Detall de la convocatòria


Objectiu de la convocatòria
The CRI Lloyd J. Old STAR Program—Scientists Taking Risks—provides long-term funding to mid-career scientists, giving them the freedom and flexibility to pursue high-risk, high-reward research at the forefront of discovery and innovation in cancer immunotherapy.
Característiques principals
The Lloyd J. Old STAR Program provides grants of $1.25 million over 5 years to mid-career scientists. This long-term funding will not be tied to a specific research project, but rather will aim to provide a degree of flexibility and freedom for investigators to explore out-of-the-box and disruptive avenues of research. Candidates selected for this award are expected to be future “stars” in the field of cancer immunology: Scientists Taking Risks.
Lloc de presentació
El personal de l'IMIM i PSMAR que necessiteu més informació adreceu-vos a:
Research Grants and Contracts Office . C/ Doctor Aiguader, 88. 08003 Barcelona. Tel.: 93.316.04.00.
• Carol Barnwell, Ext.: 1670
• Marta López, Ext.: 1576
Convocatòria (URL)
Impresos (URL)
Candidates for the Lloyd J. Old STAR program must meet the following eligibility requirements:
  • The applicant must have an M.D., Ph.D., or M.D./Ph.D. (or equivalent)
  • Applicants must belong to one of the following categories as of July 1,
    - Tenure-track assistant professor with a minimum of 3 years in this position (appointed on or before July 1, 2021)
    - Tenure-track associate professor with a maximum of 3 years in this position (appointed on or after July 1, 2021)
    Adjunct or acting positions are not eligible.
    Applicants are expected to commit a minimum of 80% of their time to conducting research.
  • Dotació
    Up to $250,000 per year for five years.
    5 years
  • Online application form
  • Abstract: A 300-word overview of the research questions, goals, and approaches of your lab. The content should be written in nontechnical English.
  • Research summary: A summary (not to exceed 4 pages) of your ongoing and planned research, highlighting your past work and plans for the next 5 years. Tables, figures, and references may be attached as an appendix.
  • List five (5) publications of note: Five peer-reviewed papers that cover your most important scientific contributions. For each publication, provide a citation followed by a 300 word or less summary of the publication’s significance. Do not include copies of the publications with your application.
  • Curriculum vitae and bibliography (limit bibliography to past 5 years and relevant publications).
  • List of your current research support.
  • Arxius

    CRI Lloyd J.pdf