Detall de la convocatòria


Objectiu de la convocatòria
The European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis (ECTRIMS) is Europe’s and the world’s largest professional organisation dedicated to the understanding and treatment of Multiple Sclerosis (MS). ECTRIMS is an independent representative European-wide organisation whose mission is to facilitate communication, create synergies, and promote and enhance research and learning among professionals for the ultimate benefit of people affected by MS.

MAGNIMS (Magnetic Resonance Imaging in MS) is a European network of academics that share a common interest in the study of multiple sclerosis using magnetic resonance imaging techniques.
Característiques principals
This fellowship wants to foster the development of young researchers in the field of MS by supporting their work on scientific projects at renowned host institutions within the MAGNIMS network in Europe. The program shall achieve transfer and broadening of knowledge regarding the application of magnetic resonance to MS research and will promote the researcher’s integration into the international scientific community.
Lloc de presentació
El personal de l'IMIM i PSMAR que necessiteu més informació adreceu-vos a:
Servei de Recerca. C/ Doctor Aiguader, 88. 08003-Barcelona. Tel.: 93.316.04.00.
Carol Barnwell: Ext.: 1670
Marta López: Ext.: 1576
Convocatòria (URL)
Applicants should be under 40 years and affiliated to an academic department, which can guarantee a continuation of his or her research.
Stipend of up to €50,000
1 year.

