INFORECERCA: Butlletí Informatiu del Servei de Recerca de l'IMIM
Número: 489
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IMI is a partnership between the European Union and the European pharmaceutical industry, represented by the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA).
The goal of the Innovative Medicines Initiative 2 (IMI 2) is to develop next generation vaccines, medicines and treatments, such as new antibiotics. It will build on the successes and lessons learnt under IMI. Like IMI, it will bring together companies, universities, public laboratories, innovative small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), patient groups and regulators in collaborative projects that will pave the way for breakthrough vaccines, medicines and treatments to tackle Europe’s growing health challenges, and secure the future international competitiveness of Europe’s pharmaceutical industry.
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The Rolex Awards for Enterprise support pioneering work in five areas:
  • applied science,
  • environment,
  • technology or exploration

    In addition to demonstrating a spirit of enterprise and leadership, candidates must put forward projects or work plans that have a clear purpose, are original and have the potential for significant impact.
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    The Human Frontier Science Program (HFSP) is a niche program that supports innovative basic research into fundamental biological problems with emphasis placed on novel and interdisciplinary approaches that involve scientific exchanges across national and disciplinary boundaries. The participation of scientists from disciplines outside the traditional life sciences such as biophysics, chemistry, computational biology, computer science, engineering, mathematics, nanoscience or physics has made biological research increasingly quantitative and will continue to do so. Such collaborations have opened up new approaches for understanding the complex structures and regulatory networks that characterize living organisms, their evolution and interactions.
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    EMD Serono Inc
    The Grant for Oncology Innovation (GOI) is an initiative funded by EMD Serono.
    Investigators leading innovative research projects that have the potential to advance the implementation of personalised treatment for solid tumors are invited to apply.
    We are particularly interested in:
    •Access to personalised treatment/care for patients
    •Innovative research with clinical relevance and benefits for patients
    •Solid tumour malignancies
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    Gilead Sciences, Inc. is a research-based biopharmaceutical company that discovers, develops and commercializes innovative medicines in areas of unmet medical need. Gilead's portfolio of products and pipeline of investigational drugs includes treatments for HIV/AIDS, liver diseases, cancer, inflammatory and respiratory diseases, and cardiovascular conditions.
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    Borses de viatge
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    The Researchers Travel Grant program was started in 2006 to help European life scientists meet their expenses towards attending a life sciences meeting of their choice, anywhere in the world.
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    This prestigious award honours outstanding research on biologically active molecules and systems in the fields of chemistry, biochemistry, and physiology as well as on their clinical importance.
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    La Fundació Lilly fa pública la seva convocatòria dels Premis Fundació Lilly de Recerca Biomèdica Preclínica i Clínica 2017, per a investigadors que hagin contribuït de manera significativa al desenvolupament de la biomedicina i les ciències de la salut a Espanya i mantinguin una activitat investigadora de reconegut nivell científic.
    L'objectiu és fomentar la recerca biomèdica d'alta qualitat, de caràcter preclínic i clínic, mitjançant la concessió de premis que reconeguin i donin suport a trajectòries científiques d'excel·lència.
    Informació últil
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    The EuroNanoMed ERA-NET serves as a platform for European funding agencies and ministries, to develop joint activities and programmes in order to coordinate high quality research in Nanomedicine across national borders.
    The aims of the call are:
  • To support translational research projects that combine innovative approaches in the field of Nanomedicine and;
  • To encourage and enable transnational collaboration between public and private research groups from academia, clinical/public health research or research teams from industrial enterprises (all size). The participation of Medical Doctors and SMEs will be strongly encouraged.
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    Investigadors independents d'un grup emergent i vinculats a una entitat pública o privada sense ànim de lucre capacitada per a la recerca científica a España.
    Es consideren grups emergents fins a 5 anys després d'haver iniciat una línia de recerca independent i que estiguin acreditats per la seva producció científica i/o projectes finançats. El període de 5 anys es comptabilitza fins al moment d'adjudicació del projecte (juny 2017).
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    La Fundació AECC convoca ajuts per a promoure la recerca de qualitat en càncers poc freqüents i projectes de recerca sobre càncer infantil, que es desenvolupin sota la supervisió d’un investigador principal i que es realitzin en la seva totalitat a Espanya.
