Detall de la convocatòria


Objectiu de la convocatòria
MSCA Staff Exchanges promote innovative international, inter-sectoral and interdisciplinary collaboration in research and innovation through exchanging staff and sharing knowledge and ideas at all stages of the innovation chain.
Característiques principals
MSCA Staff Exchanges involve organisations from the academic and non-academic sectors (including SMEs) from across the globe.

Support is provided for international, inter-sectoral and interdisciplinary mobility of R&I staff leading to knowledge transfer between participating organisations.

The organisations constituting the partnership contribute directly to the implementation of a joint R&I project by seconding and/or hosting eligible staff members. Such a project must explore activities that can be based on previous work but should go beyond and generate or strengthen long-term collaborations. Secondments must always take place between legal entities independent from each other.

MSCA Staff Exchanges can address three dimensions of mobility: inter-sectoral, international and interdisciplinary:
  • While exchanges between organisations within EU Member States and Horizon Europe Associated Countries should mainly be inter-sectoral, same-sector exchanges are also possible under the condition that they are interdisciplinary.
  • Interdisciplinarity is not required for same-sector exchanges with non-associated Third Countries.
  • Lloc de presentació
    El personal de l'HMRIB i PSMAR que necessiteu més informació adreceu-vos a:
    Research Grants and Contracts Office. C/ Doctor Aiguader, 88. 08003 Barcelona. Tel.: 93.316.04.00.
    • Carol Barnwell, Ext.: 1670
    • Marta López, Ext.: 1576
    Convocatòria (URL)
    Applications must be submitted by a consortium including at least three independent legal entities in three different countries, two of which established in a different EU Member State or Horizon Europe Associated Country.


    wp-2-msca-actions_horizon-2023-2024_en (2).pdf
    HORIZON-MSCA-2024-SE-01 - Guide for Applicants.pdf