INFORECERCA: Butlletí Informatiu del Servei de Recerca de l'IMIM
Número: 668
Termini exhaurit
LEO Foundation ‘Open competition grants’ are given to support the best dermatology research projects worldwide.
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Es convoca el III Programa de Ayudas a la Investigación Sociosanitaria, para contribuir a la búsqueda de soluciones útiles y transformadoras para la atención integral de las personas mayores, aquellas en situación de dependencia y los cuidados de larga duración, aumentando así la humanización y efectividad del sistema.
Borses de viatge
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Fellowships for short stays (usually 3-6 months) for basic and clinical postgraduate investigators at a foreign institution to accomplish a very focused research project, to learn an experimental procedure or methodology, or to get in-depth knowledge about a sophisticated, clinical diagnostic procedure not available at the Home Institution.
Termini exhaurit
Es pretén reconèixer el valor i mèrits de l'obra i activitats executades o desenvolupades per investigadors científics en el camp de les Ciències Biomèdiques al llarg dels anys -a l'àrea de la llengua espanyola- i per això amb anterioritat a aquesta convocatòria.
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La Reial Acadèmia Nacional de Farmàcia convoca anualment un concurs científic internacional, amb la finalitat de promocionar les activitats d'investigadors, dins del camp de les ciències farmacèutiques.
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Els Premis Luis Noé Fernández tenen tres modalitats, guardonant experiències rellevants tant en matèria de nutrició com assistència alimentària i lluita contra la fam.
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Conjunt de premis i beques, dirigits a socis de la SEEN, per promoure el desenvolupament de la Endocrinologia i Nutrició en els seus aspectes clínics, docents i d'investigació.
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Quatre categories premien les trajectòries de joves que han desenvolupat projectes o negocis i que, d’aquesta manera, han estat capaços d’induir, de manera creativa, canvis positius en la societat
Recursos Humans
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This two-year award supports clinical research training in the field of epilepsy. It is hoped that this program, targeting fellows and new faculty, will foster the development of investigators interested in pursuing careers in patient-oriented research.
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Funding for transnational projects on different health topics, with health inequalities as a cross-cutting issue.
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Funding for research projects aiming at deciphering the pathophysiology of the cognitive deficits of patients with Down syndrome and other intellectual disability from genetic origin appearing in early childhood.
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The goal of the PRCRP is to improve quality of life by decreasing the impact of cancer on active duty Service members, their families, Veterans, and the American public.
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L'objectiu és promoure i donar suport a la realització de treballs d'Investigació Científica en el camp de la Nefrologia. Aquests Ajuts tenen com a base fonamental la promoció i estímul de la Investigació Aplicada, ja utilitzin eines de recerca bàsica i / o clínica. En elles tenen cabuda tant grups de recerca consolidats com emergents, així com projectes d'un sol grup, projectes coordinats, o fins i tot el cofinançament justificada de projectes ja aprovats per altres agències o societats.
Els projectes poden tractar problemes de Nefrologia Clínica, Hipertensió Arterial, Tècniques de Depuració Extrarrenal o Trasplantament Renal.
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The focus of the call is on the initiation of multidisciplinary consortia working on (therapeutics of) malignant lymphoma, malignant lymphoid neoplasia and related malignant blood diseases (particularly lymphoid disorders). The grant will cover costs for the organization of an international meeting to initiate the consortium.
Borses de viatge
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Travelling Fellowships of up to £2,500 to graduate students and post-doctoral researchers wishing to make collaborative visits to other laboratories.
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DMM Conference Travel Grants are aimed at early-career researchers wanting to attend scientific meetings, conferences, workshops and courses relating to the areas of research covered by the journal:
Each application will be judged on the excellence of the candidate and any work being presented in a talk or poster.
Recursos Humans
Termini exhaurit
The EMBO Postdoctoral Fellowships are awarded for a period of up to two years and support excellent postdoctoral researchers in laboratories throughout Europe and the world. International exchange is a key requirement.
Pignatelli A, Mestre N*, Escalada F, Coll M. [Effectiveness of invasive and non-invasive tecniques for neck myofascial pain syndrome: a systematic review]. Rehabilitación (Madr) 2020; 54(3): 181-190.
