INFORECERCA: Butlletí Informatiu del Servei de Recerca de l'IMIM
Número: 803
Termini exhaurit
Les Beques Leonardo a Investigadors i Creadors Culturals concedides per la Fundació BBVA estan destinades a donar suport directament al treball d'investigadors i creadors culturals d'entre 30 i 45 anys que, trobant-se en estadis intermedis de la seva carrera, desenvolupin un projecte marcadament personal i innovador en el corresponent àmbit d'especialització o activitat.
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The objective is to support a multidisciplinary and multi-territorial research project, bringing together researchers and health professionals from at least 5 Spanish provinces. The focus of this call is to develop a project that responds to an unmet clinical need in cancers with a 5-year survival rate lower than 30% in Spain. The goal is to improve cancer patient survival, in cancers with broad national geographical distribution of the cases, and secure access to patient samples.
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Premiar un projecte de recerca dins del camp de les ciències de la salut i específicament relacionat amb la Fisioteràpia.
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Funding for projects dealing with maternal and child nutrition, including breastfeeding and complementary feeding, macro- and micronutrient deficiencies and imbalances,interactions between infection and nutrition and nutrition education and health promotion
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Fomentar l'interès investigador al col·lectiu mèdic i multidisciplinar, i estimular el desenvolupament de treballs en l'àmbit de l'hematologia.
Recursos Humans
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Contribuir a la formació en recerca dels metges i altres llicenciats en ciències de la salut joves que han acabat el grau o l’especialitat MIR en Aparell Digestiu, o la finalitzaran l’any en curs a la convocatòria de l’ajut.
Informació últil
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Advanced Grants are designed to support excellent Principal Investigators at the career stage at which they are already established research leaders with a recognised track record of research achievements. Applicant Principal Investigators must demonstrate the ground-breaking and high-gain/high-risk nature of their scientific proposal.
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Potenciar l’increment qualitatiu i quantitatiu de la recerca infermera, donar ajuda econòmica per a la realització d’investigacions infermeres i potenciar aquelles investigadores principals que debuten en la recerca.
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Facilitar el suport econòmic per a la realització de projectes de recerca en l'àrea dels problemes respiratoris del nounat.
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L'objectiu d'aquestes beques és impulsar el desenvolupament i la investigació de la reumatologia a Catalunya.
Termini exhaurit
Les Beques Leonardo a Investigadors i Creadors Culturals concedides per la Fundació BBVA estan destinades a donar suport directament al treball d'investigadors i creadors culturals d'entre 30 i 45 anys que, trobant-se en estadis intermedis de la seva carrera, desenvolupin un projecte marcadament personal i innovador en el corresponent àmbit d'especialització o activitat.
Termini exhaurit
Premiar un projecte de recerca dins del camp de les ciències de la salut i específicament relacionat amb la Fisioteràpia.
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Support for innovative small molecule and biologic (antibodies, oligonucleotides, peptides, gene therapy etc.) drug development programs for FTD. Drug targets in the areas of inflammation and proteostasis will be considered high priority.
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L'Ajut de Recerca GECP 2023 està destinada a finançar un projecte de recerca inèdit enfocat al Càncer de Pulmó en estadis inicials en temes que estiguin compresos en alguna de les àrees següents:
● Immuno-oncologia
● Medicina de precisió
● Altres
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Funding for basic and/or clinical research projects in all fields of diabetes research.
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5 beques per a projectes de recerca per fomentar l'ampliació de coneixements en Neonatologia així com potenciar la recerca clínica i experimental amb repercussió directa en la millor qualitat assistencial dels nounats en el nostre àmbit.
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The purpose of this call is to provide funding for the conduct of research projects addressing the fundaments of one of more knowledge areas.
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La Fundació Víctor Grífols i Lucas convoca sis beques per dur a terme sis projectes d'investigació amb la finalitat d'incentivar l'estudi en el camp de la Bioètica.
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The ADDF provides funding to academic centers and biotechs from around the world that are advancing therapeutic and biomarker development for Alzheimer's and related dementias.
