INFORECERCA: Butlletí Informatiu del Servei de Recerca de l'IMIM
Número: 672
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Incentivar la posada en marxa de projectes de recerca en el camp de la neuroepidemiología a Espanya.
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Beca adreçada a neuròlegs, amb trajectòria de recerca acreditada, per a la realització d'un projecte d'investigació, clínica o preclínica, en Neurosonología.
Borses de viatge
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Té el propòsit d'ajudar a finançar estades curtes dels seus membres en altres centres, dins del país o a l'estranger, en l'àmbit de la Microbiologia Clínica i de les Malalties Infeccioses.
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ESCMID has evolved to become Europe’s leading society in clinical microbiology and infectious diseases with members from all European countries and all continents. For more than 30 years, ESCMID has been an influential component in the professional lives of microbiologists and infectious disease specialists and now reaches more than 33’000 members and affiliated members around the world.
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Recursos Humans
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PhD fellowships in the field of life sciences at the EMBL.
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Contribuir a la formació i perfeccionament professional dels seus socis, així com a l’adquisició de noves tècniques i mètodes d’investigació dins les malalties de l’Aparell Digestiu.
Informació últil
 No hi ha novetats
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One‐year grant to support research related to a rare disease.
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New projects to directly contribute to the development of the research Infrastructure (EBRAINS) of the Human Bran Project and increase the scope of its application in terms of innovation, neuroscience and clinical research.
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Grupo Español de Tumores neuroendocrinos y endocrinos (GETNE)
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Grupo Español de Tumores neuroendocrinos y endocrinos (GETNE)
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ESCMID Research grants help young and excellent investigators to pursue groundbreaking research by funding 1-year projects in the field of Fungal / Viral / Parasitic Infections and Diseases.
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Promocionar la recerca clínica de qualitat per part d'equips liderats i constituïts fonamentalment per internistes, ofereix un ajut per a un projecte de contrastada qualitat científica amb una temàtica multidisciplinar en la qual col·laboren almenys dos grups de treball i en el qual es visualitzi el valor afegit de la col·laboració per al desenvolupament del mateix.
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La Societat Catalana d’Endocrinologia i Nutrició convoca dos ajuts, un de perfil bàsic i un altre de clínic per a realitzar un Treball de Recerca sobre un tema relacionat amb l’especialitat, la realització del qual ha de repercutir beneficiosament en l’Endocrinologia catalana.
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The Nutricia Research Foundation supplies grants for nutrition related research projects to young investigators (< 10 years after obtaining their PhD)
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L'ORÉAL-UNESCO For Women in Science és una iniciativa conjunta de la Fundació L'Oréal i la UNESCO per donar visibilitat, reconèixer i donar suport al treball de les científiques en tot el món i encoratjar vocacions per la ciència entre les més joves sota el lema "El món necessita ciència i la ciència necessita dones".
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Obtenir propostes originals de projectes de recerca que reverteixin en l'avanç de la terapèutica clínica i en la millora del coneixement dels sarcomes.
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L'Ajuda Fundació Merck Salut en resultats de salut convoca la III edició de Recerca destinada a finançar projectes duts a terme a Espanya, en un termini mínim d'1 any i màxim de 3 anys.
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BCRP seeks to accelerate high-impact research with clinical relevance, encourage innovation and stimulate creativity,and facilitate productive collaborations.
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Small Meeting Grants are intended to cover the cost of a running small meeting in the fields of the Company of Biologist’s journals. Small meetings would normally be arranged on a small budget and be a local meeting taking place on one day.
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Funding for the establishment of EFIS-IL Study Groups on specific areas of immunology-related research.
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EFIS and the European Journal of Immunology (EJI) are proud to offer financial support for immunology-themed meetings, workshops and schools that are organized in Europe and are international in nature.

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Small Meeting Grants are intended to cover the cost of a running small meeting in the fields of the Company of Biologist’s journals. Small meetings would normally be arranged on a small budget and be a local meeting taking place on one day.
