INFORECERCA: Butlletí Informatiu del Servei de Recerca de l'IMIM
Número: 813
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Obtenir propostes originals de projectes de recerca que reverteixin en l'avanç de la terapèutica clínica i en la millora del coneixement dels sarcomes.
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Estimular la recerca entre els professionals d'infermeria, contribuir en el desenvolupament de la innovació científica, promoure la qualitat en el procés de recerca i aportar un benefici al sistema sanitari. El premi s'adreça a professionals d'infermeria que desenvolupin la seva activitat professional relacionada amb els productes sanitaris.
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Les tres categories dels premis manifesten la paradoxa de l'alimentació a la societat contemporània: d'una banda es reconeixen iniciatives exemplars en el camp de la nutrició i, d'altra banda, es premien experiències en l'àmbit de l'assistència alimentària a l'entorn proper i de lluita contra la gana i la malnutrició en països en desenvolupament.
Informació últil
 No hi ha novetats
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By specifically targeting promising early-career scientists and providing critically needed “seed” money for innovative projects, Concern Foundation supports development of the next generation of cancer researchers and thus promotes progress in understanding cancer biology and improved approaches to cancer.
Proposals must be hypothesis-driven and centered on cancer genetics, cancer biology, or cancer immunology. Concern will not fund clinical trials, cancer epidemiology, or behavioral studies.
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A través d'aquesta convocatòria es recolzarà l'estudi del càncer de mama metastàtic, realitzat per investigadors/es que realitzin el seu treball dins del territori nacional.
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El foment de la consolidació de la carrera professional del personal investigador, incentivant la creació de places de caràcter permanent a les institucions d'adscripció i facilitant l'inici o la consolidació d'una línia de recerca mitjançant el finançament d'un projecte propi de R+D+ i, així com l'adequació i la renovació dels espais i els laboratoris i la millora de l'equipament necessaris per a la seva execució.
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El programa persegueix intensificar la col·laboració publicoprivada en consorcis amb diferents agents, promovent la co-creació i la transferència de coneixement. Per això, impulsa una major coordinació entre les convocatòries de les diferents agències finançadores de la R+D, que tradicionalment s'han centrat o bé a les empreses (CDTI) o bé a les universitats i centres públics de recerca (AEI i ISCIII).
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GETECCU - Grupo Español de Trabajo en Enfermedad de Crohn y colitis Ulcerosa (GETECCU)
Destinada a titulats superiors vinculats a centres hospitalaris, universitats o altres centres oficials d'investigació espanyols.
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BrightFocus Foundation
Funding for pioneering research leading to greater understanding, prevention, and treatment of age-related macular degeneration.
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Funding for charitable activities including – but not limited to - in person, hybrid or virtual meetings, workshops and conferences in the fields relevant to The Company of Biologists' journals.
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Fundacio Sanitas
Podran optar a aquest premi tots els metges residents que finalitzin el seu període de formació de postgrau, per la via MIR, en el període 2023 en qualsevol hospital docent del territori espanyol.
Recursos Humans
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The EMBO Postdoctoral Fellowships are awarded for a period of up to two years and support excellent postdoctoral researchers in laboratories throughout Europe and the world. International exchange is a key requirement.
Barbosa J*, Coelho M, Brasileiro A, Giménez-Arnau AM. Omalizumab-Associated Steatohepatitis. Actas Dermosifiliograf 2023; 114(7): T650-T651.
Carreras-Mora J*, Simon C, Vidal M, Rodriguez L, Sionis A, Giralt-Borrell T, Izquierdo-Marquisa A, Rodriguez C, Farré N, Cainzos-Achirica M, Tizon H, García-Picart J, Milà-Pascual L, Vaquerizo B, Rivas-Lasarte M, Ribas N. Subclinical congestion assessed by lung ultrasound in ST segment elevation myocardial infarction. Heart . 2023; 109(21): 1602-1607.
Moreno-Arrones OM*, Beà-Ardèbol S, Mayo-Martinez F, Pérez-Pastor G, Torres-Navarro I, Bonfill-Ortí M, Deza G, Ruiz-Salas V, Masferrer E, Feal C, Turrión-Merino L, Toll A, Yébenes M, Galiano-Mejías S, Jaka A, Ferrandiz-Pulido C, Florez A, Hernández-Hernández N, Fernandez de Misa R, Rios-Buceta L, Sanmartin O. Sonidegib as a Locally Advanced Basal Cell Carcinoma Therapy in Real-life Clinical Setting: A National Multicentre Study. Actas Dermosifiliograf 2023; 114(7): T565-T571.
