INFORECERCA: Butlletí Informatiu del Servei de Recerca de l'IMIM
Número: 670
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El premi tindrà caràcter nacional i podran concórrer a ell tots els metges col·legiats a Espanya. S'admetran treballs multicèntrics nacionals o internacionals, sempre que un dels signants sigui metge col·legiat a Espanya.
Recursos Humans
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Fundació MAPFRE convoca l'any 2020 ajudes a la Investigació a fi de facilitar suport econòmic per a la realització de projectes d'investigació en Promoció de la Salut.
Informació últil
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Advanced Grants are designed to support excellent Principal Investigators at the career stage at which they are already established research leaders with a recognised track record of research achievements. Applicant Principal Investigators must demonstrate the ground-breaking nature, ambition and feasibility of their scientific proposal.
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LEO Foundation ‘Open competition grants’ are given to support the best dermatology research projects worldwide.
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Internationally collaborative basic, translational, and clinical research in cardiovascular and neurovascular disease involving two network coordinators, the European Coordinator and the North American Coordinator.
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The International Bowel Ultrasound Group (IBUS) invites all interested member investigators to submit clinical research proposals to be considered for inaugural funding support jointly provided through IBUS and ECCO.
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The goal of the PRCRP is to improve quality of life by decreasing the impact of cancer on active duty Service members, their families, Veterans, and the American public.
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Finançar estudis clínics o bàsics relacionats amb la recerca en el diagnòstic i/o tractament del adenocarcinoma de pàncrees.
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Innovative, transnational and multi-disciplinary collaborative projects to develop ICT-based solutions for Active and Assisted Living.
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Funding for charitable activities including – but not limited to - meetings, workshops and conferences in the fields covered by The Company of Biologists' journals.
Borses de viatge
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FEBS Long-Term Fellowships are awarded to support long-term visits for the purpose of scientific collaboration or advanced training. Applications must be aimed at furthering the science of biochemistry and molecular biology.
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DMM Conference Travel Grants are aimed at early-career researchers wanting to attend scientific meetings, conferences, workshops and courses relating to the areas of research covered by the journal:
Each application will be judged on the excellence of the candidate and any work being presented in a talk or poster.
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Fundacio Sanitas
Podran optar a aquest premi tots els metges residents que finalitzin el seu període de formació de postgrau, per la via MIR, en el període 2020 en qualsevol hospital docent del territori espanyol.
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La Societat Catalana de Malalties Infeccioses i Microbiologia Clínica (SCMIMC), amb el patrocini de Sanofi Pasteur, convoca el premi a la millor iniciativa en l’àmbit de la prevenció de les malalties infeccioses amb vacunació.
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Conjunt de premis i beques, dirigits a socis de la SEEN, per promoure el desenvolupament de la Endocrinologia i Nutrició en els seus aspectes clínics, docents i d'investigació.
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L'objecte del guardó és donar suport a projectes innovadors impulsats per universitats, instituts de recerca, spin offs, start-up 's ..., dirigits a millorar la qualitat de vida i l'atenció a persones en situació de cronicitat, dependència o amb discapacitat.
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Grete Lundbeck European Brain Research Foundation
‘The Brain Prize’- is awarded to one or more scientists who have distinguished themselves by an outstanding contribution to European neuroscience and who are still active in research.
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ASCI - American Society for Clinical Investigation
The Harrington Prize, presented by the American Society for Clinical Investigation and the Harrington Discovery Institute at University Hospitals Case Medical Center, honors a physician-scientist who has moved science forward with achievements notable for innovation, creativity and potential for clinical application.
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Recursos Humans
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Té com a objectiu finançar projectes de recerca predoctorals, relacionats amb les malalties infeccioses i la microbiologia clínica, amb la finalitat principal d’elaborar una tesi doctoral.
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Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation, Inc. (MMRF)
The goal of the Research Fellow Award is to help support young investigators to begin their studies in the field of multiple myeloma while advancing the understanding of myeloma disease biology, treatment and drug resistance.
Hassan C*, Manning J, Alvarez-González MA, Sharma P, Epstein M, Bisschops R. Improved detection of colorectal adenomas by high-quality colon cleansing. Endosc Int Open . 2020; 8(7): E928-E937.
Crespo M, Zárraga S, Alonso Á, Beneyto I, Diaz-Corte C, Fernandez AM, Franco A, Hernández D, González-Roncero F, Jiménez C, Jimeno L, Lauzurica LR, Llorente S, Mazuecos A, Osuna A, Ramos JP, Rodriguez-Benot A, Ruiz JC, Sánchez-Fructuoso A, Torregrosa JV, Guirado L, GREAT Study Group and Spanish Network for Research in Renal Diseases (REDINREN, RED16/0009). Monitoring of Donor-specific Anti-HLA Antibodies and Management of Immunosuppression in Kidney Transplant Recipients: An Evidence-based Expert Paper. Transplantation 2020; 104(8S2 Suppl 2): S1-S12.
