INFORECERCA: Butlletí Informatiu del Servei de Recerca de l'IMIM
Número: 444
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El projecte d'investigació haurà de versar sobre un tema lliure de Pediatria valorant-se especialment els projectes multicèntrics i/o internivells assistencials.
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L'Associació Espanyola de Pediatria (AEP), amb el patrocini dels Laboratoris Ordesa, amb el propòsit de promocionar la investigació en el camp de la pediatria, convoca una ajuda econòmica per un projecte d'investigació en prevenció de l'obesitat en l'edat pediàtrica.
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Recerca lliure sobre un tema de Pediatria.
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Impulsar el desenvolupament i la investigació de la Reumatologia a Catalunya en l'àrea de l'artrosi.
S’atorgarà la beca al millor projecte original i inèdit, vinculat a aspectes clínics, epidemiològics o d’investigació bàsica en l'àrea específica de l'artrosi.
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Premiar el millor treball científic i/o de recerca i el millor treball de recerca realitzat a Espanya en el camp professional de la llevadora.
Recursos Humans
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The EMBO Long-Term Fellowships support post-doctoral research visits to laboratories throughout Europe and the world. International exchange is a key feature in the application process.
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The EHA-JSH Collaborative Exchange Program is intended to provide European and Japanese research institutes the opportunity to exchange scientists and clinical researchers reciprocally for a short period.
Informació últil
 No hi ha novetats
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Infect-ERA is an ERA-NET on human infectious diseases funded under the Seventh Research Framework Programme .
Infect-ERA will support scientific research involving all basic aspects of human infection biology caused by bacteria, fungi, viruses and protozoa. More precisely, research addressing the cross-talk between host and pathogens, as well as the relationship between microbes’ environment and infection are in the scope of Infect-ERA.
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ERA-NETs are projects funded by the European Commission in various research fields. Their goal is to create a European Research Area in which research is conducted and funded across countries, allowing research groups to jointly work on specific problems, exchange ideas, and benefit from cross border expertise.
The current project NEURON II co-ordinates national and regional programmes for disease-related neuroscience research in 23 participant funding organisations across 14 European Member States, Israel as an Associated Country, and Norway and Canada.
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ERA-CVD is a newly established European Research Area Network (ERA-Net) comprising 23 Partners from 18 countries/regions. The goal of ERA-CVD is to create a European Research Area in which cardiovascular research is conducted and funded across countries, allowing research groups to jointly work on specific problems, exchange ideas, and benefit from cross border expertise.
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ERANet-LAC is a Network of the European Union (EU) and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) on Joint Innovation and Research Activities. It strengthens the bi-regional partnership in Science, Technology and Innovation by planning and implementing concrete joint activities and by creating a sustainable framework for future bi-regional joint activities.
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CURE - Citizens United for Research in Epilepsy
Citizens United for Research in Epilepsy (CURE), is a leading nongovernmental agency fully committed to funding research in epilepsy.

The CURE Innovator Award supports the exploration of a highly innovative, often risky new concept or untested theory that addresses an important problem relevant to epilepsy. The Innovator Award proposed research must reflect ideas substantially different from those being pursued by anyone in the epilepsy research field. The program is not intended to support the logical progression of an already established research project but, instead, allows Principal Investigators (PIs) the opportunity to pursue radically unconventional, paradigm-shifting hypotheses. CURE AwardsThis award mechanism supports high-risk studies that have the potential to reveal entirely new areas of epilepsy research.
Research completed through an Innovator Award must provide sufficient preliminary data to enable the PI to prove or disprove their groundbreaking, original, and/or unconventional hypothesis and have the potential, if the scope of work is successful, to move epilepsy research forward by leaps rather than by incremental steps.
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CURE - Citizens United for Research in Epilepsy
Citizens United for Research in Epilepsy (CURE), is a leading nongovernmental agency fully committed to funding research in epilepsy.

CURE’s investigator-initiated grants program seeks to push the envelope and accelerate promising research leading to disease-modifying breakthroughs for people living with epilepsy. CURE prioritizes highly innovative, risky, paradigm-shifting projects that address CURE’s mission to cure epilepsy, affirming our core belief that the only acceptable final goal is “no seizures, no side-effects.”
CURE strongly encourages multidisciplinary, collaborative projects, especially those that include investigators and expertise from fields outside of epilepsy.

