INFORECERCA: Butlletí Informatiu del Servei de Recerca de l'IMIM
Número: 817
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The Innovative Health Initiative Joint Undertaking (IHI JU) is a partnership between the European Union and industry associations representing the sectors involved in healthcare, namely COCIR (medical imaging, radiotherapy, health ICT and electromedical industries); EFPIA, including Vaccines Europe (pharmaceutical industry and vaccine industry); EuropaBio (biotechnology industry); and MedTech Europe (medical technology industry).
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FEIOMM - Fundación Española de Investigación Ósea y del Metabolismo Mineral (FEIOMM)
Promocionar la investigació bàsica, clínica i translacional en el camp del metabolisme mineral i ossi.
Borses de viatge
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Proporcionar als residents en l’últim any de l’especialitat d’Oncologia Radioteràpica o als especialistes en Oncologia Radioteràpica en un Hospital acreditat de Catalunya, l’oportunitat d’ampliar o d’actualitzar la seva formació, tant clínica com de recerca, a un o més centres de l’estranger.
Informació últil
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BrightFocus Foundation
BrightFocus accepts investigator initiated proposals related to developing treatments, preventions, and cures for Alzheimer's disease.
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LEO Foundation ‘Open competition grants’ are given to support the best dermatology research projects worldwide.
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BrightFocus Foundation
BrightFocus accepts investigator initiated proposals related to developing treatments, preventions, and cures for Alzheimer's disease.
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La SES convoca, becas per a projectes de recerca per membres de la SES sobre el son i els seus trastorns.
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Obtenir propostes originals de projectes de recerca que reverteixin en l'avanç de la terapèutica clínica i en la millora del coneixement dels sarcomes.
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Internationally collaborative basic, translational, and clinical research in cardiovascular and neurovascular disease involving two network coordinators from different continents.
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The EFSD/Lilly Programme aims to promote increased European diabetes research and to raise public awareness and political understanding of the magnitude and burden of the disease. The EFSD/Lilly Programme will accept applications within any area of basic or clinical diabetes research.
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Small Meeting Grants are available to support the organisation of an endocrine related meeting, such as a symposium, workshop, conference or training course, which has been endorsed by the Society.
Borses de viatge
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The call offers funding for applicants conducting a research project in the field of rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases (RMD) in a host centre of choice for a period of 12 months.
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Ajudes per a realitzar estades formatives en centres situats a l'estranger.
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To invite overseas researchers with excellent records of research achievements to collaborate with Japanese colleagues in carrying out research through long-term visits.
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To provide opportunities for excellent postdoctoral researchers from other countries to conduct, under the guidance of their hosts, cooperative research with leading research groups in universities and other Japanese institutions.
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Les tres categories dels premis manifesten la paradoxa de l'alimentació a la societat contemporània: d'una banda es reconeixen iniciatives exemplars en el camp de la nutrició i, d'altra banda, es premien experiències en l'àmbit de l'assistència alimentària a l'entorn proper i de lluita contra la gana i la malnutrició en països en desenvolupament.
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Premi per a treballs inèdits sobre qualsevol àrea de coneixement de la infermeria.
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Grete Lundbeck European Brain Research Foundation
‘The Brain Prize’- is awarded to one or more scientists who have distinguished themselves by an outstanding contribution to European neuroscience and who are still active in research.
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The Wiley Prize in Biomedical Sciences is intended to recognize breakthrough research in pure or applied life science research that is distinguished by its excellence, originality, and impact on our understanding of biological systems and processes.
Recursos Humans
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The CRI Irvington Postdoctoral Fellowship Program supports qualified young scientists at leading universities and research centers around the world who wish to receive training in fundamental immunology or cancer immunology.
Vanegas-Cerna G, Barrientos-Castillo RE*, Nurmukhametov R, Baldoncini M, López-Lara CE, Rosario A, Ogando YE, Ramirez KM, Lafuente-Baraza J, Chmutin GE, Montemurro N, Encarnacion-Ramirez MJ. Giant Invasive Intradural Extramedullary Lumbar Schwannoma: A Case Report and Literature Review. Cureus . 2023; 15(6): e40708 (Acceptat).