Climente-Martí M*, Alvarado-Arenas M, Ausin P, Benito-Bernáldez C, Carballo N, Delgado-Romero J, Equipo del Proyecto TEAM 2.0 (Trabajo en Equipos de Asma Multidisciplinares). Advances in the work of multidisciplinary teams for the care of patients with severe uncontrolled asthma. A post-COVID vision (TEAM 2.0 project). Farm Hosp 2023; 47(4): 168-174.
Guisado-Gil AB, Gutiérrez-Urbón JM, Ribed-Sánchez A, Luque S, Sánchez-Cadena A, Mejuto B, Jaramillo-Ruiz D*, Peñalva G, Cisneros JM. Analysis of the appropriateness of antibiotic prophylaxis in surgical procedures in Spain. Protocol for the "ProA-Q" study. Farm Hosp 2023; 47(5): 224-229.
Darst BF*, Shen J, Madduri RK, Rodriguez AA, Xiao Y, Sheng X, Saunders EJ, Dadaev T, Brook MN, Hoffmann TJ, Muir K, Wan P, Le Marchand L, Wilkens L, Wang Y, Schleutker J, MacInnis RJ, Cybulski C, Neal DE, Nordestgaard BG, Nielsen SF, Batra J, Clements JA, Cancer BioResourc, Grönberg H, Pashayan N, Travis RC, Park JY, Albanes D, Weinstein S, Mucci LA, Hunter DJ, Penney KL, Tangen CM, Hamilton RJ, Parent MÉ, Stanford JL, Koutros S, Wolk A, Sørensen KD, Blot WJ, Yeboah ED, Mensah JE, Lu YJ, Schaid DJ, Thibodeau SN, West CM, Maier C, Kibel AS, Cancel-Tassin G, Menegaux F, John EM, Grindedal EM, Khaw KT, Ingles SA, Vega A, Rosenstein BS, Teixeira MR, Kogevinas M, Cannon-Albright L, Huff C, Multigner L, Kaneva R, Leach RJ, Brenner H, Hsing AW, Kittles RA, Murphy AB, Logothetis CJ, Neuhausen SL, Isaacs WB, Nemesure B, Hennis AJ, Carpten J, Pandha H, De Ruyck K, Xu J, Razack A, Teo SH, Newcomb LF, Fowke JH, Neslund-Dudas C, Rybicki BA, Gamulin M, Usmani N, Claessens F, Gago-Dominguez M, Castelao JE, Townsend PA, Crawford DC, Petrovics G, Casey G, Roobol MJ, HU JF, Berndt SI, Van Den Eeden SK, Easton DF, Chanock SJ, Cook MB, Wiklund F, Witte JS, Eeles RA, Kote-Jarai Z, Watya S, Gaziano JM, Justice AC, Conti DV, Haiman CA, Canary PASS Investigators. Evaluating approaches for constructing polygenic risk scores for prostate cancer in men of African and European ancestry. Am J Hum Genet 2023; 110(7): 1200-1206.
Marsal-Beltran A, Rodríguez-Castellano A, Astiarraga B, Calvo E, Rada P, Madeira A, Rodríguez-Peña MM, Llauradó G, Núñez-Roa C, Gómez-Santos B, Maymó-Masip E, Bosch R, Frutos MD, Moreno-Navarrete JM, Ramos-Molina B, Aspichueta P, Joven J, Fernández JM, Quer JC, Valverde ÁM, Pardo A, Vendrell J, Ceperuelo-Mallafré V*, Fernández-Veledo S*. Protective effects of the succinate/SUCNR1 axis on damaged hepatocytes in NAFLD. Metabolism 2023; 145: 155630.
Haney M, Vallée M, Fabre S, Collins-Reed S, Zanese M, Campistron G, Arout CA, Foltin RW, Cooper ZD, Kearney-Ramos T, Metna M, Justinova Z, Schindler C, Hebert-Chatelain E, Bellocchio L, Cathala A, Bari A, Serrat R, Finlay DB, Caraci F, Redon B, Martín-García E, Busquets A, Matias I, Levin FR, Felpin FX, Simon N, Cota D, Spampinato U, Maldonado R, Shaham Y, Glass M, T LL, Mengel H, Marsicano G, Monlezun S, Revest JM, Piazza PV*. Signaling-specific inhibition of the CB(1) receptor for cannabis use disorder: phase 1 and phase 2a randomized trials. Nat Med 2023; 29(6): 1487-1499.