Aldana E, Álvarez N, Benito H, Colomina MJ, Fernández-Candil JL, Garcia-Orellana M, Guzmán B, Ingelmo I, Iturri F, Martín B, Leon A, Pérez-Lorensu PJ, Valencia L, Valverde JL, Grupo de Trabajo de la Sección de Neurociencias de la Sociedad Española de Anestesiología y Reanimación (SEDAR) y la Asociación de Monitorización Intraquirúrgica Neurofisiológica Española (AMINE).. Documento de consenso para la monitorización neurofisiológica intraoperatoria multimodal en procedimientos neuroquirúrgicos. Fundamentos básicos. Rev Esp Anestesiol Reanim 2021; 68(2): 82-98.
Dasari A*, Morris VK, Allegra CJ, Atreya C, Benson AB, Boland P, Chung K, Copur MS, Corcoran RB, Deming DA, Dwyer A, Diehn M, Eng C, George TJ, Gollub MJ, Goodwin RA, Hamilton SR, Hechtman JF, Hochster H, Hong TS, Innocenti F, Iqbal A, Jacobs SA, Kennecke HF, Lee JJ, Lieu CH, Lenz HJ, Lindwasser OW, Montagut C, Odisio B, Ou FS, Porter L, Raghav K, Schrag D, Scott AJ, Shi Q, Strickler JH, Venook A, Yaeger R, Yothers G, You YN, Zell JA, Kopetz S. ctDNA applications and integration in colorectal cancer: an NCI Colon and Rectal-Anal Task Forces whitepaper. Nat Rev Clin Oncol 2020; 17(12): 757-770.
Rodríguez-Vida A, Bamias A, Esteban E, Saez MI, López-Brea M, Castellano D, Caballero C, Gonzalez-Larriba JL, Calvo E, Macia S, Ravaud A, Bellmunt J. Randomised phase II study comparing alternating cycles of sunitinib and everolimus versus standard sequential administration in first-line metastatic renal carcinoma (SUNRISES study). BJU Int 2020; 126(5): 559-567.
Matalonga L, Laurie S, Papakonstantinou A, Piscia D, Mereu E, Bullich G, Thompson R, Horvath R, Pérez-Jurado L, Riess O, Gut I, Ommen GV, Lochmüller H, Beltran S*, RD-Connect GPAP and URD-Cat data contributors.. Improved diagnosis of rare disease patients through systematic detection of runs of homozygosity. J Mol Diagn 2020; 22(9): 1205-1215.
Krebs A, van Vugt-Lusse, Waldmann T, Albrecht W, Boei J, Ter Braak, Brajnik M, Braunbeck T, Brecklinghaus T, Busquet F, Dinnyes A, Dokler J, Dolde X, Exner TE, Fisher C, Fluri D, Forsby A, Hengstler JG, Holzer AK, Janstova Z, Jennings P, Kisitu J, Kobolak J, Kumar M, Limonciel A, Lundqvist J, Mihalik B, Moritz W, Pallocca G, Ulloa APC, Pastor M, Rovida C, Sarkans U, Schimming JP, Schmidt BZ, Stöber R, Strassfeld T, van de Water B, Wilmes A, van der Burg B, Verfaillie CM, von Hellfeld, Vrieling H, Vrijenhoek NG, Leist M*. The EU-ToxRisk method documentation, data processing and chemical testing pipeline for the regulatory use of new approach methods. Arch Toxicol 2020; 94(7): 2435-2461.
Maldonado R, Torrens M. Cannabis research: Risks of recreational use and potential medical applications. Eur Neuropsychopharmacol 2020; 36: 167-168.
Jiménez-Urbieta H, Gago B, Quiroga-Varela A, Rodríguez-Chinchilla T, Merino-Galán L, Delgado-Alvarado M, Navalpotro I, Belloso-Iguerategui A, Marin C, Rodríguez-Oroz MC*. Correction to: Motor impulsivity and delay intolerance are elicited in a dose-dependent manner with a dopaminergic agonist in parkinsonian rats. Psychopharmacology 2020; 237(8): 2433-2434.
Cano A, Llauradó G, Albert L, Mazarico I, Astiarraga B, González-Sastre M, Martinez L, Fernández-Veledo S, Simó R, Vendrell J, González-Clemente JM*. Utility of Insulin Resistance in Estimating Cardiovascular Risk in Subjects with Type 1 Diabetes According to the Scores of the Steno Type 1 Risk Engine. J Clin Med 2020; 9(7): E2192.
Lecube A*, Sanchez E, Monereo S, Medina-Gómez G, Bellido D, García-Almeida JM, Martínez de Icaya P, Malagón MM, Goday A, Tinahones F.J, on behalf of the Spanish Society of Obesity.. Factors Accounting for Obesity and Its Perception among the Adult Spanish Population: Data from 1,000 Computer-Assisted Telephone Interviews. Obes Facts 2020; 13(4): 322-332.
