INFORECERCA: Butlletí Informatiu del Servei de Recerca de l'IMIM
Número: 544
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The third Health Programme for the Union's action in the field of health has, as a general objective, to complement, support and add value to the policies of the Member States aimed at improving the health of Union citizens and reduce health inequalities by promoting health, encouraging innovation in health, increasing the sustainability of health systems and protecting Union citizens from serious cross-border health threats.
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Convocatòria de 10 beques post-residència, (4 finançades per la SEQCML i 6 per la Fundació José Luis Castaño-SEQC) per a aquells facultatius especialistes del Laboratori Clínic que acabin el seu període de residència al 2018, i que vulguin realitzar un projecte d'investigació en un Laboratori Clínic d'un hospital en un centre nacional o internacional de reconegut prestigi.
L'objectiu és fomentar la investigació entre els especialistes del Laboratori Clínic.
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The European Society of Intensive Care Medicine is an Association of individual persons. It supports and promotes the advancement of knowledge in intensive care medicine, in particular the promotion of the highest standards of multidisciplinary care of critically ill patients and their families through education, research and professional development.

In order to foster progression of women in academic careers, this prize supports the development of research activities undertaken with the active contribution of a female applicant. The specific intent is to provide support for young and talented female physicians/scientists who have the potential to become outstanding independent investigators in the field of intensive care and emergency medicine.

The research proposal may focus on approaches in topics ranging from basic cellular responses to outcome research, and may include clinical applications as well as translational science.
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The European Society of Intensive Care Medicine is an Association of individual persons. It supports and promotes the advancement of knowledge in intensive care medicine, in particular the promotion of the highest standards of multidisciplinary care of critically ill patients and their families through education, research and professional development.

The Basic Science Award supports a research project to be performed by an investigator in a research laboratory. Approaches may vary topically from basic cellular and molecular physiology, cell biology, molecular biology and genetics to animal physiology and translational science.

The prize will be offered to two winners
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The European Society of Intensive Care Medicine is an Association of individual persons. It supports and promotes the advancement of knowledge in intensive care medicine, in particular the promotion of the highest standards of multidisciplinary care of critically ill patients and their families through education, research and professional development.

The Clinical Research Award supports a research project to be performed by an investigator in a clinical environment. Some aspects of the proposal may involve collaboration with research laboratories. However, applications that lack a clinical component will not be considered.

Proposals may be based on approaches ranging from physiology, diagnostic procedures, therapeutic interventions, to epidemiologic studies and evaluation of practices.

The prize will be offered to two winners.
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The NEXT Start-Up Grant supports the professional development of talented newly board-certified intensivists who have already a background in research and are willing to develop independent research programmes. The specific intent is to provide support for young and talented researchers/scientists who have the potential to become established independent investigators in the field of intensive care and emergency medicine.

Research programme proposals may rely on approaches ranging from basic cellular responses to outcome research, and may include clinical applications as well as translational science. Timetable and milestones definition are required. Research programme timetable specification, including milestones and objectives are also required at time of application. 1-year assessment through ESICM validated evaluation tools and approval of 2nd year grant allocation. Dissemination of results through ESICM events and journals within 3-years following grant allocation is required. There will also be long-term follow-up of professional development as an established independent researcher.
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The European Society of Intensive Care Medicine is an Association of individual persons. It supports and promotes the advancement of knowledge in intensive care medicine, in particular the promotion of the highest standards of multidisciplinary care of critically ill patients and their families through education, research and professional development.

The ESICM Young Investigator Award supports the development of research activities undertaken with the active contribution of the applicant. The specific intent is to provide support for young and talented physicians/scientists that have the potential to become outstanding independent investigators in the field of intensive care and emergency medicine.

Research proposals may rely on approaches ranging from basic cellular responses to outcome research, and may include clinical applications as well as translational science.
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The European Society of Intensive Care Medicine is an Association of individual persons. It supports and promotes the advancement of knowledge in intensive care medicine, in particular the promotion of the highest standards of multidisciplinary care of critically ill patients and their families through education, research and professional development.

The ESICM Established Investigator Award will support the research activities of a senior physician/scientist active in clinical or basic research. The specific intent is to provide support for investigators who have already established their independent research program in the field of intensive care and emergency medicine, and who can demonstrate a commitment to facilitate research training of young colleagues.