Knolle F*, Arumugham SS, Barker RA, Chee MWL, Justicia A, Kamble N, Lee J, Liu S, Lenka A, Lewis SJG, Murray GK, Pal PK, Saini J, Szeto J, Yadav R, Zhou JH, Koch K*. A multicentre study on grey matter morphometric biomarkers for classifying early schizophrenia and parkinson's disease psychosis. NPJ Parkinsons Dis . 2023; 9(1): 87.
Fanlo L, Gómez-González S, Rozalen C, Pérez I, Sangrador I, Tomás-Daza L, Gautier EL, Usieto S, Rebollo E, Vilà M, Carcaboso AM, Javierre BM, Celià-Terrassa T, Lavarino C, Marti E, le Dréau G*. Neural crest-related NXPH1/α-NRXN signaling opposes neuroblastoma malignancy by inhibiting organotropic metastasis. Oncogene 2023; 42(28): 2218-2233.
Fico G, Oliva V, de Prisco M, Fortea L, Fortea A, Giménez-Palomo A, Anmella G, Hidalgo D, Vazquez M, Gomez-Ramiro M, Carreras-Marcos B, Murru A, Radua J, Mortier P, Vilagut G, Amigo F, Ferrer M, García-Mieres H, Vieta E*, Alonso J. Anxiety and depression played a central role in the COVID-19 mental distress: A network analysis. J Affect Disorders 2023; 338 : 384-392.
Silva Y*, Sánchez-Cirera L, Terceño M, Dorado L, Valls A, Martínez M, Abilleira S, Rubiera M, Quesada H, Llull L, Rodríguez Campello A, Martí Fàbregas J, Seró L, Purroy F, Payo I, Garcia S, Cánovas D, Krupinski J, Mas N, Palomeras E, Cocho D, Font MÀ, Catena E, Puiggròs E, Pedroza C, Marín G, Carrión D, Costa X, Almendros MC, Torres I, Colom C, Velasquez JA, Díaz G, Jiménez X, Subirats T, Deulofeu A, Hidalgo V, Salvat-Plana M, Pérez de la Ossa N. Sex and gender differences in acute stroke care: metrics, access to treatment and outcome. A territorial analysis of the Stroke Code System of Catalonia. Eur Stroke J 2023; 8(2): 557-565.
Pinho J, Cunliffe V, Kareklas K, Petri G, Oliveira RF*. Social and asocial learning in zebrafish are encoded by a shared brain network that is differentially modulated by local activation. Commun Biol 2023; 6(1): 633.
Echeverría-Esnal D*, Sorli L, Navarrete ME, Prim N, Barceló-Vidal J, Conde-Estevez D, Montero MM, Martín-Ontiyuelo C, Horcajada JP, Grau S*. Ampicillin-resistant and vancomycin-susceptible Enterococcus faecium bacteremia: a clinical narrative review. Expert Rev Anti Infect Ther 2023; 21(7): 759-775.
Rocha P, Rodrigo M, Moliner L, Menéndez S, Masfarre-Pinto L, Navarro-Gorro N, del Rey-Vergara R, Galindo M, Taus A, Giner M, Sánchez I, Rodríguez-Fuster A, Aguiló R, Chalela R, Sánchez-Font A, Belda J, Curull V, Pijuan L, Casadevall D, Clavé S, Bellosillo B, Perera J, Comerma L, Arriola E*. Pre-existing tumor host immunity characterization in resected non-small cell lung cancer. Lung Cancer 2023; 181: 107257.
Gonzalez-Palacios S, Oncina-Canovas A, García-de la Hera M, Martínez-González MA, Salas Salvadó J, Corella D, Schröder H, Martínez J.A, Alonso Gómez A.M, Wärnberg J, Romaguera D, López Miranda J, Estruch R, Tinahones FJ, Lapetra J, Serra-Majem JL, Cano Ibáñez N, Tur JA, Martín Sánchez V, Pintó X, Delgado Rodríguez M, Matía Martín P, Vidal J, Vázquez C, Daimiel L, Ros E, Bes-Rastrollo M, Atzeni A, Sorli JV, Zomeño MD, Peña-Orihuela PJ, Compañ L, Barón-López FJ, Zulet MÁ, Konieczna J, Casas RM, Garrido-Garrido EM, Tojal Sierra L, Gómez-Pérez AM, Ruiz Canela M, Palau A, Saiz C, Pérez-Vega KA, García Ríos A, Torres-Collado L, Basterra-Gortari J, Garcidueñas-Fimbres TE, Malcampo M, Vioque López J*, PREDIMED-PLUS Trial investigators. Increased ultra-processed food consumption is associated with worsening of cardiometabolic risk factors in adults with metabolic syndrome: Longitudinal analysis from a randomized trial. Atherosclerosis 2023; 377: 12-23.
