INFORECERCA: Butlletí Informatiu del Servei de Recerca de l'IMIM
Número: 569
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L'objectiu d'aquestes beques és impulsar la recerca en Reumatologia Pediàtrica a Espanya. S'atorgaran als 4 millors projectes originals i inèdits d'investigació presentats.
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En aquesta setena convocatòria, Fundació Echevarne vol premiar l'esforç científic dins del camp de l'oncologia que s'hagi dirigit a conèixer els mecanismes bàsics de la transformació cel·lular, la progressió tumoral i la disseminació metastàsica i així poder distingir aquells avenços que han permès una millora en el diagnòstic, la caracterització i el tractament d'un o més tipus de càncer.
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Oferir aquest reconeixement a una persona de nacionalitat espanyola que investigui en el camp de la Biologia Molecular.
Recursos Humans
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Vint-i-dos beques de postdoctorat per a investigadors de totes les nacionalitats per dur a terme un projecte de recerca en els centres acreditats amb els distintius Severo Ochoa o María de Maeztu, Instituts d'Investigació Sanitària Carles III o unitats qualificades com "excel·lents" o "excepcionals" per la Fundação per a Ciência e a Tecnologia.
Informació últil
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Advanced Grants are designed to support excellent Principal Investigators at the career stage at which they are already established research leaders with a recognised track record of research achievements. Applicant Principal Investigators must demonstrate the ground-breaking nature, ambition and feasibility of their scientific proposal.
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Consell de Col·legis d’Infermeres i Infermers de Catalunya
El Consell de Col·legis d’Infermeres i Infermers de Catalunya ha convocat una Beca al Millor Projecte de Recerca Infermera amb Impacte Social finançat per l’empresa Cava Bertha que produirà un cava solidari. Els beneficis de la venda del mateix es destinaran al finançament del projecte guanyador en l’import que es recapti.
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La finalitat de la beca és completar la formació de joves investigadors en el camp de l'Oncologia i promoure la ràpida transmissió dels avenços científics en aquest camp als pacients. Per això, es reconeix un projecte científic presentat per professionals novells que treballin en institucions espanyoles involucrades en aquest tipus d'investigació. En aquesta convocatòria i de manera excepcional, tenim a més un Beca extraordinària en càncer de mama, per promoure a joves investigadors a treballar en el camp del càncer de mama.
L'acte de lliurament de la 15a edició de la Beca FERO tindrà lloc el 3 de desembre de 2018 a Madrid.
El premiat haurà d'estar present en la cerimònia de lliurament de la beca.
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Fondation Leducq is a French non-profit health research foundation, the mission of which is to improve human health through international efforts to combat cardiovascular and neurovascular disease.

The principal aim of this program is to foster outstanding and innovative scientific research by bringing together international teams of researchers with complementary expertise and resources to work together on a common thematic problem. The proposals should aim to generate new knowledge with the potential to advance the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of cardiovascular and neurovascular disease. Early career investigators play a vital role in these networks, which provide an excellent context for training and career development in cardiovascular and neurovascular research.
Each network is built around a transatlantic research alliance involving two network coordinators, the European Coordinator and the North American Coordinator.
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The European Foundation for the Study of Diabetes (EFSD) was created by the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD) to provide multiple funding initiatives in all areas of diabetes research. The aims of EFSD are to encourage and support research in the field of diabetes, to rapidly diffuse acquired knowledge and to facilitate its application.
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The PRCRP was initiated in 2009 to provide support for cancer research of exceptional scientific merit not addressed by the breast cancer, prostate cancer, lung cancer, and ovarian cancer research programs executed and managed by the Office of the Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP).
The goal of the PRCRP is to improve quality of life by decreasing the impact of cancer on active duty service members, their families, and the American public. As such, the PRCRP will foster the next generation of cancer research by providing new opportunities to successfully pursue high-impact research for the prevention, detection, and treatment of cancer.
Borses de viatge
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Ajudes per a realitzar estades formatives en centres situats a l'estranger.
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The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) carries out programs that provide overseas researchers who have an excellent record of research achievements with an opportunity to conduct collaborative research, discussions, and opinion exchanges with researchers in Japan. These programs are intended to help advance the overseas researchers' research activities while promoting science and internationalization in Japan.
