Detall de la convocatòria


Objectiu de la convocatòria
Funding for multicenter, international phase 2/3 clinical trials on medicinal products for rare cancer treatment (including drug repurposing).
Lloc de presentació
HMRIB and PSMAR staff who need more information should contact::
Research Grants and Contracts Office. C/ Doctor Aiguader, 88. 08003-Barcelona. Tel.: 93.316.04.00.
Carol Barnwell: Ext.: 1670
Marta López: Ext.: 1576
Convocatòria (URL)
Informació addicional
The submission of proposals follows a two-stage procedure:
  • Submission deadline for pre-proposals: 11/10/2024
  • Submission deadline for full-proposals: 30/04/2025

  • Requisits
  • Main applicants as well as research consortium partners should be located in one of the funding countries (Belgium, France, the Netherlands, Spain), with a minimum of 2 participating countries.
  • Applicants (funding recipients) should be either Academic research groups or Clinical/Public health sector research groups.
  • To support swift enrolment of study patients in clinical trials, inclusion centers outside of the funding countries may be included in the proposal. Public-private collaborations are accepted under strict conditions; note that private parties will not receive direct funding.
  • Active patient participation in the set up and execution of the proposals is required. A strong regulatory and implementation strategy (incl. EMA advise, orphan designation, early HTA) is not obliged but highly recommended.

    Please see the guidelines to check the complete list of requirements.
  • Dotació
    FCAECC does not have a maximum funding per grant; the amount depends on the scientific and medical needs and should be justified in the requested budget. However, it is highly recommended to respect the available budget (€ 1M) and anticipated number of fundable research groups.
    3 years
    The call is made at European level but each partner of the consortium is funded by its national funding agency and must follow its national funding rules. Spanish participants are funded by FCAECC. There are eligibility requirements for the institutions and principal investigators funded by FCAECC. (please see the Call text).
    Due to the complexity of the call, if you are interested in submitting an application we strongly recommend that you contact the Research Grants and Contracts Office well in advance of the deadline.