Sojo-Dorado J, López-Hernández I, Hernández-Torres A, Retamar-Gentil P, Merino de Lucas E, Escolà-Vergé L, Bereciartua E, García-Vázquez E, Pintado V, Boix Palop L, Natera-Kindelán C, Sorli L, Borrell N, Amador-Prous C, Shaw E, Jover-Sáenz A, Molina J, Martínez-Alvarez RM, Dueñas CJ, Calvo-Montes J, Lecuona M, Pomar V, Borreguero I, Palomo-Jiménez V, Docobo-Pérez F, Pascual Á, Rodríguez-Baño J*, on behalf of CIBERINFEC-GEIRAS-FOREST group. Effectiveness of fosfomycin trometamol as oral step-down therapy for bacteraemic urinary tract infections due to MDR Escherichia coli: a post hoc analysis of the FOREST randomized trial. J Antimicrob Chemother 2023; 78(7): 1658-1666.
López Rueda A, Puig J*, Thió-Henestrosa S, Moreno-Negrete JL, Zwanzger C, Pujol T, Aldecoa I, Pineda E, Valduvieco I, González JJ, Oleaga L. Texture Analysis of the Apparent Diffusion Coefficient Focused on Contrast-Enhancing Lesions in Predicting Survival for Bevacizumab-Treated Patients with Recurrent Glioblastoma. Cancers 2023; 15(11): 3026.
Madrid-Gambin F*, Oller S, Marco S, Pozo O, Andrés-Lacueva C, Llorach R*. Quantitative plasma profiling by (1)H NMR-based metabolomics: impact of sample treatment. Front Mol Biosci . 2023; 10: 1125582 (Acceptat).
Alonso ML*, San Roman I, Bartolome L, Monfort N, Alonso RM, Ventura R. Multiple headspace solid-phase microextraction (MHS-SPME) methodology applied to the determination of volatile metabolites of plasticizers in human urine. Microchem J 2022; 180: 107567.
Dahmen J*, Emanuel KS, FONTANELLAS A, Verhagen E, Kerkhoffs GMMJ, Pluim BM. Incidence, prevalence and nature of injuries in padel: a systematic review. BMJ Open Sport Exerc Med . 2023; 9(2): e001607 (Acceptat).
Badia-Cebada L, Carmezim J, Pérez-Rodríguez MT, Bereciartua E, López LE, Represa-Montenegro MR, Pomar V, Andres M, Petkova E, Sopena N, Lora-Tamayo J, Monsálvez V, Rarmirez-Hidalgo MF, Gómez-Zorrilla S, Boix L, Meije Y, Jiménez-Martínez E, Gasch O*. Randomized Clinical Trial of the Need for Antibiotic Treatment for Low-Risk Catheter-Related Bloodstream Infection Caused by Coagulase-Negative Staphylococci. Antibiotics (Basel) . 2023; 12(5): 839.
Cajiao-Manrique MDM, Casadó-Anguera V, García-Blanco A, Maldonado R*, Martín-García E*. THC exposure during adolescence increases impulsivity-like behavior in adulthood in a WIN 55,212-2 self-administration mouse model. Front Psychiatry 2023; 14: 1148993 (Acceptat).
Cai H*, Chen X, Burokas A, Maldonado R. Editorial: Gut microbiota as a therapeutic target in neuropsychiatric disorders: current status and future directions. Front Neurosci . 2023; 17: 1198291 (Acceptat).
Steinhoff H*, Acs M, Blaj S, Dank M, Herold M, Herold Z, Herzberg J, Sánchez-Velázquez P, Strate T, Szasz AM, Piso P. Prolonged hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy duration with 90 minutes cisplatin might increase overall survival in gastric cancer patients with peritoneal metastases. World J Gastroenterol 2023; 29(18): 2850-2863.
Bulbena A*, Rosado S, Cabaleiro M, Martinez M, Baeza-Velasco C, Martín LM, Batlle-Vila S, Bulbena-Cabré A. Validation of the neuroconnective endophenotype questionnaire (NEQ): a new clinical tool for medicine and psychiatry resulting from the contribution of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. Front Med (Lausanne) . 2023; 10: 1039223 (Acceptat).
