INFORECERCA: Butlletí Informatiu del Servei de Recerca de l'IMIM
Número: 834
Termini exhaurit
Aportar tot el suport possible a la recerca independent per part dels seus socis i el moment del seu desenvolupament per a la generació i difusió del coneixement científic en el camp de la Coloproctologia.
Es convoquen 6 beques de recerca per a la realització de treballs a Espanya.
Termini exhaurit
Aquesta convocatòria està destinada a brindar a personal jove investigador amb talent, menor de 45 anys, l'oportunitat de desenvolupar idees i dirigir una proposta, a col·laboració amb un/a líder consolidat/ada que no sigui el seu cap de grup actual.
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The aim of the call is to support transnational research projects that focus on the improvement of cognitive brain ageing through nutrition and other lifestyle factors. Thereby it enables scientists from different countries to build a valuable collaboration on interdisciplinary research projects based on complementarities and sharing of expertise in the field of brain ageing, its related disorders, nutrition and lifestyle factors.
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The aims of the call are:
  • to support translational research projects that combine innovative approaches in the field of nanomedicine
  • to encourage and enable transnational collaboration between academic research (public and private partners and clinical/public health research or R&D activities from industrial enterprises (all size)
    Borses de viatge
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    Estades de mínim tres mesos per a Metges Interns Residents (MIR) d'Oftalmologia.
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    ESMO European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO)
    ESMO recognizes the importance of the role of clinician-scientists in translational research in oncology and the impact that this will have on the future of cancer research and patient care. To support their progression as clinician-scientists, physicians need a professional environment that provides protected time for research, along with adequate resources and mentorship.
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    A més de reconèixer el treball d'investigadors que contribueixen al relleu generacional en aquesta disciplina científica-tècnica, pretén donar valor i servir com estimulo perquè els investigadors més joves continuïn la seva tasca en aquest àmbit, un treball essencial per a poder conèixer cada dia mes i millor una de les malalties amb major incidència en la nostra societat i tenir més eines per enfrontar-la.
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    Reconèixer el treball clau a l'hora d'afrontar l'enorme desafiament de trobar solucions a un dels grans mals de la humanitat i premiar l'esforç i la trajectòria científica en l'àrea de la investigació oncològica, i que suposi la generació, desenvolupament i/o aplicació dels nous coneixements biològics i clínics sobre el càncer.
    Recursos Humans
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    The objective of the EFSD/Lilly Young Investigator Research Awards is to encourage innovative research in the fields of diabetes and its complications, and to promote excellence in medical education. Applicants should have demonstrated their ability in the field of diabetes research.
    Informació últil
     No hi ha novetats
    Termini exhaurit
    Aquesta convocatòria està destinada a brindar a personal jove investigador amb talent, menor de 45 anys, l'oportunitat de desenvolupar idees i dirigir una proposta, a col·laboració amb un/a líder consolidat/ada que no sigui el seu cap de grup actual.
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    La Fundació Pediatria i Salut (FPS) de l'Associació Espanyola de Pediatria d'Atenció Primària (AEPap), amb el propòsit de promocionar la investigació en el camp de la Pediatria d'Atenció Primària convoca dues beques d'investigació.
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    PFIZER, S.A.
    Funding for innovative projects in the field of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH).
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    Two year projects of biomedical research in the field of paediatric and adult genetic cholestatic diseases sharing mutual disease-causing mechanisms.
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    PFIZER, S.A.
    Funding for innovative projects in the field of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH).
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    Funding for projects to develop digital biomarkers for Alzheimer's disease and related dementias.
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    Funding for projects to develop biomarkers for Alzheimer's disease and related dementias accessible from the periphery.
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    The award encourages and supports early-career investigators to conduct lung cancer research and establish successful careers in this field. The proposed project may be basic, translational, clinical, or epidemiological in nature and must have direct applicability and relevance to lung cancer.
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    Under the canSERV Open Call researchers are welcome to apply to a portfolio of services offered by canSERV to address the research needs of the entire oncology developmental pipeline.
    Borses de viatge
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    With the aim of promoting and allowing young and talented researchers to do great projects, 6 scholarships are offered in the following research fields: dermatology, endocrinology, fertility/urology or orthopaedics and rheumatology, pain medicine, and for the 2023 special edition “Healthy Aging/Regenerative medicine” *
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    Finançar estades curtes dels seus membres per a intercanvi de coneixements i experiències entre grups de treball dins del país o a l'estranger a l'àmbit de la Microbiologia Clínica i de les Malalties Infeccioses.
