Detall de la convocatòria


Objectiu de la convocatòria
These fellowships intend to fund a 3 month clinical fellowship in a foreign European hospital. The Fellowships are for EAACI members in training for allergy and clinical immunology early in their careers and are not intended for well-established specialists.
Lloc de presentació
El personal de l'IMIM i PSMAR que necessiteu més informació adreceu-vos a:
Servei de Recerca. C/ Doctor Aiguader, 88. 08003-Barcelona. Tel.: 93.316.04.00.
Carol Barnwell: Ext.: 1670
Marta López: Ext.: 1576
Convocatòria (URL)
Impresos (URL)
  • EAACI Junior Members (JMs) in training or recently specialised in allergy and clinical immunology.
  • To be eligible to apply you must be under the age of 36 and an active member of the EAACI (EAACI-JM).
  • Applicants must contact an institution in another European country that is willing to host them for the whole duration of the fellowship, and define a supervisor. The host supervisor must be a member of EAACI, or have applied for membership of EAACI at the time of the Fellowship application.
  • Your home institution must be willing to release you of all work, laboratory and clinical, during the whole duration of the fellowship, and ensure that you will have the possibility to come back after the conclusion of the fellowship.
  • Adequate fluency in a language that permits effective communication in the host institution is required
  • Dotació
    EUR 4,000 for accomodation and travel expenses. The Fellow’s salary would be covered by the hospital of origin.
    3 months.
    The fellowship application uses an online platform. You are asked to complete some information online and upload additional signed documents into the system.
    Before starting the application process, please ensure you have the following information at hand:
    1. Your EAACI Membership Number (mandatory)
    2. Your host’s EAACI membership number (mandatory)
    3. Your home supervisor’s EAACI membership number (if applicable)
    4. Curriculum vitae (mandatory, 1 A4 page maximum, for upload)
    5. Motivation letter, specifying the host centre for application (mandatory, to be entered online)
    6. Commitment statement assuming that the candidate will not apply to any other national/European grant for the fellowship (mandatory, to be entered online)
    7. Letter of recommendation from your home supervisor (mandatory, signed, for upload)
    8. Confirmation from host supervisor that they accept the terms (signed, for upload)
    9. Short description of the schedule/programme for the planned visit of a fellow by your host supervisor
    10. Confirmation from home supervisor that they accept the terms (signed, for upload)
    11. You may upload additional documents with figures, graphs or any other relevant project-related information.


    Clinical Fellowships - EAACI.pdf