INFORECERCA: Butlletí Informatiu del Servei de Recerca de l'IMIM
Número: 477
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Desenvolupar un projecte de recerca en Epilèpsia que generi un valor afegit per als pacients que viuen amb aquesta malaltia.
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APRO - Associació per a la Recerca Oncològica (APRO)
Finançar un projecte de recerca liderat per un oncòleg mèdic amb interès en l'estudi de tumors genitourinaris i ginecològics: pròstata, bufeta, ronyó, ovari, cèrvix i endometri.
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BD Biosciences is committed to supporting the evolving field of stem cell research through its stem cell grants. Through the grant program, BD Biosciences supports scientists pursuing innovative ideas in stem cell research, helping to define the next generation of scientific breakthroughs.
Recursos Humans
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The European Association for the Study of the Liver is a major European Association with international influence dedicated to the liver and liver disease. EASL has over 4,000 members from all over the world and provides an annual platform, The International Liver Congress™, for 11,000 liver experts to meet and discuss latest scientific research.

The Entry-Level Research Fellowships are open to all registered EASL members, aiming to enhance the mobility of investigators within different European institutions through actively promoting scientific exchange among research units in Hepatology.
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The European Association for the Study of the Liver is a major European Association with international influence dedicated to the liver and liver disease. EASL has over 4,000 members from all over the world and provides an annual platform, The International Liver Congress™, for 11,000 liver experts to meet and discuss latest scientific research.

The Post-Doc Research Fellowships are open to all registered EASL members, aiming to enhance the mobility of investigators within different European institutions and actively promote scientific exchange among research units in Hepatology.
Informació últil
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ERC Starting Grants are designed to support excellent Principal Investigators at the career stage at which they are starting their own independent research team or programme. This action is open to researchers of any nationality who intend to conduct their research activity in any Member State or Associated Country. Applicant Principal Investigators must demonstrate the ground breaking nature, ambition and feasibility of their scientific proposal.
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Aquestes ajudes estan destinades a finançar projectes d'investigació inèdits, presentats per investigadors que puguin portar a terme l'estudi proposat a Espanya.
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The Justice Programme, which aims at contributing to the further development of a European area of justice, funds projects relating to drugs, in particular on policy coordination, judicial cooperation on drug-related issues, and new psychoactive substances.
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FIPSE ha decidit focalitzar-se en la innovació i la translació de projectes des de l'àmbit sanitari al mercat i als pacients. Amb tal propòsit, ha dissenyat un programa d'impuls a la innovació en salut el “Programa de suport a la innovació en salut” o el “Programa”, com a instrument de suport i acompanyament continuat que faciliti l'estructuració de projectes de recerca i/o assistencials, amb l'objectiu que tinguin major potencial per ser transferits i puguin convertir-se en solucions eficients i innovadores que millorin la qualitat de vida dels ciutadans i dels serveis sanitaris.
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Obtenir propostes originals de projectes de recerca que reverteixin en l'avanç de la terapèutica clínica i en la millora del coneixement dels sarcomes.
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JDRF is the world’s leading non-profit organization with the mission to cure type 1 diabetes (T1D). JDRF provides seed funding for highly innovative research with significant potential to accelerate the mission of JDRF. Proposals should address key outstanding questions and have the potential to lead to a change in the current paradigm or conventional wisdom and/or lead to a groundbreaking discovery.
Applications in the area of COMPLICATIONS will not be accepted for the Innovative funding mechanism.
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The Breast Cancer Research Program (BCRP) challenges the scientific community to design research that will address the urgency of ending breast cancer. Specifically, the BCRP seeks to accelerate high-impact research with clinical relevance, encourage innovation and stimulate creativity,and facilitate productive collaborations.
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Finançar activitats adreçades a promoure la cultura científica i de la innovació en la societat.
Borses de viatge
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ESSO’s mission is to support its members in advancing the science and practice of surgical oncology for the benefit of cancer patients through a range of activities including education, research and leadership in multidisciplinary care.
The aim of the Training Fellowships is to allow young surgeons to visit a specialist centre outside of their own country,and help them expand their experience and learn new techniques.
