IMI2 – Topics de la convocatòria 10


IMI2 ha fet públics els topics que s’inclouran a la convocatòria 10, que té prevista la seva obertura la tardor d’aquest any. Els topics seran també presentats al IMI Stakeholder Forum el 28-29 de setembre a Brusel·les, on també es tindrà la oportunitat de fer contactes amb altres participant i sol·licitants potencials.

- Understanding hypoglycaemia: the underlying mechanisms and addressing clinical determinants as well as consequences for people with diabetes by combining databases from clinical trials
- How big data could support better diagnosis and treatment outcomes for prostate cancer (topic forms part of the IMI Big Data for Better Outcomes (BD4BO) programme)
- Improving the care of patients suffering from acute or chronic pain. This topic consists of three subtopics:
A : Using patient reported outcome measures to improve the management of acute and chronic pain (PROMs)
B : Improving the translatability of pharmacodynamic biomarkers in pain pathways of healthy subjects and preclinical species (BIOM)
C: Improving translation in chronic pelvic pain (PCC)
- Creation of a pan-European paediatric clinical trials network
- Biomanufacturing 2020: Development of innovative high throughput analytical tools and methods to characterize cell culture fluid during development and commercial cell culture processes
- Unlocking the solute carrier gene-family for effective new therapies
- Enhanced patient voice in medicines lifecycle - feedback wanted
- Precision medicines approaches in autism spectrum disorders

Podeu trobar les descripcions de cada topic al lloc web d’IMI2: