Detall de la convocatòria


Objectiu de la convocatòria
To invite overseas researchers with excellent records of research achievements to collaborate with Japanese colleagues in carrying out research through long-term visits.
Lloc de presentació
IMIM and PSMAR staff who need more information should contact::
Research Grants and Contracts Office. C/ Doctor Aiguader, 88. 08003-Barcelona. Tel.: 93.316.04.00.
Carol Barnwell: Ext.: 1670
Marta López: Ext.: 1576
Convocatòria (URL)
JSPS Electronic Application System:
1. Be a citizen or a permanent resident of a country that has diplomatic relations with Japan (JSPS treats Taiwanese and Palestinian researchers in this manner). To be eligible, researchers of Japanese nationality residing overseas must have lived in the other country for at least 10 years and been actively engaged in research in that country throughout the period.
2. Be a full-time researchers or person with full-time researcher status at a university or research institution in a foreign country and have a position equivalent to a professor, associate professor or assistant professor in Japan (including positions such as professor emeritus). Researchers of other status may apply if it has been six years or longer since they obtained their doctoral degree and the host research institution judges them to have continuously conducted research at a university or research institution.
  • Airfare: A roundtrip air ticket (economy-class) (based on JSPS’s regulations)
  • Maintenance Allowance: ¥362,000 per month
  • Miscellaneous: Up to ¥200,000, overseas travel insurance
  • Durada
    12 to 24 months
    Each host institution may have its own application deadline more than one month before the deadline set by JSPS (August 30, 2025). Applicants (host researchers) should check with the staff of host institution in advance.
    Applications under this program must be submitted to JSPS by a host researcher in Japan. Overseas researchers wishing to participate in the program are advised to establish contact with a Japanese or foreign-resident researcher in their field and to ask him/her to submit an application.