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Ajudar a finançar l'intercanvi de coneixements i experiències entre grups de treball a Espanya i a l'estranger en els àmbits de la Microbiologia Clínica i de les Malalties Infeccioses. (1 a 3 setmanes)
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Aquesta convocatòria de premis té l'objectiu d'identificar i difondre els millors projectes d'innovació en l'àmbit sanitari nacional que demostrin un valor afegit en la qualitat de vida dels pacients i/o en l'eficiència del sistema sanitari en cinc àmbits diferents:
  • Oncologia (Càncer de mama i càncer de pàncrees)
  • Hematologia (Mieloma múltiple, síndromes mielodisplasics i leucèmia mieloide aguda)
  • Dermatologia (Psoriasis)
  • Reumatologia (Artritis psoriàsica)
  • Gestió Sanitària i Farmàcia Hospitalària
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    El Premi Daniel Carasso és un certamen internacional de caràcter bienal que recompensa i estimula la investigació científica d'alt nivell sobre el tema «aliments i alimentació sostenible per a una salut duradora»
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    ERA-NETs are projects funded by the European Commission in various research fields. Their goal is to create a European Research Area in which research is conducted and funded across countries, allowing research groups to jointly work on specific problems, exchange ideas, and benefit from cross border expertise.
    The current project NEURON II co-ordinates national and regional programmes for disease-related neuroscience research in 24 participant funding organisations across 18 European Member States, Israel as an Associated Country, and Canada.
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    Els premis de Recerca Fundació Mutuam Conviure promouen projectes de recerca o de millora de la pràctica clínica en l’àmbit de la gerontologia clínica i l’atenció sociosanitària.
    Per això premien dues categories de premis:
    A. Projectes que es porten a terme a Catalunya
    B. Projectes que es porten a terme en algun centre o servei del Grup Mutuam.
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    Contribuir a promoure la publicació científica en revistes biomèdiques en llengua espanyola i afavorir la seva difusió nacional i internacional mitjançant activitats de recerca, formació i divulgació.
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    The Warren Alpert Foundation
    The Warren Alpert Foundation Prize, in association with Harvard Medical School, recognizes and honors one or more scientists, physicians and researchers whose scientific achievements have led to the prevention, cure or treatment of human diseases or disorders, and/or whose research constitutes a seminal scientific finding that holds great promise of ultimately changing our understanding of or ability to treat disease.
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    Convocatòria que premia treballs de recerca originals i inèdits relacionat amb les ciències farmacèutiques o bé treballs d'auto-revisió inèdits del context científic i progrés temporal de la línia de recerca i les seves publicacions d'un grup científic relacionat en el possible amb les ciències farmacèutiques. Els treballs presentats s'adequaran al tema concret de cada premi.
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    Enaltir una personalitat, un col·lectiu o una institució que hagi contribuït de forma destacada, amb una trajectòria perseverant, o amb un fet de relleu singular, a ennoblir el món de la Farmàcia a Catalunya, a la resta de l'Estat Espanyol o a nivell internacional.
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    The Hertie Foundation is active in the areas of neuroscience, education and social innovation. It is one of the three largest private patrons of brain research in Europe.

    The Hertie Foundation, in cooperation with the Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS), established this prize in 2009 in order to recognise outstanding work by young researchers in any field of neuroscience.
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    PREMI concedit a la persona, persones, equip de treball o institució amb una trajectòria professional o línia de recerca continuada la qual representi una contribució rellevant en el camp de les Ciències de la Salut, especialment referides a la dona i particularment en l'àmbit de l'Obstetrícia, la Ginecologia i la Medicina de la Reproducció. Àmbit Internacional.
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    En el seu desig d'impulsar els estudis sobre el passat de les Ciències de la Salut, la Fundació Uriach 1838 té instituït un premi anual d'àmbit internacional, el qual serà adjudicat al millor treball que, segons el parer d'un jurat designat a aquest efecte, tracti d'un tema sobre Història i Ciències de la Salut.
    Recursos Humans
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    La present convocatòria es realitza amb l’objecte de fomentar la recerca científica en el trasplantament d’òrgan sòlid, a investigadors que formin part de les àrees de recerca que estan en funcionament en els serveis amb Unitat de Trasplantament de Catalunya.
    La finalitat primordial de la present beca serà la de facilitar l’estudi i la formació del becari, sense que comporti cap aportació al centre u organisme ni la incorporació dels resultats aconseguits al patrimoni de la organització.
