INFORECERCA: Butlletí Informatiu del Servei de Recerca de l'IMIM
Número: 493
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This call for joint transnational research proposals, cofunded by the European Union, aims to support multinational, collaborative research projects that address important research questions regarding the cause-and-effect relationships between diet, the intestinal microbiome and human health.
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Promoure el desenvolupament del coneixement a Espanya de la Psiquiatria, Psicologia i/o Neurociències del Nen i l'Adolescent mitjançant el suport a projectes de recerca originals.
S'atorgaran 7 ajudes a la recerca.
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The Prostate Cancer Foundation ( champions investment in human capital to fast-forward solutions for prostate cancer with the ultimate goal of ending death and suffering from metastatic prostate cancer.
Research proposals submitted in consideration for the Young Investigator Award should, if successful, provide high impact to the field. “Small-step” or incremental proposals are usually non-competitive. Highly innovative basic science programs will be carefully considered, but priority will be given to “bench to bedside” translational research proposals with the potential to deliver near term benefit to patients.
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The Brain & Behavior Research Foundation is the largest philanthropic organization dedicated to research across all brain and behavior disorders (not disease specific). Recipients of NARSAD Grants represent an extraordinary variety of disciplines. Research has included (but is not limited to) studies in: genetics, neurobiology, molecular biology, imaging, neurochemical studies, neurophysiology, electrophysiology, clinical psychopharmacology, descriptive clinical studies, epidemiological research, treatment modalities, cognition studies, and outcome and prevention research.
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Axos Bioscience specializes in the production of human cells and critical reagents such as media and growth supplements.
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Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) is a membership organisation that exists to help the global health community accelerate the fight against cancer.
Founded in 1933 and based in Geneva, UICC’s growing membership of over 900 organisations across 155 countries, features the world’s major cancer societies, ministries of health, research institutes and patient groups. Together with its members, key partners, the World Health Organization, World Economic Forum and others, UICC is tackling the growing cancer crisis on a global scale.
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For junior researchers pursuing experimental projects in basic biomedical research.
  • to learn clearly-defined methods useful for your ongoing research and the work of your research group at home by visiting another laboratory, or by attending research-orientated courses including practical training (the practical part has to cover at least 50% of the course);
  • to enable graduates from abroad and their potential PhD supervisors to evaluate the scientific and personal prerequisites before embarking on a PhD thesis. To this end, the graduate student shall pursue a short project in his/her potential PhD supervisor’s laboratory for at least 4 weeks.
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    The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) carries out programs that provide overseas researchers who have an excellent record of research achievements with an opportunity to conduct collaborative research, discussions, and opinion exchanges with researchers in Japan. These programs are intended to help advance the overseas researchers' research activities while promoting science and internationalization in Japan.
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    Hospital Gregorio Marañon
    El propòsit d'aquest Premi és fomentar la participació dels professionals d'infermeria en l'elaboració i desenvolupament de projectes de recerca.
    Són objecte d'aquesta convocatòria aquells projectes relacionats amb la pràctica infermera en qualsevol dels seus vessants.
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    El Premi Ramon Margalef d'Ecologia té per objecte el reconeixement d'una trajectòria científica o un descobriment en el camp de les ciències ecològiques que hagi contribuït al progrés significatiu del coneixement o el pensament científic, o al desenvolupament d'instruments teòrics per a la bona gestió dels recursos naturals, del territori o del mar.
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    ERS is the leading professional organisation in its field in Europe. It is broad-based, with some 10,000 members and counting in over 100 countries. Its scope covers both basic science and clinical medicine. ERS seeks to alleviate suffering from respiratory disease and promote lung health through research, sharing of knowledge and through medical and public education.
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    ERS is the leading professional organisation in its field in Europe. It is broad-based, with some 10,000 members and counting in over 100 countries. Its scope covers both basic science and clinical medicine. ERS seeks to alleviate suffering from respiratory disease and promote lung health through research, sharing of knowledge and through medical and public education.
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    ERS is the leading professional organisation in its field in Europe. It is broad-based, with some 10,000 members and counting in over 100 countries. Its scope covers both basic science and clinical medicine. ERS seeks to alleviate suffering from respiratory disease and promote lung health through research, sharing of knowledge and through medical and public education.
    Recursos Humans
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    The EHA-JSH Collaborative Exchange Program is intended to provide European and Japanese research institutes the opportunity to exchange scientists and clinical researchers reciprocally for a short period.