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The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) carries out programs that provide overseas researchers who have an excellent record of research achievements with an opportunity to conduct collaborative research, discussions, and opinion exchanges with researchers in Japan. These programs are intended to help advance the overseas researchers' research activities while promoting science and internationalization in Japan.
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Amb aquest premi FACE desitja contribuir de manera directa a cobrir, en la mesura de les seves possibilitats, les necessitats econòmiques de projectes rellevants i favorables a la investigació en malaltia celíaca i dieta sense gluten.
Podran optar a aquest premi tots aquells grups de recerca que realitzen o vulguin fer recerca bàsica o aplicada sobre la malaltia celíaca.
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L'objecte del guardó és donar suport a projectes innovadors impulsats per universitats, instituts de recerca, spin offs, start-up 's ..., dirigits a millorar la qualitat de vida i l'atenció a persones en situació de cronicitat, dependència o amb discapacitat. S'acceptaran dos tipus de treballs:
1. Projectes de recerca bàsica o clínica dirigits a produir nou coneixement en l'àmbit de l'atenció sociosanitària; 2. Projectes tècnics i tecnològics que aportin solucions innovadores a nivell social, assistencial, terapèutic o rehabilitador i que hagin demostrat la seva viabilitat i utilitat.

Es valorarà la qualitat científica i tècnica del projecte presentat, la innovació que introdueix, el seu impacte social i els resultats obtinguts o que s'espera obtenir per millorar la qualitat de vida dels destinataris del projecte.
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The AACR-CRI Lloyd J. Old Award in Cancer Immunology was established to honor the memory of the late Lloyd J. Old and will recognize an active scientist whose outstanding and innovative research in cancer immunology has had a far-reaching impact on the cancer field.
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ASCI - American Society for Clinical Investigation
The American Society for Clinical Investigation (ASCI) established in 1908, is one of the nation's oldest and most respected medical honor societies. The ASCI is dedicated to the advancement of research that extends the understanding and improves the treatment of human diseases, and its members are committed to mentoring future generations of physician-scientists.

The Harrington Discovery Institute at University Hospitals Case Medical Center, part of a national initiative unveiled in February 2012 called the Harrington Project, is a nonprofit medical institute dedicated to physician-scientists, enabling them to transform breakthrough insights into novel therapies that enhance patient care. The Harrington Project is fueled by $250 million in donations and other funding, including $50 million from the Harrington Family.
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Grete Lundbeck European Brain Research Foundation
The Brain Prize has been established by a private Danish foundation, the Grete Lundbeck European Brain Research Foundation. Grete Lundbeck European Brain Research Prize – ‘The Brain Prize’- is awarded to one or more scientists who have distinguished themselves by an outstanding contribution to European neuroscience and who are still active in research.
The Brain Prize recognises highly original and influential advances in any area of neuroscience, including fundamental research on molecular, cellular, physiological and pharmacological mechanisms, studies of behaviour and cognition, advances in technology for monitoring the nervous system, translational research on the application of basic knowledge to clinical and other problems of humankind, and clinical research on the causes, treatment and prevention of neurological and psychiatric disorders.
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Recursos Humans
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La convocatòria té com a principal objectiu finançar projectes sobre VIH que produeixin una important repercussió en salut i siguin capaços de modificar la pràctica clínica.
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Convocar un programa de 10 beques per gaudir l'any 2019: 7 de la FEHH i 2 d'una col·laboració FEHH/Janssen. Les beques van dirigides a socis de la Societat Espanyola d'Hematologia i Hemoteràpia que vulguin realitzar un projecte d'investigació en un centre espanyol, en l'àmbit de les àrees que conformen l'especialitat d'Hematologia i Hemoteràpia.
Seguint l'esperit integrador de la FEHH, cada any una de les beques estarà destinada prioritàriament a alguna àrea concreta de l'hematologia. A la present convocatòria s'ha designat per una de les 9 beques l'àrea d'Hematologia clínica. A més, les 2 beques de col·laboració FEHH/Janssen quedaran circumscrites l'àrea d'hemopaties malignes, donant prioritat a mieloma múltiple i síndromes limfoproliferatives cròniques.
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The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) carries out programs that provide overseas researchers who have an excellent record of research achievements with an opportunity to conduct collaborative research, discussions, and opinion exchanges with researchers in Japan. These programs are intended to help advance the overseas researchers' research activities while promoting science and internationalization in Japan.
