Iniciativa de Medicaments Innovadors (IMI 2) - Pròxima obertura de la 5ª convocatòria


Està previst que la pròxima convocatòria d’IMI 2 s’obri a començaments de juliol, amb tancament 29 de setembre, i que inclogui els següents temes de recerca:

- Patient perspective elicitation on benefits and risks of medicinal products, from development through the entire life cycle, to inform the decision-making process by regulators and health technology assessment bodies
- Diabetic kidney disease biomarkers (DKD-BM)
- Inflammation and AD: modulating microglia function – focussing on TREM2 and CD33
- Understanding the role of amyloid imaging biomarkers in the current and future diagnosis and management of patients across the spectrum of cognitive impairment (from pre-dementia to dementia)
- Evolving models of patient engagement and access for earlier identification of Alzheimer’s disease: phased expansion study
- From ApoE biology to validated Alzheimer’s disease targets

Podeu trobar el texte provisional de la convocatòria a