INFORECERCA: Butlletí Informatiu del Servei de Recerca de l'IMIM
Número: 500
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Convocar una beca per a projectes de recerca originals i inèdits: “Recerca bàsica”
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Es convoquen 6 beques d'investigació clínica en cardiologia, 4 per part de la Societat Espanyola de Cardiologia a través de la Fundació Casa del Cor i 2 per part de la Fundació Espanyola del Cor, per una quantia de 20.000 euros cadascuna.
L'objecte d'aquest projecte és promoure la investigació en cardiologia i haurà de destinar-se obligatòriament a infraestructura, material o personal dedicat a la investigació. Per a la seva concessió es valorarà la qualitat científica del projecte, la seva originalitat i viabilitat, especialment l'adequació dels mitjans i experiència del laboratori o servei a les necessitats del projecte.
Donat l'interès estratègic de la Societat Espanyola de Cardiologia en la qualitat assistencial, per a la qual és essencial el Registre RECALCAR, els centres participants en el projecte de recerca hauran de col·laborar en l'enviament d'informació a aquest registre.
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Kindness for Kids was founded is a Munich based independent foundation, whose goal is helping children with rare diseases and their families, at a scientific and social level.

Most rare pediatric diseases are chronic and entail severe impairment to a person’s health. Strong medication of different kinds, frequent visits to varying physicians as well as days or weeks in hospital have become a part of most patients and their families. The few specialists are often far away. Thus appropriate therapies and cures are left wanting. By tertiary prevention, including medical and paramedical therapies, the award aims to minimize side effects and relapses and hence improve the quality of life for children with rare diseases.
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The goal of the Worldwide Cancer Research (formerly known as AICR) is to support research that might in future help reduce the incidence of cancer or improve cancer survival. The grants support fundamental or translational research into the causes, mechanisms, diagnosis, treatment or prevention of cancer. This remit is usually interpreted conservatively.
WCR does not support clinical or psychosocial research and other types of applied cancer research. This includes healthcare delivery or patient care research, health economics, public health or policy research, quality of life or behavioural studies, and clinical trials. This list is not exhaustive.
Proposals that contain a small clinical element as an essential part of a basic or translational research project are often permitted, but you are advised to contact WCR's Grant Round Manager, Lorraine Black for advice before submitting your proposal. More information can also be found in our application handbook.
Borses de viatge
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Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) is a membership organisation that exists to help the global health community accelerate the fight against cancer.
Founded in 1933 and based in Geneva, UICC’s growing membership of over 900 organisations across 155 countries, features the world’s major cancer societies, ministries of health, research institutes and patient groups. Together with its members, key partners, the World Health Organization, World Economic Forum and others, UICC is tackling the growing cancer crisis on a global scale.
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Recursos Humans
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Aquestes beques consisteixen en una ajuda a postgraduats amb el títol de doctor, per a desenvolupar treballs d'investigació en el camp de l'estudi del càncer colorrectal, dirigits per un doctor en Ciències de la Salut, en un centre reconegut a Catalunya i/o Espanya.
Informació últil
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The Joint Programming Initiative "A Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life" (JPI HDHL) has been established to coordinate research in the areas of food, diet, physical activity and health in order to achieve tangible societal and health impact and to strengthen European leadership and competitiveness in this field.