The research proposal may rely on approaches on topics ranging from basic cellular responses to outcome research, and may include clinical applications as well as translational science.
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Amb aquesta convocatòria la SEIMC vol facilitar la investigació translacional de qualitat en Malalties Infeccioses i Microbiologia Clínica, proporcionant als socis el finançament necessari per a això. La convocatòria té com a objectiu principal:
- Seleccionar projectes que suposin un impacte elevat en la millora de la salut i que tinguin capacitat per modificar la pràctica estàndard.
Es valorarà positivament que el projecte tingui potencial per facilitar la posterior consecució / obtenció d'un projecte europeu.

Per a aquesta convocatòria 2018 els temes seleccionats són els següents:
  • Infeccions de transmissió sexual.
  • Infeccions adquirides en la comunitat.
    Els projectes hauran de versar obligatòriament sobre un dels dos temes seleccionats per a aquesta convocatòria.
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    El Patronat de la FDM per a l'any 2018 acorda convocar una ajuda a la investigació per al tema:
    Implicació de la hipòxia en l'aparició i progressió de les malalties neurodegeneratives (Alzheimer i Parkinson), desenvolupament d'estratègies terapèutiques basades en aquest concepte.
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    Mitjançant aquesta XV Convocatòria es concediran un màxim de 15 ajudes a equips d'investigadors amb reconeguda experiència, que treballin en els següents camps d'investigació:
  • Oncologia, centrada en el diagnòstic i tractament de càncer de mama.
  • Trasplantaments. Referint-nos exclusivament a millores dels resultats dels trasplantaments d'òrgans.
  • Traumatologia i seqüeles, incloses les neurològiques derivades d'un traumatisme.
  • Malalties rares. Limitades a les que es manifesten en la infància.

    Els projectes que es presentin a aquesta convocatòria hauran de ser exclusivament treballs d'investigació clínica, que es desenvolupin en Instituts d'Investigació Sanitària acreditats (IIS).
    Borses de viatge
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    Fins a 25 beques per cursar estudis de postgrau en universitats d'Estats Units en qualsevol disciplina. Les beques Fulbright estan destinades a titulats superiors que estiguin interessats en programes de Màsters, Ph.D. o, excepcionalment, en projectes d'investigació predoctoral.
    Destinades a joves titulats superiors que estiguin interessats en programes de Màsters, PhD o, excepcionalment, en projectes d'investigació predoctoral en universitats nord-americanes. Patrocinadors: Govern d'Espanya, Govern dels EUA, Junta d'Andalusia, University of Maryland, Associació J. W. Fulbright, Coca-Cola, El Corte Inglés, Endesa, Fundació Ramón Areces, Grifols, Iberdrola, Mapfre i Repsol.
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    Convocar 8 beques per a realitzar estades, d'entre 6 i 12 mesos, per a ampliar la formació acadèmica, clínica, metodològica o col·laborar en projectes d'investigació en centres estrangers de prestigi en Psiquiatria o Neurociències del nen i l'adolescent o en Neuropediatria.
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    La Fundació Privada Daniel Bravo Andreu presenta la convocatòria 2018 de les Beques Daniel Bravo amb l’objectiu principal d’estimular la recerca biomèdica d’alt impacte a Catalunya. Es concediran fins a tres beques per a estades d’un a nou mesos en projectes realitzats en centres de prestigi nord-americans o europeus amb els objectius següents:
  • Dur a terme recerca cardiovascular bàsica i/o clínica que no inclogui com a objectiu principal l’estudi de fàrmacs.
  • Desenvolupar o adquirir noves tècniques en imatge cardiovascular per a la millora de la pràctica clínica i la recerca.
    Recursos Humans
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    European Society for Medical Oncology
    Comprehensive bench-to-bedside training in translational research. Fellows have the opportunity to learn about the latest developments in basic cancer research.
    European centres of excellence serve as host institutes providing the necessary support to develop specific high-quality translational research projects in oncology, and helps fellows gain valuable international experience.
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    European Society for Medical Oncology
    The Clinical Research Fellowships are designed to:
  • Provide training in clinical research in renowned European cancer centres
  • Support efforts to expand professional networks through collaboration with institutions of excellence
  • Provide the necessary support to develop clinical oncology research projects
    Informació últil
     No hi ha novetats
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    The Joint Programming of the European Union aims to pool national research efforts in order to make better use of Europe’s public R&D resources and to tackle common European challenges more effectively.
    The primary aim of this first joint call of JPIAMR is to combine the resources, infrastructures, and research strengths of multiple countries in order to address the identification and validation of new targets, the development of new therapies, and new tools for new treatments (including new antibiotics).
    The call will only cover research tackling the bacterial pathogens and the resistances identified in the Global priority list of antibiotic-resistant bacteria published by the WHO in September 2017 with the addition of multi- and extensively drug resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
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    The EU Joint Programme on Neurodegenerative Disease Research (JPND) was established in order to better coordinate research efforts across countries and disciplines to more rapidly find causes, develop cures and identify better ways to care for people with neurodegenerative disease. The JPND Research Strategy, published in 2012, identified research priorities and provided a framework for future investment.
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    ERA-NETs are projects funded by the European Commission in various research fields. Their goal is to create a European Research Area in which research is conducted and funded across countries, allowing research groups to jointly work on specific problems, exchange ideas, and benefit from cross border expertise.
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    - Finançar una línia de recerca de qualitat estable, evitant la fragmentació dels grups de recerca, per tal de que assoleixin una mida òptima per adquirir massa crítica, fomentant la participació d’investigadors amb dedicació única a cada projecte. Tant els IP's com els CoIP's hauran d'anar amb dedicació única i hauran de ser de la mateixa entitat sol·licitant.