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    To fund basic research dedicated to a better understanding of risk. The word risk as we understand it is connected to: Phenomena that are perceived -or yet to be perceived-as hazards or threats and wich must be identified and mesured for frequency and impact.
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    Convocatòria nacional de cinc beques d'investigació en els camps de:
  • Ginecologia general
  • Medicina materno fetal
  • Ginecologia oncològica
  • Medicina de la reproducció
  • Investigació bàsica en l'àmbit de l'obstetrícia i la ginecologia.
    Rubini-Giménez M, Twerenbold R, Boeddinghaus J, Nestelberger T, Puelacher C, Hillinger P, Wildi K, Jaeger C, Grimm K, Heitzelmann KF, Sabti Z, Badertscher P, Cupa J, Honegger U, Schaerli N, Kozhuharov N, du Fay de Lavallaz J, Lopez B, Salgado E, Miró Ò, Martin-Sanchez FJ, Adrada ER, Morawiec B, Parenica J, Ganovska E, Neugebauer C, Rentsch K, Lohrmann J, Osswald S, Reichlin T, Mueller C*. Clinical Effect of Sex-Specific Cutoff Values of High-Sensitivity Cardiac Troponin T in Suspected Myocardial Infarction. JAMA Cardiol 2016; 1(8): 912-920.
    Jiménez-López J*, Vallès E, Alcalde O, Benito B, Cabrera S, Martí-Almor J. Not Enough QRS Shortening? Keep Calm and Add Another Lead<\/a>. Journal of Clinical Case Reports 2016; 6: 5.
    Galiano-Mejías S*, Carretero G, Ferrándiz C, Vanaclocha F, Daudén E, Gómez-García FJ, Herrera-Ceballos E, Belinchón-Romero I, Sánchez-Carazo JL, López-Estebaranz JL, Alsina M, Ferran M, Torrado R, Carrascosa JM, Rivera R, Llamas-Velasco M, Jiménez-Puya R, Mendiola MV, Ruiz-Genao D, Descalzo MA, Dela Cueva-Dobao P, del grupo Biobadaderm. Manejo de los tratamientos biológicos en pacientes con psoriasis moderada-severa sometidos a intervenciones quirúrgicas en el registro español Biobadaderm. Actas Dermosifiliograf 2017; 108(1): 52-58.
    Callejo-Torre F*, Eiros-Bouza JM, Olaechea PM, Coma MJ, Palomar-Martínez M, Álvarez-Lerma F, López-Pueyo MJ, and the ENVIN-HELICS Study Group. Risk factors for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus colonisation or infection in intensive care units and their reliability for predicting MRSA on ICU admission. Infez Med 2016; 24: 201-209.
    Bogaert DJ, De Bruyne M, Debacker V, Depuydt P, De Preter K, Bonroy C, Philippe' J, Bordon V, Lambrecht BN, Kerre T, Cerutti A, Vermaelen KY, Haerynck F, Dullaers M*. The immunophenotypical fingerprint of patients with primary antibody deficiencies is partially present in their asymptomatic first-degree relatives. Haematologica 2017; 102(1): 192-202.
    Kyriklaki A, Vafeiadi M*, Kampouri M, Koutra K, Roumeliotaki T, Chalkiadaki G, Anousaki D, Rantakokko P, Kiviranta H, Fthenou E, Bitsios P, Kyrtopoulos SA, Kogevinas M, Chatzi L. Prenatal exposure to persistent organic pollutants in association with offspring neuropsychological development at 4years of age: The Rhea mother-child cohort, Crete, Greece. Environ Int 2016; 97: 204-211.
    López-Isac E*, Martin JE, Assassi S, Simeon CP, Carreira P, Ortego-Centeno N, Freire M, Beltrán E, Narvaez J, Alegre-Sancho JJ, Fernández-Gutiérrez B, Balsa A, Ortiz AM, González-Gay MA, Beretta L, Santaniello A, Bellocchi C, Lunardi C, Moroncini G, Gabrielli A, Witte T, Hunzelmann N, Distler JH, Riekemasten G, van der Helm-van Mil AH, de Vries-Bouwstra J, Magro-Checa C, Voskuyl AE, Vonk MC, Molberg Ø, Merriman T, Hesselstrand R, Nordin A, Padyukov L, Herrick A, Eyre S, Koeleman BP, Denton CP, Fonseca C, Radstake TR, Worthington J, Mayes MD, Martín J, Spanish Scleroderma Group (...,Pros A,...). Brief Report: IRF4 Newly Identified as a Common Susceptibility Locus for Systemic Sclerosis and Rheumatoid Arthritis in a Cross-Disease Meta-Analysis of Genome-Wide Association Studies. Arthritis Rheumatol 2016; 68(9): 2338-2344.
