INFORECERCA: Butlletí Informatiu del Servei de Recerca de l'IMIM
Número: 515
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Ajudes per a realitzar estades formatives en centres situats a l'estranger.
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the Danone International Prize for Alimentation (DIPA), the award replaces the long-standing Danone International Prize for Nutrition. The DIPA will awarded every two years, by the Danone Institute International and the French Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale (FRM).
Recursos Humans
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The EIPOD programme underlines EMBL’s strong commitment to promoting interdisciplinary research. The institution has a long-standing tradition of scientific excellence that builds on highly interactive research between the group leaders of different research units. EIPOD projects capitalise on synergies emerging at the borders of overlapping yet separate scientific fields, and involve transferring techniques to a novel context. The programme is open to all nationalities and offers about 20 positions annually.

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Convocar 5 beques/contractes predoctorals en Neurociència per a espanyols que vagin a realitzar la seva tesi doctoral en un Programa de doctorat acreditat oficialment a Espanya.
L'objectiu de les beques/contractes és la realització de la tesis doctoral en Neurociència enfocada a la comprensió del sistema nerviós humà i de les malalties que l'afecten.
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Convocatòria nacional de cinc beques d'investigació en els camps de:
  • Ginecologia general
  • Medicina materno fetal
  • Ginecologia oncològica
  • Medicina de la reproducció
  • Investigació bàsica en l'àmbit de l'obstetrícia i la ginecologia.
    Informació últil
     No hi ha novetats
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    The Brain & Behavior Research Foundation is the largest philanthropic organization dedicated to research across all brain and behavior disorders (not disease specific). Recipients of NARSAD Grants represent an extraordinary variety of disciplines. Research has included (but is not limited to) studies in: genetics, neurobiology, molecular biology, imaging, neurochemical studies, neurophysiology, electrophysiology, clinical psychopharmacology, descriptive clinical studies, epidemiological research, treatment modalities, cognition studies, and outcome and prevention research.
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    Impulsar la realització de nous projectes de recerca assistencial que esdevinguin beneficiosos per als pacients, per a la societat i, en definitiva, per a la comunitat científica en les árees de recerca VIH, hepatitis i Hemato-oncologia.
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    Beca dirigida a neuròlegs amb trajectòria de recerca acreditada, per a projectes de recerca en Neurosonologia que no comptin amb finançament de tercers.
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    Donar suport econòmicament a investigacions que, en l'àmbit de les Ciències Socials, versin específicament sobre temàtiques relacionades amb l'adolescència i la joventut. Es tracta d'impulsar, estimular i contribuir a la difusió investigadora centrada en aquesta població.
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    The Alzheimer's Drug Discovery Foundation (ADDF) funds drug discovery and development research programs in the field of Alzheimer's disease (AD), related dementias and cognitive aging. The ADDF seeks to fill the critical translational funding gap between basic research and later stage drug development by funding promising drug discovery and development programs. In addition to funding academic programs, the ADDF also invests in and creates early stage biotechnology companies. The ADDF also co-sponsors conferences to stimulate new ideas and approaches in areas of interest to the Foundation.
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    JDRF is the world’s leading non-profit organization with the mission to cure type 1 diabetes (T1D). The purpose of this call is to invite proposals to support and advance the discovery, development, and/or validation of biomarkers of pancreatic beta cell stress and dysfunction. Studies based on use or validation with human beta cells/islets and clinical samples or tissues will be of special interest.
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    The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation’s Sofja Kovalevskaja Award is granted to young exceptionally promising researchers from abroad in recognition of outstanding academic achievements. The award is designed to enable them to embark on academic careers in Germany by establishing their own junior research groups at research institutions in Germany.
    The programme is open to scientists and scholars from all countries and disciplines who completed their doctorates with distinction less than six years ago. The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation particularly welcomes applications from qualified, female junior researchers.
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    The European Hematology Association (EHA) promotes excellence in patient care, research and education in hematology.
    Through the CRTH, EHA provides junior researchers with a 9-month long unique training and mentoring experience focused on clinical research in Europe, with a global scope. After participating in CRTH, you have improved your skills and knowledge to benefit your work and career in clinical science.
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    The AACR-CRI Lloyd J. Old Award in Cancer Immunology was established to honor the memory of the late Lloyd J. Old and will recognize an active scientist whose outstanding and innovative research in cancer immunology has had a far-reaching impact on the cancer field.
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    This award has been established by the American Association for Cancer Research and Eli Lilly and Company to acknowledge and catalyze the growing importance of interdisciplinary teams to the understanding of cancer and/or the translation of research discoveries into clinical cancer applications.
    The AACR Team Science Award will recognize an outstanding interdisciplinary research team for its innovative and meritorious science that has advanced or likely will advance our fundamental knowledge of cancer or a team that has applied existing knowledge to advance the detection, diagnosis, prevention or treatment of cancer.
