Detall de la convocatòria


Objectiu de la convocatòria
ECTRIMS offers a postdoctoral research fellowship exchange programme for young neuroscientists to facilitate their conduct of and training in basic, clinical or applied research related to multiple sclerosis (MS).
Lloc de presentació
El personal de HMRIB i PSMAR que necessiteu més informació adreceu-vos a:
Research Grants and Contracts Office. C/ Doctor Aiguader, 88. 08003-Barcelona. Tel.: 93.316.04.00.
Carol Barnwell: Ext.: 1670
Marta López: Ext.: 1576
Convocatòria (URL)
Online Application:
  • Scientists and physicians who hold or are candidates for an MD, PhD, ScD or equivalent professional degree are eligible.
  • Candidates must have received their advanced degree(s) prior to initiation of the fellowship.
  • At the time of application fellows should have no more than one year of prior postdoctoral training at the same host institution/mentor. More senior candidates may have no more than 5 years total of postdoctoral experience beyond their final degree (PhD, MD, ScD or equivalent) at the time of application.
  • In general, successful applicants will be less than 40 years of age at the time of application; exceptions under special circumstances will be considered.
  • Citizens of any country are eligible to apply to this programme; however, postdoctoral research training must be undertaken in a European laboratory or clinic.
  • Candidates and their mentors must affirm that there will be no language barriers that will impede the training experience.

    Research Plan:
  • The ECTRIMS Research Fellowship is a research-focused experience. Prospective fellows must identify and present a cogent basic, clinical or applied research project to be undertaken during the fellowship period, in collaboration with the fellowship mentor at the host institution.
  • Applicants pursuing a research fellowship experience in any MS-related research topic (basic, applied or clinical, in any relevant specialty area) will be considered.

    Fellowship Location:
  • The fellowship period will be spent in a European research laboratory or clinic focused on problems associated with MS.
  • For fellowship applicants who are European citizens, the laboratory or clinic should, in most circumstances, be located in a different European country from that of the fellow’s citizenship, to help facilitate cross-border exchange and communications; exceptions will be considered under special circumstances.
  • The prospective fellow must determine in advance the fellowship location and identify a proposed mentor, all of which will be considered along with the fellow’s own qualifications and research plan, in the review and selection process.
  • Dotació
  • Annual stipend of €55,000.
  • Economy round-trip transportation
  • Durada
    1 or 2 years duration. Fellowships of shorter duration than 1 year will be considered only under special circumstances, which must be detailed in the application process.
  • A completed on-line application, available from the ECTRIMS web site (
  • An abbreviated curriculum vitae and bibliography of the applicant, not to exceed 5 pages. You must use the form “biographical sketch” provided by ECTRIMS, available in the online fellowship application system.
  • Applicant’s career plans (not to exceed one page)
  • A research project description, to be no longer than 6 pages, including figures, tables and references
  • A research project abstract summary, to be no longer than 250 words.
  • Applicant’s proof (e.g. certificate) of local language knowledge.
  • Letter of endorsement of the proposed mentor, with special reference to interactions he/she has had with the proposed fellow and to the proposed research plan. An abbreviated current curriculum vitae and bibliography for the proposed mentor, not to exceed 5 pages, should be included. The form “biographical sketch” provided in the online fellowship application system should be used. The applicant should send this form to the mentor.
  • Letter of support from the department chair (or other relevant institutional official) at the proposed host institution accepting the proposed fellow, should a fellowship be awarded.
  • Certification from the training institution accepting the terms of the ECTRIMS fellowship and payments. The necessary form is available from the online application system; the applicant should forward this form to the institution for completion and return to ECTRIMS.
  • At least three letters of reference from professionals acquainted with the proposed fellow, from his/her home institution or elsewhere, that addresses the fellow’s qualities and likelihood for success in a research and/or clinical career. One of these letters should be submitted from the degree mentor for the proposed fellow.
  • If applicable, a letter from the home institution indicating that the fellow will be welcomed back to the institution and the nature of the position that will be available, once the fellowship period has been concluded
  • Arxius
