INFORECERCA: Butlletí Informatiu del Servei de Recerca de l'IMIM
Número: 671
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BrightFocus Foundation
BrightFocus Foundation is a nonprofit organization supporting research and providing public education to help eradicate brain and eye diseases, including Alzheimer's disease, macular degeneration, and glaucoma.
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BrightFocus Foundation
The program provides significant funding for researchers who have already generated some amount of preliminary data, but are often required to demonstrate additional, significant progress before they can apply to governmental or industrial funding agencies.
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Grupo Español de Tumores neuroendocrinos y endocrinos (GETNE)
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Grupo Español de Tumores neuroendocrinos y endocrinos (GETNE)
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La Societat Catalana de Malalties Infeccioses i Microbiologia Clínica (SCMIMC), amb el patrocini de Sanofi Pasteur, convoca el premi a la millor iniciativa en l’àmbit de la prevenció de les malalties infeccioses amb vacunació.
Recursos Humans
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El propòsit d'aquest Programa és oferir als residents en Cardiologia, l'oportunitat d'entrar en contacte amb la investigació cardiovascular, coneixent i aprenent les últimes tècniques d'investigació biomèdica que es desenvolupen en els laboratoris del CNIC, sota la supervisió d'un científic del centre. A més, els residents inclosos en aquest Programa rebran formació teòrica sobre investigació cardiovascular mitjançant un mòdul de classes impartides per a experts en aquesta àrea.
Informació últil
 No hi ha novetats
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Advanced Grants are designed to support excellent Principal Investigators at the career stage at which they are already established research leaders with a recognised track record of research achievements. Applicant Principal Investigators must demonstrate the ground-breaking nature, ambition and feasibility of their scientific proposal.
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LEO Foundation ‘Open competition grants’ are given to support the best dermatology research projects worldwide.
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L'ORÉAL-UNESCO For Women in Science és una iniciativa conjunta de la Fundació L'Oréal i la UNESCO per donar visibilitat, reconèixer i donar suport al treball de les científiques en tot el món i encoratjar vocacions per la ciència entre les més joves sota el lema "El món necessita ciència i la ciència necessita dones".
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Internationally collaborative basic, translational, and clinical research in cardiovascular and neurovascular disease involving two network coordinators, the European Coordinator and the North American Coordinator.
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BCRP seeks to accelerate high-impact research with clinical relevance, encourage innovation and stimulate creativity,and facilitate productive collaborations.
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The International Bowel Ultrasound Group (IBUS) invites all interested member investigators to submit clinical research proposals to be considered for inaugural funding support jointly provided through IBUS and ECCO.
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Finançar estudis clínics o bàsics relacionats amb la recerca en el diagnòstic i/o tractament del adenocarcinoma de pàncrees.
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Innovative, transnational and multi-disciplinary collaborative projects to develop ICT-based solutions for Active and Assisted Living.
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Funding for the establishment of EFIS-IL Study Groups on specific areas of immunology-related research.
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EFIS and the European Journal of Immunology (EJI) are proud to offer financial support for immunology-themed meetings, workshops and schools that are organized in Europe and are international in nature.

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Funding for charitable activities including – but not limited to - meetings, workshops and conferences in the fields covered by The Company of Biologists' journals.
Borses de viatge
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FEBS Long-Term Fellowships are awarded to support long-term visits for the purpose of scientific collaboration or advanced training. Applications must be aimed at furthering the science of biochemistry and molecular biology.
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Funding for short stays in Germany, from 1 to 6 months, to promote research projects within the context of doctoral programmes.
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Funding for short stays in Germany for university teachers and established academics and scientists, to promote the exchange of experience and networking amongst colleagues.
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EFIS and Immunology Letters (IL) award short-term fellowships for up to 3 months of support for purposes of transnational scientific collaboration or advanced training in techniques or methodologies.
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Fundacio Sanitas
Podran optar a aquest premi tots els metges residents que finalitzin el seu període de formació de postgrau, per la via MIR, en el període 2020 en qualsevol hospital docent del territori espanyol.
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La Societat Catalana de Malalties Infeccioses i Microbiologia Clínica (SCMIMC), amb el patrocini de Sanofi Pasteur, convoca el premi a la millor iniciativa en l’àmbit de la prevenció de les malalties infeccioses amb vacunació.