Termini exhaurit
The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) carries out programs that provide overseas researchers who have an excellent record of research achievements with an opportunity to conduct collaborative research, discussions, and opinion exchanges with researchers in Japan. These programs are intended to help advance the overseas researchers' research activities while promoting science and internationalization in Japan.
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The Matsumae International Foundation awards about 20 fellowships for post-doctoral stays in Japan.
Sanz J*, Beltrán E, Díaz-Miguel Pérez MC, Fernández-Carballido C, Galíndez E, García Porrua C, Gratacós J, Medina J, Queiro R, Ramírez J, Reina D, Rodríguez Lozano C, Rodríguez Martínez FJ, Rubio E, Veroz R. Quality Standard for the Management of Patients with Psoriatic Arthritis: QUANTUM Project. Reumatol Clin 2020; 16(3): 203-215.
Rodríguez-Alcalde D*, Carballal S, Moreira L, Hernández L, Rodríguez-Alonso L, Rodríguez-Moranta F, Gonzalo V, Bujanda L, Bessa X, Poves C, Cubiella J, Castro I, Gonzalez M, Moya E, Oquiñena S, Clofent J, Quintero E, Esteban P, Piñol V, Fernández FJ, Jover R, Cid L, Saperas E, López-Cerón M, Cuatrecasas M, López-Vicente J, Rivero-Sánchez L, Jung G, Vila-Casadesús M, Sánchez A, Castells A, Pellisé M, Balaguer F, Gastrointestinal Oncology Group of the Spanish Gastroenterological Association. High incidence of advanced colorectal neoplasia during endoscopic surveillance in serrated polyposis syndrome. Endoscopy 2019; 51(2): 142-151.
Muñoz M*, Acheson AG, Bisbe E, Butcher A, Gómez-Ramírez S, Khalafallah AA, Kehlet H, Kietaibl S, Liumbruno GM, Meybohm P, Rao Baikady R, Shander A, So-Osman C, Spahn DR, Klein AA. An international consensus statement on the management of postoperative anaemia after major surgical procedures. Anaesthesia 2018; 73(11): 1418-1431.
Ramos-Perdigués S*, Baillés E, Mané A, Carreño M, Donaire A, Rumià J, Bargalló N, Boget T, Setoain X, Valdés M, Pintor L. Psychiatric Symptoms in Refractory Epilepsy During the First Year After Surgery. Neurotherapeutics 2018; 15(4): 1082-1092.
Ramon-Duaso C, Gener T, Consegal M, Fernandez-Aviles C, Gallego JJ, Castarlenas L, Swanson MS, de la Torre R, Maldonado R, Puig MV, Robledo P*. Methylphenidate Attenuates the Cognitive and Mood Alterations Observed in Mbnl2 Knockout Mice and Reduces Microglia Overexpression. Cereb Cortex 2019; 29(7): 2978-2997.
Varas J, Pérez Sáez MJ, Ramos R, Merello JI, de Francisco ALM, Luño J, Praga M, Aljama P, Pascual J*, Optimizing Results in Dialysis (ORD) group. Returning to haemodialysis after kidney allograft failure: a survival study with propensity score matching. Nephrol Dial Transplant 2019; 34(4): 667-672.
Farfán N, Ocarez N, Castellón EA, Mejía N, García de Herreros A, Contreras HR*. The transcriptional factor ZEB1 represses Syndecan 1 expression in prostate cancer. Sci Rep 2018; 8(1): 11467.
Samreth D, Arnavielhe S, Ingenrieth F, Bedbrook A, Onorato GL, Murray R, Almeida R, Mizani MA, Fonseca J, Costa E, Malva J, Morais Almeida M, Pereira AM, Todo Bom A, Menditto E, Stellato C, Ventura M, Larenas Linnemann D, Fuentes-Pérez JM, Huerta-Villalobos YR, Cruz A, Stelmach R, da Silva J, Emuzyte R, Kvedariene V, Valiulis A, Annesi-Maesano I, Bosse I, Demoly P, Devillier P, Fontaine JF, Kuna P, Samolinski B, Klimek L, Mösges R, Pfaar O, Shamai S, Bewick M, Ryan D, Sheikh A, Antó JM, Cardona V, Mullol J, Valero A, Chavannes NH, Fokkens W, Reitsma S, Roller-Wirnsberger RE, Tomazic P, Haahtela T, Toppila Salmi S, Valovirta E, Makris M, Papadopoulos N, Prokopakis EP, Psarros F, Gemicioglu B, Yorgancioglu A, Bindslev-Jensen C, Eller E, Kull I, Wickman M, Bachert C, Hellings PW, Pugin B, Bosnic-Anticevich S, O'Hehir RE, Kolek V, Sova M, Wehner K, De Vries G, van Eerd M, Laune D, Wittmann J, Bousquet J*, Poncelet P, MASK study group.. Geolocation with respect to personal privacy for the Allergy Diary app - a MASK study. World Allergy Organ J 2018; 11(1): 15 (Acceptat).