    Es consideraran en la categoría de càncers poc freqüents, aquells que estan inclosos en el llistat RARECARE
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    L'objectiu d'aquestes ajudes és finançar projectes de qualitat en càncer amb clara orientació translacional, aquesta orientació haurà de tenir una base sòlida de recerca bàsica que suporti la hipòtesi plantejada en la proposta (estudis que vagin des de l'oncologia bàsica, translacional a estudis preclínics).
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    Gilead Sciences, Inc. is a research-based biopharmaceutical company that discovers, develops and commercializes innovative medicines in areas of unmet medical need. Gilead's portfolio of products and pipeline of investigational drugs includes treatments for HIV/AIDS, liver diseases, cancer, inflammatory and respiratory diseases, and cardiovascular conditions.
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    L'objecte d'aquesta ajuda és promoure la recerca bàsica en Diabetis i haurà de destinar-se obligatòriament a infraestructura, material o personal dedicat a la recerca. Per a la seva concessió es valorarà la qualitat científica del projecte, la seva originalitat i viabilitat, especialment l'adequació dels mitjans i experiència del laboratori o servei a les necessitats del projecte.
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    L'objecte d'aquesta ajuda és promoure la recerca clínica en Diabetis i haurà de destinar-se obligatòriament a infraestructura, material o personal dedicat a la recerca. Per a la seva concessió es valorarà la qualitat científica del projecte, la seva originalitat i viabilitat, especialment l'adequació dels mitjans i experiència del laboratori o servei a les necessitats del projecte.
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    Institut Mérieux is a holding merging four main companies, bioMérieux (in vitro diagnostics and industrial microbiology control), Transgene (immunotherapy, therapeutic vaccines, oncolytic viruses), Advanced Bioscience Laboratories, Inc. (ABL), (bioengineering and CMO), and Mérieux Nutrisciences (food safety and nutrition).
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    The European Hematology Association (EHA) promotes excellence in patient care, research and education in hematology.
    EHA will consider applications on any aspect of the study of hematology in its broadest sense including all subspecialties and including but not limited to molecular biology and biochemistry, virology, immunology, cell biology, epidemiology and diagnostic and therapeutic strategies.
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    The Nestlé Foundation supports asic and applied research in nutrition.
    At present the Foundation's work is primarily concerned with human nutrition research issues dealing with:
  • maternal and child nutrition, including breastfeeding and complementary feeding,
  • macro- and micronutrient deficiencies and imbalances,
  • interactions between infection and nutrition, and
  • nutrition education and health promotion
    Borses de viatge
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    La Fundació Espanyola d'Hematologia i Hemoteràpia (FEHH) convoca una beca dirigida a socis de la Societat Espanyola d'Hematologia i Hemoteràpia que desitgin realitzar un projecte de recerca en un centre estranger, en qualsevol de les àrees que conformen l'especialitat d'Hematologia i Hemoteràpia.
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    The European Hematology Association (EHA) promotes excellence in patient care, research and education in hematology.
    The awards provide short term support to encourage mobility.
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    The European Hematology Association (EHA) promotes excellence in patient care, research and education in hematology.
    The awards facilitate the collaboration BETWEEN research groups that have techniques or facilities that are unavailable in the applicant’s home institute
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    The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) carries out programs that provide overseas researchers who have an excellent record of research achievements with an opportunity to conduct collaborative research, discussions, and opinion exchanges with researchers in Japan. These programs are intended to help advance the overseas researchers' research activities while promoting science and internationalization in Japan.
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    Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) is a membership organisation that exists to help the global health community accelerate the fight against cancer.
    Founded in 1933 and based in Geneva, UICC’s growing membership of over 900 organisations across 155 countries, features the world’s major cancer societies, ministries of health, research institutes and patient groups. Together with its members, key partners, the World Health Organization, World Economic Forum and others, UICC is tackling the growing cancer crisis on a global scale.
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    The Eppendorf Award for Young European Investigators acknowledges outstanding contributions to biomedical research in Europe based on methods of molecular biology, including novel analytical concepts.
    Recursos Humans
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    Les ajudes tenen com a objectiu fomentar la contractació laboral de joves doctors per un període de dos anys a fi de què afermin les capacitats adquirides durant una primera etapa de formació posdoctoral.
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    Contractació laboral de joves doctors per a completar la seva formació investigadora postdoctoral en centres de R+D espanyols diferents d'aquells on han realitzat la seva formació predoctoral
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    Van dirigides a finançar Projectes d'Equips d'Investigació o de Metges Especialistes en Hematologia o Oncologia i a llicenciats en Biologia, Farmàcia i Química i s'institueïxen per a contribuir a la millora en el diagnòstic i tractament de la Leucèmia, el Limfoma, el Mieloma i altres malalties hematològiques.
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    Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich
    Society in Science – The Branco Weiss Fellowship is a unique postdoc program. It awards young researchers around the world with a generous personal research grant, giving them the freedom to work on whatever topic they choose anywhere in the world, for up to five years.
    Ideally, fellows pursue unconventional projects in new areas of science, engineering and social sciences.
    The fellowship is designed for postdocs at home in sciences, engineering and social sciences who are willing to engage in a dialogue on relevant social, cultural, political or economic issues across the frontiers of their particular discipline.
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    The Innovative Training Networks (ITN) aim to train a new generation of creative, entrepreneurial and innovative early-stage researchers, able to face current and future challenges and to convert knowledge and ideas into products and services for economic and social benefit.

    ITN supports competitively selected joint research training and/or doctoral programmes, implemented by partnerships of universities, research institutions, research infrastructures, businesses, SMEs, and other socio-economic actors from different countries across Europe and beyond.

    Partnerships take the form of collaborative European Training Networks (ETN), European Industrial Doctorates (EID) or European Joint Doctorates (EJD).
    Curto-Barredo L, Yelamos J, Gimeno R, Mojal S, Pujol RM, Giménez-Arnau AM*. Basophil Activation Test identifies the patients with Chronic Spontaneous Urticaria suffering the most active disease. Immun Inflamm Dis 2016; 4: 441-445.
    Figueras-Nart I, Vicente A, Sánchez J, Jou-Muñoz C, Bordas-Orpinell X, Celis-Passini VP, Cruz-Martínez O, González-Ensenyat MA. Langerhans cell histiocytosis presenting as fingernail changes. JAAD Case Rep 2016; 2(6): 485-487.
    Díez-Pérez A*, Bouxsein ML, Eriksen EF, Khosla S, Nyman JS, Papapoulos S, Tang SY. Technical note: Recommendations for a standard procedure to assess cortical bone at the tissue-level in vivo using impact microindentation. Bone Rep 2016; 5: 181-185.
    McLeod MD, Waller CC, Esquivel A, Balcells G, Ventura R, Segura J, Pozo O*. A constant ion loss method for the untargeted detection of bissulfate metabolites. Anal Chem 2017; 89(3): 1602-1609.
    Pascual G, Avgustinova A, Mejetta S, Martín M, Castellanos A, Attolini CS, Berenguer A, Prats N, Toll A, Hueto JA, Bescós C, di Croce L, Aznar S*. Targeting metastasis-initiating cells through the fatty acid receptor CD36. Nature 2017; 541(7635): 41-45.
    Lattes K, Checa MA, Vassena R*, Brassesco M, Vernaeve V. There is no evidence that the time from egg retrieval to embryo transfer affects live birth rates in a freeze-all strategy. Hum Reprod 2017; 32(2): 368-374.
    Castellví P, Miranda-Mendizábal A, Parés O, Almenara J, Alonso I, Blasco-Cubedo MJ, Cebrià A, Gabilondo A, Gili M, Lagares C, Piqueras JA, Roca M, Rodríguez-Marín J, Rodríguez-Jimenez T, Soto-Sanz V, Alonso J*. Exposure to violence, a risk for suicide in youths and young adults. A meta-analysis of longitudinal studies. Acta Psychiatr Scand 2017; 135(3): 195-211.
    Vivanco R, Elosua R, Gómez-González A, Moreira A, Díez L, Grau M, Dégano IR, Roquer-González J*. People with epilepsy receive more statins than the general population but have no higher cardiovascular risk: results from a cross-sectional study. Eur J Neurol 2017; 24(2): 419-426.
    García-Bermúdez M*, Moustafa AH, Barros A, Tizon H. Repeated Loss of Consciousness in a Young Woman: A Suspicious SMAD3 Mutation Underlying Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection. Can J Cardiol 2017; 33(2): 292.e1-292.e3.