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Els Premis Luis Noé Fernández tenen tres modalitats, guardonant experiències rellevants tant en matèria de nutrició com assistència alimentària i lluita contra la fam.
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Conjunt de premis i beques, dirigits a socis de la SEEN, per promoure el desenvolupament de la Endocrinologia i Nutrició en els seus aspectes clínics, docents i d'investigació.
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Estimular la recerca entre els professionals d'infermeria, contribuir en el desenvolupament de la innovació científica, promoure la qualitat en el procés de recerca i aportar un benefici al sistema sanitari.
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L'objecte del guardó és donar suport a projectes innovadors impulsats per universitats, instituts de recerca, spin offs, start-up 's ..., dirigits a millorar la qualitat de vida i l'atenció a persones en situació de cronicitat, dependència o amb discapacitat.
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Premi per a treballs inèdits sobre qualsevol àrea de coneixement de la infermeria.
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Grete Lundbeck European Brain Research Foundation
‘The Brain Prize’- is awarded to one or more scientists who have distinguished themselves by an outstanding contribution to European neuroscience and who are still active in research.
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ASCI - American Society for Clinical Investigation
The Harrington Prize, presented by the American Society for Clinical Investigation and the Harrington Discovery Institute at University Hospitals Case Medical Center, honors a physician-scientist who has moved science forward with achievements notable for innovation, creativity and potential for clinical application.
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Recursos Humans
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2 year fellowships to enhance the creative and innovative potential of experienced researchers wishing to diversify their individual competence in terms of skill acquisition at multi- or interdisciplinary level through advanced training, international and intersectoral mobility.
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La FEHH convoca un programa de 9 beques per a gaudir en 2021: 7 de la FEHH, una d'elles en col·laboració amb el Grup Espanyol de Leucèmia Linfocítica Crònica (GELLC), i 2 d'una col·laboració FEHH/*Janssen
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Té com a objectiu finançar projectes de recerca predoctorals, relacionats amb les malalties infeccioses i la microbiologia clínica, amb la finalitat principal d’elaborar una tesi doctoral.
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Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation, Inc. (MMRF)
The goal of the Research Fellow Award is to help support young investigators to begin their studies in the field of multiple myeloma while advancing the understanding of myeloma disease biology, treatment and drug resistance.
Besso MJ, Montivero L, Lacunza E, Argibay MC, Abba M, Furlong LI, Colas E, Gil-Moreno A, Reventos J, Bello R, Hebe M*. Identification of early stage recurrence endometrial cancer biomarkers using bioinformatics tools. Oncology Reports 2020; 44(3): 873-886.
Sabastizagal-Vela I*, Astete-Cornejo J, Benavides FG. Working, safety and health conditions in the economically active and employed population in urban areas of Peru. Rev Peru Med Exp Salud Publica . 2020; 37(1): 32-41.
Arenaza-Urquijo EM, Salvadó G, Operto G, Minguillón C, Sánchez-Benavides G, Crous M, Grau-Rivera O, Sala-Vila A, Falcón C, Suarez-Calvet M, Zetterberg H, Blennow K, Gispert JD, Molinuevo JL, ALFA study.. Association of years to parent's sporadic onset and risk factors with neural integrity and Alzheimer's biomarkers. Neurology 2020; 95(15): e2065-e2074.
Baidya M, Kumari P, Dwivedi-Agnihotri H, Pandey S, Chaturvedi M, Stepniewski T, Kawakami K, Cao Y, Laporte SA, Selent J, Inoue A, Shukla AK*. Key phosphorylation sites in GPCRs orchestrate the contribution of ?-Arrestin 1 in ERK1/2 activation. Embo Rep 2020; 21(9): e49886.
Canudas S*, Becerra Tomás N, Hernández-Alonso P*, Galié S, Leung C, Crous M, de Vivo I, Gao Y, Gu Y, Meinilä J, Milte C, García-Calzón S, Marti A, Boccardi V, Ventura-Marra M, Salas Salvadó J. Mediterranean Diet and Telomere Length: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Adv Nutr 2020; 11(6): 1544-1554.