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    EMBO Scientific Exchange Grants fund research exchanges of up to three months between laboratories in eligible countries. The grants facilitate collaborations with research groups with expertise techniques or infrastructure that is unavailable in the applicant’s laboratory.
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    The 2024 António Champalimaud Vision Award will be presented to active research groups involved in basic or clinical research which has led to a major breakthrough in the understanding and/or the preservation of vision.
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    Estudis relacionats amb la recerca en el camp de la Infermeria de Salut Mental.
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    These prizes will honor the best doctoral theses defended in topics related to immunology and allergology in European universities/institutions in the last 3 years.
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    Premiar a treballs que versin sobre el dolor, tant en l'àmbit epidemiològic, com experimental, farmacològic o clínic.
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    Promoure el coneixement i incentivar experiències innovadores adreçades a la millora de la qualitat de vida de les persones amb discapacitat intel·lectual i trastorns del desenvolupament dins l'entorn economico-cultural de la Fundació.
    Recursos Humans
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    La convocatòria ofereix oportunitats de formació i investigació a tots els camps de l'Agenda 2030:
    Ribera JM*, Morgades M, García O, Sirvent M, Buendia B, Cervera M, Luzardo H, Hernández-Rivas JM, Sitges M, García-Cadenas I, Abrisqueta P, Montesinos P, Bastos-Oreiro M, Queipo de Llano MP, Bravo P, Torrent A, Herrera P, García Guinon A, Vall-Llovera F, Serrano J, Terol MJ, Bergua JM, García-Noblejas A, Barrenetxea C, Llorente L, García-Belmonte D, Gimeno E, Cladera A, Mercadal S, Sancho JM. Feasibility and outcomes after dose reduction of immunochemotherapy in young adults with Burkitt lymphoma and leukemia: results of the BURKIMAB14 trial. 2023: (en Premsa).
    Vilarrasa E, Nicolau J, de la Cueva P, Goday A, Gallardo F, Martorell-Calatayud A*, Carrascosa JM. [Translated article] Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 Agonists for Treating Obesity in Patients With Immune-Mediated Skin Diseases. Actas Dermosifiliograf 2023: (en Premsa).
    Lozano-Vicario L*, Robles MJ, del Val-Lafaja A, Cancio-Trujillo JM, Sánchez-García E, García-Meana J, Ferrara MC, Bellelli G, Gual N, con el soporte del Grupo de Trabajo de Delirium de la SEGG. [Multicenter cross-sectional study on the prevalence of delirium in orthogeriatric units: «DELFRA 24 study» protocol]. Rev Esp Geriatr Gerontol 2024; 59(1): 101431.
    Mirela-Bota P, Oliva B*, Fernandez-Fuentes N. Theoretical 3D Modeling of NLRP3 Inflammasome Complex. Meth Mol Biol 2023; 2696: 269-280.
    León X, Llansana A, Pérez-Ugarte L*, García J, Valero C, Quer M, Camacho M. Predictive capacity of FAT1 transcriptional expression in patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinomas treated with radiotherapy. Acta Otorrinolaringol Esp 2023; 74(6): 359-364.
    Valentin MO*, Crespo M, Fernandez C, Muro M, Vega R, Palou E, Ruiz JC, Diekman F, Padilla M, Mancebo E, Perez I, Andres A, Ontañon J, Domínguez-Gil B, Working Group PATHI. Improving the Access of Highly Sensitized Patients to Kidney Transplantation From Deceased Donors: The Spanish PATHI Program With Allocation Based on the Virtual Crossmatch. Transplantation 2024; 108(3): 787-801.
    Baenas I, Solé-Morata N, Granero R, Fernández-Aranda F, Pujadas-Bastardes M, Mora B, Lucas I, Gómez-Peña M, Moragas L, del Pino-Gutiérrez A, Tapia-Martinez J, de la Torre R, Potenza MN, Jiménez-Murcia S*. Anandamide and 2-arachidonoylglycerol baseline plasma concentrations and their clinical correlates in gambling disorder. Eur Psychiat 2023; 66(1): e97.
    Valero-Martinez C, Font-Urgelles J, Sallés M, Joven-Ibáñez BE, de Juanes A, Ramírez J, Juanola X, Almodóvar R, Laiz A, Moreno M, Pujol M, Beltrán E, Pinto-Tasende JA, Crespí L, Sala-Icardo L, Castañeda S, García-Vicuña R*. Dual targeted therapy in patients with psoriatic arthritis and spondyloarthritis: a real-world multicenter experience from Spain. Front Immunol 2023; 14: 1283251 (Acceptat).