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Facilitar el desenvolupament d'un projecte de recerca en epidemiologia per part de persones investigadores joves.
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Funding for charitable activities including – but not limited to - in person, hybrid or virtual meetings, workshops and conferences in the fields relevant to The Company of Biologists' journals.
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Support for the initiation of multidisciplinary consortia working on (therapeutics of) malignant lymphoma, malignant lymphoid neoplasia and related malignant blood diseases (particularly lymphoid disorders). The grant will cover costs for the organization of an international meeting to initiate the consortium.
Borses de viatge
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Resources for the establishment of new research links from young scientists from European institutions to hosting institutions in a foreign country, within or outside Europe.
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La Fundació Espanyola de Psiquiatria i Salut Mental convoca beques per a la rotació a l'estranger de residents de Psiquiatria del programa MIR.
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Funding for stays at other institutions for a maximum of 3 months in order to learn specific techniques or clinical skills required for the advancement of their diabetes research project and not available at their home institution.
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Australian Academy of Science
Fellowships for distinguished overseas scientists to visit Australia for public lecture/seminar tours and to visit scientific centres in Australia.
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Fellowships for visits to Centers for Clinical or Diagnostic Virology in Europe, in order to learn special or new techniques that are of value for their future clinical or laboratory work.
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Premiem aquell projecte que hagi generat més impacte a la societat en matèria social, cultural, de seguretat viària i prevenció de lesions, o de salut i promoció d'hàbits saludables.
Termini exhaurit
Eliminar el càncer de pulmó com a causa de mort a través de la innovació científica i el canvi social. Com a primera meta s'ha marcat duplicar la supervivència a cinc anys en càncer de pulmó per a l'any 2025.
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La Fundació Pfizer atorga premis a aquells investigadors que dediquen el seu esforç a la recerca de solucions innovadores a favor de la salut, mitjançant el desenvolupament científic, amb la finalitat d'assolir aplicacions beneficioses per al benestar, solucions per a les necessitats mèdiques més apressants, i la millora de la qualitat de vida de les persones, així com el foment de l'avanç del coneixement científic.
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Fundación de Investigación HM Hospitales
Reconèixer i posar en valor davant la societat l'impacte dels avenços medico-científics, es premia la tasca d'un científic o científica de prestigi internacional que hagi aconseguit una troballa biomèdica de rellevància mundial i la carrera professional hagi contribuït de manera transcendental a la millora de la salut de les persones.
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This prestigious award honours outstanding research on biologically active molecules and systems in the fields of chemistry, biochemistry, and physiology as well as on their clinical importance.
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The Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Award recognizes scientists and scholars, internationally renowned in their field, who completed their doctorates less than 18 years ago and who in future are expected to continue producing cutting-edge achievements which will have a seminal influence on their discipline beyond their immediate field of work.
Recursos Humans
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PhD fellowships to outstanding junior scientists worldwide who wish to pursue an ambitious PhD project in basic biomedical research in an internationally leading laboratory.
Termini exhaurit
Contribuir a la formació en recerca dels metges i altres llicenciats en ciències de la salut joves que han acabat el grau o l’especialitat MIR en Aparell Digestiu, o la finalitzaran l’any en curs a la convocatòria de l’ajut.
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Fundación CRIS de investigación para vencer el cáncer
The goal of the CRIS-PM Drug Development Fellowship is to train early career investigators from Spain, France and UK (and potentially other countries) at the PM-UHN in Toronto, Canada, in experimental therapeutics and translational research.
Termini exhaurit
Long-term international visits to research groups in the field of Lymphoma for young researchers residing in The Netherlands.
Pacreu S*, Moltó L, Fernández-Candil JL, Vila E. Anesthetic implications in the placement of deep brain electrodes through a stereotactic robot in the study of drug resistant epilepsy. Rev Esp Anestesiol Reanim 2023; 70(4): 241-242.
