HORIZON EUROPE –-ERA-NET NEURON call pre-announcement


The ERA-NET NEURON will launch the call: "Bidirectional Brain-Body Interactions" to improve our knowledge concerning the role of bidirectional central nervous system-body interactions on the genesis and progression of neurological and psychiatric diseases.

The aim of the call is to facilitate multinational, collaborative research projects that will address critical translational and clinical questions to have a better understanding on how these interactions have the potential to uncover solutions to prevent and treat those disorders.

The call will follow a two-stage procedure:
The launch of the call is scheduled in the beginning of 2024.
The deadline for submitting the pre-proposals is scheduled in March 2024.
By mid-May 2024 the coordinators of selected pre-proposals will be invited by the Joint Call Secretariat to submit a full proposal by June 2024.
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