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    European Society for Medical Oncology
    The Clinical Research Fellowships are designed to:
  • Provide training in clinical research in renowned European cancer centres
  • Support efforts to expand professional networks through collaboration with institutions of excellence
  • Provide the necessary support to develop clinical oncology research projects
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    European Society for Medical Oncology
    Comprehensive bench-to-bedside training in translational research. Fellows have the opportunity to learn about the latest developments in basic cancer research.
    European centres of excellence serve as host institutes providing the necessary support to develop specific high-quality translational research projects in oncology, and helps fellows gain valuable international experience.
    Informació últil
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    TRANSCAN-2 has the goal of coordinating national and regional funding programmes for research in the area of translational cancer research. The specific challenge is to promote a transnational collaborative approach between scientific teams in demanding areas of translational cancer research while avoiding the duplication of efforts and ensuring a more efficient use of available resources, to produce significant results of higher quality and impact, and share data and infrastructures.
    The EC co-funded call of TRANSCAN-2 (JTC 2016) will focus on: “Minimally and non-invasive methods for early detection and/or progression of cancer”
    Minimally invasive methods refer to techniques that have limited physical damage, burden and pain associated with the detection method, resulting in less anticipated stress, a higher screening/clinical care uptake, and more efficient and cost-effective screening and care. The studied methods should be sensitive for early detection of cancer, its staging and prediction of progression. Examples are: individual or combination of molecular, immunochemical, proteomic or genetic markers in body fluids and blood or cell samples, as well as macroscopic, microscopic and molecular imaging techniques (e.g. improved ultrasound technology, molecular imaging with contrast agents, fluorescence imaging, radiolabelling).
    This call excludes invasive methods, such as image-guided biopsy or surgery.
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    La finalitat de la convocatòria és la concessió d'ajudes financeres a línies d'investigació desenvolupades per grups estables i competitius que promoguin una investigació translacional a la pràctica clínica desenvolupada per grups coordinats multidisciplinars.
    Grups coordinats estables de recerca clínica: investigadors que desenvolupen de manera conjunta i coordinada un programa de recerca clínica en els següents àmbits:
  • Assajos clínics innovadors no promoguts per la indústria farmacèutica
  • Validació de nous marcadors tumorals
  • Estudis prospectius
  • Test pronòstic i de diagnòstic precoç
  • Assajos de noves tècniques quirúrgiques
  • Estudi comparatiu entre diferents abordatges terapèutics. (p.ex.) comparació de l'abordatge radioteràpic versus cirurgia en càncer de bufeta.
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    La finalitat de la convocatòria és la concessió d'ajudes financeres a línies d'investigació desenvolupades per grups estables i competitius que promoguin una investigació translacional a la pràctica clínica desenvolupada per grups coordinats multidisciplinars.
    Amb aquesta iniciativa, es pretén fomentar la continuïtat de les investigacions finançades, aportant major flexibilitat i estabilitat als grups investigadors, amb el doble objectiu d'accelerar la transferència dels resultats a la pràctica clínica en benefici dels pacients i els seus familiars i d'augmentar la massa crítica investigadora en oncologia a Espanya.
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    The Alzheimer's Association International Research Grant Program funds investigations that advance our understanding of Alzheimer's disease, help identify new treatment strategies, provide information to improve care for people with dementia, and further our knowledge of brain health and disease prevention. Our awards support investigators at every professional stage.
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    The Brain & Behavior Research Foundation is the largest philanthropic organization dedicated to research across all brain and behavior disorders (not disease specific). Recipients of NARSAD Grants represent an extraordinary variety of disciplines. Research has included (but is not limited to) studies in: genetics, neurobiology, molecular biology, imaging, neurochemical studies, neurophysiology, electrophysiology, clinical psychopharmacology, descriptive clinical studies, epidemiological research, treatment modalities, cognition studies, and outcome and prevention research.
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    Kenneth Rainin Foundation
    The Rainin Foundation supports high-risk research and challenge investigators to push boundaries to advance the goal of predicting and preventing Inflammatory Bowel Disease. .
    The Innovator Awards program provides funding for research projects, which due to their ground-breaking nature, may not be suitable for funding from more traditional sources. To date, projects have been funded in the following areas:
  • Bioengineering
  • Diet and Nutrition
  • Epithelial Cell/Molecular Biology
  • Fecal Microbiota Transplant
  • Immunity and Inflammation
  • Microbiome
  • Therapeutic Development and Delivery
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    The New York Stem Cell Foundation
    The mission of The New York Stem Cell Foundation is to accelerate cures for the major diseases of our time through stem cell research.
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    The New York Stem Cell Foundation
    The mission of The New York Stem Cell Foundation is to accelerate cures for the major diseases of our time through stem cell research.
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    Es concedirà un projecte de recerca sobre leucèmia infantil, que es desenvoluparà sota la supervisió d'un investigador principal (IP) en una institució española.
    Borses de viatge
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    Atorgar 3 beques parcials (borses de viatge) destinades a dones universitàries que vulguin ampliar coneixements o investigar en centres d'ensenyament superior als Estats Units.
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    Concessió de 20 beques per realitzar estudis oficials de doctorat que culminin amb la lectura de la tesi doctoral en una universitat espanyola.
    La convocatòria comprèn totes les àrees del coneixement.
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    Reconeix una contribució rellevant realitzada per entitats o persones en la promoció de la salut i la millora de la qualitat de vida
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    La Fundació Dr. Antoni Esteve convoca la quinzena edició del seu Premi de Recerca, que aquest any busca el millor treball de Farmacologia publicat per un autor espanyol en els darrers tres anys. S’atorgarà al millor treball de recerca farmacològica, en qualsevol de les seves vessants (disseny, síntesi, desenvolupament galènic, avaluació clínica o de laboratori, ús, etcètera) publicat en qualsevol revista científica durant els anys 2014, 2015 i 2016.
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    Hospital Gregorio Marañon
    El propòsit d'aquest Premi és fomentar la participació dels professionals d'infermeria en l'elaboració i desenvolupament de projectes de recerca.
    Són objecte d'aquesta convocatòria aquells projectes relacionats amb la pràctica infermera en qualsevol dels seus vessants.
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    ERS is the leading professional organisation in its field in Europe. It is broad-based, with some 10,000 members and counting in over 100 countries. Its scope covers both basic science and clinical medicine. ERS seeks to alleviate suffering from respiratory disease and promote lung health through research, sharing of knowledge and through medical and public education.
    Termini exhaurit
    ERS is the leading professional organisation in its field in Europe. It is broad-based, with some 10,000 members and counting in over 100 countries. Its scope covers both basic science and clinical medicine. ERS seeks to alleviate suffering from respiratory disease and promote lung health through research, sharing of knowledge and through medical and public education.
    Termini exhaurit
    ERS is the leading professional organisation in its field in Europe. It is broad-based, with some 10,000 members and counting in over 100 countries. Its scope covers both basic science and clinical medicine. ERS seeks to alleviate suffering from respiratory disease and promote lung health through research, sharing of knowledge and through medical and public education.
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    La Fundació Lilly fa pública la seva convocatòria dels Premis Fundació Lilly de Recerca Biomèdica Preclínica i Clínica 2017, per a investigadors que hagin contribuït de manera significativa al desenvolupament de la biomedicina i les ciències de la salut a Espanya i mantinguin una activitat investigadora de reconegut nivell científic.
    L'objectiu és fomentar la recerca biomèdica d'alta qualitat, de caràcter preclínic i clínic, mitjançant la concessió de premis que reconeguin i donin suport a trajectòries científiques d'excel·lència.
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    The Martín Villar Haemostasis Awards aim to support scientific excellence and innovation, and to engage both physicians and scientists who are early in their careers in investigating hemostasis and blood coagulation disorders.
    The 2017 edition of the Martin Villar Awards introduces a new concept for the Awards by providing one grant for a project in Clinical Research and one grant for a project in Basic Research.
    Recursos Humans
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    La Fundació Banc de Sabadell convoca 15 ajudes a la investigació científica per a aspirants predoctorals de nacionalitat espanyola, que estiguin en procés de realització de la tesi doctoral en qualsevol universitat espanyola o estrangera, destinades a la promoció i desenvolupament de treballs científics o estades en universitats o altres centres de recerca espanyols o estrangers, preferentment en camps del coneixement en ciencias socials i humanitats.
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    The EHA-JSH Collaborative Exchange Program is intended to provide European and Japanese research institutes the opportunity to exchange scientists and clinical researchers reciprocally for a short period.
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    The objective of the EFSD/Lilly Research Fellowships is to encourage innovative research in the fields of diabetes and its complications, and to promote excellence in medical education. Applicants should have demonstrated their ability in the field of diabetes research.
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    The European Foundation for the Study of Diabetes (EFSD) was created by the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD) to provide funding initiatives in all areas of diabetes research. The aims of EFSD are to encourage and support research in the field of diabetes, to rapidly diffuse acquired knowledge and to facilitate its application.

    Novo Nordisk is a global healthcare company with 90 years of innovation and leadership in diabetes care. The company also has leading positions within haemophilia care, growth hormone therapy and hormone replacement therapy. Headquartered in Denmark, Novo Nordisk employs approximately 35,000 employees in 75 countries, and markets its products in more than 180 countries.