Zwickl CM, Graham J, Jolly R, Bassan A, Ahlberg E, Amberg A, Anger LT, Barton-Maclaren T, Beilke L, Bellion P, Brigo A, Cronin MTD, Custer L, Devlin A, Burleigh-Flayers H, Fish T, Glover K, Glowienke S, Gromek K, Jones D, Karmaus A, Kemper R, Piparo EL, Madia F, Martin M, Masuda-Herrera M, Mcatee B, Mestres J, Milchak L, Moudgal C, Mumtaz M, Muster W, Neilson L, Patlewicz G, Paulino A, Roncaglioni A, Ruiz P, Suarez D, Szabo DT, Valentin JP, Vardakou I, Woolley D, Myatt G*. Principles and Procedures for Assessment of Acute Toxicity Incorporating In Silico Methods. Comput Toxicol . 2022; 24: 100237.
Falkenhain-López D*, Muniesa C, Estrach MT, Morillo-Andújar M, Peñate Y, Acebo E, Pujol RM, García-Muret MP, Machan S, Medina S, Botella-Estrada R, Fernandez de Misa R, Blanes M, Flórez A, Pérez-Paredes G, Izu R, Yanguas I, Silva-Díaz E, Pérez-Ferriols A, Prieto-Torres L, Zayas A, Parera-Amer ME, Pérez A, Aspe L, Román C, Sánchez-Caminero MP, Bassas-Vila J, Domínguez-Auñón JD, Calzado L, Navedo M, Ortiz-Prieto A, Servitje O, Polo-Rodríguez I, Torres I, Hernández-Hernández MN, Mitxelena-Eceiza J, García-Vázquez A, García-Doval I, Ortiz-Romero PL. [Translated article] Primary Cutaneous Lymphoma Registry of the Spanish Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (AEDV): Data for the First 5 Years. Actas Dermosifiliograf 2023; 114(4): T291-T298.
Martínez-Vilavella G, Pujol J, Blanco-Hinojo L, Deus J, Rivas I, Persavento C, Sunyer J, Foraster M*. The effects of exposure to road traffic noise at school on central auditory pathway functional connectivity. Environ Res 2023; 226: 115574.
Linares JL, Varese M, Sallent A, Mendez A, Palomo-Ponce S, Iglesias M, Batlle E, Pisonero J, Montagut C, Giralt E, Lo Re D*, Calon A*. Peptide-Platinum(IV) Conjugation Minimizes the Negative Impact of Current Anticancer Chemotherapy on Nonmalignant Cells. J Med Chem 2023; 66(5): 3348-3355.
Nishi SK, Sala-Vila A*, Julvez J, Sabaté J, Ros E*. Impact of Nut Consumption on Cognition across the Lifespan. Nutrients 2023; 15(4): 1000.
Zechmeister HG*, Rivera M, Köllensperger G, Marrugat J, Künzli N. Indoor monitoring of heavy metals and NO2 using active monitoring by moss and Palmes difusion tubes. Environ. Sci Eur. 2020; 32:156 : .
Lázaro López I*, Bobi J, Cofán M, Kapravelou G, Amor AJ, Surra J, Gómez-Guerrero C, Ortega E, Osada J, Dantas AP, Sala-Vila A*. Walnut inclusion in a palm oil-based atherogenic diet promotes traits predicting stable atheroma plaque in Apoe-deficient mice. Front Nutr 2023; 10: (Acceptat).
Suárez C, Larkin JMG, Patel P, Valderrama BP, Rodríguez-Vida A, Glen H, Thistlethwaite F, Ralph C, Srinivasan G, Mendez-Vidal MJ, Hartmaier R, Markovets A, Prendergast A, Szabados B, Mousa K, Powles T*. Phase II Study Investigating the Safety and Efficacy of Savolitinib and Durvalumab in Metastatic Papillary Renal Cancer (CALYPSO). J Clin Oncol 2023; 41(14): 2493-2502.