Pueyo-Asensio C*, SAINT-GERONS M, Rubio MA, Matheu A. Holmes-Adie syndrome as an early manifestation of systemic lupus erythematosus. Arch Soc Esp Oftalmol 2020: (en Premsa).
Belinchón I, Salgado-Boquete L, López-Ferrer A, Ferran M, Coto-Segura P, Rivera R, Vidal D, Rodríguez L, de la Cueva P*, Queiro R. Dermatologists' Role in the Early Diagnosis of Psoriatic Arthritis: Expert Recommendations. Actas Dermosifiliograf 2020; 111(10): 835-846.
Sánchez-Rodríguez D, Perkisas S, Prado CM, Deutz NE. Improving nutrition research through better methodology: Study protocols now accepted in Clinical Nutrition ESPEN. Clin Nutr ESPEN 2020; 38: 1-2.
Ioannides D*, Vakirlis E, Kemeny L, Marinovic B, Massone C, Murphy R, Nast A, Ronnevig J, Ruzicka T, Cooper SM, Trüeb RM, Pujol RM, Wolf R, Neumann M. European S1 guidelines on the management of lichen planus: a cooperation of the European Dermatology Forum with the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology. 2020; 34(7): 1403-1414.
Forné C, Subirana I, Blanch J, Ferrieres J, Azevedo A, Meisinger C, Farmakis D, Tavazzi L, Davoli M, Ramos M, Brosa M, Marrugat J, Dégano IR, EUROTRACS Investigators. A cost-utility analysis of increasing percutaneous coronary intervention use in elderly patients with acute coronary syndromes in six European countries. Eur J Prev Cardiol 2020: (en Premsa).
Rakislova N, Alemany L, Clavero O, del Pino M, Saco A, Marimon L, Quirós B, Lloveras B, Ribera-Cortada I, Alejo M, Pawlita M, Quint W, de Sanjosé S, Ordi J, VVAP Study Group.. HPV-independent Precursors Mimicking High-grade Squamous Intraepithelial Lesions (HSIL) of the Vulva. Am J Surg Pathol 2020; 44(11): 1506-1514.
Rodríguez-Morató J, Matthan NR. Nutrition and Gastrointestinal Microbiota, Microbial-Derived Secondary Bile Acids, and Cardiovascular Disease. Curr Atheroscler Rep . 2020; 22(9): 47.
Bayés de Luna A, Martínez-Sellés M*, Bayés-Genís A, Elosua R, Baranchuk A. What every clinician should know about Bayés syndrome. Rev Esp Cardiol 2020; 73(9): 758-762.
Ferrer M, Garcia C, El Ouaddi N, Rueda F, Serra J, Oliveras T, Labata C, Dégano IR, Montero S, De Diego O, Elosua R, Lupón J, Bayés-Genís A, RUTI-ICCU Study.. Transitioning from a coronary to a critical cardiovascular care unit: trends over the past three decades. Eur Heart J Acute Cardiovasc Care 2020: (en Premsa).
Drake M, Frid P, Hansen BM, Wu O, Giese A, Schirmer MD, Donahue K, Cloonan L, Irie RE, Bouts MJRJ, McIntosh E, Mocking S, Dalca AV, Sridharan R, Xu H, Giralt E, Holmegaard L, Jood K, Roquer-González J, Cole W, McArdle P, Broderick JP, Jiménez Conde J, Jern C, Kissela BM, Kleindorfer DO, Lemmens R, Meschia J, Rundek T, Sacco R, Schmidt R, Sharma P, Slowik A, Thijs V, Woo D, Worrall B, Kittner J, Mitchell BD, Rosand J, Golland P, Lindgren A, Rost N, Wassélius J*. Diffusion-Weighted Imaging, MR Angiography, and Baseline Data in a Systematic Multicenter Analysis of 3,301 MRI Scans of Ischemic Stroke Patients-Neuroradiological Review Within the MRI-GENIE Study. Front Neurol 2020; 11: 577 (Acceptat).
Jiménez S, Lozano L, Suñen G, Peña B, Espinosa B, Cardozo C, Aguirre A, Llorens-Soriano P, Miró Ò. Clinical findings, risk factors, and final outcome in patients diagnosed with pulmonary thromboembolism and COVID-19 in hospital emergency departments. Emergencias 2020; 32(4): 253-257.
Luján MÁ, Valverde O. The Pro-neurogenic Effects of Cannabidiol and Its Potential Therapeutic Implications in Psychiatric Disorders. Front Behav Neurosci 2020; 14: 109 (Acceptat).