Borses de viatge
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Funding for European fellows to pursue a period of research in Japan, or for whereas Japanese fellows to do their research in Europe, in all fields of research.
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Proporcionar als residents en l’últim any de l’especialitat d’Oncologia Radioteràpica o als especialistes en Oncologia Radioteràpica en un Hospital acreditat de Catalunya, l’oportunitat d’ampliar o d’actualitzar la seva formació, tant clínica com de recerca, a un o més centres de l’estranger, durant un període de 2 a 4 mesos.
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Fellowships for short stays (usually 3-6 months) for basic and clinical postgraduate investigators at a foreign institution to accomplish a very focused research project, to learn an experimental procedure or methodology, or to get in-depth knowledge about a sophisticated, clinical diagnostic procedure not available at the Home Institution.
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Funding for short stays in Germany, from 1 to 6 months, to promote research projects within the context of doctoral programmes.
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Funding for short stays in Germany for university teachers and established academics and scientists, to promote the exchange of experience and networking amongst colleagues.
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Funding for visiting top institutes and performing research training in human nutrition for PhD candidates or post docs <5 yrs after having obtained their PhD, particularly from developing countries.
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EFIS and Immunology Letters (IL) award short-term fellowships for up to 3 months of support for purposes of transnational scientific collaboration or advanced training in techniques or methodologies.
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The ERA-NET NEURON partner countries are issuing the EXCELLENT PAPER IN NEUROSCIENCE AWARD to recognize the most remarkable and outstanding scientific publications by young researchers in the field of disease-related neurosciences.
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Els Premis Luis Noé Fernández tenen tres modalitats, guardonant experiències rellevants tant en matèria de nutrició com assistència alimentària i lluita contra la fam.
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El Premi Internista Jove distingeix metges internistes, clínics i / o investigadors, menors de 35 anys, amb una forta implicació en la SEMI durant almenys els últims 3 anys i amb una trajectòria clínica, docent i / o d'investigació d'excel·lència.
Amb aquest premi es pretén distingir una carrera científica d'excel·lència.
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Estimular la recerca entre els professionals d'infermeria, contribuir en el desenvolupament de la innovació científica, promoure la qualitat en el procés de recerca i aportar un benefici al sistema sanitari.
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WAF founder and ambassador
They are looking for STEM postgraduate and PhD students (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) at Universities who have developed their master or PhD thesis on the most promising technological areas within the ICT industry.
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Premi per a treballs inèdits sobre qualsevol àrea de coneixement de la infermeria.
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La Societat Catalana de Cirurgia atorgarà el premi “Manuel Corachan” a la millor comunicació presentada en cada curs acadèmic.
Recursos Humans
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2 year fellowships to enhance the creative and innovative potential of experienced researchers wishing to diversify their individual competence in terms of skill acquisition at multi- or interdisciplinary level through advanced training, international and intersectoral mobility.
Termini exhaurit
Contribuir a la formació i perfeccionament professional dels seus socis, així com a l’adquisició de noves tècniques i mètodes d’investigació dins les malalties de l’Aparell Digestiu.
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La FEHH convoca un programa de 9 beques per a gaudir en 2021: 7 de la FEHH, una d'elles en col·laboració amb el Grup Espanyol de Leucèmia Linfocítica Crònica (GELLC), i 2 d'una col·laboració FEHH/*Janssen
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Atorgar beques a clients o fills de clients del Grup ACM Espanya (Agrupació, Atlantis i/o GACM Seguros Generales) que una vegada finalitzats els estudis de grau universitari, vulguin realitzar estudis de postgrau i màsters durant el curs 2020/2021.
Manterola C*, Grande L, Riffo-Campos ÁL, Salgado C, Otzen T. Clinical aspects of abdominal actinomycosis: a systematic review. Anz Journal Of Surgery 2020; 90(7-8): 1465-1468.