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    ARC - Fondation ARC pour la Recherce sur le Cancer
    An annual Prize entitled "Prix Fondation ARC Léopold Griffuel" was created in 1970. The prize is awarded to an investigator or a team, whose work has led to a major breakthrough in basic research or in applied research in oncology. .
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    Des de PSICOFUNDACIÓN es pretén aconseguir que sorgeixin idees novedoses tant en la recerca com en l'aplicació pràctica de la ciència psicològica, donant suport a l'esperit emprenedor i innovador dels joves psicòlegs.
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    L'adjudicació del "Premi Severo Ochoa de Recerca" a una tasca experimental sobre Biomedicina en una línia definida.
    Recursos Humans
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    Convocar 5 beques/contractes predoctorals en Neurociència per a espanyols que vagin a realitzar la seva tesi doctoral en un Programa de doctorat acreditat oficialment a Espanya.
    L'objectiu de les beques/contractes és la realització de la tesis doctoral en Neurociència enfocada a la comprensió del sistema nerviós humà i de les malalties que l'afecten.
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    Bayer's mission is to provide new treatment options for diseases with high unmet medical need.
    The Bayer Fellowship Program targets students and apprentices in scientific and medical disciplines. Its goal is to support the next generation of researchers and teachers as they engage in “Science for a Better Life”.
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    ARTICULUM is an educational initiative comprising a network of European physicians and centres of excellence in rheumatology, whose aim is to "Promote excellence in information exchange, education, training and disease management in arthritis and pain." ARTICULUM is a non-profit organisation with financial support from Pfizer.

    The ARTICULUM members participating in this Fellowship research programme are based in Europe.
    Frías VM*, Fortuny JR, Guzmán S, Santamaría P, Martínez M, Pérez V. Estigma: la relevancia del contacto social en el trastorno mental. Enfermería Clínica 2018; 28(2): 111-117.
    Castaldi PJ*, Benet M, Petersen H, Rafaels N, Finigan J, Paoletti M, Boezen HM, Vonk JM, Bowler R, Pistolesi M, Puhan MA, Antó JM, Wauters E, Lambrechts D, Janssens W, Bigazzi F, Camiciottoli G, Cho MH, Hersh CP, Barnes K, Rennard S, Boorgula MP, Dy J, Hansel NN, Crapo JD, Tesfaigzi Y, Agusti A, Silverman EK, Garcia-Aymerich J. Do COPD subtypes really exist? COPD heterogeneity and clustering in 10 independent cohorts. Thorax 2017; 72(11): 998-1006.
    van den Berg M*, Houba R, Leslie HA, Canton RF, Thomsen C, Becher G, Álvarez-Pedrerol M, Sunyer J, Steiner M, Van Tongeren M, Brunekreef B, de Boer J. Serum levels of decabromodiphenyl ether (BDE-209) in women from different European countries and possible relationships with lifestyle and diet. Environ Int 2017; 107: 16-24.
    López-Medrano F*, Fernández-Ruiz M, Silva JT, Carver PL, van Delden C, Merino E, Pérez Sáez MJ, Montero MM, Coussement J, de Abreu Mazzolin M, Cervera C, Santos L, Sabé N, Scemla A, Cordero E, Cruzado-Vega L, Martín-Moreno PL, Len Ó, Rudas E, Ponce de León A, Arriola M, Lauzurica R, David MD, González-Rico C, Henríquez-Palop F, Fortún J, Nucci M, Manuel O, Paño-Pardo JR, Montejo M, Vena A, Sánchez-Sobrino B, Mazuecos A, Pascual J, Horcajada JP, Lecompte T, Moreno A, Carratalà J, Blanes M, Hernández D, Hernández-Méndez EA, Fariñas MC, Perelló-Carrascosa M, Muñoz P, Andrés A, Aguado JM, Swiss Transplant Cohort Study (STCS). Multinational retrospective case-control study of risk factors for the development of late invasive pulmonary aspergillosis following kidney transplantation. Clin Microbiol Infec 2018; 24(2): 192-198.
    Vaquerizo B*, Escabias C, Dubois D, Gómez G, Barreiro-Pérez M, Cruz-González I. Patient-specific 3D-printed Cardiac Model for Percutaneous Left Atrial Appendage Occlusion. Rev Esp Cardiol 2018; 71(9): 762-764.
    Nogués X, Prieto-Alhambra D, Güerri-Fernández R, García-Giralt N, Rodríguez-Morera J, Cos L, Mellibovsky L, Díez-Pérez A*. Fracture during oral bisphosphonate therapy is associated with deteriorated bone material strength index. Bone 2017; 103: 64-69.
