INFORECERCA: Butlletí Informatiu del Servei de Recerca de l'IMIM
Número: 878
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Pfizer supports the global healthcare community’s independent initiatives to improve patient outcomes in areas of unmet medical need that are aligned with Pfizer’s medical and/or scientific strategies.
Small Meeting Grants are intended to cover the cost of a running small meeting in the fields of the Company of Biologist’s journals. Small meetings would normally be arranged on a small budget and be a local meeting taking place on one day.
Borses de viatge
The ”la Caixa” Foundation is offering 100 fellowships to pursue postgraduate studies at universities in any country within the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), North America (the United States or Canada), and the Asia-Pacific region (Australia, South Korea, India, Japan, Singapore and China).
The studies are for either a master’s degree or a doctoral degree. Predoctoral scientific and technical research stays are also accepted.
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Les beques estan destinades a doctors que vulguin investigar en centres d'ensenyament superior als Estats Units d'Amèrica.
The Benjamin Franklin Medals recognizes individuals whose work has had a significant impact on certain fields of science and engineering.
Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics
The SIB Early Career Bioinformatician Award acknowledges international early career bioinformaticians and ground-breaking resources of national or international standing.
L'objectiu d'aquesta convocatòria es premiar a les millors publicacions en Glaucoma.
The Lasker Foundation
Lasker Awards recognize the contributions of researchers, clinician scientists, and public servants who have made major advances in the understanding, diagnosis, treatment, cure, or prevention of disease.
La convocatòria dels XXI Premis Científics Fundació A.M.A. 2024/2025, cerca fomentar la interrelació entre els diferents professionals sanitaris per a procurar des de l'excel·lència investigadora aportar solucions als problemes actuals de la salut en un entorn transversal i puguin presentar-se al mateix tots els treballs científics relacionats amb la salut individual i col·lectiva.
Informació últil
 No hi ha novetats
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La finalitat de la present convocatòria és la concessió d'Ajudes financeres per part de la Fundació Científica AECC a projectes de recerca de qualitat en càncer relacionats amb les àrees estratègiques identificades per AECC (cures pal·liatives, epidemiologia, oncologia radioteràpica i prevenció), que es desenvolupin sota la supervisió d'un investigador principal. Aquests projectes s'han de realitzar en la seva totalitat a Espanya i han de ser projectes estratègics per a l'AECC i els pacients amb càncer.
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Aquests projectes hauran de centrar-se en una àrea de les Ciències de la Vida i Medi ambient (com biologia, bioquímica, biofísica, genètica, fisiologia, neurociència, biotecnologia, ecologia i etologia, o altres àrees compreses amb aquesta denominació…).
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The aim of the Connect Call is to promote collaboration between research and practice (in other words, the third sector and public administration) as well asto increase the impact of both on society. Connect therefore funds research projects designed and developed in partnership between these two spheres.
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Convocatòria nacional d'una BECA DE RECERCA al camp de: Obstetrícia, Ginecologia i Medicina de la Reproducció.
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It funds research aimed at furthering the development of immunological approaches to the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of cancer. The development of new and effective cancer treatment requires the translation of basic laboratory discoveries into novel therapies that can be tested in patients.
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To provide established researchers with funds to generate sufficient preliminary data to become competitive for funds from other sources such as the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
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MSCA Doctoral Networks implement doctoral programmes, by partnerships of universities, research institutions and research infrastructures, businesses including SMEs, and other socio-economic actors from different countries across Europe and beyond.
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Under the canSERV Open Call researchers are welcome to apply to a portfolio of services offered by canSERV to address the research needs of the entire oncology developmental pipeline.
Borses de viatge
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Promoure la formació d'alta qualitat en Psicologia Clínica dels psicòlegs interns residents mitjançant estades a l'estranger en centres o organismes científic-sanitaris de prestigi internacional per la seva innovació tècnica o investigació clínica.
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Fellowships for visits to Centers for Clinical or Diagnostic Virology in Europe, in order to learn special or new techniques that are of value for their future clinical or laboratory work.
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The ESC Basic Research Fellowship is designed to allow a researcher to spend six months in a European research laboratory. It is open to basic scientists as well as clinical scientists and preferentially seeks to award support for preclinical research projects.
