Característica |
Objectiu de la convocatòria
The ESICM Awards Programme actively supports research initiatives in the field of intensive care
medicine by providing direct funding.
Característiques principals
The following grants are available:
The ESICM Young Investigator Award supports young and talented physicians/scientists who have the potential to become outstanding independent investigators in the field of intensive care medicine.
The ESICM Established Investigator Award supports the research activities of a senior researcher.
The ESICM Clinical Research Award supports research performed in a clinical environment. Some aspects of the proposal may involve collaboration with research laboratories.
The ESICM Basic Science Award supports basic research across the field of intensive care medicine.
The Fundamental Research Award has been created to further encourage the exploratory research that is essential to pushing the boundaries of knowledge.
The Translational Research Award is intended for projects in the field of translational science.
The ESICM Levi-Montalcini Biomedical Science Award has been established to encourage women to join the research community.
The Next Start-Up Grant supports the professional development of talented intensivists who already have a background in research and who wish to develop independent research programmes.
The Global ICU Award is the only ESICM award that supports research conducted in Low- & Middle-Income Countries.
The Family Partnership Award aims to support research projects focused on patients' needs, priorities and expectations as well as their caregivers.
The Professor Burkhard Lachmann Award for Experimental Research is funded by the IFCOR (International Foundation for Clinically-oriented Research). Candidates who are considered for the Basic and Fundamental Awards will be considered for the Professor Burkhard Lachmann Award.
The ESICM Jordi Mancebo Fisher&Paykel Healthcare Award is fully funded by Fisher&Paykel Healthcare SAS. Projects must focus on the physiology and outcomes of less invasive respiratory support in acute respiratory failure.
The ESICM Fresenius Kabi Award on Clinical Nutrition is fully funded by Fresenius Kabi GmbH.
The Multi-Disciplinary Care Award has been created to support allied healthcare professionals who have perhaps never before considered entering the field of research and who have identified areas of intensive care treatment where research is required. Applications are welcome from all disciplines.
Lloc de presentació
HMRIB and PSMAR staff who need more information should contact::
Competitive Funding. C/ Doctor Aiguader, 88. 08003-Barcelona. Tel.: 93.316.04.00.
Carol Barnwell: Ext.: 1670
Marta López: Ext.: 1576
Convocatòria (URL)
Informació addicional
ESICM wishes to encourage research carried out across a number of countries. With the exception of the Young Investigator Award and the Fisher&Paykel Healthcare SAS Award projects that do not involve at least two countries are not eligible.
With the exception of the Global ICU Award, all awards are intended for research conducted in Europe.
After a year, awardees will be requested to provide with a progress report.
From 2022, the most suitable award category for each application will be decided by the Jury and not chosen by the applicant.
Only ESICM members are invited to submit applications.
5.000€ - 50.000€
12-24 months
Applications should be submitted through the online application platform:
There are two stages to the application process:
First, candidates must submit a short application. This is an outline of the aims and methodology of the proposed research project and must include an estimated budget and timeline. All short applications are reviewed by the Research Committee.
Those selected are then asked to submit a full application. This is a full project description with details regarding feasibility, research design and methodology.