    Dávila-Seijo P*, Daudén E, Descalzo M.A, Carretero G, Carrascosa JM, Vanaclocha F, Gómez-García FJ, De la Cueva-Dobao P, Herrera-Ceballos E, Belinchon I, López-Estebaranz JL, Alsina M, Sánchez-Carazo JL, Ferran M, Torrado R, Ferrándiz C, Rivera R, Llamas M, Jiménez-Puya R, García-Doval I, BIOBADADERM Study Group. Infections in moderate-to-severe psoriasis patients treated with biological drugs compared to classic systemic drugs: Findings from the BIOBADADERM registry. J Invest Dermatol 2017; 137(2): 313-321.
    Middeldorp CM*, Hammerschlag AR, Ouwens KG, Groen-Blokhuis MM, St Pourcain B, Greven CU, Pappa I, Tiesler CM, Ang W, Nolte IM, Vilor-Tejedor N, Bacelis J, Ebejer JL, Zhao H, Davies GE, Ehli EA, Evans DM, Fedko IO, Guxens M, Hottenga JJ, Hudziak JJ, Jugessur A, Kemp JP, Krapohl E, Martin NG, Murcia M, Myhre R, Ormel J, Ring SM, Standl M, Stergiakouli E, Stoltenberg C, Thiering E, Timpson NJ, Trzaskowski M, van der Most PJ, Wang C, Nyholt DR, Medland SE, Neale B, Jacobsson B, Sunyer J, Hartman CA, Whitehouse AJ, Pennell CE, Heinrich J, Plomin R, Davey Smith, Tiemeier H, Posthuma D, Boomsma DI, EArly Genetics and Lifecourse Epidemiology (EAGLE) Consortium, Psychiatric Genomics Consortium ADHD Working Group. A Genome-Wide Association Meta-Analysis of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Symptoms in Population-Based Pediatric Cohorts. J Am Acad Child Psy 2016; 55(10): 896-905.
    Marzi L, Combes E, Vié N, Ayrolles-Torro A, Tosi D, Desigaud D, Perez-Gracia E, Larbouret C, Montagut C, Iglesias M, Jarlier M, Denis V, Linares LK, Lam EW, Martineau P, del Río M, Gongora C. FOXO3a and the MAPK p38 are activated by cetuximab to induce cell death and inhibit cell proliferation and their expression predicts cetuximab efficacy in colorectal cancer. Br J Cancer 2016; 115(10): 1223-1233.
    Haller MC*, Royuela A, Nagler EV, Pascual J, Webster AC. Steroid avoidance or withdrawal for kidney transplant recipients. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2016; 8: CD005632.
    Lee JY, Daignault-Newton S, Heath G, Scarlett S, Sanda MG, Chang P, Regan MM, Michalski JM, Sandler HM, Feng FY, Kuban DA, Zietman AL, Ciezki JP, Kaplan ID, Crociani C, McLaughlin WP, Mantz CA, Finkelstein SE, Suy S, Collins SP, Garin O, Ferrer M, Hamstra DA, Spratt DE*. Multinational Prospective Study of Patient-Reported Outcomes After Prostate Radiation Therapy: Detailed Assessment of Rectal Bleeding. Int J Radiat Oncol 2016; 96(4): 770-777.
    Boladeras A, Ferrer F, Navarro V, De Blas R, Cunillera O, Mateo D, Gutiérrez C, Villà S, Martínez E, Pera J, Ferrer M, Guedea F. Association Between Dose-Volume Histograms and Health-Related Quality of Life in Patients with Prostate Cancer Treated with External Beam Radiation Therapy. Int J Radiat Oncol 2016; 96(2S): E285.
    Ferrer F, Pont A, Letelier HA, Garin O, De Blas R, Boladeras A, García E, Zardoya E, Najjari D, Gonzalo PF, Castells M, Mariño A, Gutiérrez C, Ventura M, Rojas F, Bavestrello P, SUÁREZ J, Picón C, Guedea F. Early Experience and Quality of Life Comparison in Prostate Cancer Brachytherapy Versus Phase I-II Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy Trials. Int J Radiat Oncol 2016; 96(2S): E264.