García De Frutos A*, González Tartière P, Coll R, Ubierna MT, Del Arco A, Rivas A, Matamalas A, Saló G, Velazquez JJ, Vila G, García-Lopez J, Vives J, Codinach M, Rodriguez L, Bago J, Cáceres-Palou E. Randomized clinical trial: Expanded autologous bone marrow mesenchymal cells combined with allogeneic bone tissue, compared with autologous iliac crest graft in lumbar fusion surgery. Spine J . 2020; 20(12): 1899-1910.
Ferrando C*, Mellado-Artigas R, Gea A, Arruti E, Aldecoa C, Bordell A, Adalia R, Zattera L, Ramasco F, Monedero P, Maseda E, Martínez A, Tamayo G, Mercadal J, Muñoz G, Jacas A, Ángeles G, Castro P, Hernández M, Fernandez J, Gómez-Rojo M, Candela Á, Ripollés J, Nieto A, Bassas E, Deiros C, Margarit A, Redondo FJ, Martin A, García N, Casas P, Morcillo C, Hernández-Sanz ML, de la Red de UCI Española para COVID-19. Patient characteristics, clinical course and factors associated to ICU mortality in critically ill patients infected with SARS-CoV-2 in Spain: A prospective, cohort, multicentre study. Rev Esp Anestesiol Reanim 2020; 67(8): 425-437.
Fernández-Berges DJ*, Dégano IR, González-Fernández R, Subirana I, Vila JS, Jimenez-Navarro M, Pérez-Fernández S, Roqué M, Bayés-Genís A, Fernández-Avilés F, Mayorga A, Bertomeu-Gonzalez V, Sanchis J, Rodríguez M, Sanchez-Hidalgo A, Sanchez-Insa E, Elorriaga A, Abu-Assi E, Nuñez A, Garcia JM, Morrondo P, Bosch-Portell D, Lekuona I, Carrillo-Lopez A, Zamora A, Vega-Hernandez B, Alameda J, Rubert C, Ruiz-Valdepeñas L, Quintas L, Rodríguez-Padial L, Vaquero J, Martinez Dolz, Barrabes JA, Sanchez PL, Sionis A, Martí-Almor J, Elosua R, Lidon RM, García-Dorado D, Marrugat J, ATHOS investigators. Benefit of primary percutaneous coronary interventions in the elderly with ST segment elevation myocardial infarction. Open Heart . 2020; 7(2): e001169.
Marqués F, Sala A, Fraile A*, Tey M, León A. Modular diaphyseal anchor stems with locking screws in the hip revision with massive femoral defects. Revista Española de Cirugía Ortopédica y Traumatología 2020; 64(6): 409-414.
Roquer-González J, Cuadrado E, Guimaraens L, Conesa G, Rodríguez Campello A, Capellades J, Gracia-Arnillas MP, Fernández-Candil JL, Avellaneda C, Giralt E, Jiménez Conde J, Soriano Tàrrga C, Villalba G, Vivanco R, Vivas E, Ois A. Short and long-term outcome of aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage patients. Neurology 2020; 95(13): e1819-e1829.
Fuggle NR, Cooper C*, Harvey NC, Al-Daghri N, Brandi ML, Bruyere O, Cano A, Dennison EM, Díez-Pérez A, Kaufman JM, Palacios S, Prieto-Alhambra D, Rozenberg S, Thomas T, Tremollieres F, Rizzoli R, Kanis JA, Reginster JY. Assessment of Cardiovascular Safety of Anti-Osteoporosis Drugs. Drugs 2020; 80(15): 1537-1552.
Möhler R, Renom A*, Renom H, Meyer G. Personally tailored activities for improving psychosocial outcomes for people with dementia in community settings. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2020; 8: CD010515.
Álvarez-Larran A*, Angona A, Andrade-Campos M, Noya MS, Gómez-Casares MT, Cuevas B, Caballero G, García-Hernández C, García-Gutiérrez V, Palomino A, Ferrer-Marín F, Vázquez IM, Moretó A, Magro E, Murillo I, Alonso JM, Guerra JM, Guerrero L, Raya JM, Pérez-Encinas M, Carreño-Tarragona G, Fox L, Pastor-Galán I, Bellosillo B, Hernández-Boluda JC, MPN Spanish Group (GEMFIN).. Cytoreductive treatment in patients with CALR-mutated essential thrombocythaemia: a study comparing indications and efficacy among genotypes from the Spanish Registry of Essential Thrombocythaemia. Br J Haematol 2021; 192(6): 988-996.
