INFORECERCA: Butlletí Informatiu del Servei de Recerca de l'IMIM
Número: 514
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By specifically targeting promising early-career scientists and providing critically needed “seed” money for innovative projects, Concern Foundation supports development of the next generation of cancer researchers and thus promotes progress in understanding cancer biology and improved approaches to cancer.
Proposals must be hypothesis-driven and centered on cancer genetics, cancer biology, or cancer immunology. Concern will not fund clinical trials, cancer epidemiology, or behavioral studies.
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The Brain & Behavior Research Foundation is the largest philanthropic organization dedicated to research across all brain and behavior disorders (not disease specific). Recipients of NARSAD Grants represent an extraordinary variety of disciplines. Research has included (but is not limited to) studies in: genetics, neurobiology, molecular biology, imaging, neurochemical studies, neurophysiology, electrophysiology, clinical psychopharmacology, descriptive clinical studies, epidemiological research, treatment modalities, cognition studies, and outcome and prevention research.
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La Beca Dr. Pedro Albert vol reconèixer i promoure l'esforç investigador que en l'àmbit de les Neurociències té lloc a nivell nacional i internacional, amb l'objectiu de millorar les pràctiques quirúrgiques i, en general, la salut i el benestar dels ciutadans.
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Kenneth Rainin Foundation
The Rainin Foundation supports high-risk research and challenge investigators to push boundaries to advance the goal of predicting and preventing Inflammatory Bowel Disease.
The Kenneth Rainin Foundation’s Synergy Award is designed to encourage collaboration among health researchers from across disciplines to advance the study of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD). It funds groundbreaking or unconventional methodologies, whose risky outlook is justified by the possibility of a major breakthrough. Collaboration is a key requirement of our Synergy Award. Throughout the application, it is essential to demonstrate that the end product of the proposed research could not be achieved without collaboration.
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Beca dirigida a neuròlegs amb trajectòria de recerca acreditada, per a projectes de recerca en Neurosonologia que no comptin amb finançament de tercers.
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The Alzheimer's Drug Discovery Foundation supports promising, diverse international research projects to develop new drugs for Alzheimer's and related dementias, including vascular, Lewy body, and frontotemporal dementias.
ADDF's goal is to fill the critical translational funding gap that exists between basic research and later-stage drug development. ADDF funds three categories of research:
  • Drug discovery and preclinical development, including high throughput screening, medicinal chemistry, lead optimization, in vivo efficacy, safety and toxicology, formulation of the drug, and scale-up
  • Clinical trials
  • Early detection, such as biomarkers and neuroimaging
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    Proposals are requested for projects focused on health benefits associated with yogurt consumption. Research focused in the following areas are particularly encouraged:
  • mechanism of action,
  • biological effects of yogurt live ferments & fermentation products
  • impact of yogurt consumption on gut microbiota
  • in adults and in children
    The grant is supported by Danone Institute International in collaboration with the American Society for Nutrition (ASN) and the International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF)
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    Fomentar el desenvolupament de la recerca en l'àmbit de les malalties poc freqüents mitjançant el finançament de projectes de recerca.
    Tindran caràcter de recerques objecte d'aquesta convocatòria la recerca básica i translacional.
    Es consideren malalties rares o poc freqüents aquelles que compleixen els paràmetres de prevalença reconeguts internacionalment, és a dir que compleixen dos criteris:
    1) la prevalença acceptada per la Unió Europea de 5 o menys casos per 10.000 habitants, i
    2) que la malaltia estigui inclosa en les bases de dades Orphanet ( o OMIM ( amb nombre ORPHA o OMIM assignat.
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    Fondation Leducq is a French non-profit health research foundation, the mission of which is to improve human health through international efforts to combat cardiovascular and neurovascular disease.