    - Com a mínim el 5% dels projectes que es financien s’hauran de destinar a investigadors contractats de la modalidad Miguel Servet, Ramon y Cajal, Juan Rodés o del programa d'estabilització.

    - Fomentar la presentació de projectes coordinats que facin possible: Accelerar la transferència de resultats a la pràctica clínica i que evidenciï la interacció entre grups d'investigació bàsica i de biomedicina clínica amb altres d'investigació epidemiològica i en serveis de salut.

    Com a mínim el 20% dels projectes que es financien hauran d'estar dirigits a personal investigador que realitza tasques assistencials en el SNS.
    Es podran vincular a empreses o altres entitats públiques o privades.
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    ERANet-LAC is a Network of the European Union (EU) and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) on Joint Innovation and Research Activities. It strengthens the bi-regional partnership in Science, Technology and Innovation by planning and implementing concrete joint activities and by creating a sustainable framework for future bi-regional joint activities.
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    IMI is a partnership between the European Union and the European pharmaceutical industry, represented by the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA).
    The goal of the Innovative Medicines Initiative 2 (IMI 2) is to develop next generation vaccines, medicines and treatments, such as new antibiotics. It will build on the successes and lessons learnt under IMI. Like IMI, it will bring together companies, universities, public laboratories, innovative small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), patient groups and regulators in collaborative projects that will pave the way for breakthrough vaccines, medicines and treatments to tackle Europe’s growing health challenges, and secure the future international competitiveness of Europe’s pharmaceutical industry.
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    Identificar i impulsar les iniciatives més prometedores, de major excel·lència científica i amb més valor potencial i impacte social, ja sigui en recerca bàsica, clínica o translacional.
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    The Alzheimer's Association International Research Grant Program funds investigations that advance our understanding of Alzheimer's disease, help identify new treatment strategies, provide information to improve care for people with dementia, and further our knowledge of brain health and disease prevention. Our awards support investigators at every professional stage.
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    CRAASH Barcelona is a 12-week program that helps European research teams launch successful device, diagnostic and e/digital health innovations to improve health and patient care from research centers, research institutes or universities from the BioRegion of Catalonia and other European ecosystems.
    Teams move research to market through mentoring from experts at CIMIT (Boston), the most experienced health accelerator in the world.
    CRAASH Barcelona is an EIT Health bootcamp and is organized bu Biocat in collaboration wih both CIMIT and EIT Health.
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    The 2018 Award aims to recognise, encourage, promote and disseminate outstanding examples of best practices in personalised medicine. Individuals who have published scientific papers and/or developed best practice strategies in the field of PM between January 1st, 2016 and December 31s, 2017, from any of the ICPerMed partner countries, are eligible to apply.
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    El Patronat de la FDM per a l'any 2018 acorda convocar una ajuda a la investigació per al tema:
    Implicació de la hipòxia en l'aparició i progressió de les malalties neurodegeneratives (Alzheimer i Parkinson), desenvolupament d'estratègies terapèutiques basades en aquest concepte.
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    Mitjançant aquesta XV Convocatòria es concediran un màxim de 15 ajudes a equips d'investigadors amb reconeguda experiència, que treballin en els següents camps d'investigació:
  • Oncologia, centrada en el diagnòstic i tractament de càncer de mama.
  • Trasplantaments. Referint-nos exclusivament a millores dels resultats dels trasplantaments d'òrgans.
  • Traumatologia i seqüeles, incloses les neurològiques derivades d'un traumatisme.
  • Malalties rares. Limitades a les que es manifesten en la infància.