Coelho A*, Pares-Alfonso I, Companys R, Sánchez-Soler JF, Torres-Claramunt R, Alier A, Monllau JC. Risk factors for infection of tibial plateau fractures. Revista Española de Cirugía Ortopédica y Traumatología 2024; 68(1): 44-49.
Vilarrasa E, Nicolau J, de la Cueva P, Goday A, Gallardo F, Martorell A*, Carrascosa JM. Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 Agonists for Treating Obesity in Patients With Immune-Mediated Skin Diseases. Actas Dermosifiliograf 2024; 115(1): 56-65.
Escolà H*, Segura S, Pujol RM. Diffuse Firm Swelling of the Right Areola. Actas Dermosifiliograf 2023: (en Premsa).
Benavides FG*, Ramada JM, Delclòs GL, Serra C. [COVID-19: it's time for its full recognition as an occupational disease]. Arch Prev Riesgos Labor 2023; 26(3): 179-186.
Garcia-Vallejo O*, Aicart-Bort MD, Babiano-Fernández MA, Caballer-Rodilla J, Cabrera-Ferriols MA, Carrasco-Carrasco E, Gil-Gil I, Lahera-García AM, Martos T, Piera-Carbonell A. [Recommendations for thromboembolic disease in oncological processes. A view from primary care]. Semergen 2023; 49(7): 102030.
Climente-Martí M*, Alvarado-Arenas M, Ausin P, Benito-Bernáldez C, Carballo N, Delgado-Romero J, Equipo del Proyecto TEAM 2.0 (Trabajo en Equipos de Asma Multidisciplinares) (Anexo 1). [Translated article] Advances in the work of multidisciplinary teams for the care of patients with severe uncontrolled asthma. A post-COVID vision (TEAM 2.0 project). Farm Hosp 2023; 47(4): T168-T174.
Couselo-Rodríguez C*, Batalla A, Carrascosa JM, Chicharro P, Gonzalez-Quesada A, de la Cueva P, Giménez-Arnau AM, Gilaberte Y, Rodríguez-Serna M, Montero-Vilchez T, Ruíz-Villaverde R, Elosua-González M, Silvestre-Salvador JF, Munera-Campos M, Sánchez Pérez J, Carretero G, Mauleón-Fernández C, Curto-Barredo L, Ballano-Ruiz A, Botella-Estrada R, Arias-Santiago S, Navarro-Triviño FJ, Rouston-Gullon G, Betlloch I, Del Alcázar E, Abalde-Pintos MT, Suarez-Perez J, García-Doval I, Descalzo MÁ, Flórez Á. Drug Survival in Cyclosporine Treatment for Moderate to Severe Atopic Dermatitis: Analysis of the Spanish Atopic Dermatitis Registry (BIOBADATOP). Actas Dermosifiliograf 2024; 115(4): 341-346.
Podda M*, Di Martino M, Ielpo B, Catena F, Coccolini F, Pata F, Marchegiani G, de Simone B, Damaskos D, Mole D, Leppaniemi A, Sartelli M, Yang B, Ansaloni L, Biffl W, Kluger Y, Moore EE, Pellino G, Di Saverio S, Pisanu A. The 2023 MANCTRA Acute Biliary Pancreatitis Care Bundle: A Joint Effort Between Human Knowledge and Artificial Intelligence (ChatGPT) to Optimize the Care of Patients With Acute Biliary Pancreatitis in Western Countries. Ann Surg 2024; 279(2): 203-212.
Abu Hilal M*, van Ramshorst TME, Boggi U, Dokmak S, Edwin B, Keck T, Khatkov I, Ahmad J, AL Saati, Alseidi A, Azagra JS, Björnsson B, Can FM, D'Hondt M, Efanov M, Alvarez FE, Esposito A, Ferrari G, Koerkamp BG, Gumbs AA, Hogg ME, Huscher CGS, Ielpo B, Ivanecz A, Jang JY, Liu R, Luyer MDP, Menon K, Nakamura M, Piardi T, Saint-Marc O, White S, Yoon YS, Zerbi A, Bassi C, Berrevoet F, Chan C, Coimbra FJ, Conlon KCP, Cook A, Dervenis C, Falconi M, Ferrari C, Frigerio I, Fusai GK, de Oliveira ML, Pinna AD, Primrose JN, Sauvanet A, Serrablo A, Smadi S, Badran A, Baychorov M, Bannone E, van Bodegraven EA, Emmen AMLH, Giani A, DE Graaf, van Hilst J, Jones LR, Sandri GBL, Pulvirenti A, Ramera M, Rashidian N, Sahakyan MA, Uijterwijk BA, Zampedri P, Zwart MJW, Alfieri S, Berti S, Butturini G, di Benedetto F, Ettorre GM, Giuliante F, Jovine E, Memeo R, Portolani N, Ruzzenente A, Salvia R, Siriwardena AK, Besselink MG, Asbun HJ, Collaborators. The Brescia Internationally Validated European Guidelines on Minimally Invasive Pancreatic Surgery (EGUMIPS). Ann Surg 2024; 279(1): 45-57.