    Perelló C, Carrion JA, Ruiz-Antorán B, Crespo J, Turnes J, Llaneras J, Lens S, Delgado M, García-Samaniego J, García-Paredes F, Fernández I, Morillas R, Rincón D, Porres JC, Prieto M, Lázaro M, Fernández Rodríguez C, Hermo JA, Rodriguez M, Herrero JI, Ruiz P, Fernández JR, Macías M, Pascasio JM, Moreno JM, Serra MÁ, Arenas J, Real Y, Jorquera F, Calleja JL*, Spanish Collaborative Group for the Study of the Use of Hepatitis C Direct-Acting Drugs. Effectiveness and safety of ombitasvir, paritaprevir, ritonavir ± dasabuvir ± ribavirin: An early access programme for Spanish patients with genotype 1/4 chronic hepatitis C virus infection. J Viral Hepatitis 2017; 24(3): 226-237.
    Climent E*, Benaiges D, Pedro-Botet J, Flores JA, Ramon-Moros JM, Villatoro M, Fontané L, Chillarón JJ, Goday A. Atherogenic Dyslipidemia Remission 1 Year After Bariatric Surgery. Obes Surg 2017; 27(6): 1548-1553.
    González-Alonso P*, Cristóbal I, Zazo S, Martín-Aparicio E, Chamizo C, Madoz-Gúrpide J, Rovira A, Eroles P, Lluch A, Albanell J, Rojo F*. Recent Insights into the Development of Preclinical Trastuzumab-Resistant HER2+ Breast Cancer Models. Curr Med Chem 2018; 25(17): 1976-1998.
    Vilor-Tejedor N*, Cáceres A, Pujol J, Sunyer J, González JR. Imaging genetics in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and related neurodevelopmental domains: state of the art. Brain Imaging Behav 2017; 11(6): 1922-1931.
    Corella D*, Coltell O, Sorli JV, Estruch R, Quiles L, Martínez-González MA, Salas-Salvadó J, Castañer O, Arós F, Ortega-Calvo M, Serra-Majem L, Gómez-Gracia E, Portolés O, Fiol M, Díez-Espino J, Basora J, Fitó M, Ros E, Ordovas JM. Polymorphism of the Transcription Factor 7-Like 2 Gene (TCF7L2) Interacts with Obesity on Type-2 Diabetes in the PREDIMED Study Emphasizing the Heterogeneity of Genetic Variants in Type-2 Diabetes Risk Prediction: Time for Obesity-Specific Genetic Risk Scores. Nutrients 2016; 8(12): E793.
    Ramos JD*, Casey MF, Crabb SJ, Bamias A, Harshman LC, Wong YN, Bellmunt J, Giorgi U, Ladoire S, Powles T, Pal SK, Niegisch G, Recine F, Alva A, Agarwal N, Necchi A, Vaishampayan UN, Rosenberg JE, Galsky MD, Yu EY, RISC Investigators. Venous thromboembolism in metastatic urothelial carcinoma or variant histologies: incidence, associative factors, and effect on survival. Cancer Med 2017; 6(1): 186-194.
    Bousquet J*, Bewick M, Cano A, Eklund P, Fico G, Goswami N, Guldemond NA, Henderson D, Hinkema MJ, Liotta G, Mair A, Molloy W, Monaco A, Monsonis-Paya I, Nizinska A, Papadopoulos H, Pavlickova A, Pecorelli S, Prados-Torres A, Roller-Wirnsberger RE, Somekh D, Vera-Muñoz C, Visser F, Farrell J, Malva J, Andersen-Ranberg K, Camuzat T, Carriazo AM, Crooks G, Gutter Z, Iaccarino G, de Keenoy EM, Moda G, Rodriguez-Mañas L, Vontetsianos T, Abreu C, Alonso J, Alonso-Bouzon C, Ankri J, Arredondo MT, Avolio F, Bedbrook A, Bialoszewski AZ, Blain H, Bourret R, Cabrera-Umpierrez MF, Catala A, O'Caoimh R, Cesari M, Chavannes NH, Correia-da-Sousa J, Dedeu T, Ferrando M, Ferri M, Fokkens W, Garcia-Lizana F, Guérin O, Hellings PW, Haahtela T, Illario