    Els projectes que es presentin a aquesta convocatòria hauran de ser exclusivament treballs d'investigació clínica, que es desenvolupin en Instituts d'Investigació Sanitària acreditats (IIS).
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    Associació Celíacs de Catalunya
    Aquestes beques pretenen potenciar possibles avenços científics que suposin una millora significativa de la qualitat de vida de la persona amb celiaquia, sensibilitat al gluten no celíaca o dermatitis herpetiforme i fomentar el desenvolupament del coneixement d'aquestes patologies, millora dels mètodes de diagnosi, així com difondre socialment la realitat d'aquests trastorns.
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    Fomentar la investigació en el camp de la Urologia. Es persegueix promoure investigació de caràcter clínic, investigació en resultats de salut i investigació translacional.
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    La xarxa espanyola d'Atenció Primària convoca ajudes per projectes que s'apliquin i desenvolupin en el camp de l'Atenció Primària.
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    The New York Stem Cell Foundation
    The mission of The New York Stem Cell Foundation is to accelerate cures for the major diseases of our time through stem cell research.
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    The New York Stem Cell Foundation
    The mission of The New York Stem Cell Foundation is to accelerate cures for the major diseases of our time through stem cell research.
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    Gilead Sciences, Inc. is a research-based biopharmaceutical company that discovers, develops and commercializes innovative medicines in areas of unmet medical need. Gilead's portfolio of products and pipeline of investigational drugs includes treatments for HIV/AIDS, liver diseases, cancer, inflammatory and respiratory diseases, and cardiovascular conditions.
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    The main target of the Fondation Jerome Lejeune, a non profit foundation, is research into genetic diseases with intellectual disability.
    Borses de viatge
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    La Fundació Bancària ”la Caixa” convoca 20 beques per cursar estudis oficials de doctorat que culminin amb la lectura d’una tesi doctoral en una universitat.
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    La convocatòria persegueix premiar aquelles iniciatives ja realitzades o en curs que tinguin un fort component social i / o mediambiental en el sector sociosanitari i en la qual estiguin implicats de manera directa professionals del sector sanitari.
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    Reconeix una contribució rellevant realitzada per entitats o persones en la promoció de la salut i la millora de la qualitat de vida
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    A primary goal of the Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Laurell's Training Award (ALTA) is to identify and engage investigators (both physicians and scientists) who are early in their careers in a longstanding commitment to investigating alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency (AATD). In awarding 2 grants, the goal/intention is to award one grant for a clinical proposal and a second for a basic research proposal. Another objective of the ALTA award is to strengthen the network between scientists and clinicians working in the field of AATD.
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    ERS is the leading professional organisation in its field in Europe. It is broad-based, with some 10,000 members and counting in over 100 countries. Its scope covers both basic science and clinical medicine. ERS seeks to alleviate suffering from respiratory disease and promote lung health through research, sharing of knowledge and through medical and public education.
