Detall de la convocatòria


Objectiu de la convocatòria
To provide opportunities for pre-/post-doctoral researchers from the US, Canada and Europe (*) to conduct under the guidance of their hosts cooperative research with leading research groups in universities and other Japanese institutions.
Lloc de presentació
IMIM and PSMAR staff who need more information should contact::
Research Grants and Contracts Office. C/ Doctor Aiguader, 88. 08003-Barcelona. Tel.: 93.316.04.00.
Carol Barnwell: Ext.: 1670
Marta López: Ext.: 1576
Convocatòria (URL)
1. Be a citizen or permanent resident of an eligible country stipulated in the note under “1. PURPOSE (*)” above. Also eligible are persons who have been engaged in research continuously over a period of at least three years at a university or research institution in one of the eligible countries. They must be from a country that has diplomatic relations with Japan or be from Taiwan or Palestine and have conducted research continuously for three or more years before JSPS’s application submission deadline and must possess an excellent research record.
2. Have obtained their doctoral degree at a university outside Japan within six years of the date that the fellowship goes into effect (on or after 2 April 2019), or currently be enrolled in a doctoral course at a university outside Japan and scheduled to receive a Ph.D. within two years from the time that their research starts in Japan. Whether or not the candidate is employed in a full-time position is not considered.
  • A round-trip air ticket
  • Overseas travel insurance
  • Maintenance Allowance: (a) For Ph.D. holders by the time the fellowship starts in Japan: ¥362,000 per month (b) For non-Ph.D. holders by the time the fellowship starts: ¥200,000 per month
  • Miscellaneous: A settling-in allowance of ¥200,000, overseas travel insurance
  • Durada
    1-12 months
    This fellowship is provided in full month units.
    There are three application deadlines each year. The next application deadline is:
  • Sept 27, 2024 (by 5 p.m. (JST)

    Each host institution may have its own application deadline more than one month before the deadline set by JSPS. Applicants (host researchers) should check with the staff of host institution in advance.
    Applications under this program must be submitted to JSPS by a host researcher in Japan. Overseas researchers wishing to participate in the program are advised to establish contact with a Japanese or foreign-resident researcher in their field and to ask him/her to submit an application.

  • Arxius
