INFORECERCA: Butlletí Informatiu del Servei de Recerca de l'IMIM
Número: 443
Termini exhaurit
The European Society of Intensive Care Medicine is an Association of individual persons. It supports and promotes the advancement of knowledge in intensive care medicine, in particular the promotion of the highest standards of multidisciplinary care of critically ill patients and their families through education, research and professional development.

In order to foster progression of women in academic careers, this prize supports the development of research activities undertaken with the active contribution of a female applicant. The specific intent is to provide support for young and talented female physicians/scientists who have the potential to become outstanding independent investigators in the field of intensive care and emergency medicine.

The research proposal may focus on approaches in topics ranging from basic cellular responses to outcome research, and may include clinical applications as well as translational science.
Termini exhaurit
The European Society of Intensive Care Medicine is an Association of individual persons. It supports and promotes the advancement of knowledge in intensive care medicine, in particular the promotion of the highest standards of multidisciplinary care of critically ill patients and their families through education, research and professional development.

The Basic Science Award supports a research project to be performed by an investigator in a research laboratory. Approaches may vary topically from basic cellular and molecular physiology, cell biology, molecular biology and genetics to animal physiology and translational science.
Termini exhaurit
The European Society of Intensive Care Medicine is an Association of individual persons. It supports and promotes the advancement of knowledge in intensive care medicine, in particular the promotion of the highest standards of multidisciplinary care of critically ill patients and their families through education, research and professional development.

The Clinical Research Award supports a research project to be performed by an investigator in a clinical environment. Some aspects of the proposal may involve collaboration with research laboratories. However, applications that lack a clinical component will not be considered.

Proposals may be based on approaches ranging from physiology, diagnostic procedures, therapeutic interventions, to epidemiologic studies and evaluation of practices.
Termini exhaurit
The European Society of Intensive Care Medicine is an Association of individual persons. It supports and promotes the advancement of knowledge in intensive care medicine, in particular the promotion of the highest standards of multidisciplinary care of critically ill patients and their families through education, research and professional development.

The ESICM Established Investigator Award will support the research activities of a senior physician/scientist active in clinical or basic research. The specific intent is to provide support for investigators who have already established their independent research program in the field of intensive care and emergency medicine, and who can demonstrate a commitment to facilitate research training of young colleagues.

The research proposal may rely on approaches on topics ranging from basic cellular responses to outcome research, and may include clinical applications as well as translational science.
Termini exhaurit
The European Society of Intensive Care Medicine is an Association of individual persons. It supports and promotes the advancement of knowledge in intensive care medicine, in particular the promotion of the highest standards of multidisciplinary care of critically ill patients and their families through education, research and professional development.

The ESICM Young Investigator Award supports the development of research activities undertaken with the active contribution of the applicant. The specific intent is to provide support for young and talented physicians/scientists that have the potential to become outstanding independent investigators in the field of intensive care and emergency medicine.

Research proposals may rely on approaches ranging from basic cellular responses to outcome research, and may include clinical applications as well as translational science.
Termini exhaurit
The European Society of Intensive Care Medicine is an Association of individual persons. It supports and promotes the advancement of knowledge in intensive care medicine, in particular the promotion of the highest standards of multidisciplinary care of critically ill patients and their families through education, research and professional development.

The NEXT Start-Up Grant supports the professional development of talented newly board-certified intensivists who have already a background in research and are willing to develop independent research programmes. The specific intent is to provide support for young and talented researchers/scientists who have the potential to become established independent investigators in the field of intensive care and emergency medicine.

Research programme proposals may rely on approaches ranging from basic cellular responses to outcome research, and may include clinical applications as well as translational science.
Termini exhaurit
FARA supports research through funding competitive grants, promoting collaboration among scientists, advocating for public-private partnerships that support drug discovery, drug development and clinical research and hosting open forums for leading scientists to share their insights, ideas and challenges to advancing treatments for FA.
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The Movember Foundation is committed to driving awareness of men’s health issues and strategically investing in key problem areas, helping men to live happier, healthier and longer lives. Since 2003, millions have joined the movement, raising over $685 million to fund breakthrough research and support services

With a global presence across 21 countries, the Movember Foundation is uniquely placed to address key prostate and testicular cancer research challenges by facilitating and funding novel, collaborative and global approaches that will fast track translational research. Each project within the Global Action Plan (GAP) seeks to identify and fund research where integrated transnational collaboration has the potential to accelerate outcomes for the ultimate benefit of patients.
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Mitjançant aquesta XII Convocatòria es concediran un màxim de 15 ajudes a equips d'investigadors amb reconeguda experiència, que treballin en els següents camps d'investigació:
  • Oncologia. Centrada en tumors sòlids en la infància;
  • Trasplantament. Referint-nos exclusivament a vies de millora en l'obtenció i utilització d'òrgans per a trasplantament
  • Traumatologia i seqüeles, tant traumatològiques com neurològiques.
  • Malalties rares. Limitada a les quals es manifesten clínicament durant la infància.
    Els projectes que es presentin a aquesta convocatòria haurien de ser exclusivament treballs d'investigació clínica
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    Fomentar la investigació en el camp de la Urologia. Es persegueix promoure investigació de caràcter clínic, investigació en resultats de salut i investigació translacional.
    Termini exhaurit
    The European Foundation for the Study of Diabetes (EFSD) was created by the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD) to provide funding initiatives in all areas of diabetes research. The aims of EFSD are to encourage and support research in the field of diabetes, to rapidly diffuse acquired knowledge and to facilitate its application.

