Detall de la convocatòria


Objectiu de la convocatòria
A joint call between Gustave Roussy Foundation and CRIS Cancer Foundation. Clinical research represents the tools to explore and, more importantly, to validate the utility of medical treatments and strategies. Clinical trials include very different designs and require very different levels of infrastructure depending on the question they address.
Lloc de presentació
El personal de l'IMIM i PSMAR que necessiteu més informació adreceu-vos a:
Research grants and Contracts Office. C/ Doctor Aiguader, 88. 08003-Barcelona. Tel.: 93.316.05.76.
Marta López: Ext.: 1576
Mercedes Bayo: Ext.: 1684
Convocatòria (URL)
  • Applications will be admitted from specialist physicians in France (at Gustave Roussy Institute) or Spain, who have proven experience on developing and managing independent clinical trials.
  • Real-Life Trials in Oncology Programme is open to clinical researchers of any nationality working at French or Spanish hospitals.
  • Candidates must provide a proposal of the clinical trial associated with the call for applications and which will be the object of funding. The clinical trial shall demonstrate a high level of methodology and scientific quality. The trial must be practice-changing or practice-informing and must have a measurable impact on patient outcome and patient management, whether the primary endpoint is met or not.
  • There will be two Principal Investigators, a Spanish PI (working at a Spanish institution) and a French PI (working at Gustave Roussy Institute)
  • Dotació
    €1.500.000. Please note that the allocated funds must be relatively balanced between the two participating institutions/countries.
    3 years
    All applications must be submitted by e-mail to and during the application submission period for the 2024 programme.
    All applications must provide two blocks of documentation, which must be completed entirely in English.
    1. General information about the candidates and institutions
  • Spanish PI: First and last name, institution, and contact details.
  • French PI: First and last name, institution, and contact details. Information of the Clinical Trial
  • General information of the trial: Title, code/acronym, keywords, design of the Clinical Trial...
  • Background, hypothesis, objectives, endpoints, methodology, project description, duration, and work plan
  • Expected impact of the proposed research.
  • Project schedule.
    2. Budget.
    Project resources and budget detailing foreseen annual costs and payment schedule by study milestones.
    Note that:
  • Standard of Care must not be included.
  • The budget must be allowed around 50% at France and 50% at Spain.
  • Overheads cannot exceed 10%.
    3. Candidates should also include at the application their Curriculum Vitae, using a standardised summarised format (for example https:/
  • Spanish PI’s abbreviated CV (maximum 5 pages)
  • French PI’s abbreviated CV (maximum 5 pages)
  • Arxius

    Proposal Clinical Trial form RLTiO2024 v20march.docx
    Budget template RLTiO2024 v20march.xlsx
    Real-Life Trials in Oncology Programme_CRIS_2024.pdf