Arribas-Ibar E, Suelves JM, Sanchez-Niubò A, Tirado-Muñoz J, Domingo-Salvany A*, Brugal MT. Violence among illicit drug users recruited in drug treatment facilities. Adicciones 2020: (en Premsa).
Puig-Pijoan A*, Giralt E, Zabalza A, Manero RM, Sánchez-Benavides G, García-Escobar G, Pérez-Enríquez C, Gómez-González A, Ois A, Rodríguez Campello A, Cuadrado E, Jiménez Conde J, Peña-Casanova J, Roquer-González J. Underdiagnosis of Unilateral Spatial Neglect in stroke unit. Acta Neurol Scand 2018; 138(5): 441-446.
Casañas R*, Arfuch VM*, Castellví P, Gil JJ, Torres M, Pujol A, Castells G, Teixidó M, Sampietro HM, Caussa A, Alonso J, Lalucat-Jo L. ""- a school-based intervention programme to promote mental health and eradicate stigma in the adolescent population: study protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial. Bmc Public Health 2018; 18(1): 939.
Solans M, Coenders G, Marcos-Gragera R, Castelló A, Gràcia-Lavedan E, Benavente Moreno Y, Moreno V, Pérez Gómez B, Amiano P, Fernández-Villa T, Guevara M, Gómez Acebo I, Fernández Tardón G, Vanaclocha M, Chirlaque M, Capelo R, Barrios R, Aragonés Sanz N, Molinuevo A, Vitelli-Storelli F, Castilla J, Dierssen-Sotos T, Castaño Vinyals G, Kogevinas M, Pollán M, Saez M*. Compositional analysis of dietary patterns. Stat Methods Med Res 2019; 28(9): 2834-2847.
Argilés G, Saro J, Segal NH, Melero I, Ros W, Marabelle A, Rodriguez ME, Albanell J, Calvo E, Moreno V, Cleary JM, Eder P, Paz L, Hurwitz H, Bacac M, Perro M, Bouseida S, Sandoval F, Sabanes Bove Bove, Sreckovic S, Jamois C, Silva A, Klein C, Umana P, Karanikas V, Tabernero J. LBA-004Novel carcinoembryonic antigen T-cell bispecific (CEA-TCB) antibody: Preliminary clinical data as a single agent and in combination with atezolizumab in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC). Ann Oncol 2017; 28(suppl_3): .
López-Arribillaga E, Rodilla V, Colomer C, Vert A, Shelton A, Cheng JH, Yan B, Gonzalez-Perez A, Junttila MR, Iglesias M, Torres F, Albanell J, Villanueva A, Bigas A*, Siebel CW*, Espinosa L*. Manic Fringe deficiency imposes Jagged1 addiction to intestinal tumor cells. Nat Commun 2018; 9(1): 2992.
Miquel J*, Santana F, Palau E, Vinagre M, Langohr K, Casals A, Torrens C. Retaining or excising the supraspinatus tendon in complex proximal humeral fractures treated with reverse prosthesis: a biomechanical analysis in two different designs. Arch Orthop Traum Su 2018; 138(11): 1533-1539.
Vallecillo G*, Robles MJ, Fonseca F, Tamarit C, Duran X, Garcia-Guix A, Torrens M. Integrated care on leaving hospital against medical advice among HIV-infected people with substance use disorders. Aids Res Hum Retrov 2018; 34(12): 1044-1049.
Dyrda A*, Martínez-Palmer A, Martín-Moral D, Rey A, Morilla A, Castilla-Martí M, Aronés-Santivañez J. Clinical Results of Diffractive, Refractive, Hybrid Multifocal, and Monofocal Intraocular Lenses. J Ophthalmol 2018; 2018: 8285637.
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