Detall de la convocatòria


Objectiu de la convocatòria
ERA PerMed is an ERA-Net Cofund, supported by 32 partners of 23 countries and cofunded by the European Commission. It aims to align national research strategies and funding activities, promote excellence, reinforce the competitiveness of European players in PM, and enhance the European collaboration with non-EU countries.
Característiques principals
With its second transnational call, ERA PerMed will foster research and innovation activities building close linkages between basic biomedical research, clinical research, bioinformatics, epidemiology, socio-economic research, as well as research on the integration of PM into clinical practice and on ethical, legal and social implications. The overarching goal is to improve disease management, with better patient stratification, diagnostics and treatment protocols, and disease prevention. Proposals submitted under this call are expected to demonstrate the applicability of project outcomes into clinical practice as well as to describe the impact on the health care systems.

The overall objectives of the ERA PerMed call are:
(i) to support translational research projects in the field of Personalised Medicine;
(ii) to encourage and enable interdisciplinary collaborations towards implementation of PM, in combining pre-clinical and/or clinical research with computational components and research on relevant ethical, legal and social aspects (ELSA) and/or research on the optimisation of health care systems;
(iii) to encourage collaboration between academia (research teams from universities, higher education institutions, public research performing institutions), clinical/public health research (research teams from hospital/ public health institutions, healthcare settings and other healthcare organisations) and private partners e.g. SMEs (small and medium-sizes enterprises).
Lloc de presentació
El personal de l'IMIM i PSMAR que necessiteu més informació adreceu-vos a:
Servei de Recerca. C/ Doctor Aiguader, 88. 08003-Barcelona. Tel.: 93.316.04.00.
Carol Barnwell: Ext.: 1670
Marta López: Ext.: 1576
Convocatòria (URL)
Submission of proposals is mandatory on:
Informació addicional
If you are looking for potential partners, please have a look also at the ICPerMed Partnering Tool:
Eligibility Criteria:
  • Only transnational projects shall be funded.
  • Each consortium submitting a proposal must involve at least three partners eligible for funding coming from three different countries whose funders participate in the call. All three legal entities must be independent from each other.
  • The project coordinator must be eligible to be funded by his/her national/regional participating funding organisations.
  • The maximum number of partners per project at the pre-proposal stage is six. At the full-proposal stage, the consortium can be increased up to seven partners in total only by inclusion of a partner coming from an underrepresented country. A list of underrepresented countries will be provided to coordinators invited for full- roposal submission.
  • Within one consortium, not more than two partners from the same country participating in the call will be accepted. For some funding agencies the maximum number of eligible partners that can be funded in one project is limited to one partner (see also "Guidelines for applicants" regarding individual funding rules).
  • Partners not eligible for funding by one of the organisations participating in this JTC (e.g. from non-funding countries or not fundable according to the national/regional regulations of the participating funding organisations) may participate in projects if they are able to secure their own funding.

    Joint research proposals may be submitted by applicants belonging to one of the following categories (according to national/regional regulations of the funding organizations, please see “Guidelines for applicants”):

    A. Academia (research teams working in universities, other higher education institutions) or research institutes;
    B. Clinical/public health sector (research teams working in hospitals/public health and/or other health care settings and health organisations). Participation of medical doctors in the research teams is encouraged;
    C. (Industry) Private partners, e.g. SMEs (small and medium-size enterprises).
    For Spanish applicants: please check the eligibility requirements of the institution and the principal investigator/team members.

    Please contact the Servei de Recerca of you intend to apply for this call, in order to confirm your eligibility and the different funding entities you can apply to.
  • Dotació
    For Spanish participants:
    Between €100,000 to € €250,000 depending on the role, composition of the consortium and funding entity. Please see the Guidelines for further information.
    3 years
    The submission of proposals follows a two-stage procedure:
  • Submission deadline for pre-proposals: 7 March 2019 (17:00 CET)
  • Submission deadline for full-proposals: 17 June 2019 (17:00 CEST)
  • Arxius