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Premiar el millor article sobre trasplantament d’òrgans sòlids, segons criteri del Jurat, publicat en qualsevol revista científica espanyola o estrangera, en el període comprès entre l'1 d’octubre de 2023 i el 30 setembre del 2024.
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Providing solutions to real problems is the main goal of social innovators, who through their projects contribute to meeting the social needs and demands of the public.
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The Genetics Prize awards individuals who have made original discoveries in the fields of genetic function, regulation, transmission, or variation or in genomic organization.
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The Neuroscience Prize honors scientists for major discoveries that have advanced the understanding of the nervous system.
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La concessió d'aquests premis s'inclou en el marc de l'Estratègia NAOS que, des de l'Agència Espanyola de Seguretat Alimentària i Nutrició pretén impulsar les iniciatives que entre els seus objectius bàsics impulsin la prevenció de l'obesitat i altres malalties no transmissibles derivades, a través d'una alimentació saludable i la pràctica regular d'activitat física.
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La finalitat d'aquesta convocatòria és fomentar i premiar la recerca relacionada amb els estudis feministes des de qualsevol disciplina acadèmica.
Recursos Humans
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Es convoques dues beques per fomentar la recerca científica en el trasplantament d’òrgan sòlid, a investigadors que formin part de les àrees de recerca que estan en funcionament en els serveis amb Unitat de Trasplantament de Catalunya.
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The joint fellowship between ECTRIMS and the European Magnetic Resonance Imaging in MS network (MAGNIMS) aims to foster the development of young researchers in the field of MS by supporting their work on scientific projects at host institutions within the MAGNIMS network in Europe.
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ECTRIMS offers a postdoctoral research fellowship exchange programme for young neuroscientists to facilitate their conduct of and training in basic, clinical or applied research related to multiple sclerosis (MS).
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XXV edició de les Beques Manuel de Oya per a fomentar la recerca entorn del consum moderat de cervesa i la seva relació amb els diferents aspectes de la salut humana que no hagin estat realitzats ni difosos amb anterioritat a Espanya.
Es valoraran positivament els projectes centrats en salut cardiovascular, Salut Mental, Neurologia, Digestiu, Oncologia, Microbiota, nutrició i dieta mediterrània.
Ibañez M, Valcarenghi J, Hoffmann F, Mouton C, Pioger C, Siboni R, Monllau JC, Seil R*. Nonanatomic Posteromedial Bundle Augmentation of the Posterior Cruciate Ligament after Hyperextension Trauma. Arthrosc Tech 2024; 13(8): 103013 (Acceptat).
Pau-Parra A, Núñez-Núñez M*, Sadyrbaeva-Dolgova S, Doménech-Moral L, Campelo-Sánchez E, Periañez-Parraga LDM, Saeed-Khan K, Luque S. National Survey and consensus document on dosing strategies for beta-lactam antibiotics against multidrug-resistant gram-negative bacilli (MDR-GNB) in critically ill patients undergoing extracorporeal life support techniques: The DOSEBL study protocol. Farm Hosp 2024: (en Premsa).
Shahid I, Satish P, Gullapelli R, Nicholas JC, Javed Z, Avenatti E, Bose B, Mahajan S, Roy T, Sharma G, Rodriguez F, Andrieni J, Jones SL, Al-Kindi S, Cainzos-Achirica M, Nasir K*. Gender disparities in utilization of statins for low density lipoprotein management across the spectrum of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease: Insights from the houston methodist cardiovascular disease learning health system registry. Am J Prev Cardiol . 2024; 19: 100722 (Acceptat).
Luque S, Mendoza-Palomar N*, Aguilera-Alonso D, Garrido B, Miarons M, Piqueras AI, Tévar E, Velasco-Arnaiz E, Fernández-Polo A. Spanish Society of Hospital Pharmacy and the Spanish Society of Pediatric Infectious Diseases (SEFH-SEIP) National Consensus Guidelines for therapeutic drug monitoring of antibiotic and antifungal drugs in pediatric and newborn patients. Farm Hosp 2024; 48(5): 234-245.