Revert Barbera A, Fernández-Isern G, Ortigoza-Escobar JD*. Early Onset Nonprogressive Generalized Dystonia Is Caused by Biallelic SHQ1 Variants. Mov Disord 2023; 38(6): 1118-1119.
Boronat A, Serreli G, Rodríguez-Morató J, Deiana M, de la Torre R*. Olive Oil Phenolic Compounds' Activity against Age-Associated Cognitive Decline: Clinical and Experimental Evidence. Antioxidants 2023; 12(7): 1472.
Benavent E, Kortajarena X, Sobrino-Diaz B, Gasch O, Rodriguez-Pardo D, Escudero-Sánchez R, Bahamonde A, Rodriguez-Montserrat D, Garcia-Pais MJ, del Toro MD, Sorli L, Nodar A, Vilchez HH, Muñoz-Rubio E, Iribarren JA, Ariza J, Murillo O*, Group for the Study of Osteoarticular Infections - Spanish Society of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology (GEIO-SEIMC) (...,Horcajada JP,...). Vertebral osteomyelitis after spine instrumentation surgery: Risk factors and management. J Hosp Infect 2023; 140: 102-109.
Husky MM, Sadikova E, Lee S, Alonso J, Auerbach RP, Bantjes J, Bruffaerts R, Cuijpers P, Ebert DD, Gutiérrez-García RA, Hasking P, Mak A, McLafferty M, Sampson NA, Stein DJ, Kessler RC*, WHO WMH-ICS collaborators. Childhood adversities and mental disorders in first-year college students: results from the World Mental Health International College Student Initiative. Psychol Med 2023; 53(7): 2963-2973.
Martin A*, Baile M, Rodríguez G, Dlouhy I, Sancho JM, Jarque I, González-Barca E, Salar A, Espeso M, Grande C, Bergua J, Montes-Moreno S, Redondo A, Enjuanes A, Campo E, López-Guillermo A, Caballero D. Lenalidomide in combination with R-ESHAP in patients with relapsed or refractory diffuse large B-cell lymphoma: A phase 2 study from GELTAMO. Br J Haematol 2023; 203(2): 202-211.
Marti A*, Fernández M, Canudas S*, Zalba G, Razquin C, Valle-Hita C, Fitó Colomer M, Martínez-González MA, García-Calzón S*, Salas Salvadó J. Effect of a 3-year lifestyle intervention on telomere length in participants from PREDIMED-Plus: A randomized trial. Clin Nutr 2023; 42(9): 1581-1587.
Everaerts W, Walz J, Abascal J, Goffin K, Grootendorst MR, Van't Klooster K, Juanpere N, Valhondo-Rama R, Vidal-Sicart S, Fumadó L*. A Multicentre Clinical Trial Evaluating a Drop-in Gamma Probe for Minimally Invasive Sentinel Lymph Node Dissection in Prostate Cancer. Eur Urol Focus 2024; 10(1): 32-40.
Lorente L*, de Miguel M, Sancho JJ. Correlation between visual scores and parathyroid function. Frontiers In Endocrinology 2023; 14: 1217795 (Acceptat).
Ballesta S, Chillarón JJ*, Inglada Y, Climent E, Llauradó G, Pedro-Botet J, Cots F, Camell H, Flores JA, Benaiges D. Telehealth model versus in-person standard care for persons with type 1 diabetes treated with multiple daily injections: an open-label randomized controlled trial. Frontiers In Endocrinology 2023; 14: 1176765 (Acceptat).