Martin M*, Carrasco E, Rodríguez-Lescure A, Andrés R, Servitja S, Antón A, Ruiz-Borrego M, Bermejo B, Guerrero Á, Ramos M, Santaballa A, Muñoz M, Cruz J, Lopez-Tarruella S, Chacón JI, Alvarez I, Martínez de Icaya P, Miralles JJ, Polonio Ó, Jara C, Aguiar-Bujanda D. Long-term outcomes of high-risk HR-positive and HER2-negative early breast cancer patients from GEICAM adjuvant studies and El Álamo IV registry. Breast Cancer Res Tr 2023; 201(2): 151-159.
Galve-Calvo E*, Alonso-Babarro A, Martínez-García M, Pi-Figueras M, Villalba G, Alonso S, Contreras J. Narrative Review of Multidisciplinary Management of Central Nervous Involvement in Patients with HER2-Positive Metastatic Breast Cancer: Focus on Elderly Patients. Adv Ther 2023; 40(8): 3304-3331.
Martínez-Jaimez P*, Fuster-Linares P*, Masia J*, Jané P, Monforte-Royo C*. Temporal validation of a risk prediction model for breast cancer-related lymphoedema in European population: A retrospective study. J. Adv. Nurs. 2023; 79(12): 4707-4715.
Goicoechea N*, Hinarejos P, Gasol-Cudos B, Torres-Claramunt R, Sanchez-Soler J, Perelli S, Monllau JC. Systematic lateral retinacular release does not reduce anterior knee pain after total knee arthroplasty with patellar resurfacing. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc 2023; 31(10): 4213-4219.
Lavado À, Serra J*, Serra-Prat M, Burdoy E, Cabre M. Relationship of frailty status with health resource use and healthcare costs in the population aged 65 and over in Catalonia. Eur J Ageing . 2023; 20(1): 20.
Shahraki A, Selent J, Kolb P*. On the construction of LIECE models for the serotonin receptor 5-HT[Formula: see text]R. J. Comput.-Aided Mol. Des. 2023; 37(7): 313-323.
Szigethy E*, Dorantes R, Sugrañes M, Madera M, Sola I, Urrútia G, Bonfill X. Frequency of anticancer drug use at the end of life: a scoping review. Clin Transl Oncol 2023; 26(1): 178-189.
Dávalos-Yerovi N*, Pérez Sáez MJ, Faura A, Muns D, Duran X, Sánchez-Rodríguez D, Pascual J, Marco E, FRAILMar Study Group. Association between GLIM-defined malnutrition and hospitalizations in kidney transplant candidates: A post-hoc analysis of a cohort study. J. Parenter. Enter. Nutr. 2023; 47(6): 802-811.
Molano-Franco D*, Viruez-Soto A, Gómez M, Beltran E, Villabon M, Sosa A, Ortiz L, Orozco E, Hurtado A, Sanchez L, Arias-Reyes C, Soliz J, Masclans JR. Impact of High-Flow Nasal Cannula Use in Subjects With COVID-19 ARDS at High Altitudes: Clinical Presentation and Prognostic Factors. Respir Care 2023: (en Premsa).
Axinn WG*, Bruffaerts R, Kessler TL, Frounfelker R, Aguilar-Gaxiola S, Alonso J, Bunting B, Caldas de Almeida JM, Cardoso G, Chardoul S, Chiu WT, Cía A, Gureje O, Karam EG, Kovess-Masféty V, Petukhova MV, Piazza M, Posada-Villa J, Sampson NA, Scott KM, Stagnaro JC, Stein DJ, Torres Y, Williams DR, Kessler RC, WHO World Mental Health Survey Collaborators. Findings From the World Mental Health Surveys of Civil Violence Exposure and Its Association With Subsequent Onset and Persistence of Mental Disorders. JAMA Netw Open 2023; 6(6): e2318919.
Climent E*, Millán J, Ascaso JF, Suárez-Tembra M, Morillas C, Civeira F, Bellón JM, Pedro-Botet J, Spanish Atherosclerosis Society Working Group on Atherogenic Dyslipidaemia. Atherogenic dyslipidaemia in type 2 diabetes mellitus: The PREDISAT study. Lipids 2023; 58(4): 197-206.
Acin P*, Luque S, Subirana I, Vila JS, Fernández X, Guelar A, de Antonio-Cuscó M, Arrieta I, Knobel H. Development and Validation of a Risk Score for Predicting Non-Adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy. Aids Res Hum Retrov 2023; 39(10): 533-540.
JIMÉNEZ M*, Loro-Pérez J, Vega-Benítez V, Hernández-Hernández JR, Argudo N. Axillary management in patients with breast cancer and positive axilla at diagnosis. Experience in a Spanish university hospital with a 5-year follow-up. J Cancer Res Ther . 2023; 19(2): 183-190.
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