    The principal aim of this program is to bring together international teams of researchers with complementary expertise and resources so that they can accomplish together what the members could not do individually. The networks supported by the foundation should advance the science of cardiovascular and neurovascular disease, apply the knowledge gained through research towards the development of technology and therapeutics to improve human health, and support early-career investigators in cardiovascular and neurovascular disease.
    Each network is built around a transatlantic research alliance involving two network coordinators, the European Coordinator and the North American Coordinator.
    Borses de viatge
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    Ajudar a finançar l'intercanvi de coneixements i experiències entre grups de treball a Espanya i a l'estranger en els àmbits de la Microbiologia Clínica i de les Malalties Infeccioses. (1 a 3 setmanes)
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    The EACR Travel Fellowship Programme is specifically designed to assist early career researchers to advance their research.
    Funding awards are made to support visits to work in centres of excellence, or to support attendance at specialised practical workshops and courses.
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    The award is given to an individual whose leadership and extraordinary achievements in cancer research or in support of cancer research have made a major impact on the field. Such achievements include contributions to the acceleration of progress in cancer research, raising national or international awareness of cancer research, or other demonstrations of a sustained commitment to the conquest of cancer.
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    This lectureship will recognize an individual scientist whose novel and significant work has had or may have a far-reaching impact on the detection, diagnosis, treatment, or prevention of cancer.
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    The AACR and the American Cancer Society established this award in 1992 to honor outstanding research accomplishments in the fields of cancer epidemiology, biomarkers, and prevention.
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    The prestigious Pezcoller Foundation–AACR International Award for Cancer Research was established in 1997 to annually recognize a scientist of international renown:
  • who has made a major scientific discovery in basic cancer research OR who has made significant contributions to translational cancer research;
  • who continues to be active in cancer research and has a record of recent, noteworthy publications; and
  • whose ongoing work holds promise for continued substantive contributions to progress in the field of cancer.
    The award is intended to honor an individual scientist. However, more than one scientist may be co-nominated and selected to share the award when their investigations are closely related in subject matter and have resulted in work that is worthy of the award.
    Recursos Humans
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    Becar la persona amb un projecte d'investigació o treball amb gran impacte social en l'àmbit de la ciència, la innovació i la tecnologia.
    Informació últil
     No hi ha novetats
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    The Brain & Behavior Research Foundation is the largest philanthropic organization dedicated to research across all brain and behavior disorders (not disease specific). Recipients of NARSAD Grants represent an extraordinary variety of disciplines. Research has included (but is not limited to) studies in: genetics, neurobiology, molecular biology, imaging, neurochemical studies, neurophysiology, electrophysiology, clinical psychopharmacology, descriptive clinical studies, epidemiological research, treatment modalities, cognition studies, and outcome and prevention research.
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    Té per finalitat finançar projectes, promoure la generació de coneixement científic sense orientació temàtica prèviament definida i la investigació de qualitat, evidenciada tant per a la seva contribució a la solució de problemes socials, econòmics i tecnològics com per a la publicació dels seus resultats en foros d'alt impacte científic i tecnològic o la internacionalització de les activitats.
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    Finançar la execució de projectes d’investigació que impliquin l’increment dels coneixements científics i tecnològics mitjançant la promoció d’activitats d’investigació, consistents en treballs experimentals o teòrics orientats específicament a algun dels vuit grans reptes de la societat espanyola identificats en la Estrategia Española de Ciencia y Tecnología y de Innovación:
  • (1) Salut, canvi demogràfic i benestar;
  • (2) Seguretat, qualitat alimentària; activitat agrària productiva i sostenible; sostenibilitat de recursos naturals, investigació marina i marítima;
  • (3) Energia segura, eficient i neta;
  • (4) Transport intel·ligent, sostenible i integrat;
  • (5) Acció sobre el canvi climàtic i eficiència en l'utilització de recursos i matèries primeres;
  • (6) Canvis i innovacions socials;
  • (7) Economia i societat digital;
  • (8) Seguretat, protecció i defensa.
