Detall de la convocatòria


Objectiu de la convocatòria
The Benjamin Franklin Medals recognizes individuals whose work has had a significant impact on certain fields of science and engineering.
Característiques principals
The Benjamin Franklin Medals are given annually in the following seven disciplines of science:
  • Chemistry
  • Computer and Cognitive Science
  • Earth and Environmental Science
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Life Science
  • Civil and Mechanical Engineering
  • Physics
    Interdisciplinary awards will also be considered.
  • Lloc de presentació
    El personal de l'IMIM i PSMAR que necessiteu més informació adreceu-vos a:
    Servei de Recerca. C/ Doctor Aiguader, 88. 08003-Barcelona. Tel.: 93.316.04.00.
    Carol Barnwell: Ext.: 1670
    Marta López: Ext.: 1576
    Convocatòria (URL)
    Informació addicional
    Selection Process:
  • Nominations will be accepted from any individual, organization, or institution.
  • Self-nominations are permitted.
  • Nominations will be forwarded to the appropriate subcommittee within The Franklin Institute’s Committee on Science and the Arts, the all-volunteer body of scientists and engineers from academia and industry who investigate medal candidates and recommend medalists to The Franklin Institute Board of Trustees.
  • Nominations must be submitted in English. Reference letters are considered confidential. Names and addresses of references should be suggested by the nominator.
  • There is no deadline for submissions. Nominations will be acknowledged promptly, but the case method review process typically requires two years to complete.
  • Requisits
  • This is an international competition for individuals whose work has a significant impact on the aforementioned fields of science and is not restricted by theme or topic.
  • Candidates for the award must be living persons, and the winner is expected to participate in the Awards Ceremony and other Awards Week events in Philadelphia.
  • The subject of the candidate's research must be an invention, discovery, technological development, or a body of work reflecting extraordinary insight, skill, or creativity.
  • The work must have scientific value and/or proven utility. It must have provided significant direction for future research, solved an important problem, or provided great benefit to the public.
  • There must be sufficient submitted documentation to support further investigation.
  • Dotació
    14-karat gold medals and honoraria of $10,000 per medal.
    Nominations must be submitted in English and must include the following:
  • Medal name(s) for which nomination is being submitted
  • Name and contact information of nominee
  • Name and contact information of nominator
  • Nominee’s curriculum vitae and bibliography of significant publications
  • Proposed citation of 50 words or fewer, highlighting the achievement(s) for which the candidate is nominated
  • Comprehensive narrative statement describing the nominee's qualifications for the award
  • Names and contact information for a minimum of five references for nominee. These references may be contacted by The Franklin Institute during the case investigation process
  • Arxius

    Benjamin Franklin Medals - Nominations _ The Franklin Institute.pdf