    Donat-Vargas C*, Mico V, San-Cristobal R, Martínez González M.A, Salas Salvadó J, Corella D, Fitó Colomer M, Alonso Gómez A.M, Wärnberg J, Vioque J, Romaguera D, López Miranda J, Estruch R, Damas-Fuentes M, Lapetra J, Serra Majem Ll, Bueno-Cavanillas A, Tur JA, Cinza-Sanjurjo S, Pintó X, Delgado Rodríguez M, Matía Martín P, Vidal J, Causso C, Ros E, Toledo E, Manzanares JM, Ortega-Azorín C, Castañer O, Peña-Orihuela PJ, Zazo JM, Muñoz Bravo C, Martinez-Urbistondo D, Chaplin A, Casas R, Cano Ibáñez N, Tojal Sierra L, Gómez-Perez AM, Pascual E, Mestre C, Barragán R, Schröder H, Garcia-Rios A, Candela-Garcia I, Ruiz Canela M, Babio N, Malcampo M, Daimiel L, Martínez A. Dietary Iron, Anemia Markers, Cognition, and Quality of Life in Older Community-Dwelling Subjects at High Cardiovascular Risk. Nutrients 2023; 15(20): 4440.
    Clavé S, Jackson JB, Salido M, Kames J, Gerding KMR, Verner EL, Kong EF, Weingartner E, Gibert J, Hardy-Werbin M, Rocha P, Riera X, Torres E, Hernandez j, Cerqueira G, Nichol D, Simmons J, Taus A, Pijuan L, Bellosillo B, Arriola E*. Comprehensive NGS profiling to enable detection of ALK gene rearrangements and MET amplifications in non-small cell lung cancer. Front Oncol 2023; 13: 1225646 (Acceptat).
    Barton BB*, Ehring T, Reinhard MA, Goerigk S, Wüstenberg T, Musil R, Amann BL, Jobst A, Dewald-Kaufmann J, Padberg F. Effects of resilience and timing of adverse and adaptive experiences on interpersonal behavior: a transdiagnostic study in a clinical sample. Sci Rep 2023; 13(1): 18131.
    Gea J*, Enriquez-Rodriguez CJ, Agranovich B, Pascual S. Update on metabolomic findings in COPD patients. ERJ Open Res 2023; 9(5): 00180-2023 (Acceptat).
    Hardy-Werbin M, Maiques JM, Busto M, Cirera I, Aguirre A, Garcia-Gisbert N, Zuccarino F, Carbullanca S, Del Carpio LA, Ramal D, Gayete Á, Martinez J, Márquez A, Bellosillo B*, Gibert J*. MultiCOVID: a multi modal deep learning approach for COVID-19 diagnosis. Sci Rep 2023; 13(1): 18761.
    Krause K, Bonnekoh H, Jelden-Thurm J, Asero R, Giménez-Arnau AM, Cardoso JC, Grattan C, Kocatürk E, Lippert U, Maurer M, Metz M, Staubach P, Goncalo M, Kolkhir P*. Differential diagnosis between urticarial vasculitis and chronic spontaneous urticaria: An international Delphi survey. Clin Transl Allergy 2023; 13(10): e12305.
    Pumares-García L, Paredes-Mariñas E, Calsina L, Subirana I, Miralles-Hernandez M, Clará A*. Association of polypharmacy scores with the long-term survival of patients with intact aortoiliac aneurysms and indication for repair. J Vasc Surg 2024; 79(3): 540-546.e2.
    Shekari M, Verwer EE, Yaqub M, Daamen M, Buckley C, Frisoni GB, Visser PJ, Farrar G, Barkhof F, Gispert JD*, Boellaard R*, AMYPAD Consortium. Harmonization of brain PET images in multi-center PET studies using Hoffman phantom scan. EJNMMI PHYS 2023; 10(1): 68.
    Biurrun A, Llena-Riu A, Feijoo-Cid M*, Torrente-Jimenez RS, Cámara-Liebana D, Gasch-Gallén Á. Everyday sexism in nursing degrees: A cross-sectional, multicenter study. Nurs Educ Today 2024; 132: 106009.
    Jacques-Aviñó C*, Alarcón-Guitiérrez M, Barbera MJ, Fuertes I, Martín-Ezquerra G, López-Contreras J, Vives Á, Rodriguez R, Ros M, Rius C, Garcia-de Olalla P. Epidemiological Characteristics and Factors Associated with Repeat Sexually Transmitted Infections in Barcelona, Spain Over a Decade. Arch Sex Behav 2024; 53(2): 735-744.