The call "Interrelation of the Intestinal Microbiome, Diet and Health" addresses important research questions regarding the cause-and-effect relationships between diet, the intestinal microbiome and human health. The overall aim of HDHL-INTIMIC is to build a solid knowledge base for the development of new strategies and products for health promotion and prevention of chronic diseases through diet-dependent modulation of the intestinal microbiome.
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This call for joint transnational research proposals, cofunded by the European Union, aims to support multinational, collaborative research projects that address important research questions regarding the cause-and-effect relationships between diet, the intestinal microbiome and human health.
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This Call 2017 “Ageing and place in a digitising world” is concerned with the ways in which the health and wellbeing of older people, at all stages of later life, is supported and promoted through the design of the social and physical environment, access to opportunities to learn, and the use of technologies of all kinds.
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Horizon 2020 is the new EU funding programme for research and innovation running from 2014 to 2020. The Horizon 2020 societal challenge of ‘health, demographic change and wellbeing’ (SC1) for the years 2016 and 2017 is strategically orientated to 'promoting healthy ageing and personalised healthcare'.
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The goal of the Worldwide Cancer Research (formerly known as AICR) is to support research that might in future help reduce the incidence of cancer or improve cancer survival. The grants support fundamental or translational research into the causes, mechanisms, diagnosis, treatment or prevention of cancer. This remit is usually interpreted conservatively.
WCR does not support clinical or psychosocial research and other types of applied cancer research. This includes healthcare delivery or patient care research, health economics, public health or policy research, quality of life or behavioural studies, and clinical trials. This list is not exhaustive.
Proposals that contain a small clinical element as an essential part of a basic or translational research project are often permitted, but you are advised to contact WCR's Grant Round Manager, Lorraine Black for advice before submitting your proposal. More information can also be found in our application handbook.
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CURE - Citizens United for Research in Epilepsy
Citizens United for Research in Epilepsy (CURE), is a leading nongovernmental agency fully committed to funding research in epilepsy.

The CURE Innovator Award supports the exploration of a highly innovative, often risky new concept or untested theory that addresses an important problem relevant to epilepsy. The Innovator Award proposed research must reflect ideas substantially different from those being pursued by anyone in the epilepsy research field. The program is not intended to support the logical progression of an already established research project but, instead, allows Principal Investigators (PIs) the opportunity to pursue radically unconventional, paradigm-shifting hypotheses. CURE AwardsThis award mechanism supports high-risk studies that have the potential to reveal entirely new areas of epilepsy research.
Research completed through an Innovator Award must provide sufficient preliminary data to enable the PI to prove or disprove their groundbreaking, original, and/or unconventional hypothesis and have the potential, if the scope of work is successful, to move epilepsy research forward by leaps rather than by incremental steps.
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CURE - Citizens United for Research in Epilepsy
Citizens United for Research in Epilepsy (CURE), is a leading nongovernmental agency fully committed to funding research in epilepsy.

CURE’s investigator-initiated grants program seeks to push the envelope and accelerate promising research leading to disease-modifying breakthroughs for people living with epilepsy. CURE prioritizes highly innovative, risky, paradigm-shifting projects that address CURE’s mission to cure epilepsy, affirming our core belief that the only acceptable final goal is “no seizures, no side-effects.”
CURE strongly encourages multidisciplinary, collaborative projects, especially those that include investigators and expertise from fields outside of epilepsy.

2017 Priority areas
  • Transformative research to enhance our understanding of the cellular, molecular, genetic and systems-level mechanisms that lead to any of the epilepsies, facilitating the continued investigation of disease-modifying or preventative strategies
  • Innovative approaches that can prevent, modify and/or arrest the development of acquired epilepsy after stroke, tumor, viral infection, etc.*
  • Research that will inform the development of novel therapies to prevent onset or halt the progression of the severe pediatric epilepsies
  • Research focused on new, effective treatments for the >30% of the epilepsy population who are pharmacoresistant Novel research that furthers our understanding of the causes and ultimate elimination of SUDEP
    *Due to the exciting launch of our Post-Traumatic Epilepsy Team Science Initiative in collaboration with the Department of Defense, this priority area has been slightly revised to exclude epilepsy as a result of head injury.

    Based on CURE’s current research objectives, lower priority will be given for research in the following areas:
  • Research that focuses solely on a comorbid condition without also seeking to address/understand the accompanying epilepsy
  • Research that focuses solely on improving localization of the epileptic seizure focus
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    CURE - Citizens United for Research in Epilepsy
    Citizens United for Research in Epilepsy (CURE), is a leading nongovernmental agency fully committed to funding research in epilepsy.