    Rodríguez-Morató J, Robledo P, Tanner JA, Boronat A, Pérez-Mañá C, Oliver Chen, Tyndale RF, de la Torre R*. CYP2D6 and CYP2A6 biotransform dietary tyrosol into hydroxytyrosol. Food Chem 2017; 217: 716-725.
    Held U*, Kessels A, Garcia-Aymerich J, Basagaña X, ter Riet G, Moons KG, Puhan MA, International COPD Cohorts Collaboration Working Group. Methods for Handling Missing Variables in Risk Prediction Models. Am J Epidemiol 2016; 184(7): 545-551.
    O'Callaghan-Gordo C*, Kogevinas M, Pedersen M, Fthenou E, Espinosa A, Tsiapa X, Chalkiadaki G, Daraki V, Dermitzaki E, Decordier I, Farmer PB, Georgiadis P, Georgiou V, Kyrtopoulos SA, Merlo DF, Romaguera D, Roumeliotaki T, Sarri K, Törnqvist M, Loock KV, von Stedingk H, Kleinjans J, Kirsch-Volders M, Chatzi L. Maternal diet during pregnancy and micronuclei frequency in peripheral blood T lymphocytes in mothers and newborns (Rhea cohort, Crete). Eur J Nutr 2018; 57(1): 209-218.
    Blanco-Gandía MC, Cantacorps L, Aracil-Fernández A, Montagud-Romero S, Aguilar MA, Manzanares J, Valverde O, Miñarro J, Rodríguez-Arias M*. Effects of bingeing on fat during adolescence on the reinforcing effects of cocaine in adult male mice. Neuropharmacology 2017; 113(Pt A): 31-44.
    Calvet J*, Orellana C, Gratacós J, Berenguer-Llergo A, Caixas A, Chillarón JJ, Pedro-Botet J, García-Manrique M, Navarro N, Larrosa M. Synovial fluid adipokines are associated with clinical severity in knee osteoarthritis: a cross-sectional study in female patients with joint effusion. Arthritis Res Ther 2016; 18: 207.
    Matos ML, Lapyckyj L, Rosso A, Besso MJ, Mencucci MV, Marín Briggiler, Giustina S, Furlong LI, Vázquez-Levin MH*. Identification of a Novel Human E-Cadherin Splice Variant and Assessment of its Effects upon EMT-Related Events. J Cell Physiol 2017; 232(6): 1368-1386.
    de Hoogh K*, Gulliver J, Donkelaar AV, Martin RV, Marshall JD, Bechle MJ, Cesaroni G, Pradas MC, Dedele A, Eeftens M, Forsberg B, Galassi C, Heinrich J, Hoffmann B, Jacquemin B, Katsouyanni K, Korek M, Künzli N, Lindley SJ, Lepeule J, Meleux F, de Nazelle A, Nieuwenhuijsen M, Nystad W, ____________, Peters A, Peuch VH, Rouil L, Udvardy O, Slama R, Stempfelet M, Stephanou EG, Tsai MY, Yli-Tuomi T, Weinmayr G, Brunekreef B, Vienneau D, Hoek G. Development of West-European PM2.5 and NO2 land use regression models incorporating satellite-derived and chemical transport modelling data. Environ Res 2016; 151: 1-10.
    Papaseit E, Farré M, Graziano S, Pacifici R, Pérez-Mañá C, García-Algar O, Pichini S*. Monitoring nicotine intake from e-cigarettes: measurement of parent drug and metabolites in oral fluid and plasma. Clin Chem Lab Med 2017; 55(3): 415-423.
    Alemany S*, Vilor-Tejedor N, Bustamante M, Pujol J, Macià D, Martínez-Vilavella G, Fenoll R, Álvarez-Pedrerol M, Forns J, Julvez J, Suades-González E, Llop S, Rebagliato M, Sunyer J. A Genome-Wide Association Study of Attention Function in a Population-Based Sample of Children. PLoS ONE 2016; 11(9): e0163048.