    Les ajudes estaran destinades a finançar les despeses de personal, petit equipament, materials i altres despeses relacionades amb els objectius del projecte.
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    Beca dirigida a neuròlegs amb trajectòria de recerca acreditada, per a projectes de recerca en Neurosonologia que no comptin amb finançament de tercers.
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    Donar suport econòmicament a investigacions que, en l'àmbit de les Ciències Socials, versin específicament sobre temàtiques relacionades amb l'adolescència i la joventut. Es tracta d'impulsar, estimular i contribuir a la difusió investigadora centrada en aquesta població.
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    The Dementia Consortium supports collaborative target validation and drug discovery projects from academia and SMEs. We offer a unique collaborative model bringing together the charity and industry sectors to help accelerate development of therapies for novel dementia targets.
    The Dementia Consortium provides drug discovery resources, project management, industry expertise and tools as well as full funding support for projects. We can support small molecule or antibody-based strategies and aim to generate tools to achieve preclinical target validation. Our ultimate goal is to progress successful projects from laboratories towards the clinic.
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    JDRF is the world’s leading non-profit organization with the mission to cure type 1 diabetes (T1D). The purpose of this call is to invite proposals to support and advance the discovery, development, and/or validation of biomarkers of pancreatic beta cell stress and dysfunction. Studies based on use or validation with human beta cells/islets and clinical samples or tissues will be of special interest.
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    FARA supports research through funding competitive grants, promoting collaboration among scientists, advocating for public-private partnerships that support drug discovery, drug development and clinical research and hosting open forums for leading scientists to share their insights, ideas and challenges to advancing treatments for FA.
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    In order to promote young scientists early in their career, SciLifeLab has engaged in a collaboration with AAAS and Science magazine, co-funded by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation, to award an annual prize in the area of life science for the best PhD thesis work.

    The 2017 categories are:
  • Cell and Molecular Biology
  • Ecology and Environment
  • Genomics and Proteomics
  • Translational Medicine
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    Podran prendre part en el concurs els doctors de nacionalitat espanyola que hagin defensat la tesi entre l'1 de juliol de 2016 i el 14 de juliol de 2017 i hagin obtingut la qualificació Excel·lent cum laude.
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    ARC - Fondation ARC pour la Recherce sur le Cancer
    An annual Prize entitled "Prix Fondation ARC Léopold Griffuel" was created in 1970. The prize is awarded to an investigator or a team, whose work has led to a major breakthrough in basic research or in applied research in oncology. .
    Recursos Humans
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    Convocar 5 beques/contractes predoctorals en Neurociència per a espanyols que vagin a realitzar la seva tesi doctoral en un Programa de doctorat acreditat oficialment a Espanya.
    L'objectiu de les beques/contractes és la realització de la tesis doctoral en Neurociència enfocada a la comprensió del sistema nerviós humà i de les malalties que l'afecten.
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    Bayer's mission is to provide new treatment options for diseases with high unmet medical need.
    The Bayer Fellowship Program targets students and apprentices in scientific and medical disciplines. Its goal is to support the next generation of researchers and teachers as they engage in “Science for a Better Life”.
    Rodríguez-García E, Barrios C, Soler MJ*. Should eculizumab be discontinued in patients with atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome?. Clin Kidney J 2017; 10(3): 320-322.
    Hernández-Llodrà S*, Juanpere N, de Muga S, Lorenzo M, Gil J, Font A, Agell L, Albero R, Segalés L, Merino J, Serrano L, Fumadó L, Cecchini L, Lloreta J*. ERG overexpression plus SLC45A3 (prostein) and PTEN expression loss: Strong association of the triple hit phenotype with an aggressive pathway of prostate cancer progression. Oncotarget 2017; 8(43): 74106-74118.