    The CURE Taking Flight Award seeks to promote the careers of young investigators to allow them to develop a research focus independent of their mentor(s). Researchers may propose basic or clinical studies, but this award mechanism is not intended to support clinical trials. Research that involves collaboration and a multidisciplinary approach is desirable. Applicant will be required to discuss how this avenue of research is independent from his or her mentor’s research, and will lead him or her to a path of independent epilepsy research. We encourage studies that will provide new directions for epilepsy therapy, prevention and, ultimately, a cure and that will allow applicants to collect the data necessary to support a National Institutes of Health grant application
    Borses de viatge
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    The RISE scheme will promote international and inter-sector collaboration through research and innovation staff exchanges, and sharing of knowledge and ideas from research to market (and vice-versa).

    RISE involves organisations from the academic and non-academic sectors (in particular SMEs), based in Europe (EU Member States and Associated Countries) and outside Europe (third countries).

    Support is provided for the development of partnerships in the form of a joint research and innovation project. This is aimed at knowledge sharing via international as well as intersectoral mobility, based on secondments of research and innovation staff (exchanges) with an in-built return mechanism.

    The organisations constituting the partnership contribute directly to the implementation of the joint research and innovation activities by seconding and/or hosting eligible staff members.

    Exchanges can be for both early-stage and experienced researchers' levels and can also include administrative, managerial and technical staff supporting the research and innovation activities of the proposal.
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    Les beques d'estades curtes tenen com objectiu completar la formació postdoctoral de professors dels centres universitaris llatinoamericans associats a la Fundació Carolina, en universitats o en centres d'investigació espanyols.
    Els beneficiaris d'aquest programa d'estades curtes postdoctorales han de romandre a Espanya un mínim d'un mes i un màxim de tres, i estar sempre avalats per un expert o per un centre receptor espanyol.
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    The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) carries out programs that provide overseas researchers who have an excellent record of research achievements with an opportunity to conduct collaborative research, discussions, and opinion exchanges with researchers in Japan. These programs are intended to help advance the overseas researchers' research activities while promoting science and internationalization in Japan.
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    European Society for Medical Oncology
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    La Fundació Bancària ”la Caixa” convoca 55 beques per cursar estudis de postgrau en universitats de l’Amèrica del Nord (els Estats Units o el Canadà) i en universitats de la zona Àsia-Pacífic (Austràlia, Corea del Sud, l’Índia, el Japó, Singapur i la Xina).
    Els estudis són de màster o doctorat. També s’admeten, segons l’interès del tema i la vàlua del candidat, els projectes predoctorals d’investigació científica i tècnica.
    La convocatòria comprèn totes les àrees del coneixement i s’adreça a totes les persones que estiguin en disposició de cursar estudis de postgrau.
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    Janssen-Cilag España
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    El XI Premi Francisco Cobos s'atorgarà com a reconeixement de la tasca científica en l'àrea de les ciències biomèdiques, d'un doctor de nacionalitat espanyola que estigui desenvolupant la seva investigació vinculat formalment a una institució, universitat o centre d'investigació públic o privat, radicat a Espanya, i que hagi realitzat aportacions rellevants d'investigació biomèdica en els cinc anys anteriors, com a estímul per a prosseguir en la investigació i contribuir a la seva projecció científica.
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    La convocatòria està oberta a tots aquells Doctors que hagin obtingut la qualificació de Excel·lent cum laude en la lectura de la seva tesi doctoral durant l'any 2016, defensada en una universitat espanyola, sobre:
  • Neurociències bàsiques i clíniques,
  • Neurologia
  • Neuropatologia
  • Neurocirurgia
  • Neurofisiologia
  • Psiquiatria
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    The European Young Researchers’ Award (EYRA) is granted since 2010 to researchers demonstrating outstanding research performance and leadership. It aims to inspire early stage researchers to incorporate a European dimension and perspective into their research.