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    ERS is the leading professional organisation in its field in Europe. It is broad-based, with some 10,000 members and counting in over 100 countries. Its scope covers both basic science and clinical medicine. ERS seeks to alleviate suffering from respiratory disease and promote lung health through research, sharing of knowledge and through medical and public education.
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    ERS is the leading professional organisation in its field in Europe. It is broad-based, with some 10,000 members and counting in over 100 countries. Its scope covers both basic science and clinical medicine. ERS seeks to alleviate suffering from respiratory disease and promote lung health through research, sharing of knowledge and through medical and public education.
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    La Fundació Jesús Serra dins del marc de suport a la investigació convoca la primera edició del Premi a la Investigació Fundació Jesús Serra amb l’objectiu de reconèixer l’excel·lència i el nivell d’investigació desenvolupat per investigadors espanyols dels camps de la nutrició, l’alimentació i la salut, en els seus àmbits d’investigació bàsica, clínica, epidemiològica i tecnològica.
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    Recursos Humans
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    L’objecte del programa Beatriu de Pinós és atorgar 60 ajuts individuals per a la contractació i la incorporació de personal investigador doctor al sistema català de ciència i tecnologia. Aquest ajuts s’adrecen a facilitar tant el retorn com la incorporació d’investigadors que han estat treballant a l’estranger a les entitats de recerca situades a Catalunya
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    L'objectiu de la beca és donar suport al desenvolupament d'un projecte d'investigació bàsica a un centre de reconegut prestigi en matèries relacionades amb la Endocrinologia Pediàtrica.
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    L'objectiu de la beca és donar suport al desenvolupament d'un projecte d'investigació clínica, amb la realització d'una estada formativa a un centre de reconegut prestigi en l'àrea de la Endocrinologia Pediàtrica o en altres àrees d'interès i relació amb aquesta àrea, vinculades a la pràctica clínica.
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    The EHA-JSH Collaborative Exchange Program is intended to provide European and Japanese research institutes the opportunity to exchange scientists and clinical researchers reciprocally for a short period.
    Ruiz-Salas V*, Garcés JR, Alonso-Alonso T, Rodríguez-Prieto MA, Toll A, de Eusebio E, Miñano R, López-Estebaranz JL, Sanmartín-Jiménez O, Guillén C, Allende I, Alfaro A, Delgado-Jiménez Y, Navarro R, Barchino L, Lázaro P, Vilarasa E, Ciudad C, Vázquez-Veiga H, Artola JL, Alonso ML, García-Doval I, Descalzo MA, Redondo P. Descripción de pacientes no aptos para ser sometidos a cirugía de Mohs tras valoración prequirúrgica: datos del registro español Regesmohs. Actas Dermosifiliograf 2018; 109(4): 346-350.
    Mañosa M*, Calafat M, de Francisco R, García C, Casanova MJ, Huelín P, Calvo M, Tosca J, Fernández Salazar L, Arajol C, Zabana Y, Bastida G, Hinojosa J, Marquez L, Barreiro-de-Acosta M, Calvet X, Monfort D, Gómez-Garcia MR, Rodríguez E, Huguet JM, Rojas-Feria M, Hervias D, Atienza R, Busquets D, Zapata E, Dueñas C, Charro M, Martínez-Cerezo FJ, Plaza R, Vázquez JM, Gisbert JP, Cañete F, Cabré E, Domènech E, GETECCU. Phenotype and natural history of elderly onset inflammatory bowel disease: a multicentre, case-control study. Aliment Pharm Therap 2018; 47(5): 605-614.
    Mateu-Jiménez M, Curull V, Rodríguez-Fuster A, Aguiló R, Sánchez-Font A, Pijuan L, Gea J, Barreiro E*. Profile of epigenetic mechanisms in lung tumors of patients with underlying chronic respiratory conditions. Clin Epigenetics 2018; 10: 7.
    Lobato A*, March-Rodríguez A, Deza G, Bertolín-Colilla M, Pujol RM. Frontal fibrosing alopecia after antiandrogen hormonal therapy in a male patient. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 2018; 32(7): e291-e292.