García-Basteiro A, Álvarez-Dardet C, Arenas A, Bengoa R, Borrell C, Del Val M, Franco M, Gea-Sánchez M, Gestal JJ, Gonzalez B, Hernández I, March JC, Martin-Moreno JM, Menéndez C, Minué S, Muntaner C, Porta M, Prieto-Alhambra D, Vives-Cases C, Legido-Quigley H*. The need for an independent evaluation of the COVID-19 response in Spain. Lancet 2020; 396(10250): 529-530.
Ntaios G*, Michel P, Georgiopoulos G, Guo Y, Li W, Xiong J, Calleja P, Ostos F, González G, Fuentes B, Alonso de Leciñana M, Díez-Tejedor E, García S, Masjuan J, DeFelipe A, Turc G, Gonçalves B, Domigo V, Dan GA, Vezeteu R, Christensen H, Christensen LM, Meden P, Hajdarevic L, Rodriguez-Lopez A, Díaz-Otero F, Garcia-Pastor A, Gil-Núñez A, Maslias E, Strambo D, Werring DJ, Chandratheva A, Benjamin L, Simister R, Perry R, Beyrouti R, Jabbour P, Sweid A, Tjoumakaris S, Cuadrado E, Rodríguez Campello A, Roquer-González J, Moreira T, Mazya MV, Bandini F, Matz K, Iversen HK, González-Duarte A, Tiu C, Ferrari J, Vosko MR, Salzer HJF, Lamprecht B, Dünser MW, Cereda CW, Quintero ÁBC, Korompoki E, Soriano E, Soto LE, Castañeda PF, Bay-Sansores D, Arauz A, Cano V, Kristoffersen ES, Tiainen M, Strbian D, Putaala J, Lip GYH. Characteristics and Outcomes in Patients With COVID-19 and Acute Ischemic Stroke: The Global COVID-19 Stroke Registry. Stroke 2020; 51(9): e254-e258.
Páez-Vega A, Cantisán S*, Agüera ML, Suñer M, Facundo C, Yuste JR, Fernández-Ruiz M, Montejo M, Redondo D, López-Oliva MO, Fernández-Rodríguez A, Fariñas MC, Hernández D, Len O, Muñoz P, Valle-Arroyo J, Rodelo-Haad C, Cordero E, Torre Cisneros J. Pretransplant CMV-specific T-cell immunity but not dose of antithymocyte globulin is associated with recovery of specific immunity after kidney transplantation. J Infect Dis 2021; 223(7): 1205-1213.
Ruiz-Carmona C*, Mateos-Torres E. Early Kidney Transplant Dysfunction with Renal Artery Torsion: A Surgical Emergency. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg 2020; 60(5): 686.
McGrath JJ, Lim CCW, Plana O, Holtz Y, Agerbo E, Momen NC, Mortensen PB, Pedersen CB, Abdulmalik J, Aguilar-Gaxiola S, Al-Hamzawi A, Alonso J, Bromet EJ, Bruffaerts R, Bunting B, de Almeida JM, de Girolamo G, de Vries YA, Florescu S, Gureje O, Haro JM, Harris MG, Hu C, Karam EG, Kawakami N, Kiejna A, Kovess-Masfety V, Lee S, Mneimneh Z, Navarro-Mateu F, Orozco R, Posada-Villa J, Roest AM, Saha S, Scott KM, Stagnaro JC, Stein DJ, Torres Y, Viana MC, Ziv Y, Kessler RC, de Jonge P*. Comorbidity within mental disorders: a comprehensive analysis based on 145 990 survey respondents from 27 countries. Epidemiol Psychiatr Sci 2020; 29: e153.