    The Award is granted each year; in odd years, the prize is dedicated to PhD candidates, and in even years to post-doctoral fellows. The prize-giving-ceremony is held every two years at the EuroScience Open Forum (ESOF) where the two recipients will present their work.
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    S'estableix una àmplia temàtica coincident amb les línies prioritàries d'investigació en el Parc Tecnològic de Ciències de la Salut:
  • Medicina regenerativa i teràpia gènica
  • Oncologia molecular i genòmica del càncer
  • Genòmica, proteòmica i farmacogenòmica
  • Immunologia i Immunopatologia
  • Parasitologia molecular
  • Neurociències
  • Nutrició, nutrigenòmica i endocrinologia molecular
  • Biotecnologia i noves dianes terapèutiques
  • Patologies cardiovasculars
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    Reconèixer a les entitats i persones que hagin demostrat la seva capacitat solidària en l'àmbit de la salut i el benestar. La convocatòria persegueix premiar a aquelles iniciatives ja realitzades o en curs que tinguin un fort component social i/o mediambiental en el sector sociosanitari.
    Recursos Humans
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    Les beques de doctorat estan dirigides a fomentar l'obtenció del grau acadèmic de doctor entre els docents de les universitats d'Amèrica Llatina associades amb la Fundació Carolina. En tots els casos, és la universitat o institució educativa d'Amèrica Llatina associada amb la Fundació qui ha de postular als candidats davant la Fundació Carolina.
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    As Europe’s only intergovernmental research organisation in the life sciences and as a leading laboratory in molecular biology, EMBL is dedicated to promoting excellence in the molecular life sciences throughout Europe. One of the best ways to achieve this goal is by inspiring and fostering talented young scientists to turn them into skilled and creative future leaders.
    The EMBL International PhD Programme provides comprehensive training that promotes scientific excellence, independence and creativity.
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    Sanchis-Alfonso V*, Montesinos-Berry E, Ramirez-Fuentes C, Leal J, Gelber PE, Monllau JC. Failed medial patellofemoral ligament reconstruction: Causes and surgical strategies. World J Orthop 2017; 8(2): 115-129.
    Giménez-Arnau AM*. Conocer a los pacientes con urticaria crónica impacta en la calidad de su manejo. Actas Dermosifiliograf 2017; 108(4): 325.
    Uson J, Loza E*, Möller I, Acebes C, Andreu JL, Batlle E, Bueno Á, Collado P, Fernández-Gallardo JM, González C, Jiménez Palop, Lisbona MP, Macarrón P, Maymó J, Narváez JA, Navarro-Compán V, Sanz J, Rosario MP, Vicente E, Naredo E. Recomendaciones para el uso de la ecografía y la resonancia magnética en pacientes con espondiloartritis, incluyendo la artritis psoriásica, y en pacientes con artritis idiopática juvenil. Reumatol Clin 2018; 14(1): 27-35.
    Malik R, Dau T, Gonik M, Sivakumar A, Deredge DJ, Edeleva EV, Götzfried J, van der Laan SW, Pasterkamp G, Beaufort N, Seixas S, Bevan S, Lincz LF, Holliday EG, Burgess AI, Rannikmäe K, Minnerup J, Kriebel J, Waldenberger M, Müller-Nurasyid M, Lichtner P, Saleheen D, Rothwell PM, Levi C, Attia J, Sudlow CL, Braun D, Markus HS, Wintrode PL, Berger K, Jenne DE, Dichgans M*, International Stroke Genetics Consortium (...,Jiménez Conde J,...). Common coding variant in SERPINA1 increases the risk for large artery stroke. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 2017; 114(14): 3613-3618.