Lopez-Lopez V*, Kalt F*, Zhong JH, Guidetti C, Magistri P, di Benedetto F, Weinmann A, Mittler J, Lang H, Sharma R, Vithayathil M, Tariq S, Sánchez-Velázquez P, Rompianesi G, Troisi RI, Gómez-Gavara C, Dalmau M, Sanchez-Romero FJ, Llamoza C, Tschuor C, Deniz U, Lurje G, Husen P, Hügli S, Jonas JP, Rössler F, Kron P, Ramser M, Ramirez P, Lehmann K, Robles-Campos R, Eshmuminov D. The role of resection in hepatocellular carcinoma BCLC stage B: A multi-institutional patient-level meta-analysis and systematic review. Langenbecks Arch Surg . 2024; 409(1): 277.
Lorenzini L*, Maranzano A, Ingala S, Collij LE, Tranfa M, Blennow K, Di Perri C, Foley C, Fox NC, Frisoni GB, Haller S, Martíne-Lage P, Mollison D, O'brien J, Payoux P, Ritchie C, Scheltens P, Schwarz AJ, Sudre CH, Tijms BM, Verde F, Ticozzi N, Silani V, Visser PJ, Waldman A, Wolz R, Chételat G, Ewers M, Wink AM, Mutsaerts H, Gispert JD, Wardlaw JM, Barkhof F. Association of Vascular Risk Factors and Cerebrovascular Pathology With Alzheimer Disease Pathologic Changes in Individuals Without Dementia. Neurology 2024; 103(7): e209801.
Ceravalls J*, Ruiz-Villaverde R, Armesto S, Fernández-Armenteros JM, Riera-Monroig J, Gracia-Cazaña T, Quintana-Codina M, Iglesias-Sancho M, Salleras M, Imbernón-Moya A, Melgosa-Ramos FJ, Ferran M. Anti-IL-23 therapy for the treatment of moderate-to-severe inverse psoriasis: A 52-week multicentre study. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 2024: (en Premsa).
Pons-Muzzo L, de Cid R, Obón Santacana M, Straif K, Papantoniou K, Santonja I, Kogevinas M, Palomar-Cros A, Lassale C*. Sex-specific chrono-nutritional patterns and association with body weight in a general population in Spain (GCAT study). Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act 2024; 21(1): 102.
Cárcel Márquez J, Muiño E, Gallego-Fabrega C, Cullell N, Lledós M, Llucia Carol L, Martín Campos J.M, Sobrino T, Campos F, Castillo J, Freijo M, Arenillas JF, Obach V, Álvarez-Sabín J, Molina CA, Ribó M, Jiménez Conde J, Roquer-González J, Muñoz-Narbona L, López-Cancio E, Millán M, Díaz-Navarro R, Vives-Bauza C, Serrano-Heras G, Segura T, Ibañez L, Heitsch L, Delgado P, Dhar R, Krupinski J, Prats Sánchez L, Camps Renom P, Guasch M, Ezcurra G, Blay N, Sumoy L, de Cid R, Montaner J, Cruchaga C, Lee JM, Martí Fàbregas J, Fernández-Cadenas I*. Sex-Stratified Genome-Wide Association Study in the Spanish Population Identifies a Novel Locus for Lacunar Stroke. Stroke 2024; 55(10): 2462-2471.
Dalmases M, Sánchez-de-la-Torre M, Martinez D, Minguez O, Vaca R, Pascual L, Aguilá M, Gracia E, Benitez ID, Pinilla L, Cortijo A, Gort-Paniello C, Bascompte Claret R, Martínez-García MA, Mediano O, Romero-Peralta S, Fortuna-Gutiérrez AM, Ponte-Márquez P, Drager LF, Cabrini M, Masa JF, Corral-Peñafiel J, Vázquez S, Abad J, García-Río F, Casitas R, Lee CH, Barbé F, Torres G*. The Effect of Obstructive Sleep Apnea on Subclinical Target Organ Damage in Patients With Resistant Hypertension. Arch Bronconeumol 2024: (en Premsa).
