Detall de la convocatòria


Objectiu de la convocatòria
3-year grants to support fundamental or translational research into the prevention, diagnosis or treatment of cancer.
Característiques principals
We are looking for innovative research that takes intellectual risks. We want to see ideas which have the potential to start new lines of research and to tell us something new about cancer and how it could be prevented, diagnosed or treated. Projects should seek to answer a focused research question, not be an incremental piece of research tied to a larger programme grant.
We are looking for proposals with a creative approach to answering fundamental questions that could change how we think about cancer. Often these are ideas that other funders may overlook.
We need to see robust scientific reasoning and appropriate solid methodology to back it up. The aims of a project should be feasible with the time and resources requested, and with the expertise of the research team.
We do not prioritise any field of research; we welcome research projects with a strong scientific hypothesis that draws on epidemiological, behavioural and clinical data to provide a starting point for a new avenue of research. Multidisciplinary or discipline-hopping projects are encouraged where this helps stimulate innovation.
We do not support clinical research, including clinical trials, patient care, nursing or healthcare delivery research. Neither do we support other types of applied cancer research such as policy, public health or psychosocial research. This list is not exhaustive.
Proposals that contain a small clinical element as an essential part of a basic or translational research project are often permitted, but you are advised to contact for advice before submitting your proposal.
Lloc de presentació
El personal de l'IMIM i PSMAR que necessiteu més informació adreceu-vos a:
Research Grants and Contracts Office. C/ Doctor Aiguader, 88. 08003-Barcelona. Tel.: 93.316.04.00.
Carol Barnwell: Ext.: 1670
Marta López: Ext.: 1576
Convocatòria (URL)
  • Project grants are awarded to a single researcher, known as the Principal Investigator (PI)
  • The PI must be employed at a recognised, non-profit research institution anywhere in the world. Honorary contracts and emeritus positions are usually acceptable.
  • The PI is usually be a PhD-qualified tenured or tenure-track research group leader. Other suitably qualified persons, e.g. medical doctors, with appropriate research experience may also apply as the PI. Post-doctoral researchers with more than three years postdoctoral research experience at the time of applying are also eligible to apply for a grant.
  • The PI must have a contract of employment that will last for at least the duration of the grant requested, or be able to show evidence that their current contract would be extended if the grant were awarded
  • A research group can only submit a single application to Worldwide Cancer Research once a year.
  • The above rule only applies to PIs. You can be PI on one application and a co-applicant or collaborator on other applications at the same time
  • A research group can only submit one application per grant round
  • Other senior researchers who would be substantially involved in managing the project can be included as co-applicants. Co-applicants should be at senior post-doctoral level or above and do not need to be at the same institution.
    Please check the detailed eligibility requirements in section 2 of the Application Handbook.
  • Dotació
    The maximum budget permitted is £275,000, but it should be noted that most of the 3-year grants have a budget of about £200,000.
    1-3 years
    The proposal must be signed by your Head of Department and for the Institution's Finance Management.
    Submissions open on March 1st. The number of applications will be capped at 500.