    Stull D*, McBride D, Tian H, Giménez-Arnau AM, Maurer M, Marsland A, Balp M, Khalil S, Grattan C. Analysis of Disease Activity Categories in Chronic Spontaneous/Idiopathic Urticaria. Br J Dermatol 2017; 177(4): 1093-1101.
    Colomo L, Vazquez I, Papaleo N, Espinet B, Ferrer A, Franco C, Comerma L, Hernández-Llodrà S, Calvo X, Salar A, Climent F, Mate JL, Forcada P, Mozos A, Nonell L, Martinez A, Carrio A, Costa D, Dlouhy I, Salaverria I, Martin-Subero JI, Lopez-Guillermo A, Valera A, Campo E, Grup per l'Estudi dels Limfomes de Catalunya i Balears (GELCAB). LMO2-negative Expression Predicts the Presence of MYC Translocations in Aggressive B-Cell Lymphomas. Am J Surg Pathol 2017; 41(7): 877-886.
    Kirwan JR, de Wit M, Frank L, Haywood KL, Salek S, Brace-McDonnell S, Lyddiatt A, Barbic SP, Alonso J, Guillemin F, Bartlett SJ*. Emerging Guidelines for Patient Engagement in Research. Value Health 2017; 20(3): 481-486.
    Duñach M, del Valle-Pérez B, García de Herreros A. p120-catenin in canonical Wnt signaling. Crit Rev Biochem Mol 2017; 52(3): 327-339.
    Bayes-Genis A*, Barallat J, de Antonio M, Domingo M, Zamora E, Vila JS, Subirana I, Gastelurrutia P, Pastor MC, Januzzi JL, Lupón J. Bloodstream Amyloid-beta (1-40) Peptide, Cognition, and Outcomes in Heart Failure. Rev Esp Cardiol 2017; 70(11): 924-932.
    Gascon M*, Guxens M, Vrijheid M, Torrent M, Ibarluzea J, Fano E, Llop S, Ballester F, Fernández MF, Tardón A, Fernández-Somoano A, Sunyer J. The INMA-INfancia y Medio Ambiente-(Environment and Childhood) project: More than 10 years contributing to environmental and neuropsychological research. Int J Hyg Envir Heal 2017; 220(4): 647-658.
    Vidal M, Vellvé K, González-Comadran M, Robles A, Prat M, Torné M, Carreras Collado R, Checa MA*. Perinatal outcomes in children born after fresh or frozen embryo transfer: a Catalan cohort study based on 14,262 newborns. Fertil Steril 2017; 107(4): 940-947.
    Barata A*, Martino R, Gich I, García-Cadenas I, Abella E, Barba P, Briones J, Brunet S, Esquirol A, Garcia-Pallarols F, Garrido A, Granell M, Martinez J, Mensa I, Novelli S, Sanchez-Blanco B, Valcárcel D, Sierra J. Do Patients and Physicians Agree When They Assess Quality of Life?. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant 2017; 23(6): 1005-1010.
    Amor AJ, Serra-Mir M, Martínez-González MA, Corella D, Salas Salvadó J, Fitó Colomer M, Estruch Riba R, Serra Majem L, Arós F, Babio N, Ros E, Ortega E*, PREDIMED Investigators. Prediction of Cardiovascular Disease by the Framingham-REGICOR Equation in the High-Risk PREDIMED Cohort: Impact of the Mediterranean Diet Across Different Risk Strata. J Am Heart Assoc 2017; 6: e004803.
    Carmona FD*, Coit P, Saruhan-Direskeneli G, Hernández-Rodríguez J, Cid MC, Solans R, Castañeda S, Vaglio A, Direskeneli H, Merkel PA, Boiardi L, Salvarani C, González-Gay MA, Martín J, Sawalha AH, Vasculitis Clinical Research Consortium (...,Monfort J, Tío L,...). Analysis of the common genetic component of large-vessel vasculitides through a meta-Immunochip strategy. Sci Rep 2017; 7: 43953.