Chaparro M*, Hermida S, Acosta D, Fernández-Clotet A, Barreiro de Acosta M, Hernández-Martínez A, Arroyo M, Bosca-Watts MM, Diz-lois Palomares MT, Menchén L, Martínez J, Leo-Carnerero E, Muñoz Villafranca C, Sierra-Ausín M, González-Lama Y, Riestra S, Sendra-Rumbeu P, Cabello-Tapia MJ, García-de la Filia I, Vicente R, Ceballos D, Pajares-Villarroya R, Ramírez-de la Piscina P, Martín-Arranz MD, Ramos L, Ruiz-Cerulla A, Martínez-Pérez TJ, San Miguel-Amelivia E, Calvet X, Huguet JM, Keco-Huerga A, Lorente-Poyatos RH, Muñoz JF, Ponferrada-Díaz Á, Sicilia B, Delgado-Guillena PG, Gómez-Delgado E, Rancel-Medina FJ, Alonso-Galán H, Herreros B, Rivero M, Varela P, Bermejo F, García-Sepulcre MF, Gimeno-Pitarch L, Kolle-Casso L, Márquez L, Martínez-Tirado P, Ramirez C, Sesé-Abizanda E, Dueñas-Sadornil C, Fernández-Rosáenz H, Gutiérrez-Casbas A, Madrigal-Domínguez RE, Nantes O, Ber-Nieto Y, Botella-Mateu B, Frago S, López-Serrano P, Rubio-Mateos JM, Torrà S, Iyo E, Fernández-Forcelledo JL, Hernandez L, Rodríguez-Grau MC, Monfort D, Van Domselaar M, López-Ramos C, Ruiz-Barcia MJ, Gisbert JP, ULISES study group. Long-term benefit of ustekinumab in ulcerative colitis in clinical practice: ULISES study. Aliment Pharm Therap 2024; 60(10): 1325-1338.
de la Fuente-Vivas D, Cappitelli V, García-Gómez R, Valero-Díaz S, Amato C, Rodriguéz J, Duro S, von Kriegsheim A, Grusch M, Lozano J, Arribas J, Casar B*, Crespo P*. ERK1/2 mitogen-activated protein kinase dimerization is essential for the regulation of cell motility. Mol Oncol 2024: (en Premsa).
Chatzikonstantinou T, Scarfò L, Minga E, Karakatsoulis G, Chamou D, Kotaskova J, Iacoboni G, Demosthenous C, Albi E, Alcoceba M, Al-Shemari S, Aurran-Schleinitz T, Bacchiarri F, Chatzileontiadou S, Collado R, Davis Z, de Deus MD, Dimou M, Dmitrieva E, Donaldson D, Dos Santos G, Dreta B, Efstathopoulou M, El-Ashwah S, Enrico A, Frygier A, Galimberti S, Galitzia A, Gimeno E, Guarente V, Guieze R, Harrop S, Hatzimichael E, Herishanu Y, Hernández-Rivas JA, Jaksic O, Kalicinska E, Laribi K, Karakus V, Kater AP, Kho B, Kislova M, Konstantinou E, Koren-Michowitz M, Kotsianidis I, Kubova Z, Labrador J, Lad D, Laurenti L, Longval T, Lopez-Garcia A, Marquet J, Maslejova S, Mayor-Bastida C, Mihaljevic B, Milosevic I, Miras F, Moia R, Morawska M, Nath UK, Navarro-Bailón A, Olivieri J, Panovska-Stavridis I, Papaioannou M, Pierie C, Puiggros A, Reda G, Rigolin GM, Ruchlemer R, Schipani M, Schiwitza A, Shen Y, Shokralla T, Simkovic M, Smirnova S, Soliman DSA, Stilgenbauer S, Tadmor T, Tomic K, Tse E, Vassilakopoulos T, Visentin A, Vitale C, Vrachiolias G, Vukovic V, Walewska R, Xu Z, Yagci M, Yáñez L, Yassin M, Zuchnicka J, Oscier D, Gozzetti A, Panagiotidis P, Bosch F, Sportoletti P, Espinet B, Pangalis GA, Popov VM, Mulligan S, Angelopoulou M, Demirkan F, Papajík T, Biderman B, Murru R, Coscia M, Tam C, Cuneo A, Gaidano G, Claus R, Stavroyianni N, Trentin L, Antic D, Smolej L, Kalashnikova OB, Catherwood M, Spacek M, Pospisilova S, Doubek M, Nikitin E, Chatzidimitriou A, Ghia P*, Stamatopoulos K. Therapeutic strategies and treatment sequencing in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia: An international study of ERIC, the European Research Initiative on CLL. Hemasphere . 2024; 8(9): e70004 (Acceptat).