2016 Priority areas
  • Transformative research to enhance our understanding of the cellular, molecular, genetic and systems-level mechanisms that lead to any of the epilepsies, facilitating the continued investigation of disease-modifying or preventative strategies
  • Innovative approaches that can prevent, modify and/or arrest the development of acquired epilepsy after head injury, stroke, tumor, viral infection, etc.
  • Research that will inform the development of novel therapies to prevent onset or halt the progression of the severe pediatric epilepsies
  • Research focused on new, effective treatments for the >30% of the epilepsy population who are pharmacoresistant
  • Novel research that furthers our understanding of the causes and ultimate elimination of SUDEP

    Based on CURE’s current research objectives, lower priority will be given for research in the following areas:
  • Research that focuses solely on a comorbid condition without also seeking to address/understand the accompanying epilepsy
  • Research that focuses solely on improving localization of the epileptic seizure focus
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    CURE - Citizens United for Research in Epilepsy
    Citizens United for Research in Epilepsy (CURE), is a leading nongovernmental agency fully committed to funding research in epilepsy.

    The CURE Taking Flight Award seeks to promote the careers of young investigators to allow them to develop a research focus independent of their mentor(s). Researchers may propose basic or clinical studies, but this award mechanism is not intended to support clinical trials. Research that involves collaboration and a multidisciplinary approach is desirable. Applicant will be required to discuss how this avenue of research is independent from his or her mentor’s research, and will lead him or her to a path of independent epilepsy research. We encourage studies that will provide new directions for epilepsy therapy, prevention and, ultimately, a cure and that will allow applicants to collect the data necessary to support a National Institutes of Health grant application
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    Promoure la investigació científica convocant ajudes d'investigació en Neurociència per a investigadors que realitzin el seu treball a Espanya.
    L'objectiu de les ajudes és finançar la realització de projectes d'investigació en Neurociència enfocats a la comprensió del sistema nerviós humà i de les malalties que l'afecten.
    Termini exhaurit
    El projecte d'investigació haurà de versar sobre un tema lliure de Pediatria valorant-se especialment els projectes multicèntrics i/o internivells assistencials.
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    The Movember Foundation is committed to driving awareness of men’s health issues and strategically investing in key problem areas, helping men to live happier, healthier and longer lives. Since 2003, millions have joined the movement, raising over $685 million to fund breakthrough research and support services