    Valdés S*, Maldonado C, Lago A, Lillo-Muñoz JA, Garcia-Fuentes E, Perez-Valero V, Gutiérrez-Repiso C, Garcia-Escobar E, Goday A, Urrutia I, Peláez L, Calle-Pascual A, Bordiú E, Castaño L, Castell C, Delgado E, Menéndez E, Franch-Nadal J, Gaztambide S, Girbés J, Ortega E, Vendrell J, Chacón MR, Javier Chaves, Soriguer F, Rojo-Martínez G. Reference values for TSH may be inadequate to define hypothyroidism in persons with morbid obesity: study. Obesity (Silver Spring) 2017; 25(4): 788-793.
    Eastell R, Díez-Pérez A*. Recommendations for the screening of adherence to oral bisphosphonates: reply to comments by Zhou and Sheng. Osteoporosis Int 2017; 28(7): 2257-2258.
    Roca H, Riera M, Pascual J, Soler MJ*. Characterization of ACE and ACE2 Expression within Different Organs of the NOD Mouse. Int J Mol Sci 2017; 18(3): E563.
    Wolkewitz M*, Zortel M, Palomar-Martinez M, Álvarez-Lerma F, Olaechea-Astigarraga P, Schumacher M. Landmark prediction of nosocomial infection risk to disentangle short- and long-stay patients. J Hosp Infect 2017; 96(1): 81-84.
    2015 European Society of Coloproctology collaborating group (...,Alonso S, Gil MJ, Pascual M, Pera M, Salvans S,...). The relationship between method of anastomosis and anastomotic failure after right hemicolectomy and ileo-caecal resection: an international snapshot audit. Colorectal Dis 2017; 19(8): e296-e311.
    Fernandez MF*, Pumarega JA, Porta M, Molina-Molina JM, Arrebola JP, Olea N. Changes in the total effective xenoestrogen burden (TEXB) of breast cancer patients during an 18-month post-surgical follow-up. Reprod Toxicol 2017; 69: 212-220.
    Razquin C, Sanchez-Tainta A, Salas Salvadó J, Buil-Cosiales P, Corella D, Fitó Colomer M, Ros E, Estruch Riba R, Arós F, Gómez Gracia E, Fiol M, Lapetra J, Serra Majem L, Pinto X, Schröder H, Tur J, Sorlí J, Lamuela Raventós R.M, Bulló M, Bes-Rastrollo M, Martinez-Gonzalez MA*, PREDIMED GROUP. Dietary energy density and body weight changes after 3 years in the PREDIMED study. Int J Food Sci Nutr 2017; 68(7): 865-872.
    Ruscio AM*, Hallion LS, Lim CC, Aguilar-Gaxiola S, Al-Hamzawi A, Alonso J, Andrade LH, Borges G, Bromet EJ, Bunting B, Caldas de Almeida JM, Demyttenaere K, Florescu S, de Girolamo G, Gureje O, Haro JM, He Y, Hinkov H, Hu C, De Jonge P, Karam EG, Lee S, Lepine JP, Levinson D, Mneimneh Z, Navarro-Mateu F, Posada-Villa J, Slade T, Stein DJ, Torres Y, Uda H, Wojtyniak B, Kessler RC, Chatterji S, Scott KM. Cross-sectional Comparison of the Epidemiology of DSM-5 Generalized Anxiety Disorder Across the Globe. JAMA Psychiatry 2017; 74(5): 465-475.
    Villanueva E, Navarro P, Rovira-Rigau M, Sibilio A, Méndez R*, Fillat C*. Translational reprogramming in tumour cells can generate oncoselectivity in viral therapies. Nat Commun 2017; 8: 14833.
    Pailhez G*, Castaño JR, Rosado S, Ballester MD, Vendrell C, Canale F, Bulbena A. Detección y medición de la enfermedad funcional y orgánica en población general: desarrollo y validación de la escala clínica TOPYPS. Aten Primaria 2017; 49(10): 570-575.
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    En compliment de la Llei 34/2002, de Serveis de la Societat de la Informació i de Comerç Electrònic, aquest correu li hem enviat a partir de les dades de contacte que vostè ens ha facilitat. Si vostè no desitja rebre més comunicats, pot donar-se de baixa dirigint-se per escrit al Servei de Recursos Humans-IMIM ( tot indicant la paraula “baixa base de dades” a l’assumpte.
    Li recordem que podrà exercir els drets d’accés, rectificació, cancel·lació i oposició dirigint-se per escrit al Servei de Recursos Humans-IMIM (