Martin-Vilardell A*, Cantillo-Alzamora V, Vittoria-Bauso L, Madrid C, Krakhmalev P*, Albu M, Yadroitsava I, Yadroitsev I, García-Giralt N. Effect of Heat Treatment on Osteoblast Performance and Bactericidal Behavior of Ti6Al4V(ELI)-3at.%Cu Fabricated by Laser Powder Bed Fusion. J Funct Biomater 2023; 14(2): 63.
van der Meer P*, Fuentes JJ, Kaptein AA, Schoones JW, de Waal MM, Goudriaan AE, Kramers K, Schellekens A, Somers M, Bossong MG, Batalla A. Therapeutic effect of psilocybin in addiction: A systematic review. Front Psychiatry 2023; 14: (Acceptat).
Sánchez-Marcos C, Jacob J, Llorens P, López-Díez MP, Millan J, Martín-Sánchez FJ, Tost J, Aguirre A, Juan MÁ, Garrido JM, Calvo-Rodriguez R, Pérez-Llantada E, Diaz E, Nicolás JAS, Mir M, Rodríguez-Adrada E, Herrero P, Gil V, Roset A, Peacock F, Miró Ò*, ICASEMES Research Group researchers. Emergency department direct discharge compared to short-stay unit admission for selected patients with acute heart failure: analysis of short-term outcomes. Intern Emerg Med 2023; 18(4): 1159-1168.
Rojano X, Blancafort-Alias S*, Prat-Casanovas S, Forne-Gonzalez S, Martín-Vergara N, Fabregat-Povill P, Vila-Royo M, Serrano R, Sánchez-Rodríguez D, Vílchez-Saldaña M, Martínez I, Domínguez-López M, Riba-Porquet F, Intxaurrondo-González A, Salvà-Casanovas A. Identification of decreased intrinsic capacity: Performance of diagnostic measures of the ICOPE Screening tool in community dwelling older people in the VIMCI study. BMC Geriatr 2023; 23(1): 106.
Pesque D, March-Rodriguez A, Abreu-Rodríguez I, Pérez-Jurado L, Pujol RM*. Familial isolated acanthosis nigricans due to a recurrent FGFR3 truncating mutation. Clin Exp Dermatol 2023; 48(6): 729-732.
Camps-Vilaró A, Dégano IR, Brugada R, Pinsach-Aubin M, Elosua R, Ramos R, Marti R, Subirana I, Nogués X, Masclans JR, Marín J, Güerri-Fernández R, Tizon H, Vaquerizo B, Marrugat J, On behalf of CARGENCORS investigators. Classic and genetic cardiovascular risk burden and case-fatality. Eur Heart J 2022; 43(2): 2296.
Perelli S*, Gelber PE, Morales-Avalos R, Ronco S, Torres-Claramunt R, Espregueira-Mendes J, Monllau JC. Isolated lateral extra-articular tenodesis in ACL-deficient knees: in vivo knee kinematics and clinical outcomes. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc 2023; 31(8): 3212-3220.
Chen JW, van Ramshorst TME*, Lof S, Al-Sarireh B, Bjornsson B, Boggi U, Burdío F, Butturini G, Casadei R, Coratti A, D'Hondt M, Dokmak S, Edwin B, Esposito A, Fabre JM, Ferrari G, Ftériche FS, Fusai GK, Koerkamp BG, Hackert T, Jah A, Jang JY, Kauffmann EF, Keck T, Manzoni A, Marino MV, Molenaar Q, Pando-Rau E, Pessaux P, Pietrabissa A, Soonawalla Z, Sutcliffe RP, Timmermann L, White S, Yip VS, Zerbi A, Hilal MA, Besselink MG, European Consortium on Minimally Invasive Pancreatic Surgery (E-MIPS). ASO Visual Abstract: Robot-Assisted Versus Laparoscopic Distal Pancreatectomy in Patients with Resectable Pancreatic Cancer-An International Retrospective Cohort Study. Ann Surg Oncol 2023; 30(5): 3035-3037.