    With a global presence across 21 countries, the Movember Foundation is uniquely placed to address key prostate and testicular cancer research challenges by facilitating and funding novel, collaborative and global approaches that will fast track translational research. Each project within the Global Action Plan (GAP) seeks to identify and fund research where integrated transnational collaboration has the potential to accelerate outcomes for the ultimate benefit of patients.
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    Mitjançant aquesta XII Convocatòria es concediran un màxim de 15 ajudes a equips d'investigadors amb reconeguda experiència, que treballin en els següents camps d'investigació:
  • Oncologia. Centrada en tumors sòlids en la infància;
  • Trasplantament. Referint-nos exclusivament a vies de millora en l'obtenció i utilització d'òrgans per a trasplantament
  • Traumatologia i seqüeles, tant traumatològiques com neurològiques.
  • Malalties rares. Limitada a les quals es manifesten clínicament durant la infància.
    Els projectes que es presentin a aquesta convocatòria haurien de ser exclusivament treballs d'investigació clínica
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    Fomentar la investigació en el camp de la Urologia. Es persegueix promoure investigació de caràcter clínic, investigació en resultats de salut i investigació translacional.
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    Amb aquesta convocatòria la SEIMC vol facilitar la recerca traslacional de qualitat en Malalties Infeccioses i Microbiologia Clínica, proporcionant als socis el finançament necessari per a això.
    La convocatòria té un objectiu principal:
    - Seleccionar projectes que produeixin un impacte elevat en salut, que siguin capaces de modificar la pràctica estàndard.
    - Es valorarà positivament que el projecte tingui potencial per facilitar la posterior consecució d'un projecte europeu.
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    Promoure el desenvolupament del coneixement a Espanya de la Psiquiatria, Psicologia i/o Neurociències del Nen i l'Adolescent mitjançant el suport a Projectes de Recerca originals.
    S'atorgaran 7 ajudes a la recerca.
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    L'objectiu de la convocatòria Reptes-Col·laboració és el suport a projectes en cooperació entre empreses i organismes d'investigació, amb la finalitat de promoure el desenvolupament de noves tecnologies, l'aplicació empresarial de noves idees i tècniques, i contribuir a la creació de nous productes i serveis.
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    The Prostate Cancer Foundation ( champions investment in human capital to fast-forward solutions for prostate cancer with the ultimate goal of ending death and suffering from metastatic prostate cancer.
    Research proposals submitted in consideration for the Young Investigator Award should, if successful, provide high impact to the field. “Small-step” or incremental proposals are usually non-competitive. Highly innovative basic science programs will be carefully considered, but priority will be given to “bench to bedside” translational research proposals with the potential to deliver near term benefit to patients.
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    Affymetrix now develops and provides innovative technologies that enable multiplex and parallel analysis of biological systems at the cell, protein, and gene level, facilitating the rapid translation of results into biology for a better world.
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    The main target of the Fondation Jerome Lejeune, a non profit foundation, is research into genetic diseases with intellectual disability.
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    EMD Serono Inc
    The Grant for Multiple Sclerosis Innovation(GMSI) supports promising translational research projects by academic researchers to improve understanding of multiple sclerosis (MS) for the ultimate benefit of patients.
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    JPND was established in 2009 to enable participating EU Member States to work together on the challenge of age-related neurodegenerative diseases, in particular Alzheimer’s. In the past five years, tremendous progress has been made by JPND in terms of increasing coordination, collaboration and alignment between national research programmes and projects related to neurodegenerative diseases.
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    The European Foundation for the Study of Diabetes (EFSD) was created by the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD) to provide funding initiatives in all areas of diabetes research. The aims of EFSD are to encourage and support research in the field of diabetes, to rapidly diffuse acquired knowledge and to facilitate its application.

    AstraZeneca is pushing the boundaries of science to create life-changing medicines that aim to reduce the global burden and complications of diabetes. Driven to redefine outcomes for people with diabetes, AstraZeneca's current portfolio comprises the newest classes of treatments that support individualised approaches to diabetes care. As a core strategic area the company is focusing its research and development efforts in diverse populations and patients with significant co-morbidities.

    Borses de viatge
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    The European Association for the Study of the Liver is a major European Association with international influence dedicated to the liver and liver disease. EASL has over 4,000 members from all over the world and provides an annual platform, The International Liver Congress™, for 11,000 liver experts to meet and discuss latest scientific research.