Meseguer A, Domínguez-Boada L, Bota PM, Aguirre J, Bonet J, Fernandez-Fuentes N, Oliva B*. Using collections of structural models to predict changes of binding affinity caused by mutations in protein-protein interactions. Protein Sci 2020; 29(10): 2112-2130.
Soriano Tàrrga C*, Lazcano Uxue U, Jiménez Conde J, Ois A*, Cuadrado-Godia E, Giralt-Steinhauer E, Rodríguez Campello A, Gomez-Gonzalez A, Avellaneda-Gómez C, Vivanco-Hidalgo RM, Roquer-González J. Biological age is a novel biomarker to predict stroke recurrence. J Neurol 2021; 268(1): 285-292.
Maldonado C, Valdes S*, Badía R, Lago A, Colomo N, García-Fuentes E, Gutierrez-Repiso C, Goday A, Calle-Pascual A, Castaño L, Castell C, Delgado E, Menendez E, Franch J, Gaztambide S, Girbés J, Chaves FJ, Soriguer F, Rojo-Martínez G. Iodine Deficiency and Mortality in Spanish Adults. study. Thyroid 2021; 31(1): 106-114.
Porta M*, Pumarega JA, Amaral AFS, Genkinger JM, Camargo J, Mucci L, Alguacil J, Gasull M, Zhang X, Morales E, Iglesias M, Ogino S, Engel LS, PANKRAS II Study Group. Influence of KRAS mutations, persistent organic pollutants, and trace elements on survival from pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. Environ Res 2020; 190: 109781.
Borras JM*, Font R, Solà J, Macia M, Tuset V, Arenas M, Eraso A, Verges R, Farré N, Pedro A, Mollà M, Algara M, Solé JM, Mira M, Espinàs JA. Impact of non-adherence to radiotherapy on 1-year survival in cancer patients in catalonia, spain. Radiother Oncol 2020; 151: 200-205.
Cedó L*, Fernández-Castillejo S, Rubió L, Metso J, Santos D, Muñoz D, Rivas-Urbina A, Tondo M, Méndez-Lara KA, Farràs M, Jauhiainen M, Motilva MJ, Fitó M, Blanco FJ, Solà R, Escolà-Gil JC. Phenol-Enriched Virgin Olive Oil Promotes Macrophage-Specific Reverse Cholesterol Transport In Vivo. Biomedicines 2020; 8(8): E266.
Borges G, Orozco R, Benjet C, Martinez KI, Vargas E, Jiménez-Pérez AL, Peláez AJ, Hernández-Uribe PC, Covarrubias MLA, Gutiérrez-García RA, Quevedo-Chavez GE, Albor Y, Mendez E, Medina-Mora ME, Mortier P, Ayuso-Mateos JL. (Internet) Gaming Disorder in DSM-5 and ICD-11: A Case of the Glass Half Empty or Half Full: (Internet) Le trouble du jeu dans le DSM-5 et la CIM-11: Un cas de verre à moitié vide et à moitié plein. Can J Psychiat 2021; 66(5): 477-484.
García-Baos A, Alegre L, Cantacorps L, Martín A, Valverde O*. Role of cannabinoids in alcohol-induced neuroinflammation. Prog Neuro-Psychopharmacol Biol Psychiatr 2020; 104: 110054.
Alegre L, Martín A, Valverde O. Behavioural and molecular effects of cannabidiolic acid in mice. Life Sci 2020; 259: 118271.
Crespo M*, Mazuecos A, Rodrigo E, Gavela E, Villanego-Fernandez F, Sánchez-Álvarez E, González-Monte E, Jiménez C, Melilli E, Diekman F, Zárraga S, Hernández D, Pascual J*, Spanish Society of Nephrology COVID-19 Group. Respiratory and Gastrointestinal COVID-19 Phenotypes in Kidney Transplant Recipients. Transplantation 2020; 104(11): 2225-2233.