    Pierrotti LC*, Carvalho NB, Amorin JP, Pascual J, Kotton CN, López-Vélez R. Chagas Disease Recommendations for Solid-Organ Transplant Recipients and Donors. Transplantation 2018; 102(2S Suppl 2): S1-S7.
    Pippias M*, Stel VS, Kramer A, Abad JM, Aresté-Fosalba N, Ayav C, Buturovic J, Caskey FJ, Collart F, Couchoud C, De Meester J, Heaf JG, Helanterä I, Hemmelder MH, Kostopoulou M, Noordzij M, Pascual J, Palsson R, Reisaeter AV, Traynor JP, Massy Z, Jager KJ. Access to kidney transplantation in European adults aged 75 to 84 years and related outcomes: An analysis of the ERA-EDTA Registry database. Transpl Int 2018; 31(5): 540-553.
    Galindo L, Bergé D*, Murray GK, Mané A, Bulbena A, Pérez V, Vilarroya O. Default Mode Network Aberrant Connectivity Associated with Neurological Soft Signs in Schizophrenia Patients and Unaffected Relatives. Front Psychiatry 2018; 8: 298.
    Palanivelu C*, Kyoichi T, Mohammad AH, David AK, Go W, Agarwal A, Berti S, Marc B, Kuo Hsin, Gumbs AA, Ho-Seong H, Goro H, Min Zheng H, Khatkov I, Hong Jin K, Li JT, Tran Cong DL, Machado MA, Akira M, Menon K, Nakamura M, Nagakawa Y, Juan P, Poves I, Shaheed SR, Liu R, Sa Cunha A, Palanisamy S, Shrikhande S, Gurumurthy SS, Sup Yoon, Yoon YS. International Summit on Laparoscopic Pancreatic Resection (ISLPR) "Coimbatore Summit Statements". Surg Oncol 2018; 27(1): A10-A15.
    Arriola E*, García-Gómez R, Diz P, Majem M, Martínez-Aguillo M, Valdivia J, Paredes A, Sánchez-Torres JM, Peralta-Muñoz S, Barneto I, Gutierrez V, Andrade-Santiago JM, Aparisi F, Isla D, Ponce S, Vicente Baz, Artal A, Amador M, Provencio M. Clinical management and outcome of patients with advanced NSCLC carrying EGFR mutations in Spain. BMC Cancer 2018; 18(1): 106.
    Vallecillo G*, Robles MJ, Duran X, Lerma E, Horcajada JP, Torrens M. Trends in AIDS Mortality, Retention in Opioid Agonist Therapy, and HIV RNA Suppression in HIV-Infected People Who Injected Drugs from 2000 to 2015. AIDS Behav 2018; 22(9): 2766-2772.
    Freitas NO*, Forero CG, Caltran MP, Alonso J, Dantas RAS, Piccolo MS, Farina JA, Lawrence JW, Rossi LA. Validation of the Perceived Stigmatization Questionnaire for Brazilian adult burn patients. PLoS One . 2018; 13(1): e0190747.
    Demou E*, Smith S, Bhaskar A, Mackay DF, Brown J, Hunt K, Vargas-Prada S, Macdonald EB. Evaluating sickness absence duration by musculoskeletal and mental health issues: a retrospective cohort study of Scottish healthcare workers. BMJ Open 2018; 8(1): e018085.
    Ortiz-Fernández L*, Carmona FD, López-Mejías R, González-Escribano MF, Lyons PA, Morgan AW, Sawalha AH, Smith KGC, González-Gay MA, Martín J, Spanish GCA Study Group, UK GCA Consortium, Turkish Takayasu Study Group, Vasculitis Clinical Research Consortium, IgAV Study Group, AAV Study group (...,Monfort J, Tío L,...). Cross-phenotype analysis of Immunochip data identifies KDM4C as a relevant locus for the development of systemic vasculitis. Ann Rheum Dis 2018; 77(4): 589-595.
    Baré M*, Alcantara MJ, Gil MJ, Collera P, Pont M, Escobar A, Sarasqueta C, Redondo M, Briones E, Dujovne P, Quintana JM, CARESS-CCR Study Group. Validity of the CR-POSSUM model in surgery for colorectal cancer in Spain (CCR-CARESS study) and comparison with other models to predict operative mortality. BMC Health Serv Res 2018; 18(1): 49.
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    08003 Barcelona
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    En compliment de la Llei 34/2002, de Serveis de la Societat de la Informació i de Comerç Electrònic, aquest correu li hem enviat a partir de les dades de contacte que vostè ens ha facilitat. Si vostè no desitja rebre més comunicats, pot donar-se de baixa dirigint-se per escrit al Servei de Recursos Humans-IMIM ( tot indicant la paraula “baixa base de dades” a l’assumpte.
    Li recordem que podrà exercir els drets d’accés, rectificació, cancel·lació i oposició dirigint-se per escrit al Servei de Recursos Humans-IMIM (