    The Andrew K. Burroughs Short-Term Training Fellowship is open to all registered EASL members, and its aim is to enhance the mobility of investigators within different European institutions through actively promoting scientific exchange among research units in Hepatology.
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    Concessió de 20 beques per realitzar estudis oficials de doctorat que culminin amb la lectura de la tesi doctoral en una universitat espanyola.
    La convocatòria comprèn totes les àrees del coneixement.
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    European Society for Medical Oncology
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    ERS is the leading professional organisation in its field in Europe. It is broad-based, with some 10,000 members and counting in over 100 countries. Its scope covers both basic science and clinical medicine. ERS seeks to alleviate suffering from respiratory disease and promote lung health through research, sharing of knowledge and through medical and public education.
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    ERS is the leading professional organisation in its field in Europe. It is broad-based, with some 10,000 members and counting in over 100 countries. Its scope covers both basic science and clinical medicine. ERS seeks to alleviate suffering from respiratory disease and promote lung health through research, sharing of knowledge and through medical and public education.
    Termini exhaurit
    ERS is the leading professional organisation in its field in Europe. It is broad-based, with some 10,000 members and counting in over 100 countries. Its scope covers both basic science and clinical medicine. ERS seeks to alleviate suffering from respiratory disease and promote lung health through research, sharing of knowledge and through medical and public education.
    Termini exhaurit
    ERS is the leading professional organisation in its field in Europe. It is broad-based, with some 10,000 members and counting in over 100 countries. Its scope covers both basic science and clinical medicine. ERS seeks to alleviate suffering from respiratory disease and promote lung health through research, sharing of knowledge and through medical and public education.
    Termini exhaurit
    Premiar el millor treball científic i/o de recerca i el millor treball de recerca realitzat a Espanya en el camp professional de la llevadora.
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    Per vuitè any consecutiu la Fundació Caser obre la convocatòria dels seus premis Dependència i Societat , amb l'objectiu de reconèixer les millors iniciatives en aquesta matèria, podran presentar-se les candidatures a qualsevol de les tres categories que integren aquests guardons a:
  • Excel·lència en Dependencia
  • R+D en Dependencia
  • Comunicació en Dependència
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    Els Premis Martín Villar Hemostàsia tenen com a objectiu reconèixer el valor dels joves investigadors que han dedicat les seves activitats a la investigació bàsica o clínica sobre trastorns de l'hemostàsia i la coagulació de la sang i recompensar la tasca científica publicada. El programa té com a objectiu fomentar més estudis en aquest camp.
    Recursos Humans
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    The EHA-JSH Collaborative Exchange Program is intended to provide European and Japanese research institutes the opportunity to exchange scientists and clinical researchers reciprocally for a short period.
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    La Fundació Banc de Sabadell convoca 15 ajudes a la investigació científica per a aspirants predoctorals de nacionalitat espanyola, que estiguin en procés de realització de la tesi doctoral en qualsevol universitat espanyola o estrangera, destinades a la promoció i desenvolupament de treballs científics o estades en universitats o altres centres de recerca espanyols o estrangers, preferentment en camps del coneixement econòmic, empresarial i social.
    Giménez-Arnau AM*. Standards for the Protection of Skin Barrier Function. Curr Probl Dermatol 2016; 49: 123-134.
    Compston JE*, Wyman A, Fitzgerald G, Adachi JD, Chapurlat RD, Cooper C, Díez-Pérez A, Gehlbach SH, Greenspan SL, Hooven FH, LaCroix AZ, March L, Netelenbos JC, Nieves JW, Pfeilschifter J, Rossini M, Roux C, Saag KG, Siris ES, Silverman S, Watts NB, Anderson Jr FA. Increase in Fracture Risk Following Unintentional Weight Loss in Postmenopausal Women: The Global Longitudinal Study of Osteoporosis in Women. J Bone Miner Res 2016; 31(7): 1466-1472.