    Alfonso JH, Bauer A, Bensefa-Colas L, Boman A, Bubas M, Constandt L, Crepy MN, Goncalo M, Macan J, Mahler V, Mijakoski D, Ramada JM, Rustemeyer T, Spring P, John SM, Uter W, Wilkinson M, Giménez-Arnau AM*. Minimum standards on prevention, diagnosis and treatment of occupational and work-related skin diseases in Europe - position paper of the COST Action StanDerm (TD 1206). J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 2017; 31(Suppl 4): 31-43.
    Mahler V*, Aalto-Korte K, Alfonso JH, Bakker JG, Bauer A, Bensefa-Colas L, Boman A, Bourke J, Bubas M, Bulat P, Chaloupka J, Constandt L, Danielsen TE, Darlenski R, Dugonik A, Ettler K, Giménez-Arnau AM, Gonçalo M, Johansen J, John SM, Kiec-Swierczynska M, Koch P, Kohánka V, Krecisz B, Larese Filon, Ljubojevic S, Macan J, Marinovic B, Matura M, Mihatsch PW, Mijakoski D, Minov J, Pace J, Pesonen M, Ramada JM, Rast H, Reljic V, Salavastru C, Schuster C, Schuttelaar ML, Simon D, Spiewak R, Jurakic Toncic R, Urbancek S, Valiukeviciene S, Weinert P, Wilkinson M, Uter W. Occupational skin diseases: actual state analysis of patient management pathways in 28 European countries. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 2017; 31(Suppl 4): 12-30.
    Vazquez I, Sánchez-Font A*, Curull V, Pijuan L. Tumor inflamatorio miofibroblástico diagnosticado por punción aspirativa transbronquial. Arch Bronconeumol 2018; 54(1): 43-44.
    Crosas JM, Cobo J*, Ahuir M, Hernández C, García R, Pousa E, Oliva JC, Monreal JA, Palao DJ. Consumo de sustancias y diferencias de género en personas afectas de un primer episodio psicótico: impacto en los porcentajes de reingreso. Rev Psiquiatr Salud Ment 2018; 11(1): 27-35.
    Grifell M, Ventura-Vilamala M*, Carbón X, Quintana P, Galindo L, Palma A, Fornís I, Gil-Lladanosa C, Farré M, Torrens M. Patterns of use and toxicity of new para-halogenated substituted cathinones: 4-CMC (clephedrone), 4-CEC (4-chloroethcatinone) and 4-BMC (brephedrone). Hum Psychopharm 2017; 32(3): e2621.
    Prats-Sanchez L*, Martínez-Domeño A, Camps Renom P, Delgado Mederos R, Guisado-Alonso D, Marín R, Dorado L, Rudilosso S, Gómez-González A, Purroy F, Gómez-Choco M, Cánovas D, Cocho D, Garcés M, Abilleira S, Martí Fàbregas J. Risk factors are different for deep and lobar remote hemorrhages after intravenous thrombolysis. PLoS ONE 2017; 12(6): e0178284.
    Karachaliou M*, Chatzi L, Michel A, Kyriklaki A, Kampouri M, Koutra K, Roumeliotaki T, Chalkiadaki G, Stiakaki E, Pawlita M, Waterboer T, Kogevinas M, de Sanjosé S. Helicobacter pylori Seropositivity and Childhood Neurodevelopment, the Rhea Birth Cohort in Crete, Greece. Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol 2017; 31(4): 374-384.
    Orduna G, Humbert L, Fonolla R, Romera J, Cos L, Rial A, Nogués X, Díez-Pérez A*, Mellibovsky L. Cortical and Trabecular Bone Analysis of Patients With High Bone Mass From the Barcelona Osteoporosis Cohort Using 3-Dimensional Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry: A Case-Control Study. J Clin Densitom 2018; 21(4): 480-484.
    Tischer C, Gascon M, Fernández-Somoano A, Tardón A, Lertxundi Materola, Ibarluzea J, Ferrero A, Estarlich M, Cirach M, Vrijheid M, Fuertes E, Dalmau-Bueno A, Nieuwenhuijsen M, Antó JM, Sunyer J, Dadvand P. Urban green and grey space in relation to respiratory health in children. Eur Respir J 2017; 49(6): 1502112.
    Salvadó-Hernández C, Cosculluela-Torres P, Blanes-Monllor C, Parellada-Esquius N, Méndez-Galeano C, Maroto-Villanova N, García-Cerdán RM, Núñez-Manrique MP, Barrio-Ruiz C, Salvador-González B*, en representación del grupo de investigación del proyecto COIB 5367-11. Insuficiencia cardiaca en atención primaria: actitudes, conocimientos y autocuidado. Aten Primaria 2018; 50(4): 213-221.
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