M, Inzerilli MC, Lodrup-Carlsen K, Kardas P, Keil T, Maggio M, Mendez-Zorrilla A, Menditto E, Mercier J, Michel JP, Murray R, Nogues M, O'Byrne-Maguire I, Pappa D, Parent AS, Pastorino M, Robalo-Cordeiro C, Samolinski B, Siciliano P, Teixeira AM, Tsartara SI, Valiulis A, Vandenplas O, Vasankari T, Vellas B, Vollenbroek-Hutten M, Wickman M, Yorgancioglu A, Zuberbier T, Barbagallo M, Canonica GW, Klimek L, Maggi S, Aberer W, Akdis C, Adcock IM, Agache I, Albera C, Alonso-Trujillo F, Angel Guarcia, Annesi-Maesano I, Apostolo J, Arshad SH, Attalin V, Avignon A, Bachert C, Baroni I, Bel E, Benson M, Bescos C, Blasi F, Barbara C, Bergmann K, Bernard PL, Bonini S, Bousquet PJ, Branchini B, Brightling CE, Bruguière V, Bunu C, Bush A, Caimmi DP, Calderon MA, Canovas G, Cardona V, Carlsen KH, Cesario A, Chkhartishvili E, Chiron R, Chivato T, Chung KF, d'Angelantonio M, De Carlo G, Cholley D, Chorin F, Combe B, Compas B, Costa DJ, Costa E, Coste O, Coupet AL, Crepaldi G, Custovic A, Dahl R, Dahlen SE, Demoly P, Devillier P, Didier A, Dinh-Xuan AT, Djukanovic R, Dokic D, Du Toit, Dubakiene R, Dupeyron A, Emuzyte R, Fiocchi A, Wagner A, Fletcher M, Fonseca J, Fougère B, Gamkrelidze A, Garces G, Garcia-Aymeric J, Garcia-Zapirain B, Gemicioglu B, Gouder C, Hellquist-Dahl B, Hermosilla-Gimeno I, Héve D, Holland C, Humbert M, Hyland M, Johnston SL, Just J, Jutel M, Kaidashev IP, Khaitov M, Kalayci O, Kalyoncu AF, Keijser W, Kerstjens H, Knezovi? J, Kowalski M, Koppelman GH, Kotska T, Kovac M, Kull I, Kuna P, Kvedariene V, Lepore V, MacNee W, Maggio M, Magnan A, Majer I, Manning P, Marcucci M, Marti T, Masoli M, Melen E, Miculinic N, Mihaltan F, Milenkovic B, Millot-Keurinck J, Mlinari? H, Momas I, Montefort S, Morais Almeida M, Moreno-Casbas T, Mösges R, Mullol J, Nadif R, Nalin M, Navarro-Pardo E, Nekam K, Ninot G, Paccard D, Pais S, Palummeri E, Panzner P, Papadopoulos NK, Papanikolaou C, Passalacqua G, Pastor E, Perrot M, Plavec D, Popov T, Postma DS, Price D, Raffort N, Reuzeau JC, Robine JM, Rodenas F, Robusto F, Roche N, Romano A, Romano V, Rosado-Pinto J, Roubille F, Ruiz F, Ryan D, Salcedo T, Schmid-Grendelmeier P, Schulz H, Schunemann HJ, Serrano E, Sheikh A, Shields M, Siafakas N, Scichilone N, Siciliano P, Skrindo I, Smit HA, Sourdet S, Sousa-Costa E, Spranger O, Sooronbaev T, Sruk V, Sterk PJ, Todo Bom A, Touchon J, Tramontano D, Triggiani M, Tsartara SI, Valero AL, Valovirta E, van Ganse, van Hage M, van den, Vandenplas O, Ventura M, Vergara I, Vezzani G, Vidal D, Viegi G, Wagemann M, Whalley B, Wickman M, Wilson N, Yiallouros PK, ?agar M, Zaidi A, Zidarn M, Hoogerwerf EJ, Usero J, Zuffada R, Senn A, de Oliveira-A. Building Bridges for Innovation in Ageing: Synergies between Action Groups of the EIP on AHA. J Nutr Health Aging 2017; 21(1): 92-104.
    Puigvehí M, Hernández J, Broquetas M, Coll S, García-Retortillo M, Cañete N, Giménez MD, García-García M, Bory F, Salvadó M, Solà R, Carrion JA*. Diagnostic Accuracy of the Enhanced Liver Fibrosis (ELF®) Score Using HCV-Infected Serum Samples Cryopreserved for up to 25 Years. PLoS One . 2016; 11(12): e0164883.
