Detall de la convocatòria


Objectiu de la convocatòria
To encourage scientific research of excellence on aetiological, pathogenic, physiopathological, clinical, therapeutic, epidemiological, prevention, public health, and health services aspects in the field of respiratory diseases, as a core element of the projects.
Característiques principals
Unitary project. A unitary project is understood to be one that has single beneficiary principal investigator (PI).
A co-ordinated project is understood to be one that has different beneficiary principal investigators (PI) and, therefore, different subprojects that are represented by one of the beneficiaries and by the centre where this beneficiary performs the research, who shall be the interlocutor (co-ordinating principal investigator) with the Foundation and shall be the channel of communication with the Foundation.
Lloc de presentació
El personal de HMRIB i PSMAR que necessiteu més informació adreceu-vos a:
Research Grants and Contracts Office. C/ Doctor Aiguader, 88. 08003-Barcelona. Tel.: 93.316.05.76.
Marta López: Ext.: 1576
Mercedes Bayo: Ext.: 1684
Convocatòria (URL)
Bases convocatòria:
Accés aplicatiu telemàtic:
  • Academic qualification of a doctorate, who can prove a professional career of excellence in research with 2 publications in first author, last author or author for correspondence author (in the field of respiratory diseases) in first quartile (Q1) journals during the last 5 years (acceptant the year of publication and that of the most recent publication) or 5 publications (in the field of respiratory diseases) in first quartile (Q1) journals during the last 5 years. (accepting the year of publication and also that of the most recent publication)
  • All principal investigators of subprojects must have a PhD degree.
  • In the case of co-ordinated projects the research groups of the projects must not be from the same centre.
  • The principal investigator in the case of unitary projects, and the co-ordinating principal investigators in the case of co-ordinated projects and the principal investigators of the subprojects, must belong to the staff of the centre in which the project is run and have a formal link at least during all the period of the project.
  • In the moment of the presentation:
    a) Report from the Research Committee
    b) Report from the Clinical Research Ethics Committee of the centre (CEIC)
    At the moment of the application, the principal investigators must have a pending evaluation letter, with the commitment of the centre, that the project has been sent to the CEIC for its evaluation.
    If this is not necessary because of the type of research/nature of the projects, this must be justified by means of a document signed by the centre
    c) Report from the Animal Experimentation Committee of the centre.
    At the moment of the application, the principal investigators must have a pending evaluation letter, with the commitment of the centre, that the project has been sent to the Animal Experimentation Committee for its evaluation.
    If this is not necessary because of the type of research/nature of the projects, this must be justified by means of a document signed by the centre.
  • Dotació
  • The maximum amount of the financial assistance shall not exceed €200,000 for unitary projects.
  • For projects in which two groups participate the maximum amount shall be €300,000.
  • For co-ordinated projects of three or more groups the maximum amount payable shall be €400,000.
    In the event that funding is requested for research staff, the salary tables of the Institution must be followed
    The item for publications must not exceed a total amount of €6,000 for each subproject.
  • Durada
    Three years
  • The projects must set out clearly and specifically what is the expected social scientific and financial return. There must also be reasoned description of the impact of the project on people’s health, as well as the communication and dissemination plan for achieving them
  • The proposals must include an informative summary of the goals of the research and of the expected impact of the project that is understandable to the general public of the goals of the research and of the expected impact of the project.
  • The projects must include the gender perspective transversally throughout all the stages of the research.
  • The application of the scientific party to take part in the call must be presented in English with a summary in Catalan.
    In the online application all the necessary documents must be attached, in PDF format.
  • They must be presented with digital signature before the deadline of the call.
    Please respect the deadlines set by Research Grants and Contracts Office
  • Incompatibilitats
  • An investigator may present himself or herself as principal investigator in a single project or subproject.
  • An investigator may present himself or herself as principal investigator in a single project or subproject, and also as a member of the research team of another project or subproject.
  • An investigator may form part of one or two research teams of projects or subprojects.
    In the case of co-ordinated projects the research groups of the projects must not be from the same centre.
    If the results derived from the investigation of the project are the object of publication by the principal investigators and/or the centres, these undertake also to publish them also in Open Access format.
    Keywords must be in MESH


    FAQ_ cat.pdf
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