Leung ONW, Chiu NKH, Wong SYS, Cuijpers P, Alonso J, Chan PKS, Lui G, Wong E, Bruffaerts R, Yip BHK, Mortier P, Vilagut G, Kwok D, Lam LCW, Kessler RC, Mak ADP*. Dimensional structure of one-year post-COVID-19 neuropsychiatric and somatic sequelae and association with role impairment. Sci Rep 2023; 13(1): 12205.
Moñino-Romero S, Kolkhir P, Szépfalusi Z, Schoepke N, Metz M, Asero R, Ferrer M, Giménez-Arnau AM, Grattan CEH, Jakob T, Konstantinou GN, Raap U, Staubach P, Zhang K, Bindslev-Jensen C, Daschner A, Kinaciyan T, Makris M, Marrouche N, Schmid-Grendelmeier P, Sussman G, Toubi E, Maurer M*, Altrichter S. In chronic spontaneous urticaria soluble Fc?RI is elevated and linked to atopy and chronic inducible urticaria. Clin Transl Allergy 2023; 13(7): e12272.
Broquetas M, Carrion JA*. Past, present, and future of long-term treatment for hepatitis B virus. World J Gastroenterol 2023; 29(25): 3964-3983.
Álvarez-López P*, Bellosillo B, Colom F, Longarón R, Barrera M, Fernández-Ibarrondo L, Toll A, Gines JM, de la Torre R, Pérez V, Robledo P. Y-chromosome in the olfactory neuroepithelium as a potential biomarker of depression in women with male offspring: an exploratory study. Mol Cell Biochem 2023: (en Premsa).
López D, Brugulat-Serrat A, Cañas A, Canals L, Marne P, Gramunt N, Suarez-Calvet M, Milà M, Minguillón C, Fauria K, Zetterberg H, Blennow K, Gispert JD, Molinuevo JL, Grau-Rivera O, Sánchez-Benavides G*, ALFA study. Reference Data for Attentional, Executive, Linguistic, and Visual Processing Tests Obtained from Cognitively Healthy Individuals with Normal Alzheimer's Disease Cerebrospinal Fluid Biomarker Levels. J Alzheimers Dis 2023; 95(1): 237-249.
Martín-Iguacel R*, Vazquez-Friol MC, Burgos J, Bruguera A, Reyes JM, Moreno-Fornes S, Aceitón J, Díaz Y, Domingo P, Saumoy M, Knobel H, Dalmau D, Borjabad B, Johansen IS, Miro JM, Casabona J, Llibre JM*, on behalf of the PISCIS study grou. Cardiovascular events in delayed presentation of HIV: the prospective PISCIS cohort study. Front Med (Lausanne) . 2023; 10: 1182359 (Acceptat).
Pusceddu C, Marsico S, Derudas D, Ballicu N, Melis L, Zedda S, de Felice C, Calabrese A, de Francesco D, Venturini M, Santucci D, Faiella E*. Percutaneous Vertebral Reconstruction (PVR) Technique of Pathological Compression Fractures: An Innovative Combined Treatment of Microwave Ablation, Bilateral Expandable Titanium SpineJack Implants Followed by Vertebroplasty. J Clin Med 2023; 12(13): 4178.
García-Escobar G, Pérez-Enríquez C, Arrondo-Elizarán C, Pereira BA, Grau-Guinea L, Florido-Santiago M, Piqué-Candini J, Manero RM, Puig-Pijoan A, Peña-Casanova J*, Sánchez-Benavides G*. Spanish normative studies (NEURONORMA-Plus project): Norms for the Delis Kaplan-Design Fluency Test, Color Trails Test, and Dual Task. Neurología (Barc) 2024; 39(2): 160-169.
Pérez-Enríquez C, García-Escobar G, Florido-Santiago M, Piqué-Candini J, Arrondo-Elizarán C, Grau-Guinea L, Pereira BA, Manero RM, Puig-Pijoan A, Peña-Casanova J*, Sánchez-Benavides G*. Spanish normative studies (NEURONORMA-Plus project): norms for the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test, the Modified Taylor Complex Figure, and the Ruff-Light Trail Learning Test. Neurología (Barc) 2024; 39(3): 235-243.