    Bosch-Compte R*, Visa L, Ríos-Hoyo A, Duran X, Fernández-Real M, Gomariz-Vilaldach G, Masclans JR. Prognostic factors in oncological patients with solid tumours requiring intensive care unit admission. Oncol Lett 2023; 26(6): 525 (Acceptat).
    Perelli S, Costa GG*, Russo A, Hinarejos P, Torres-Claramunt R, Sanchez-Soler J, Morales-Avalos R, Monllau JC. The distal tibiofibular syndesmosis is a reliable landmark for 3° varus tibial resection in total knee arthroplasty: a radiological evaluation on 1296 cases. Arch Orthop Traum Su 2024; 144(2): 879-885.
    Zhou C*, Solomon B, Loong HH, Park K, Pérol M, Arriola E, Novello S, Han B, Zhou J, Ardizzoni A, Perez-Mak M, Santini FC, Elamin YY, Drilon A, Wolf J, Payakachat N, UH MK, Rajakumar D, Han H, Puri T, Soldatenkova V, Lin AB, Lin BK, Goto K, LIBRETTO-431 Trial Investigators. First-Line Selpercatinib or Chemotherapy and Pembrolizumab in RET Fusion-Positive NSCLC. New Engl J Med 2023; 389(20): 1839-1850.
    Oliveras N, Castells-Nobau A, de la Vega L, Latorre J, Motger-Albertí A, Arnoriaga-Rodríguez M, Garre-Olmo J, Zapata-Tona C, Coll-Martínez C, Ramió-Torrentà L, Moreno-Navarrete JM, Puig J, Villarroya F, Ramos R, Casadó-Anguera V, Martín-García E, Maldonado R, Mayneris-Perxachs J*, Fernández JM. Adipose tissue coregulates cognitive function. Sci Adv 2023; 9: .
    D'Amico G*, Zipprich A, Villanueva C, Sordà JA, Morillas RM, Garcovich M, García-Retortillo M, Martinez J, Calès P, D'Amico M, Dollinger M, García-Guix M, Gonzalez-Ballerga E, Tsochatzis E, Cirera I, Albillos A, Roquin G, Pasta L, Colomo A, Daruich J, Cañete N, Boursier J, Dallio M, Gasbarrini A, Iacobellis A, Gobbo G, Merli M, Federico A, Svegliati-Baroni G, Pozzoni P, Addario L, Chessa L, Ridola L, Garcia-Tsao G. Further decompensation in cirrhosis. Results of a large multicenter cohort study supporting Baveno VII statements. Hepatology 2024; 79(4): 869-881.
    Mustieles V*, Lascouts A, Pozo O, Haro N, Lyon-Caen S, Jedynak P, Bayat S, Thomsen C, Sakhi AK, Sabaredzovic A, Slama R, Ouellet-Morin I, Philippat C. Longitudinal Associations between Prenatal Exposure to Phthalates and Steroid Hormones in Maternal Hair Samples from the SEPAGES Cohort. Environ Sci Technol 2023; 57(48): 19202-19213.
    Wolf J*, Reinhard MA, Goerigk S, Barton BB, Burkhardt G, Tang J, Eder J, Amann BL, Bertsch K, Jobst A, Musil R, Padberg F. Suicidal behaviors and adverse childhood experiences: A cross-diagnostic study in persistent depressive disorder and borderline personality disorder. Psychiat Res 2023; 330: 115562.
    Pascual-Reguant L, Serra-Camprubi Q, Datta D, Cianferoni D, Kourtis S, Gañez-Zapater A, Cannatá C, Espinar L, Querol J, García-López L, Musa-Afaneh S, Guirola M, Gkanogiannis A, Miró A, Guzman M, Rodriguez O, Herencia A, Arribas J, Serra V, Serrano L, Tian TV, Peiró S*, Sdelci S*. Interactions between BRD4S, LOXL2, and MED1 drive cell cycle transcription in triple-negative breast cancer. EMBO Mol Med 2023; 15(12): e18459.
    Ibáñez-Pallarès S*, Esteve-Simó V, Tapia-González I, Clará A, Ramírez de Arellano-Serna M, Yeste-Campos M. Clinical characteristics and preoperative ultrasound parameters related to low patency in radio-cephalic arteriovenous fistulas. J Vasc Access 2023: (en Premsa).
    Mishra S, Garg K*, Chaurasia B, Budihal BR, Deora H, Tandon V, Phalak M, Mishra S, Kumar A, Umana GE, Lafuente J, Demetriades AK, Ha Y, Singh M, Chandra PS, Kale SS, Zileli M. An assessment of the variation in the practice of lumbar discectomy and its role in axial back pain. J Craniovertebr Junction Spine . 2023; 14(3): 259-267.
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