    Solassol J, Vendrell J, Märkl B, Haas C, Bellosillo B, Montagut C, Smith M, O'Sullivan B, D'Haene N, Le Mercier M, Grauslund M, Melchior LC, Burt E, Cotter F, Stieber D, Schmitt FL, Motta V, Lauricella C, Colling R, Soilleux E, Fassan M, Mescoli C, Collin C, Pagès JC, Sillekens P*. Multi-Center Evaluation of the Fully Automated PCR-Based Idylla? KRAS Mutation Assay for Rapid KRAS Mutation Status Determination on Formalin-Fixed Paraffin-Embedded Tissue of Human Colorectal Cancer. PLoS ONE 2016; 11(9): e0163444.
    Jiménez-Fuentes MA*, Rodrigo T, Altet MN, Jiménez-Ruiz CA, Casals M, Penas A, Mir I, Solano S, Riesco-Miranda JA, Caylà JA, Smoking and Tuberculosis Research Working Group (...,Sánchez-Martínez F,...). Factors associated with smoking among tuberculosis patients in Spain. BMC Infect Dis 2016; 16: 486.
    Antolin, A*, Workman P, Mestres J, Al-Lazikani B. Polypharmacology in Precision Oncology: Current Applications and Future Prospects. Curr Pharm Design 2017; 22(46): 6935-6945.
    Bocharova IE*, Guillén A, Kudryashov BD, Martínez A, Tauste A, Vázquez-Vilar G. Multi-Class Source-Channel Coding. IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory 2016; 62(9): 5093-5104.
    Dy-Ledesma JL, Khoury JD, Agbay RL, García-García M, Miranda RN, Medeiros LJ. Starry Sky Pattern in Hematopoietic Neoplasms: A Review of Pathophysiology and Differential Diagnosis. Adv Anat Pathol 2016; 23(6): 343-355.
    Reinares M*, Bonnin CM, Hidalgo-Mazzei D, Colom F, Solé B, Jiménez E, Torrent C, Comes M, Martínez-Arán A, Sánchez-Moreno J, Vieta E. Family functioning in bipolar disorder: Characteristics, congruity between patients and relatives, and clinical correlates. Psychiat Res 2016; 245: 66-73.
    Bayés-Genís A*, Villuendas R, Elosua R. Unraveling Myocardial Mass: Using Classical ECG With Contemporary GWAS. J Am Coll Cardiol 2015; 68(13): 1449-1451.
    Wang Z, Monteiro CD, Jagodnik KM, Fernandez NF, Gundersen GW, Rouillard AD, Jenkins SL, Feldmann AS, Hu KS, McDermott MG, Duan Q, Clark NR, Jones MR, Kou Y, Goff T, Woodland H, Amaral FM, Szeto GL, Fuchs O, Schüssler-Fiorenza Rose, Sharma S, Schwartz U, Bausela XB, Szymkiewicz M, Maroulis V, Salykin A, Barra CM, Kruth CD, Bongio NJ, Mathur V, Todoric RD, Rubin UE, Malatras A, Fulp CT, Galindo JA, Motiejunaite R, Jüschke C, Dishuck PC, Lahl K, Jafari M, Aibar S, Zaravinos A, Steenhuizen LH, Allison LR, Gamallo P, de Andres, Dae Devlin, Pérez-García V, Ma'ayan A*. Extraction and analysis of signatures from the Gene Expression Omnibus by the crowd. Nat Commun 2016; 7: 12846.
    Al-Shorbaji N, Bellazzi R, Gonzalez Bernaldo de Quiros F, Koch S, Kulikowski CA, Lovell NH, Maojo V, Park HA, Sanz F, Sarkar IN, Tanaka H. Discussion of "The New Role of Biomedical Informatics in the Age of Digital Medicine". Method Inform Med 2016; 55(5): 403-421.
    Garcimartín P*, Juvé-Udina ME, Delgado-Hito P. Concepts and measures of patient empowerment: a comprehensive review. Rev Esc Enferm USP 2016; 50(4): 667-674.
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    En compliment de la Llei 34/2002, de Serveis de la Societat de la Informació i de Comerç Electrònic, aquest correu li hem enviat a partir de les dades de contacte que vostè ens ha facilitat. Si vostè no desitja rebre més comunicats, pot donar-se de baixa dirigint-se per escrit al Servei de Recursos Humans-IMIM ( tot indicant la paraula “baixa base de dades” a l’assumpte.
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