    Ridker PM, Revkin J, Amarenco P, Brunell R, Curto M, Civeira F, Flather M, Glynn RJ, Gregoire J, Jukema JW, Karpov Y, Kastelein JJP, Koenig W, Lorenzatti A, Manga P, Masiukiewicz U, Miller M, Mosterd A, Murin J, Nicolau JC, Nissen S, Ponikowski P, Santos RD, Schwartz PF, Soran H, White H, Wright RS, Vrablik M, Yunis C, Shear CL, Tardif JC, SPIRE Cardiovascular Outcome Investigators (...,Bruguera J,...). Cardiovascular Efficacy and Safety of Bococizumab in High-Risk Patients. New Engl J Med 2017; 376(16): 1527-1539.
    Ridker PM, Tardif JC, Amarenco P, Duggan W, Glynn RJ, Jukema JW, Kastelein JJP, Kim AM, Koenig W, Nissen S, Revkin J, Rose LM, Santos RD, Schwartz PF, Shear CL, Yunis C, SPIRE Investigators (...,Bruguera J,...). Lipid-Reduction Variability and Antidrug-Antibody Formation with Bococizumab. New Engl J Med 2017; 376(6): 1517-1526.
    Scott KM*, Koenen KC, King A, Petukhova MV, Alonso J, Bromet EJ, Bruffaerts R, Bunting B, De Jonge P, Haro JM, Karam EG, Lee S, Medina-Mora ME, Navarro-Mateu F, Sampson NA, Shahly V, Stein DJ, Torres Y, Zaslavsky AM, Kessler RC. Post-traumatic stress disorder associated with sexual assault among women in the WHO World Mental Health Surveys. Psychol Med 2018; 48(1): 155-167.
    Santos C, Azuara D, Garcia-Carbonero R, García-Alfonso P, Carrato A, Elez E, Gómez A, Losa F, Montagut C, Massuti B, Navarro V, Varela M, López-Doriga A, Moreno V, Valladares M, Manzano JL, Viéitez JM, Aranda E, Sanjuan X, Tabernero J, Capella G, Salazar R*. Optimization of RAS/BRAF mutational analysis confirms improvement in patient selection for clinical benefit to anti-EGFR treatment in metastatic colorectal cancer. Mol Cancer Ther 2017; 16(9): 1999-2007.
    Fullana MA, Zhu X, Alonso P, Cardoner N, Real E, López-Solà C, Segalàs C, Subirà M, Galfalvy H, Menchón JM, Simpson HB, Marsh R, Soriano-Mas C. Basolateral amygdala-ventromedial prefrontal cortex connectivity predicts cognitive behavioural therapy outcome in adults with obsessive-compulsive disorder. J Psychiatr Neurosci 2017; 42(5): 160215.
    Elosua R*, Sayols-Baixeras S. Genética de la cardiopatía isquémica: del conocimiento actual a las implicaciones clínicas. Rev Esp Cardiol 2017; 70(9): 754-762.
    Polanco-García M, García-Lopez J, Fàbregas N, Meissner W, Puig MM, PAIN-OUT-Spain Consortium. Postoperative pain management in Spanish hospitals. A cohort study using the PAIN-OUT registry. J Pain 2017; 18(10): 1237-1252.
    López-Montañés M, Alari E, Sintes J, Martínez-Rodríguez JE, Muntasell A*, López-Botet M*. Antibody-Dependent NK Cell Activation Differentially Targets EBV-Infected Cells in Lytic Cycle and Bystander B Lymphocytes Bound to Viral Antigen-Containing Particles. J Immunol 2017; 199(2): 656-665.