Sattar S*, Papadopoulos E, Smith GVH, Haase KR, Kobekyaa F, Tejero-Cano I, Bradley C, Nadler MB, Campbell KL, Santa-Mina D, Alibhai SMH. State of research, feasibility, safety, acceptability, and outcomes examined on remotely delivered exercises using technology for older adult with cancer: a scoping review. J Cancer Surviv 2023: (en Premsa).
Zapico AG*, Aparicio-Ugarriza R, Quesada-González C, Gómez SF, Wärnberg J, Medrano M, Gusi N, Aznar S, Marín Cascales E, González Valeiro M.A, Serra Majem LL, Pulgar S, Tur JA, Segu M, Fitó Colomer M, Homs C, Benavente Marín J.C, Sánchez Gómez J, Jiménez Zazo F, Alcaraz PE, Sevilla Sánchez M, Herrera Ramos E, Bouzas C, Sistac C, Schröder H, Gesteiro E, González Gross M. Lifestyle behaviors clusters in a nationwide sample of Spanish children and adolescents: PASOS study. Pediatr Res 2023; 94(6): 2077-2084.
Tsansila F*, Coppens E, De Witte H, Arensman E, Amann BL, Cerga-Pashoja A, Corcoran P, Creswell-Smith J, Cully G, Toth MD, Greiner B, Griffin E, Hegerl U, Holland C, Leduc C, Leduc M, Ni Dhalaigh D, O'Brien C, Paterson C, Purebl G, Reich H, Ross V, Rugulies R, Sanches S, Thompson K, Van Audenhove C, MENTUPP consortium members. Outcome assessment of a complex mental health intervention in the workplace. Results from the MENTUPP pilot study. Int Arch Occup Environ Health 2023; 96(8): 1149-1165.
Qian F, Tintle N, Jensen PN, Lemaitre RN, Imamura F, Feldreich TR, Nomura SO, Guan W, Laguzzi F, Kim E, Virtanen JK, Steur M, Bork CS, Hirakawa Y, O'Donoghue ML, Sala-Vila A, Ardisson-Korat AV, Sun Q, Rimm EB, Psaty BM, Heckbert SR, Forouhi NG, Wareham NJ, Marklund M, Risérus U, Lind L, Ärnlöv J, Garg P, Tsai MY, Pankow J, Misialek JR, Gigante B, Leander K, Pester JA, Albert CM, Kavousi M, Ikram A, Voortman T, Schmidt EB, Ninomiya T, Morrow DA, Bayés-Genís A, O'Keefe JH, Ong KL, Wu JHY, Mozaffarian D, Harris WS, Siscovick DS*, Fatty Acids and Outcomes Research Consortium (FORCE). Omega-3 Fatty Acid Biomarkers and Incident Atrial Fibrillation. J Am Coll Cardiol 2023; 82(4): 336-349.
Hernando JC*, Matilla N, Murley C, Blindow K, Kvart S, Almroth M, Kreshpaj B, Thern E, Badarin K, Muntaner C, Gunn V, Padrosa E, Julia M, Bodin T. Unequal access? Use of sickness absence benefits by precariously employed workers with common mental disorders: a register-based cohort study in Sweden. BMJ Open 2023; 13(7): e072459.
Portillo-Van Diest A, Ballester L, Mortier P*, Vilagut G, Amigo F, Puértolas B, García H, Alayo I, Blasco-Cubedo MJ, Carrasco P, Falco R, Forteza-Rey I, Garcia-Pazo P, Gili M, Gimenez-Garcia C, Herrero F, Marzo JC, Navarra-Ventura G, Piqueras JA, Rebagliato M, Roca M, Rodríguez-Jiménez T, Roldan L, Ruiz-Palomino E, Soto-Sanz V, Alonso J. Experience sampling methods for the personalised prediction of mental health problems in Spanish university students: protocol for a survey-based observational study within the PROMES-U project. BMJ Open 2023; 13(7): e072641.
Sillero-Sillero A, Ayuso-Margañon R*, Gil-Poisa M, Buil N, Padrosa E, Insa E, Marques-Sule E, Alcover C. Moral Breakdowns and Ethical Dilemmas of Perioperative Nurses during COVID-19: COREQ-Compliant Study. Healthcare (Basel) . 2023; 11(13): 1937.