Martín-Nalda A, Fortuny C, Rey L, Bunney TD, Alsina L, Esteve-Solé A, Bull D, Anton MC, Basagaña M, Casals F, Deyá A, García-Prat M, Gimeno R, Juan M, Martínez-Banaclocha H, Martínez-Garcia JJ, Mensa-Vilaro A, Rabionet R, Martin-Begue N, Rudilla F, Yagüe J, Estivill X, García-Patos V, Pujol RM, Soler-Palacín P, Katan M, Pelegrín P, Colobran R, Vicente A, Arostegui JI*. Severe Autoinflammatory Manifestations and Antibody Deficiency Due to Novel Hypermorphic PLCG2 Mutations. J Clin Immunol 2020; 40(7): 987-1000.
Jaddoe VWV*, Felix J.F, Andersen AN, Charles MA, Chatzi L, Corpeleijn E, Donner N, Elhakeem A, Eriksson JG, Foong R, Grote V, Haakma S, Hanson M, Harris JR, Heude B, Huang RC, Inskip H, Järvelin MR, Koletzko B, Lawlor DA, Lindeboom M, McEachan RRC, Mikkola TM, Nader JLT, de Moira, Pizzi C, Richiardi L, Sebert S, Schwalber A, Sunyer J, Swertz MA, Vafeiadi M, Vrijheid M, Wright J, Duijts L, LifeCycle Project Group.. The LifeCycle Project-EU Child Cohort Network: a federated analysis infrastructure and harmonized data of more than 250,000 children and parents. Eur J Epidemiol 2020; 35(7): 709-724.
Zeitlinger M*, Koch BCP, Bruggemann R, De Cock P, Felton T, Hites M, Le J, Luque S, MacGowan AP, Marriott DJE, Muller AE, Nadrah K, Paterson DL, Standing JF, Telles JP, Wölfl-Duchek M, Thy M, Roberts JA*, PK/PD of Anti-Infectives Study Group (EPASG) of the European Society of Clinical Microbiology, Infectious Diseases (ESCMID).. Pharmacokinetics/Pharmacodynamics of Antiviral Agents Used to Treat SARS-CoV-2 and Their Potential Interaction with Drugs and Other Supportive Measures: A Comprehensive Review by the PK/PD of Anti-Infectives Study Group of the European Society of Antimicrobial Agents. Clin Pharmacokinet 2020; 59(10): 1195-1216.
Soldado J, Lerma E, Arrieta I, Bujosa D, García-Giralt N, Pineda-Moncusí M, Trenchs M, Villar-García J, González-Mena A, Díez-Pérez A, Brown TT, Knobel H, Güerri-Fernández R*. Bone density, microarchitecture and tissue quality after 1 year of treatment with dolutegravir/abacavir/lamivudine. J Antimicrob Chemother 2020; 75(10): 2998-3003.
Bouzas C, Bibiloni MDM, Julibert A, Ruiz-Canela M, Salas-Salvadó J, Corella D, Zomeño MD, Romaguera D, Vioque J, Alonso-Gómez AM, Wärnberg J, Martínez JA, Serra-Majem L, Estruch R, Tinahones FJ, Lapetra J, Pintó X, García-Ríos A, Bueno-Cavanillas A, Gaforio JJ, Matía-Martín P, Daimiel L, Martin-Sanchez V, Vidal J, Vázquez C, Ros E, Fernandez-Lázaro CI, Becerra-Tomás N, Gimenez-Alba IM, Muñoz J, Morey M, Oncina-Canovas A, Tojal-Sierra L, Pérez-López J, Abete I, Casañas-Quintana T, Castro-Barquero S, Bernal-López MR, Santos-Lozano JM, Galera A, Angullo-Martinez E, Basterra-Gortari FJ, Basora J, Saiz C, Castañer O, Martin M, Notario-Barandiarán L, Belló-Mora MC, Sayón-Orea C, García-Gavilán J, Goday A, Tur JA*. Adherence to the Mediterranean Lifestyle and Desired Body Weight Loss in a Mediterranean Adult Population with Overweight: A PREDIMED-Plus Study. Nutrients 2020; 12(7): E2114.
Martín-Pelaez S, Fitó M, Castañer O*. Mediterranean Diet Effects on Type 2 Diabetes Prevention, Disease Progression, and Related Mechanisms. A Review. Nutrients 2020; 12(8): E2236.
Maurer M*, Costa C, Giménez-Arnau AM, Guillet G, Labrador-Horrillo M, Lapeere H, Meshkova R, Savic S, Chapman-Rothe N. Antihistamine-resistant chronic spontaneous urticaria remains undertreated: 2-year data from the AWARE study. Clin Exp Allergy 2020; 50(10): 1166-1175.