    Uter W*, Amario-Hita JC, Balato A, Ballmer-Weber B, Bauer A, Belloni Fortina, Bircher A, Chowdhury MMU, Cooper SM, Dugonik A, Gallo R, Giménez-Arnau AM, Johansen J, John SM, Kiec-Swierczynska M, Kmecl T, Krecisz B, Larese Filon, Mahler V, Pesonen M, Rustemeyer T, Sadowska-Przytocka A, Sánchez-Perez J, Schliemann S, Schuttelaar ML, Simon D, Spiewak R, Valiukeviciene S, Weisshaar E, White IR, Wilkinson SM. European Surveillance System on Contact Allergies (ESSCA): results with the European baseline series, 2013/14. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 2017; 31(9): 1516-1525.
    Li D*, Chang X, Connolly JJ, Tian L, Liu Y, Bhoj EJ, Robinson N, Abrams D, Li YR, Bradfield JP, Kim CE, Li J, Wang F, Snyder J, Lemma M, Hou C, Wei Z, Guo Y, Qiu H, Mentch FD, Thomas KA, Chiavacci RM, Cone R, Li B, Sleiman PA, Hakonarson H*, Price Foundation Collaborative Group (...,Gratacòs M, Docampo E, Escaramís G, Rabionet R, Estivill X,...). A genome-wide association study of anorexia nervosa suggests a risk locus implicated in dysregulated leptin signaling. Sci Rep 2017; 7(1): 3847.
    Torrente-Segarra V*, Salman-Monte TC, Rúa-Figueroa I, Sánchez-Alonso F, López-Longo FJ, Galindo-Izquierdo M, Calvo-Alén J, Olivé-Marqués A, Ibañez-Ruán J, Horcada L, Sánchez-Atrio A, Montilla C, Melero-González R, Díez-Álvarez E, Martinez-Taboada V, Andreu JL, Fernández-Berrizbeitia O, Hernández-Beriain JÁ, Gantes M, Hernández-Cruz B, Pecondón-Español Á, Marras C, Bonilla G, Pego-Reigosa JM, RELESSER Study Group of the Spanish Society of Rheumatology (SER) and the Study Group of Systemic Autoimmune Diseases of the SER (EAS-SER). Juvenile- and adult-onset systemic lupus erythematosus: a comparative study in a large cohort from the Spanish Society of Rheumatology Lupus Registry (RELESSER). Clin Exp Rheumatol 2017; 35(6): 1047-1055.
    Burón A*, Auge JM, Sala M, Román M, Castells A, Macià F, Comas M, Guiriguet C, Bessa X, Castells X, and the PROCOLON research group. Association between socioeconomic deprivation and colorectal cancer screening outcomes: Low uptake rates among the most and least deprived people. PLoS ONE 2017; 12(6): e0179864.
    Lizano-Díez X, Ginés A*, Alentorn-Geli E, Pérez-Prieto D, González-Lucena G, Gamba C, de Zabala S, Solano A, Rigol-Ramón P. Corticosteroid Injection for the Treatment of Morton's Neuroma: A Prospective, Double-Blinded, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Trial. Foot & Ankle Int 2017; 38(9): 944-951.
    Rodríguez DA*, Kortianou EA, Alison JA, Casas A, Giavedoni S, Barberan-Garcia A, Arbillaga A, Vilaró J, Gimeno-Santos E, Vogiatzis I, Rabinovich R, Roca J. Heart Rate Recovery After 6-min Walking Test Predicts Acute Exacerbation in COPD. Lung 2017; 195(4): 463-467.
    Corcoles D*, Malagón A, Bellsola M, González A, Cortizo R, Leon-Caballero J, Bulbena A, Pérez V, Martín LM. Síntomas neuropsiquiátricos como factor de confusión en la detección de la demencia. Aten Primaria 2018; 50(5): 267-273.
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    En compliment de la Llei 34/2002, de Serveis de la Societat de la Informació i de Comerç Electrònic, aquest correu li hem enviat a partir de les dades de contacte que vostè ens ha facilitat. Si vostè no desitja rebre més comunicats, pot donar-se de baixa dirigint-se per escrit al Servei de Recursos Humans-IMIM ( tot indicant la paraula “baixa base de dades” a l’assumpte.
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