Zykaj E, Abboud C, Asadi P, Warsame S, Almousa H, Milev MP, Greco BM, López-Sánchez M, Bratkovic D, Kachroo AH, Pérez-Jurado L, Sacher M*. A Humanized Yeast Model for Studying TRAPP Complex Mutations; Proof-of-Concept Using Variants from an Individual with a TRAPPC1-Associated Neurodevelopmental Syndrome. Cells 2024; 13(17): 1457.
Seguí E, Torres JM, Auclin E, Casadevall D, Peiro-Carmona S, Aguilar-Company J, Garcia de Herreros M, Gorría T, Laguna JC, Rodriguez M, Gonzalez A, Epaillard N, Gavira J, Bolaño V, Tapia JC, Tagliamento M, Teixidó C, Arasanz H, Pilotto S, Lopez-Castro R, Mielgo-Rubio X, Urbano C, Recondo G, Diaz-Pavon M, Bluthgen MV, Minatta JN, Lupinacci L, Brasó F, Prat A, Vlagea A, Mezquita L*. The FLARE Score and Circulating Neutrophils in Patients with Cancer and COVID-19 Disease. Cancers 2024; 16(17): 2974.
GBD 2021 Stroke Risk Factor Collaborators (...,Alonso J,...). Global, regional, and national burden of stroke and its risk factors, 1990-2021: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021. Lancet Neurol. 2024; 23(10): 973-1003.
Xu R, Martínez-Bosch N, Rivera-Hueto F, Mulens-Arias V, Rubio-Moscardo F, Javier Conesa, Navarro P, Vicente R*, Rivera P*. Validation of ZIP4 as a tumour-associated antigen for nanotargeting. J Drug Target 2024: 1-13 (en Premsa).
Pérez-Lamas L, Segura-Díaz A, Mora-Casterá E, Soto-Hidalgo M, Paz-Coll A, De Las Heras N, Cortes M, Vélez P, Sierra-Pacho M, Segin-Magan A, Angona A, Cervero C, de Paz R, Salamanca-Cuenca A, Santaliestra M, López-Marín J, Casado LF, García-Gutiérrez V*. Outcomes of chronic myeloid leukemia patients after therapeutic failure to conventional tyrosine kinase inhibitors and asciminib. Ann Hematol 2024; 103(11): 4537-4544.
Toapanta N, Comas J, Revuelta I, Manonelles A, Facundo C, Pérez Sáez MJ, Vila A, Arcos E, Tort J, Giral M, Naesens M, Kuypers D, Asberg A, Moreso F*, Bestard O*, EKITE consortium. Benefits of Living Over Deceased Donor Kidney Transplantation in Elderly Recipients. A Propensity Score Matched Analysis of a Large European Registry Cohort. Transpl Int 2024; 37: 13452 (Acceptat).
Pacilli M, Sánchez-Velázquez P, Abad M, Luque E, Burdío F, Ielpo B*. Minimally invasive subtotal cholecystectomy. What surgeons need to know. Updates Surg 2024: (en Premsa).
Luque S*, Mendoza-Palomar N*, Aguilera-Alonso D, Garrido B, Miarons M, Piqueras AI*, Tévar E, Velasco-Arnaiz E*, Fernández-Polo A*. Therapeutic Drug Monitoring of antibiotic and antifungical drugs in paediatric and newborn patients. Consensus Guidelines of the Spanish Society of Hospital Pharmacy (SEFH) and the Spanish Society of Paediatric Infectious Diseases (SEIP). An Pediatr (Barc) 2024; 101(3): 190-207.