    Fernández-Navarro P*, Villanueva CM, García-Pérez J, Boldo E, Goñi-Irigoyen F, Ulibarrena E, Rantakokko P, García-Esquinas E, Pérez Gómez B, Pollán M, Aragonés Sanz N. Chemical quality of tap water in Madrid: multicase control cancer study in Spain (MCC-Spain). Environ Sci Pollut R 2017; 24(5): 4755-4764.
    Hidalgo M*, Álvarez R, Gallego J, Guillén-Ponce C, Laquente B, Macarulla T, Muñoz A, Salgado M, Vera R, Adeva J, Alés I, Arévalo S, Blázquez J, Calsina A, Carmona A, de Madaria E, Díaz R, Díez L, Fernández T, de Paredes BG, Gallardo ME, González I, Hernando O, Jiménez P, López A, López C, López-Ríos F, Martín E, Martínez J, Martínez A, Montans J, Pazo R, Plaza JC, Peiró I, Reina J, Sanjuanbenito A, Yaya R, Carrato A. Consensus guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of patients with pancreatic cancer in Spain. Clin Transl Oncol 2017; 19(6): 667-681.
    Hoekzema E*, Barba-Müller E, Pozzobon C, Picado M, Lucco F, García-García D, Soliva JC, Tobeña A, Desco M, Crone EA, Ballesteros A, Carmona S, Vilarroya O. Pregnancy leads to long-lasting changes in human brain structure. Nat Neurosci 2017; 20(2): 287-296.
    Traylor M*, Malik R, Nalls MA, Cotlarciuc I, Radmanesh F, Thorleifsson G, Hanscombe KB, Langefeld C, Saleheen D, Rost N, Yet I, Spector TD, Bell JT, Hannon E, Mill J, Chauhan G, Debette S, Bis JC, Longstreth WT, Ikram MA, Launer LJ, Seshadri S, Jiménez Conde J, Cole W, Schmidt R, Slowik A, Lemmens R, Lindgren A, Melander O, Grewal RP, Sacco R, Rundek T, Rexrode K, Arnett DK, Johnson JA, Benavente O, Wasssertheil-Smoller S, Lee JM, Pulit SL, Wong Q, Rich SS, de Bakker PI, McArdle P, Woo D, Anderson CD, Xu H, Heitsch L, Fornage M, Jern C, Stefansson K, Thorsteinsdottir U, Gretarsdottir S, Lewis CM, Sharma P, Sudlow CL, Rothwell PM, Boncoraglio GB, Thijs V, Levi C, Meschia J, Rosand J, Kittner J, Mitchell BD, Dichgans M, Worrall B, Markus HS, METASTROKE, UK Young Lacunar DNA Study, NINDS Stroke Genetics Network, Neurology Working Group of the CHARGE Consortium, on behalf of the International Stroke Genetics Consortium. Genetic Variation at 16q24.2 is associated with small vessel stroke. Ann Neurol 2017; 81(3): 383-394.
    Rodríguez-Chiaradia DA*, Sancho A, Rodó A, Herranz A, Gea J, Bruguera J, Molina L. Right Ventricular Response During Exercise in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Heart Lung Circ 2017; 26(6): 631-634.
    Ruiz-de-León-San-Juan A, Ciriza C*, Pérez de la Serna J, Canga F, Estremera F, García-Sánchez R, Huamán JW, Pérez-Fernández MT, Santander C, Serra J, Sevilla C, Barba E, Bosque MJ, Casabona S, Carrión S, Castillo P, Delgado S, Domínguez AB, Fernández-Orcajo P, García-Lledó J, Gigantó F, Iglesias R, Lacima G, López-López P, Llabrés M, Mas P, Mego M, Mendarte MU, Miliani C, Oreja M, Sánchez-Ceballos F, Sánchez-Prudencio S. Practical aspects of high resolution esophageal manometry. Rev Esp Enferm Dig 2017; 109(2): 91-105.
    Martín-Ezquerra G*, Masferrer E, Pujol RM. Use of biological treatments in patients with hidradenitis suppurativa. G Ital Dermatol Venereol 2017; 152(4): 373-378.
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    Li recordem que podrà exercir els drets d’accés, rectificació, cancel·lació i oposició dirigint-se per escrit al Servei de Recursos Humans-IMIM (