Chen JW, van Ramshorst TME, Lof S, Al-Sarireh B, Bjornsson B, Boggi U, Burdío F, Butturini G, Casadei R, Coratti A, D'Hondt M, Dokmak S, Edwin B, Esposito A, Fabre JM, Ferrari G, Ftériche FS, Fusai GK, Groot Koerkamp B, Hackert T, Jah A, Jang JY, Kauffmann EF, Keck T, Manzoni A, Marino MV, Molenaar Q, Pando E, Pessaux P, Pietrabissa A, Soonawalla Z, Sutcliffe RP, Timmermann L, White S, Yip VS, Zerbi A, Abu Hilal M*, Besselink MG*, European Consortium on Minimally Invasive Pancreatic Surgery (E-MIPS). Robot-Assisted Versus Laparoscopic Distal Pancreatectomy in Patients with Resectable Pancreatic Cancer: An International, Retrospective, Cohort Study. Ann Surg Oncol 2023; 30(5): 3023-3032.
Brugulat-Serrat A, Sánchez-Benavides G, Cacciaglia R, Salvadó G, Shekari M, Collij LE, Buckley C, van Berckel BNM, Perissinotti A, Niñerola-Baizán A, Milà M, Vilor-Tejedor N, Operto G, Falcon C, Grau-Rivera O, Arenaza-Urquijo EM, Minguillón C, Fauria K, Molinuevo JL, Suarez-Calvet M, Gispert JD*, ALFA Study. APOE-ε4 modulates the association between regional amyloid deposition and cognitive performance in cognitively unimpaired middle-aged individuals. EJNMMI Res . 2023; 13(1): 18.
Almeria M, Cejudo JC, Sanz-Santos J, Deus J*, Krupinski J. Impact of COVID-19 infection on cognition and its association with neurological symptoms. Brain Behav 2023; 13(4): e2902.
Monreal E, Fernández-Velasco JI, García-Sánchez MI, Sainz S, Llufriu S, Alvarez-Lafuente R, Casanova B, Comabella M, Ramió-Torrentà Ll, Martínez-Rodríguez JE, Brieva L, Saiz A, Eichau S, Cabrera-Maqueda JM, Villarrubia N, Espiño M, Pérez-Miralles F, Montalbán X, Tintoré M, Quiroga-Varela A, Domínguez-Mozo MI, Rodríguez-Jorge F, Chico-García JL, Lourido D, Álvarez-Cermeño JC, Masjuan J, Costa-Frossard L, Villar LM. Association of Serum Neurofilament Light Chain Levels at Disease Onset With Disability Worsening in Patients With a First Demyelinating Multiple Sclerosis Event Not Treated With High-Efficacy Drugs. JAMA Neurol 2023; 80(4): 397-403.
Capurro B*, Tey M, Carrera A, Marqués F, Marin-Peña O, Torres-Eguia R, Monllau JC, Reina F. Polyurethane Scaffold vs Fascia Lata Autograft for Hip Labral Reconstruction: Comparison of Femoroacetabular Biomechanics. Orthop J Sports Med . 2023; 11(2): 23259671221150632. (Acceptat).