Burgos F*, Martínez-Llorens JM, Cordovilla R. Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Lung Function Laboratories: Considerations for "Today" and the "Day After". Arch Bronconeumol 2020; 56(10): 611-612.
Dierssen M, Fructuoso M, Martínez de Lagrán M, Perluigi M, Barone E*. Down Syndrome Is a Metabolic Disease: Altered Insulin Signaling Mediates Peripheral and Brain Dysfunctions. Front Neurosci . 2020; 14: 670 (Acceptat).
Jimenez-Marrero S, Moliner P*, Rodríguez-Costoya I, Enjuanes C, Alcoberro L, Yun S, González-Costello J, Garay A, Tajes M, Calero E, Hidalgo E, Guerrero C, García-Romero E, Díez-López C, Cainzos-Achirica M, Comín-Colet J*. Sympathetic activation and outcomes in chronic heart failure: Does the neurohormonal hypothesis apply to mid-range and preserved ejection fraction patients?. Eur J Intern Med 2020; 81: 60-66.
Sánchez-Rodríguez D*, Bergmann P, Body JJ, Cavalier E, Gielen E, Goemaere S, Lapauw B, Laurent MR, Rozenberg S, Honvo G, Beaudart C, Bruyère O. The Belgian Bone Club 2020 guidelines for the management of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women. Maturitas 2020; 139: 69-89.
Garcia C*, Oliveras T, El Ouaddi N, Rueda F, Serra J, Labata C, Ferrer M, Cediel G, Montero S, Martínez MJ, Resta H, De Diego O, Vila JS, Dégano IR, Elosua R, Lupón J, Bayés-Genís A. Short- and Long-Term Mortality Trends in STEMI-Cardiogenic Shock over Three Decades (1989-2018): The Ruti-STEMI-Shock Registry. J Clin Med 2020; 9(8): E2398.
Martínez-García MA*, Oscullo G, Barreiro E, Cuenca S, Cervera A, Padilla-Galo A, de la Rosa D, Navarro A, Giron R, Carbonero F, Castro M, Casas F. Inhaled Dry Powder Antibiotics in Patients with Non-Cystic Fibrosis Bronchiectasis: Efficacy and Safety in a Real-Life Study. J Clin Med 2020; 9/(7): E2317.
Bozzi F*, Alabau-Rodriguez S, Barrera-Ochoa S, Ateschrang A, Schreiner AJ, Monllau JC, Perelli S. Suprascapular Neuropathy around the Shoulder: A Current Concept Review. J Clin Med 2020; 9(8): E2331.
Oliveira da Cruz JF, Ioannidou C, Pagano AC, Muguruza C, Gómez-Sotres P, Fernandez M, Callado LF, Marsicano G, Busquets A*. Sex-dependent pharmacological profiles of the synthetic cannabinoid MMB-Fubinaca. Addict Biol 2021; 26(3): e12940.
Watson C, Nieuwenhuijsen M, Triguero-Mas M, Cirach M, Maas J, Gidlow C, Kruize H, Andrusaityte S, Grazuleviciene R, Zijlema WL*. The association between natural outdoor environments and common somatic symptoms. Health Place 2020; 64: 102381.
Kassotis CD, Vandenberg LN, Demeneix BA, Porta M, Slama R, Trasande L*. Endocrine-disrupting chemicals: economic, regulatory, and policy implications. Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol 2020; 8(8): 719-730.
Benavente Y*, Costas L, Rodríguez-Suárez M, Alguacil J, Santibáñez M, Vila J, Robles C, Alonso E, De la Banda E, González-Barca E, Dierssen-Sotos T, Gimeno E, Aymerich M, Campo E, Jiménez-Moleón JJ, Marcos-Gragera R, Castaño-Vinyals G, Aragonés N, Pollan M, de Sanjosé S, Kogevinas M, Tardón A, Casabonne D. Occupational Exposure to Pesticides and Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia in the MCC-Spain Study. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2020; 17(14): E5174.
Padron-Monedero A*, Noguer-Zambano I, Gomez T, Sarmiento R, Bobes J, Gili M, Pérez V, Roca M, Saiz-Ruiz J. Suicide. The post-COVID era: A time for action. Rev Psiquiatr Salud Ment 2020; 13(4): 229-231.
