Detall de la convocatòria


Objectiu de la convocatòria
ECCO Pioneer Awards aim to enhance visionary, collaborative, and interdisciplinary scientific research in IBD Centres. Basic and/or clinical scientists.
Lloc de presentació
El personal de l'IMIM i PSMAR que necessiteu més informació adreceu-vos a:
Research Grants and Contracts Office. C/ Doctor Aiguader, 88. 08003-Barcelona. Tel.: 93.316.05.76.
Marta López: Ext.: 1576
Carol Barnwell: Ext.1670
Convocatòria (URL)
  • The applicants must submit a new and original research project that has not yet been launched.
  • Applicants can submit an application as:
    • A multi-centric project group or
    • A single centre (including single PI applications)
    For multi-centre applications, the project group must consist of:
    • a principal investigator per institute who is responsible for the implementation of this project on behalf of their participating institutions
    • a project coordinator (this may or may not be one of the principal investigators), who has been identified by the participating institutions for coordinating the overall project.
  • Successful institutions are excluded from applying in the upcoming two application rounds (24 months).
  • All project group applicants (i.e. project coordinator and principal investigators of all participating institutions) need to be ECCO Members at the time of application.
  • ECCO Pioneer Award applicants must be from an ECCO Member Country. For multi-centric project groups, the majority of the ECCO Pioneer Award applicants must be from an ECCO Country Member; all applications that include non-European participating institutions must justify the selection of these institutions in the letter of intent. The project coordinator, however, must reside in an ECCO Member Country.
  • It is essential to illustrate the overall impact of the project for the IBD Community.
  • Candidate can apply for one specific ECCO Research Award only. Several applications with the same topic for different ECCO Research Awards will not be taken into account for review.
  • Project coordinators and co-investigators are only allowed to apply for one funding scheme with one proposal at a given time. In addition, we only allow for one ECCO Pioneer Award proposal per department at a given time
  • Dotació
    300.000 €
    When only two institutes are participating, the proportion of the cost distribution between institutions may not exceed 60:40.
    24 months
    The reviewing process will be carried out in two stages.
    In the first stage, applicants must submit a “Letter of Intent” (max. 2 pages) using the ECCO Fellowships and Grants Online Submission Pages. Please note that only applications using the ECCO Letter of Intent form will be accepted. Please note that particular value is given to the project’s feasibility and innovative potential.
    The “Letter of Intent” of 2 pages should contain the following information:
  • Project title
  • Name, address, affiliation(s), ECCO Member ID of the applicant(s)
  • Abstract including aims, methods and anticipated impact of the proposed project (max. 300 words)
  • Background and aims (max. 150 words)
  • Study design / methodology (max. 150 words)
  • Importance of the project in the field of IBD (max. 150 words)
  • Budget outline (a transparent budget split per category and subdivided into participating institutions). When two or more institutions are participating, the proportion of the budget for one institution may not exceed 60%.
  • Endorsement signatures of all participating institutions
    The highest ranked applicants will be invited to submit a full proposal.
  • Arxius

    2024_MASTER_ECCO Global Grant_Fact Sheet_ (1).pdf