Bousquet J*, Melén E, Haahtela T, Koppelman GH, Togias A, Valenta R, Akdis CA, Czarlewski W, Rothenberg M, Valiulis A, Wickman M, Akdis M, Aguilar D, Bedbrook A, Bindslev-Jensen C, Bosnic-Anticevich S, Boulet LP, Brightling CE, Brussino L, Burte E, Bustamante M, Canonica GW, Cecchi L, Celedon JC, Chaves Loureiro C, Costa E, Cruz AA, Erhola M, Gemicioglu B, Fokkens WJ, Garcia-Aymerich J, Guerra S, Heinrich J, Ivancevich JC, Keil T, Klimek L, Kuna P, Kupczyk M, Kvedariene V, Larenas-Linnemann DE, Lemonnier N, Lodrup Carlsen KC, Louis R, Makela M, Makris M, Maurer M, Momas I, Morais-Almeida M, Mullol J, Naclerio RN, Nadeau K, Nadif R, Niedoszytko M, Okamoto Y, Ollert M, Papadopoulos NG, Passalacqua G, Patella V, Pawankar R, Pham-Thi N, Pfaar O, Regateiro FS, Ring J, Rouadi PW, Samolinski B, Sastre J, Savouré M, Scichilone N, Shamji MH, Sheikh A, Siroux V, Sousa-Pinto B, Standl M, Sunyer J, Taborda-Barata L, Toppila-Salmi S, Torres MJ, Tsiligianni I, Valovirta E, Vandenplas O, Ventura MT, Weiss S, Yorgancioglu A, Zhang L, Abdul Latiff AH, Aberer W, Agache I, Al-Ahmad M, Alobid I, Ansotegui IJ, Arshad SH, Asayag E, Barbara C, Baharudin A, Battur L, Bennoor KS, Berghea EC, Bergmann KC, Bernstein D, Bewick M, Blain H, Bonini M, Braido F, Buhl R, Bumbacea RS, Bush A, Calderon M, Calvo-Gil M, Camargos P, Caraballo L, Cardona V, Carr W, Carreiro-Martins P, Casale T, Cepeda-Sarabia AM, Chandrasekharan R, Charpin D, Chen YZ, Cherrez-Ojeda I, Chivato T, Chkhartishvili E, Christoff G, Chu DK, Cingi C, Correia-de Sousa J, Corrigan C, Custovic A, D'Amato G, Del Giacco S, De Blay F, Devillier P, Didier A, DO Ceu, Dokic D, Douagui H, Doulaptsi M, Durham S, Dykewicz M, Eiwegger T, El-Sayed ZA, Emuzyte R, Fiocchi A, Fyhrquist N, Gomez RM, Gotua M, Guzman MA, Hagemann J, Hamamah S, Halken S, Halpin DMG, Hofmann M, Hossny E, Hrubisko M, Irani C, Ispayeva Z, Jares E, Jartti T, Jassem E, Julge K, Just J, Jutel M, Kaidashev I, Kalayci O, Kalyoncu AF, Kardas P, Kirenga B, Kraxner H, Kull I, Kulus M, La Grutta S, Lau S, LE Tuyet, Levin M, Lipworth B, Lourenço O, Mahboub B, Martinez-Infante E, Matricardi P, Miculinic N, Migueres N, Mihaltan F, Mohammad Y, Moniuszko M, Montefort S, Neffen H, Nekam K, Nunes E, Nyembue-Tshipukane D, O'Hehir R, Ogulur I, Ohta K, Okubo K, Ouedraogo S, Olze H, Pali-Schöll I, Palomares O, Palosuo K, Panaitescu C, Panzner P, Park HS, Pitsios C, Plavec D, Popov TA, Puggioni F, Quirce S, Recto M, Repka-Ramirez MS, Robalo-Cordeiro C, Roche N, Rodriguez-Gonzalez M, Romantowski J, Rosario-Filho N, Rottem M, Sagara H, Serpa FS, Sayah Z, Scheire S, Schmid-Grendelmeier P, Sisul JC, Sole D, Soto-Martinez M, Sova M, Sperl A, Spranger O, Stelmach R, Suppli-Ulrik C, Thomas M, To T, Todo-Bom A, Tomazic PV, Urrutia-Pereira M, Valentin-Rostan M, Van Ganse E, van Hage M, Vasankari T, Vichyanond P, Viegi G, Wallace D, Wang DY, Williams S, Worm M, Yiallouros P, Yusuf O, Zaitoun F, Zernotti M, Zidarn M, Zuberbier J, Fonseca JA, Zuberbier T, Anto JM. Rhinitis associated with asthma is distinct from rhinitis alone: The ARIA-MeDALL hypothesis. Allergy 2023; 78(5): 1169-1203.
Peralta V, García-de Jalon E, Moreno-Izco L, Peralta D, Janda L, Sánchez-Torres AM, Cuesta MJ, SEGPEPs group (...,Hernández R,...). A clinical staging model of psychotic disorders based on a long-term follow-up of first-admission psychosis: A validation study. Psychiat Res 2023; 322: 115109.
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