Algaba A*, Guerra I, Ricart E, Iglesias E, Mañosa M, Gisbert JP, Guardiola J, Mínguez M, Castro B, de Francisco R, Nos P, Bertoletti F, Mesonero F, Barrio J, Martín-Arranz MD, Calvet X, García-López S, Sicilia B, Alcaín G, Esteve M, Marquez L, Piqueras M, Jiménez L, Pérez Calle J.L, Bujanda L, García-Sepulcre M, Fernandez A, Moraleja I, Lorente RH, García-Bosch O, Lambán A, Blázquez I, Rodríguez E, Huguet JM, Lucendo A.J, Almela P, Busquets D, Ramírez-de la Piscina P, Perez M, Domenech E, Bermejo F, Spanish GETECCU Group (ENEIDA Project).. Extraintestinal Manifestations in Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Study Based on the ENEIDA Registry. Dig Dis Sci 2021; 66(6): 2014-2023.
Lloret J*, Abós-Herràndiz R, Alemany S, Allué R, Bartra J, Basagaña M, Berdalet E, Campàs M, Carreño A, Demestre M, Diogène J, Fontdecaba E, Gascon M, Gómez S, Izquierdo A, Mas Ll, Marquès M, Pedro-Botet J, Pery M, Peters F, Pintó X, Planas M, Sabatés A, San J, Sanchez-Vidal A, Trepat M, Vendrell C, Fleming LE. The Roses Ocean and Human Health Chair: A New Way to Engage the Public in Oceans and Human Health Challenges. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2020; 17(14): E5078.
Martín-Izquierdo M, Abáigar M, Hernández-Sánchez JM, Tamborero D, López-Cadenas F, Ramos F, Lumbreras E, Madinaveitia-Ochoa A, Megido M, Labrador J, Sánchez-Real J, Olivier C, Dávila J, Aguilar C, Rodríguez JN, Martín-Núñez G, Santos-Mínguez S, Miguel-García C, Benito R, Diez-Campelo M, Hernández-Rivas JM*. Co-occurrence of cohesin complex and Ras signaling mutations during progression from myelodysplastic syndromes to secondary acute myeloid leukemia. Acta Haematol-Basel 2021; 106(8): 2215-2223.
Andrade-Campos M, Escuder-Azuara B, Lopez de Frutos L, Serrano-Gonzalo I, Giraldo P*, AEEFEG. Direct and indirect effects of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic on Gaucher Disease patients in Spain: Time to reconsider home-based therapies?. Blood Cell Mol Dis 2020; 85: 102478.
Luiso D*, Zuccarino F, Tizon H, Ble M. Primary intracardiac gastrinoma causing Zollinger-Ellison syndrome. Eur Heart J 2020; 41(35): 3376.
López-Trujillo E*, Pujol RM, González-Farré M, Segura S. Complete and persistent curation of lentigo maligna after trigeminal herpes zoster. Int J Dermatol 2020; 59(11): e429-e431.
Agache I*, Song Y, Posso Rivera M, Alonso-Coello P, Rocha C, Solà I, Beltran J, Akdis C, Akdis M, Brockow K, Chivato T, Del Giacco S, Eiwegger T, Eyerich K, Giménez-Arnau AM, Gutermuth J, Guttman-Yassky E, Maurer M, Ogg G, Ong PY, O'Mahony L, Schwarze J, Werfel T, Canelo-Aybar C, Palomares O, Jutel M. Efficacy and safety of dupilumab for moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis: a systematic review for the EAACI Biologicals Guidelines. Allergy 2021; 76(1): 45-58.
Sánchez-Maldonado JM, Campa D, Springer J, Badiola J, Niazi Y, Moñiz-Díez A, Hernández-Mohedo F, González-Sierra P, Ter Horst, Macauda A, Brezina S, Cunha C, Lackner M, López-Nevot MA, Fianchi L, Pagano L, López-Fernández E, Potenza L, Luppi M, Moratalla L, Rodriguez JJ, Fonseca JE, Tormo M, Solano C, Clavero E, Navarro-Romero A, Li Y, Lass-Flörl C, Einsele H, Vazquez L, Loeffler J, Hemminki K, Carvalho A, Netea MG, Gsur A, Dumontet C, Canzian F, Försti A, Jurado M, Sainz J*. Host immune genetic variations influence the risk of developing acute myeloid leukaemia: results from the NuCLEAR consortium. Blood Cancer J 2020; 10(7): 75.
Marin J, Pascual S, Francesco A, Aliberti S, Masclans JR, Soni N, Rodriguez A, Sibila O, Sanz F, Sotgiu G, Anzueto A, Dimakou K, Petrino R, van de Garde E, Restrepo MI*, GLIMP investigators.. Aspiration risk factors, microbiology and empiric antibiotics for patients hospitalized with community-acquired pneumonia. Chest 2021; 159(1): 58-72.
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