Morote J*, Borque-Fernando Á, Triquell M, Campistol M, Servian P, Abascal J, Planas J, Méndez O, Esteban LM, Trilla E. Comparison of Rotterdam and Barcelona Magnetic Resonance Imaging Risk Calculators for Predicting Clinically Significant Prostate Cancer. Eur Urol Open Sci . 2023; 53: 46-54 (Acceptat).
Barbero-Allende JM*, Gómez J, Sorli L, Rodriguez-Pardo D, Murillo-Rubio O, Fernández-Sampedro M, Escudero-Sánchez R, Garcia-Gutiérrez M, Portillo ME, Sancho I, Rico-Nieto A, Guio-Carrion L, Soriano A, Morata-Ruiz L, Grupo de Estudio de Infecciones Osteoarticulares (GEIO) de la Sociedad Española de Enfermedades Infecciosas y Microbiología Clínica (SEIMC). Description of reinfection of joint prosthesis after 2-stage replacement (infection of the 2nd stage prosthesis): A multicenter study. Enferm Infecc Microbiol Clin 2023: (en Premsa).
Pedreira-Robles G, Garcimartín P*, Bach A, Giró-Formatger D, Redondo D, Morín-Fraile V. Creating the nursing care map in the evaluation of kidney transplant candidates: A scoping review and narrative synthesis. Nurs Open . 2023; 10(10): 6668-6689.
Sans-de San Nicolas L, Czarnowicki T, Akdis M, Pujol RM, Lozano-Ojalvo D, Leung DYM, Guttman-Yassky E, Santamaria-Babí LF*. CLA+ memory T cells in atopic dermatitis. Allergy 2024; 79(1): 15-25.
Garcia-Baos A, Pastor A, Gallego-Landin I, de la Torre R, Sanz F, Valverde O*. The role of PPAR-γ in memory deficits induced by prenatal and lactation alcohol exposure in mice. Mol Psychiatr 2023; 28(8): 3373-3383.
García S, Pastor R, Monserrat-Mesquida M, Álvarez-Álvarez L, Rubín M, Martínez-González MA, Salas Salvadó J, Corella D, Goday A, Martínez J.A, Alonso Gómez A.M, Wärnberg J, Vioque López J, Romaguera D, López Miranda J, Estruch R, Tinahones FJ, Lapetra J, Serra Majem LL, Riquelme B, Pintó X, Gaforio JJ, Matía P, Vidal J, Vázquez C, Daimiel L, Ros E, Sayón-Orea C, Guillem-Saiz P, Valle-Hita C, Cabanes R, Abete I, Goicolea Güemez L, Gómez Gracia E, Tercero-Maciá C, Colom A, García Ríos A, Castro Barquero S, Fernández-García JC, Santos-Lozano JM, Cenoz JC, Barragán R, Khoury N, Castañer O, Zulet MÁ, Vaquero-Luna J, Bes-Rastrollo M, de las Heras S, Ciurana R, Martín Sánchez V, Tur JA*, Bouzas C. Metabolic syndrome criteria and severity and carbon dioxide (CO(2)) emissions in an adult population. Global Health . 2023; 19(1): 50.
Hidalgo C*, Sadyrbaeva-Dolgova S, Enríquez-Gómez A, Muñoz-Cabello P, Plata-Ciezar A, Miró JM, Alarcón A, Martínez-Marcos FJ, Loeches B, Escrihuela-Vidal F, Vinuesa D, Herrero C, Badia-Martí C, Arenas-Miras MM, Garcia-Vazquez E, de las Revillas FA, Pasquau J, EN-DALBACEN study group. EN-DALBACEN 2.0 Cohort: real-life study of dalbavancin as sequential/consolidation therapy in patients with infective endocarditis due to Gram-positive cocci. Int J Antimicrob Ag 2023; 62(3): 106918.
Knobel H, Cañas-Ruano E, Guelar A, Knobel P, Villar-García J, González-Mena A, Canepa C, Arrieta I, Marcos A, Abalat-Torres A, Güerri-Fernández R. Switching to Dolutegravir/lamivudine or Bictegravir/Emtricitabine/Tenofovir alafenamide. A comparative real-world study. HIV Res Clin Pract 2023; 24(1): 2239564.
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