Detall de la convocatòria


Objectiu de la convocatòria
The PMRP aims to nurture and support translational or clinical research projects focused on Alzheimer’s disease or other age-related neurodegenerative diseases.
Característiques principals
  • Projects may be submitted as an Individual Research Project led by a Principal Investigator (PI) or as a Collaborative Research Project (Consortiums formed by a maximum of three Research Teams from three different institutions) coordinated by a Consortium Coordinator (CC).
  • In the case of Collaborative Research Projects, only the CC must be based in Spain. The other (maximum two) PIs in the Consortium, referred to as Consortium PIs (cPI) in the PMRP, may be from a public or private non-profit organisation based in any country.
  • In the case of Collaborative Research Projects, a maximum of 30% of the budget can be assigned to Partner Institutions outside Spain.
  • The Projects must address at least one of the following topics focused on Alzheimer’s disease or other age-related neurodegenerative diseases:
    - Translational research to develop new drugs and build preclinical evidence
    - Biofluid biomarkers
    - Neuroimaging biomarkers
    - Digital biomarkers
    - Epidemiological studies
    - Genetic risk factors
    - Development of novel research tools and resources
    - Immunity & Inflammation
    - Modifiable risk factors
    - Novel approaches to risk assessment, diagnosis, treatment and prevention
    - Disease prevention
    - Biological processes and molecular pathways associated with disease initiation, progression, or outcome
    - Tools to predict risk prediction, disease severity and disease protection - Non-pharmacological interventions
    - Neuropathology
    - Any other topic related to Alzheimer’s disease or other age-related neurodegenerative disease. Please contact the PMRP Team ( to confirm eligibility of the topic before applying.
  • All declared expenditure must be audited. The frequency of the audits will be established in the Grant Agreement according to the distribution of the awarded budget. In the case of Collaborative Research Projects, the Host Institution and each Partner Institution must submit an external audit report. The external audit costs are eligible project costs.
  • Lloc de presentació
    El personal de HMRIB i PSMAR que necessiteu més informació adreceu-vos a:
    Research Grants and Contracts Office. C/ Doctor Aiguader, 88. 08003-Barcelona. Tel.: 93.316.05.76.
    Marta López: Ext.: 1576
    Mercedes Bayo: Ext.: 1684
    Convocatòria (URL)
    To apply:
    Principal Investigators (PI) of Individual Research Projects and Consortium Coordinators (CC) and Consortium Principal Investigators (cPI) of Collaborative Research Projects may be of any nationality and must meet the following requirements:
  • To be in possession of a doctoral degree (PhD).
  • To hold a position as an independent researcher at a public or non-profit Research Organisation (other than the Foundation’s research centre, the BBRC).
  • In the case of Principal Investigators (PI) of Individual Research Projects and Consortium Coordinators (CC) of Collaborative Research Projects, the Research Organisation (Host Organisation) must be based in Spain.
  • The Research Organisation of Consortium Principal Investigators (cPI) may be based anywhere in the world.
  • To have a proven track record (demonstrable achievements, for example, significant publications as main author, presentations at prestigious national and international conferences, awarded prizes, granted patents) in the topic of research proposed during the five years prior to the Call opening (2019-2024). The five-year period may be extended in certain circumstances as specified in section seven.
  • PIs and CCs must conduct translational or clinical research on Alzheimer’s disease or other age-related neurodegenerative diseases.
  • At the submission deadline for the Letter of Intent (LOI), to be principal investigator on at least one active, competitive research grant. Mentored awards and training grants, i.e., projects including the role of a mentor or supervisor, do not qualify.
  • To be legally linked to the Host/Partner Institution when applying for the grant.
  • To have the approval of the Host/Partner Institution to submit the project to the PMRP 2024 Call.
  • Dotació
    Grants of up to €800,000 may be requested (including a maximum flat-rate contribution of 21% of the total eligible direct costs towards indirect costs (overheads)). The budget for the Pasqual Maragall Researchers Programme 2024 Call is €1,600,000.
    The projects shall have a duration of a minimum of two up to a maximum of five years
    Application to the PMRP is via a two-stage application process: submission of a Letter of Intent (LOI) followed by the submission of a Full Proposal upon invitation.
    Letter of Intent (LOI)
    Applicants are asked to complete and submit their LOI via the online grants system.
    The LOI consists of an online form including the following information:
  • Basic information about the project (title, publishable lay summary, scientific abstract…)
  • Information about the track record of the PI/CC and cPI(s)
  • Information about the research project with a 9,000-character limit, including:
    - Background (maximum of 1,500 characters including spaces)
    - Specific aims of the project (maximum of 1,500 characters including spaces)
    - Brief project description, including methodology (maximum of 2,000 characters including spaces)
    - Novelty of the project (maximum of 2,000 characters including spaces)
    - Impact of the project (maximum of 2,000 characters including spaces)
    In addition to the track record information included in the online form, a narrative CV (template available on the online grants system) must be uploaded for the PI/CC and each cPI.
    No detailed budget breakdown is required at the LOI stage.
  • Arxius

    01_2024_PMRP_Rules_for_Participation_Pasqual Maragall Researchers Programme.pdf