    Chiva-Blanch G, Suades R, Crespo J, Vilahur G, Arderiu G, Padro T, Corella D, Salas Salvadó J, Arós F, Martínez-González MA, Ros E, Fitó Colomer M, Estruch Riba R, Badimon L*. CD3+/CD45+ and SMA-alfa+ circulating microparticles are increased in individuals at high cardiovascular risk who will develop a major cardiovascular event. Int J Cardiol 2016; 208: 147-149.
    Martín A*, Redondo AM, Dlouhy I, Salar A, González-Barca E, Canales M, Montes-Moreno S, Ocio EM, López-Guillermo A, Caballero D, on behalf of the Grupo Español de Linfomas y Trasplante Autólogo de Médula Osea (GELTAMO). Lenalidomide in combination with R-ESHAP in patients with relapsed or refractory diffuse large B-cell lymphoma: a phase 1b study from GELTAMO group. Br J Haematol 2016; 173(2): 245-252.
    Jover R*, Zapater P, Bujanda L, Hernández V, Cubiella J, Pellisé M, Ponce M, Ono A, Lanas A, Seoane A, Marín-Gabriel JC, Chaparro M, Cacho G, Herreros-de-Tejada A, Fernández-Diez S, Peris A, Nicolás-Pérez D, Murcia O, Castells A, Quintero E, COLONPREV Study Investigators. Endoscopist characteristics that influence the quality of colonoscopy. Endoscopy 2016; 48(3): 241-247.
    Casas L*, Espinosa A, Borras-Santos A, Jacobs J, Krop E, Heederik D, Nemery B, Pekkanen J, Hyvärinen A, Täubel M, Zock JP. Author response to Dr Wise's letter. Occup Environ Med 2016; 73(3): 215-216.
    Supervía A*, del Baño F. MDMA-induced angioedema treated with icatibant. Clin Toxicol 2016; 54(3): 294.
    Balaña C*, de las Peñas R, Sepúlveda JM, Gil-Gil MJ, Luque R, Gallego O, Carrato C, Sanz C, Reynes G, Herrero A, Ramirez JL, Pérez-Segura P, Berrocal A, Vieitez JM, García A, Vázquez-Estevez S, Peralta S, Fernández I, Henríquez I, Martínez-García M, de la Cruz JJ, Capellades J, Giner P, Villà S. Bevacizumab and temozolomide versus temozolomide alone as neoadjuvant treatment in unresected glioblastoma: the GENOM 009 randomized phase II trial. J Neuro-Oncol 2016; 127(3): 569-579.
    Pastor A, Fernández-Aranda F, Fitó Colomer M, Jiménez-Murcia S, Botella C, Fernández-Real JM, Frühbeck G, Tinahones FJ, Fagundo AB, Rodríguez J, Agüera Z, Langohr K, Casanueva FF, de la Torre R*. A Lower Olfactory Capacity Is Related to Higher Circulating Concentrations of Endocannabinoid 2-Arachidonoylglycerol and Higher Body Mass Index in Women. PLoS ONE 2016; 11(2): e0148734.
    Pavelka K, Bruyère O*, Cooper C, Kanis JA, Leeb BF, Maheu E, Martel-Pelletier J, Monfort J, Pelletier JP, Rizzoli R, Reginster JY. Diacerein: Benefits, Risks and Place in the Management of Osteoarthritis. An Opinion-Based Report from the ESCEO. Drug Aging 2016; 33(2): 75-85.
    Rodríguez A, Santa Marina L, Jimenez AM, Esplugues A, Ballester F, Espada M, Sunyer J, Morales E*. Vitamin D Status in Pregnancy and Determinants in a Southern European Cohort Study. Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol 2016; 30(3): 217-228.
    Matas E*, Bau L, Martínez-Iniesta M, Romero-Pinel L, Mañé-Martínez MA, Cobo-Calvo A, Martínez S. MxA mRNA expression as a biomarker of interferon beta response in multiple sclerosis patients. J Neuroimmunol 2016; 291: 73-77.
    Arena S*, Siravegna G, Mussolin B, Kearns JD, Wolf BB, Misale S, Lazzari L, Bertotti A, Trusolino L, Adjei AA, Montagut C, Di Nicolantonio F, Nering R, Bardelli A*. MM-151 overcomes acquired resistance to cetuximab and panitumumab in colorectal cancers harboring EGFR extracellular domain mutations. Sci Transl Med 2016; 8(324): 324ra14.
    Álvarez-Mora MI, Calvo-Escalona R, Puig-Navarro O, Madrigal I, Quintela I, Amigo J, Martinez-Elurbe D, Linder-Lucht M, Aznar G, Carracedo A, Milà M, Rodríguez-Revenga L*. Comprehensive molecular testing in patients with high functioning autism spectrum disorder. Mutat Res-Fund Mol M 2016; 784-785: 46-52.
    García-García J*, Roquer González J, Serena J, Castillo J, Blanco M, Díaz-Maroto I, Segura T, on behalf of the ARTICO Study. Carotid Intima-Media Thickness is Not Associated with Markers of Atherosclerosis in Stroke Patients. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis 2016; 25(5): 1070-1075.
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    08003 Barcelona
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    En compliment de la Llei 34/2002, de Serveis de la Societat de la Informació i de Comerç Electrònic, aquest correu li hem enviat a partir de les dades de contacte que vostè ens ha facilitat. Si vostè no desitja rebre més comunicats, pot donar-se de baixa dirigint-se per escrit al Servei de Recursos Humans-IMIM ( tot indicant la paraula “baixa base de dades” a l’assumpte.
    Li recordem que podrà exercir els drets d’accés, rectificació, cancel·lació i oposició dirigint-se per escrit al Servei de Recursos Humans-IMIM (