Detall de la convocatòria


Objectiu de la convocatòria
We are pleased to announce our latest call for research proposals focused on harnessing these emerging and increasingly important omic technologies for hypothesis-driven research in RMDs. The proposals should start from and focus on a clearly articulated unmet medical need and aim to provide solutions for the identified challenge. By fostering collaboration and innovation, we aim to catalyze transformative research that will ultimately benefit individuals living with RMDs.
Característiques principals
We invite scientific proposals that address the following objectives:

1. Utilization of emerging Omic Technologies:
  • Develop and apply omic technologies such as proteomics, lipidomics, and metabolomics to provide solutions for unmet medical needs such as but not limited to immune-reset, induction of remission, prevention of flare. and/or
  • Focus on omic data integration and systems biology approaches to elucidate complex interactions within the immune system and the musculoskeletal system in RMDs.
    2. Hypothesis-Driven Research:
  • Propose hypothesis-driven research projects that leverage emerging omic technologies to address specific research questions or hypotheses related to the identified unmet medical needs in the approach to RMDs. Provide strategies to validate and functionally confirm the omic findings.
  • Focus on research areas where these omic technologies have the potential to provide novel insights or transformative solutions, including but not limited to autoimmune diseases, inflammatory arthritis, connective tissue disorders, and osteoarthritis.
    3. Collaborative Consortia:
  • Encourage the formation of collaborative consortia involving at least three partner universities from different countries to facilitate interdisciplinary research and knowledge exchange.
  • Foster collaboration between basic scientists, clinicians, bioinformaticians, and computational biologists to ensure the translation of omic data into clinical applications and patient benefits.
  • Lloc de presentació
    HMRIB and PSMAR staff who need more information should contact::
    Research grants and Contracts Office. C/ Doctor Aiguader, 88. 08003-Barcelona. Tel.: 93.316.04.00.
    Carol Barnwell: Ext.: 1670
    Marta López: Ext.: 1576
    Convocatòria (URL)
  • Applications must envolve partners from at least three different countries.
  • Pure screening approaches without functional validation of the hypothesis will not be funded.
  • Dotació
    up to 600.000€
    3 years
    The proposal follows as a two-stage:
  • Closing date for Letter of intent: 27 October 2024
  • Decisions on Letter of intent announced: 09 December 2024
  • Closing date for full proposals: 02 February 2025
  • Decisions on full proposals announced: 21 March 2025

    Apply through the following link by choosing your topic:
  • Arxius