Bravo A, González-Castillo A, Vela F, Membrilla-Fernandez E, Vila JS, Pera M, Sancho JJ, Pereira JA. Correction to: Incidence of Incisional Hernia After Emergency Subcostal Unilateral Laparotomy: Does Augmentation Prophylaxis Play a Role?. World J Surg 2020; 44(11): 3960-3962.
Zhao M, Sanz J, Rodríguez N, Foro P, Reig A, Membrive I, Li X, Huang Y, Montezuma L, Martínez A, Manuel A*. Weekly radiotherapy in elderly breast cancer patients: a comparison between two hypofractionation schedules. Clin Transl Oncol 2021; 23(2): 372-377.
Johnson C*, Ahlberg E, Anger LT, Beilke L, Benigni R, Bercu J, Bobst S, Bower D, Brigo A, Campbell S, Cronin MTD, Crooks I, Cross KP, Doktorova T, Exner T, Faulkner D, Fearon IM, Fehr M, Gad SC, Gervais V, Giddings A, Glowienke S, Hardy B, Hasselgren C, Hillegass J, Jolly R, Krupp E, Lomnitski L, Magby J, Mestres J, Milchak L, Miller S, Muster W, Neilson L, Parakhia R, Parenty A, Parris P, Paulino A, Paulino AT, Roberts DW, Schlecker H, Stidl R, Suarez-Rodrigez D, Szabo DT, Tice RR, Urbisch D, Vuorinen A, Wall B, Weiler T, White AT, Whritenour J, Wichard J, Woolley D, Zwickl C, Myatt GJ. Skin sensitization in silico protocol. Regul Toxicol Pharm 2020; 116: 104688.
Silva M*, López-Ruiz M, Merino-Salazar P, Gómez-García AR, Benavides FG. Health inequity in workers of Latin America and the Caribbean. Int J Equity Health 2020; 19(1): 109.
Kivipelto M*, Mangialasche F, Snyder HM, Allegri R, Andrieu S, Arai H, Baker L, Belleville S, Brodaty H, Brucki SM, Calandri I, Caramelli P, Chen C, Chertkow H, Chew E, Choi SH, Chowdhary N, Crivelli L, de la Torre R, Du Y, Dua T, Espeland M, Feldman HH, Hartmanis M, Hartmann T, Heffernan M, Henry CJ, Hong CH, Håkansson K, Iwatsubo T, Jeong JH, Jimenez-Maggiora G, Koo EH, Launer LJ, Lehtisalo J, Lopera F, Martínez-Lage P, Martins R, Middleton L, Molinuevo JL, Montero-Odasso M, Moon SY, Morales-Pérez K, Nitrini R, Nygaard HB, Park YK, Peltonen M, Qiu C, Quiroz YT, Raman R, Rao N, Ravindranath V, Rosenberg A, Sakurai T, Salinas RM, Scheltens P, Sevlever G, Soininen H, Sosa AL, Suemoto CK, Tainta-Cuezva M, Velilla L, Wang Y, Whitmer R, Xu X, Bain LJ, Solomon A, Ngandu T, Carrillo MC. World-Wide FINGERS Network: A global approach to risk reduction and prevention of dementia. Alzheimers Dement 2020; 16(7): 1078-1094.
Pascual J*, Melilli E, Jiménez C, González-Monte E, Zárraga S, Gutiérrez-Dalmau A, López-Jiménez V, Juega J, Muñoz-Cepeda M, Lorenzo I, Facundo C, Ruiz-Fuentes MDC, Mazuecos A, Sánchez-Álvarez E, Crespo M, Spanish Society of Nephrology COVID-19 Group.. COVID-19-related Mortality During the First 60 Days After Kidney Transplantation. Eur Urol 2020; 78(4): 641-643.
Frade-Sosa B, Narváez J, Salman-Monte TC, Castellanos-Moreira R, Ortiz-Santamaria V, Torrente V, Castellvi I, Magallares B, Reina D, Minguez S, Sallés M, Garcia-Manrique de Lara M, Ordoñez S, Riera E, Schur PH, Gómez-Puerta JA. A comparative study on clinical and serological characteristics between patients with rhupus and those with systemic lupus erythematosus and rheumatoid arthritis. Lupus 2020; 29(10): 1216-1226.
Bande D*, Moltó L, Pereira JA, Montes A. Chronic pain after groin hernia repair: pain characteristics and impact on quality of life. BMC Surg 2020; 20(1): 147.
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