Sanvisens A, Zuluaga P, Short A, Rubio G, Gual A, Torrens M, Fuster D, Bolao F, Rodríguez de Fonseca F, Muga R, CohRTA study*.. Sex-specific Associations of Alcohol Withdrawal in Patients Admitted for the Treatment of Alcohol Use Disorder. J Addict Med . 2021; 15(1): 68-73.
Rodríguez-Lago I, Del Hoyo J, Pérez-Girbés A, Garrido-Marín A, Casanova MJ, Chaparro M, Fernández-Clotet A, Castro-Poceiro J, García MJ, Sanchez S, Ferreiro-Iglesias R, Bastón I, Piqueras M, Esteba L, Mena R, Suárez C, Poza J, López A, Marquez L, Arroyo M, Alfambra E, Sierra M, Cano N, Delgado PG, Morales VJ, Aparicio JC, Guerra I, Aulló C, Merino O, Arranz L, Hidalgo MA, Llaó J, Plaza R, Molina G, Torres P, Pérez-Galindo P, Romero MG, Herrera-deGuise C, Armesto E, Mesonero F, Frago S, Benítez JM, Calvo M, Lopez MC, Elorza A, Larena A, Peña E, Rodríguez-Grau MDC, De Miguel-Criado J, Botella B, Olmos JA, López-López L, Aguirre U, Gisbert JP*, Young GETECCU Group. Early treatment with anti-tumor necrosis factor agents improves long-term effectiveness in symptomatic stricturing Crohn's disease. United European Gastroenterol J 2020; 8(9): 1056-1066.
Biswas M, Saba L, Chakrabartty S, Khanna NN, Song H, Suri HS, Sfikakis PP, Mavrogeni S, Viskovic K, Laird JR, Cuadrado E, Nicolaides A, Sharma A, Viswanathan V, Protogerou A, Kitas G, Pareek G, Miner M, Suri JS*. Two-stage artificial intelligence model for jointly measurement of atherosclerotic wall thickness and plaque burden in carotid ultrasound: A screening tool for cardiovascular/stroke risk assessment. Comput Biol Med 2020; 123: 103847.
Mena M*, Frias Gómez J, Taberna M, Quirós B, Marquez S, Clavero O, Baena A, Lloveras B, Alejo M, León X, García J, Mesía R, Bermejo O, Bonfill T, Aguila A, Guix M, Hijano R, Pavón MA, Torres M, Tous S, Clèries R, Alemany L*. Epidemiology of human papillomavirus-related oropharyngeal cancer in a classically low-burden region of southern Europe. Sci Rep 2020; 10(1): 13219.
Blanco L, Sió A, Hogg B, Esteve R, Radua J, Solanes A, Gardoki-Souto I, Sauras R, Farré A, Castillo C, Valiente-Gómez A, Pérez V, Torrens M, Amann BL*, Moreno-Alcazar A. Traumatic Events in Dual Disorders: Prevalence and Clinical Characteristics. J Clin Med 2020; 9(8): E2553.
Martínez-Sellés M*, Martínez ME, Ibarrola M, Santos A, Díez-Villanueva P, Bayés-Genís A, Baranchuk A, Bayés-de-Luna A, Elosua R. Interatrial block and cognitive impairment in the BAYES prospective registry. Int J Cardiol 2020; 321: 95-98.
Velasco R*, Mercadal S, Vidal N, Alañá M, Barceló M.I, Ibáñez-Juliá MJ, Bobillo S, Caldú S, García Molina E, Martínez P, Cacabelos P, Muntañola A, García Catalán G, Sancho JM, Camro I, Lado T, Erro ME, Gómez L, Salar A, Caballero A.C, Solé M, Gállego J, Huertas N, Estela J, Barón M, Barbero N, Encuentra M, Dlouhy I, Bruna J, Graus F, GELTAMO and GENOSEN group. Diagnostic delay and outcome in immunocompetent patients with primary central nervous system lymphoma in Spain: a multicentric study. J Neuro-Oncol 2020; 148(3): 545-554.