Martínez-Rodríguez E, Martín A, Kul E, Bose A, Martínez-Martínez FJ, Stork O, Martínez-García F, Lanuza E, Santos M*, Agustín-Pavon C*. Male-specific features are reduced in Mecp2-null mice: analyses of vasopressinergic innervation, pheromone production and social behaviour. Brain Struct Funct 2020; 225(7): 2219-2238.
Cabrera I, Falcones B, Calvo A, Benito B, Barreiro E, Gea J, Farré R, Almendros I, Farré N*. The conventional isoproterenol-induced heart failure model does not consistently mimic the diaphragmatic dysfunction observed in patients. PLoS One . 2020; 15(7): e0236923 (Acceptat).
Rivera R*, Velasco M, Vidal D, Carrascosa JM, Daudén E, Vilarrasa E, Notario J, Ruíz-Villaverde R, Yanguas I, García-Latasa FJ, Ferran M, Lázaro-Simó AI, de la Cueva P, Salgado-Boquete L, Belinchón I. The effectiveness and safety of ixekizumab in psoriasis patients under clinical practice conditions: a Spanish multicentre retrospective study. Dermatol Ther . 2020; 33(6): e14066.
Sanabria-Mazo JP, Forero CG, Cristobal P, Suso-Ribera C, García-Palacios A, Colomer-Carbonell A, Pérez-Aranda A, Andrés-Rodríguez L, McCracken LM, D'Amico F, Estivill-Rodríguez P, Carreras-Marcos B, Montes A, Comps O, Esteve M, Grasa M, Rosa A, Cuesta-Vargas AI, Maes M, Borràs X, Edo S, Sanz A, Feliu A, Castaño JR, Luciano JV*. Efficacy, cost-utility and physiological effects of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and Behavioural Activation Treatment for Depression (BATD) in patients with chronic low back pain and depression: study protocol of a randomised, controlled trial including mobile-technology-based ecological momentary assessment (IMPACT study). BMJ Open 2020; 10(7): e038107.
Rodríguez C*, Barreiro E, Muñoz X, Bustamante V, de-Granda-Orive I, Gonzalez FJ. Common errors in inhalation therapy: Impact and solutions. Clin Respir J 2020; 14(11): 1001-1010.
Guijo P*, Gracia MA, Gil A, Garcia M, Cecconi M, Monge IM. Hemodynamic resuscitation with fluids bolus and norepinephrine increases severity of lung damage in an experimental model of septic shock. Medicina Intensiva 2020: (en Premsa).
Grasset EK, Chorny A, Casas S, Gutzeit C, Bongers G, Thomsen I, Chen L, He Z, Matthews DB, Oropallo MA, Veeramreddy P, Uzzan M, Mortha A, Carrillo J, Reis BS, Ramanujam M, Sintes J, Magri G, Maglione PJ, Cunningham-Rundles C, Bram RJ, Faith J, Mehandru S, Pabst O, Cerutti A. Gut T cell-independent IgA responses to commensal bacteria require engagement of the TACI receptor on B cells. Sci Immunol . 2020; 5(49): eaat7117.
Lantero J, Karikari TK, Suarez-Calvet M, Troakes C, King A, Emersic A, Aarsland D, Hye A, Zetterberg H, Blennow K, Ashton NJ*. Plasma p-tau181 accurately predicts Alzheimer's disease pathology at least 8 years prior to post-mortem and improves the clinical characterisation of cognitive decline. Acta Neuropathol 2020; 140(3): 267-278.
Navarro P, Martínez-Bosch N, Blidner AG, Rabinovich GA. Impact of Galectins in Resistance to Anticancer Therapies. Clin Cancer Res 2020; 26(23): 6086-6101.
del Toro MD*, Arias J, Balibrea JM, Benito N, Canut A, Esteve-Palau E, Horcajada JP, Ruiz JD, Manuel A, Muñoz C, del Pozo JL, Pujol M, Riera M, Jimeno J, Rubio I, Ruiz-Tovar J, Serrablo A, Soriano A, Badia JM, Grupo de Estudio de PA de la Sociedad Española de Enfermedades Infecciosas y Microbiología Clinica (SEIMC) y Asociación Española de Cirujanos (AEC).. Executive summary of the Consensus Document of the Spanish Society of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology (SEIMC) and of the Spanish Association of Surgeons (AEC) in antibiotic prophylaxis in surgery. Enferm Infecc Microbiol Clin 2021; 39(1): 29-40.
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