Detall de la convocatòria
Característica |
Objectiu de la convocatòria
The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) carries out programs that provide overseas researchers who have an excellent record of research achievements with an opportunity to conduct collaborative research, discussions, and opinion exchanges with researchers in Japan. These programs are intended to help advance the overseas researchers' research activities while promoting science and internationalization in Japan. |
Característiques principals
To invite overseas researchers with excellent records of research achievements for short-term visits to Japan and provide them opportunities for discussions, opinion exchanges, lectures and other activities. |
Lloc de presentació
El personal de l'IMIM i PSMAR que necessiteu més informació adreceu-vos a: Servei de Recerca. C/ Doctor Aiguader, 88. 08003-Barcelona. Tel.: 93.316.04.00. Carol Barnwell: Ext.: 1670 Marta López: Ext.: 1576 |
Convocatòria (URL) |
As a rule, researchers who hold full-time positions in an overseas research institution and satisfy the following requirements: 1. Be a citizen or a permanent resident of a country that has diplomatic relations with Japan (JSPS treats Taiwanese and Palestinian researchers in this manner). To be eligible, researchers of Japanese nationality residing overseas must have lived in the other country for at least 10 years and been actively engaged in research in that country throughout the period. 2. Overseas researchers in a position equivalent to a university professor or associate professor as of 1 April 2019. 3. Overseas researchers with an excellent record of research achievements. |
14 to 60 days |
There are two application periods each year. The next application periods are: Applications under this program must be submitted to JSPS by a host researcher in Japan. Overseas researchers wishing to participate in the program are advised to establish contact with a Japanese or foreign-resident researcher in their field and to ask him/her to submit an application. |
Arxiu |
h31_reviewsectiontable_e (1).pdf |
h31_applicationguidelines_e (1).pdf |