Goicoechea N*, Hinarejos P, Torres R, Leal J, Sánchez-Soler JF, Monllau JC. Patellar denervation does not reduce post-operative anterior knee pain after primary total knee arthroplasty with patellar resurfacing. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc 2021; 29(10): 3346-3351.
Maya S*, Pérez M, Ruiz L, Duran X, López-Vílchez MA. Prevalence of neonatal ankyloglossia in a tertiary care hospital in Spain: a transversal cross-sectional study. Eur J Pediatr 2021; 180(3): 751-757.
Carrión-Barberá I*, Zuccarino F, Escalante FA, Salman-Monte TC. Multiple coronary aneurysms and acute myocardial infarction in a female patient with rhupus: case report and literature review. Clin Rheumatol 2021; 40(3): 1175-1184.
Iglesias M, Gil M, Peñarrubia MT, Blanco E, Fernández-Vergel R, Serrano-Blanco A, Carbonell C, Alonso J, Rubio-Valera M*. Barriers and opportunities for the treatment of mild-to-moderate depression with a watchful waiting approach. Patient Educ Couns 2021; 104(3): 611-619.
Freund Y*, Drogrey M, Miró Ò, Marra A, Féral-Pierssens AL, Penaloza A, Lara BA, Beaune S, Gorlicki J, Vattinada P, Truchot J, Pena B, Aguirre A, Fémy F, Javaud N, Chauvin A, Chouihed T, Montassier E, Claret PG, Occelli C, Roussel M, Brigant F, Ellouze S, Le Borgne P, Laribi S, Simon T, Lucidarme O, Cachanado M, Bloom B, IMPROVING EMERGENCY CARE FHU Collaborators. Association between Pulmonary Embolism and COVID-19 in ED patients Undergoing CTPA: the PEPCOV international retrospective study. Acad Emerg Med 2020; 27(9): 811-820.
Torres M, Anabitarte A, Cirach M, Estarlich M, Fernández-Somoano A, González-Safont L, Guxens M, Julvez J, Riaño-Galán I, Sunyer J, Dadvand P*. Residential Surrounding Greenspace and Mental Health in Three Spanish Areas. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2020; 17(16): E5670.
Baena-Diez JM, Barroso M, Cordeiro-Coelho SI, Díaz JL, Grau M*. Impact of COVID-19 outbreak by income: hitting hardest the most deprived. Eur J Public Health 2020; 42(4): 698-703.
Hitt R*, Iglesias L, López-Pousa A, Berrocal A, Grau JJ, García-Girón C, Martínez-Trufero J, Guix M, Lambea J, Del Barco E, León X, Cunquero AJ, Baste N, Ocaña A, Cruz-Hernández JJ, the Spanish Head and Neck Cancer Cooperative Group (TTCC). Long-term outcomes of induction chemotherapy followed by chemoradiotherapy vs chemoradiotherapy alone as treatment of unresectable head and neck cancer: follow-up of the Spanish Head and Neck Cancer Group (TTCC) 2503 Trial. Clin Transl Oncol 2021; 23(4): 764-772.
Vilor-Tejedor N*, Operto G, Evans TE, Falcon C, Crous M, Minguillón C, Cacciaglia R, Milà M, Grau-Rivera O, Suarez-Calvet M, Garrido D, Morán S, Esteller M, Adams HH, Molinuevo JL, Guigó R, Gispert JD*, ALFA Study. Effect of BDNF Val66Met on hippocampal subfields volumes and compensatory interaction with APOE-?4 in middle-age cognitively unimpaired individuals from the ALFA study. Brain Struct Funct 2020; 225(8): 2331-234.
Vyas CM, Ogata S, Reynolds CF, Mischoulon D, Chang G, Cook NR, Manson JE, Crous M, de Vivo I, Okereke OI*. Lifestyle and behavioral factors and mitochondrial DNA copy number in a diverse cohort of mid-life and older adults. PLoS One . 2020; 15(8): e0237235 (Acceptat).
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