Detall de la convocatòria


Objectiu de la convocatòria
TRANSCAN-2 has the goal of coordinating national and regional funding programmes for research in the area of translational cancer research. The specific challenge is to promote a transnational collaborative approach between scientific teams in demanding areas of translational cancer research while avoiding the duplication of efforts and ensuring a more efficient use of available resources, to produce significant results of higher quality and impact, and share data and infrastructures.
The EC co-funded call of TRANSCAN-2 (JTC 2015) will focus on: “Immunology and immunotherapy of cancer: strengthening the translational aspects”
In the past few years, the increased understanding of the human immune system, of the basic mechanisms involved in the recognition of cancer cells by innate and acquired immune cells and of escape pathways put in place by cancer and its microenvironment have paved the way to the development of innovative immunotherapeutic strategies. In the context of Translational Research, this topic will comprise three specific aims which concur to the possible clinical applications. Proposals will have to cover at least one of the specific areas listed under each aim below. Projects should be built from a solid and established hypothesis and should be relevant with regards to the possible improvements in clinical practices.
Característiques principals

Aims of the call
  • Aim 1: Identification and validation of shared or personalized mutated human tumor antigenic targets.
  • Aim 2: Development of new and combined immunotherapeutic strategies for cancer patients.
  • Aim 3: Translational research for clinical application of cancer immunotherapy.

    The following types of research projects are excluded from the call:
  • Research efforts directed to immunoprophylaxis of cancer.
  • Studies on vaccines for immunoprevention of cancer.
  • Analysis of preclinical models (cell lines and animal models) only, except if the specific research leads to first-in-man application.
  • Phase III and IV clinical trials.
  • Projects close to marketing their products.
  • Studies not compliant with the COMMISSION REGULATION (EC) No 800/2008 (,<
  • Lloc de presentació
    El personal de l'IMIM i PSMAR que necessiteu més informació adreceu-vos a:
    Servei de Recerca. C/ Doctor Aiguader, 88. 08003-Barcelona. Tel.: 93.316.04.00.
    Carol Barnwell: Ext.: 1670
    Marta López: Ext.: 1576
    Convocatòria (URL)
    Informació addicional
    Aplicatiu web:
    Only transnational projects will be funded. Each research consortium must involve a minimum of three (3) research groups and a maximum of seven (7) research groups. The groups must be from at least three (3) different countries participating in the call. In addition, a consortium must not involve more than two (2) research groups from one country (in such cases the minimum number of groups must be 4, coming from 3 different countries).

    In order to strengthen the European translational cancer research area, a wide inclusion of research teams from all the countries/regions participating in the call is encouraged, with a particular attention to research teams from Estonia, Latvia, Slovakia.

    Each consortium must involve at least one basic or pre-clinical research team and one clinical team.

    For Spanish applicants: please check the eligibility requirements of the institution and the principal investigator/team members, in pages 32-33 of the Guidelines.

    Applicants are strongly advised to contact their national representative and confirm eligibility with their respective funding organisations in advance of submitting an application
    For Spanish participants:
  • up to 100,000 € (overheads included) per partner
  • up to 150.000 € (overheads included) per coordinator
  • Durada
    3 years


    Call text
    National Contact Points
    Pre-proposal application form (facsimile)
    Guidelines for Applicants