.
    2 to 8 weeks. Specific justification for the duration of the visit is required.
    On-line application through proposalCENTRAL:

    The application process is conducted online only. In addition, several documents are to be uploaded as appendix to the application form:
  • A Biosketch of the applicant (template provided online)
  • An Attestation on Headed Paper from Home Supervisor (template provided online)
  • Host Attestation (please use the template provided online)
  • Letter of Invitation on Headed Paper from the Host Supervisor
    Deadline: Call closes: August 12 2024


    2024 Application Guidelines Technical Fellowships final.pdf