Solmi M, Thompson T, Estradé A, Agorastos A, Radua J, Cortese S, Dragioti E, Vancampfort D, Thygesen LC, Aschauer H, Schlögelhofer M, Aschauer E, Schneeberger A, Huber CG, Hasler G, Conus P, Cuénod KQD, Von Känel, Arrondo G, Fusar-Poli P, Gorwood P, Llorca PM, Krebs MO, Scanferla E, Kishimoto T, Rabbani G, Skonieczna-Zydecka K, Brambilla P, Favaro A, Takamiya A, Zoccante L, Colizzi M, Bourgin J, Kaminski K, Moghadasin M, Seedat S, Matthews E, Wells J, Vassilopoulou E, Gadelha A, Su KP, Kwon JS, Kim M, Lee TY, Papsuev O, Manková D, Boscutti A, Gerunda C, Saccon D, Righi E, Monaco F, Croatto G, Cereda G, Demurtas J, Brondino N, Veronese N, Enrico P, Politi P, Ciappolino V, Pfennig A, Bechdolf A, Meyer-Lindenberg A, Kahl KG, Domschke K, Bauer M, Koutsouleris N, Winter S, Borgwardt S, Bitter I, Balazs J, Czobor P, Unoka Z, Mavridis D, Tsamakis K, Bozikas VP, Tunvirachaisakul C, Maes M, Rungnirundorn T, Supasitthumrong T, Haque A, Brunoni AR, Costardi CG, Schuch FB, Polanczyk G, Luiz JM, Fonseca L, Aparicio LV, Valvassori SS, Nordentoft M, Vendsborg P, Hoffmann SH, Sehli J, Sartorius N, Heuss S, Guinart D, Hamilton J, Kane J, Rubio J, Sand M, Koyanagi A, Solanes A, Andreu-Bernabeu A, Cáceres ASJ, Arango C, Díaz-Caneja CM, Hidalgo D, Vieta E, Gonzalez-Peñas J, Fortea L, Parellada M, Fullana MA, Verdolini N, Andrlíková E, Janku K, Millan MJ, Honciuc M, Moniuszko-Malinowska A, Loniewski I, Samochowiec J, Kiszkiel L, Marlicz M, Sowa P, Marlicz W, Spies G, Stubbs B, Firth J, Sullivan S, Darcin AE, Aksu H, Dilbaz N, Noyan O, Kitazawa M, Kurokawa S, Tazawa Y, Anselmi A, Cracco C, Machado AI, Estrade N, De Leo D, Curtis J, Berk M, Carvalho AF, Ward P, Teasdale S, Rosenbaum S, Marx W, Horodnic AV, Oprea L, Alexinschi O, Ifteni P, Turliuc S, Ciuhodaru T, Bolos A, Matei V, Nieman DH, Sommer I, van Os J, van Amelsvoort T, Sun CF, Guu TW, Jiao C, Zhang J, Fan J, Zou L, Yu X, Chi X, De Timary P, Van Winkel R, Ng B, de Peña E, Arellano R, Roman R, Sanchez T, Movina L, Morgado P, Brissos S, Aizberg O, Mosina A, Krinitski D, Mugisha J, Sadeghi-Bahmani D, Sheybani F, Sadeghi M, Hadi S, Brand S, Errazuriz A, Crossley N, Ristic DI, López-Jaramillo C, Efthymiou D, Kuttichira P, Kallivayalil RA, Javed A, Afridi MI, James B, Seb-Akahomen OJ, Fiedorowicz J, Daskalakis J, Yatham LN, Yang L, Okasha T, Dahdouh A, Tiihonen J, Shin JI, Lee J, Mhalla A, Gaha L, Brahim T, Altynbekov K, Negay N, Nurmagambetova S, Jamei YA, Weiser M, Correll CU*. Global and risk-group stratified well-being and mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic in adults: Results from the international COH-FIT Study. Psychiat Res 2024; 342: (en Premsa).
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En compliment de la Llei 34/2002, de Serveis de la Societat de la Informació i de Comerç Electrònic, aquest correu li hem enviat a partir de les dades de contacte que vostè ens ha facilitat. Si vostè no desitja rebre més comunicats, pot donar-se de baixa dirigint-se per escrit al Servei de Recursos Humans-IMIM ( tot indicant la paraula “baixa base de dades” a l’assumpte.
Li recordem que podrà exercir els drets d’accés, rectificació, cancel·lació i oposició dirigint-se per escrit al Servei de Recursos Humans-IMIM (