    Mari-Molina R, Valverde D, León A, Guirro P, Marqués F*. A Technical Note for Extracting an Incarcerated Femoral Kuntscher Nail. J Orthop Case Rep 2016; 6(3): 10-12.
    Isla D, de Castro J, Juan O, Grau S, Orofino J, Gordo R, Rubio-Terrés C, Rubio-Rodríguez D*. Costs of adverse events associated with erlotinib or afatinib in first-line treatment of advanced EGFR-positive non-small cell lung cancer. Clinicoecon Outcomes Res 2016; 9: 31-38.
    Grau S, Azanza JR, Ruiz I, Vallejo C, Mensa J, Maertens J, Heinz WJ, Barrueta JA, Peral C, Mesa FJ, Barrado M, Charbonneau C, Rubio-Rodríguez D*, Rubio-Terrés C. Cost-effectiveness analysis of combination antifungal therapy with voriconazole and anidulafungin versus voriconazole monotherapy for primary treatment of invasive aspergillosis in Spain. Clinicoecon Outcomes Res 2016; 9: 39-47.
    Montalbán C*, Díaz-López A, Dlouhy I, Rovira J, Lopez-Guillermo A, Alonso S, Martín A, Sancho JM, García O, Martinez-Sánchez J, Rodríguez M, Novelli S, Salar A, Gutiérrez A, Rodríguez-Salazar MJ, Bastos M, Domínguez JF, Fernández R, González-de-Villambrosia S, Queizan JA, Córdoba R, De Oña R, López-Hernandez A, Freue JM, Garrote H, López L, Martin-Moreno AM, Rodriguez J, Abraira V, García JF, GELTAMO-IPI Project Investigators. Validation of the NCCN-IPI for diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL): the addition of β2-microglobulin yields a more accurate GELTAMO-IPI. Br J Haematol 2017; 176(6): 918-928.
    Robert I, Gaudot L, Yelamos J, Noll A, Wong HK, Dantzer F, Schreiber V*, Reina-San-Martin B. Robust immunoglobulin class switch recombination and end-joining in Parp9-deficient mice. Eur J Immunol 2017; 47(4): 665-676.
    Tormo E, Adam-Artigues A, Ballester S, Pineda B, Zazo S, González-Alonso P, Albanell J, Rovira A, Rojo F, Lluch A, Eroles P*. The role of miR-26a and miR-30b in HER2+ breast cancer trastuzumab resistance and regulation of the CCNE2 gene. Sci Rep 2017; 7: 41309.
    Giménez-Arnau AM*. Omalizumab for Treating Chronic Spontaneous Urticaria: an Expert Review on Efficacy and Safety. Expert Opin Biol Ther 2017; 17(3): 375-385.
    González-Comadran M, Schwarze JE, Zegers-Hochschild F, Souza MD, Carreras R, Checa MA*. The impact of endometriosis on the outcome of Assisted Reproductive Technology. Reprod Biol Endocrinol 2017; 15: 8.
    Esteve-Codina A, Arpí O, Martínez-García M, Pineda E, Mallo M, Gut M, Carrato C, Rovira A, Lopez R, Tortosa A, Dabad M, Del Barco S, Heath S, Bagué S, Ribalta T, Alameda F, de la Iglesia N, Balaña C*, GLIOCAT Group. A Comparison of RNA-Seq Results from Paired Formalin-Fixed Paraffin-Embedded and Fresh-Frozen Glioblastoma Tissue Samples. PLoS ONE 2017; 12(1): e0170632.
    Reig A*, Membrive I, Foro P, Quera J, Sanz J, Rodriguez de Dios N, Fernández-Velilla E, Pera O, Ortiz A, Algara M. Predictive factors for survival in neoadjuvant radiochemotherapy for advanced rectal cancer. Clin Transl Oncol 2017; 19(7): 853-857.
    López-Ruiz M, Mancebo N, Pérez K, Serra L*, Benavides FG. Lesiones mortales de tráfico en España relacionadas con el trabajo según el motivo del desplazamiento y según sexo (2010-2013). Rev Esp Salud Pública 2017; 91: e1-e8.
    Manzano C, García-Algar O, Mur Sierra A, Ferrer-Costa R, Carrascosa-Lezcano A, Yeste-Fernández D, Ortigosa-Gómez S*. Concentraciones plasmáticas de 25-OH-vitamina D en sangre de cordón umbilical tras los meses de verano. Rev Esp Salud Pública 2017; 91: e1-e7.
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    08003 Barcelona
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