    AstraZeneca is pushing the boundaries of science to create life-changing medicines that aim to reduce the global burden and complications of diabetes. Driven to redefine outcomes for people with diabetes, AstraZeneca's current portfolio comprises the newest classes of treatments that support individualised approaches to diabetes care. As a core strategic area the company is focusing its research and development efforts in diverse populations and patients with significant co-morbidities.

    Termini exhaurit
    IBRO is a union of neuroscience organizations with the aim to promote and support neuroscience training and collaborative research around the world.

    With the aim to foster cooperation among young European neuroscientists, IBRO-PERC awards partial funding for Meetings, Workshops and Symposia on important topics in neuroscience organized in European countries. Preference is given to activities that include younger scientists and offer training for scientists from countries with limited resources for research or teaching.
    Borses de viatge
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    Promoure la cultura, la ciència i el coneixement entre Europa i Japó, mitjançant el finançament d'estades de recerca per a joves investigadors europeus de qualsevol disciplina, en centres del Japó i viceversa.
    Termini exhaurit
    ERS is the leading professional organisation in its field in Europe. It is broad-based, with some 10,000 members and counting in over 100 countries. Its scope covers both basic science and clinical medicine. ERS seeks to alleviate suffering from respiratory disease and promote lung health through research, sharing of knowledge and through medical and public education.
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    The primary target group in the CIMO Fellowship programme are such Doctoral level students who will be doing their Doctorate (or Double Doctorate) at a Finnish university . Visiting Doctoral-level students and researchers who are doing their Doctorate degree at some foreign university can also be considered eligible, provided that the motivation letter of the hosting Finnish university department presents exceptionally good grounds for such an application.

    NB: the CIMO Fellowship is a "start-up" grant rather than a full degree scholarship, so if you for example receive a CIMO Fellowship for 12 months, after that period you should seek other sources of funding for the remaining period of your studies/research.
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    El premi es concedirà a un investigador amb un currículum destacat en el camp de la recerca en biomedicina i ciències de la salut.
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    S'estableix una àmplia temàtica coincident amb les línies prioritàries d'investigació en el Parc Tecnològic de Ciències de la Salut
  • Medicina regenerativa i teràpia gènica
  • Oncologia molecular i genòmica del càncer
  • Genòmica, proteòmica i farmacogenòmica
  • Immunologia i Immunopatologia
  • Parasitologia molecular
  • Neurociències
  • Nutrició, nutrigenòmica i endocrinologia molecular
  • Biotecnologia i noves dianes terapèutiques
  • Patologies cardiovasculars
    Recursos Humans
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    Promoure la recerca bàsica en Biomedicina mitjançant el suport integral als millors futurs científics durant els seus estudis de doctorat.
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    As Europe’s only intergovernmental research organisation in the life sciences and as a leading laboratory in molecular biology, EMBL is dedicated to promoting excellence in the molecular life sciences throughout Europe. One of the best ways to achieve this goal is by inspiring and fostering talented young scientists to turn them into skilled and creative future leaders.
    The EMBL International PhD Programme provides comprehensive training that promotes scientific excellence, independence and creativity.
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    European Society for Medical Oncology
    Les beques de recerca translacional estan dissenyades per a:
  • Proporcionar formació en recerca translacional en centres europeus de renom en el camp del càncer.
  • Millorar el desenvolupament de la carrera a través de la col·laboració amb institucions europees d'excel·lència.
  • Proporcionar el suport necessari per a desenvolupar projectes de recerca translacional d'alta qualitat en el camp de l'Oncologia.
    Termini exhaurit
    European Society for Medical Oncology
    Les beques de recerca clínica estan dissenyades per a:
  • Proporcionar formació en recerca clínica en centres europeus de renom en càncer.
  • Donar suport a l'expansió de xarxes professionals a través de la col·laboració amb institucions d'excel·lència.
  • Proporcionar el suport necessari per a desenvolupar projectes clínics de recerca en el camp de l'Oncologia.
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    Les beques de doctorat estan dirigides a fomentar l'obtenció del grau acadèmic de doctor entre els docents de les universitats d'Amèrica Llatina associades amb la Fundació Carolina. En tots els casos, és la universitat o institució educativa d'Amèrica Llatina associada amb la Fundació qui ha de postular als candidats davant la Fundació Carolina.
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    La Fundació Banc de Sabadell convoca 15 ajudes a la investigació científica per a aspirants predoctorals de nacionalitat espanyola, que estiguin en procés de realització de la tesi doctoral en qualsevol universitat espanyola o estrangera, destinades a la promoció i desenvolupament de treballs científics o estades en universitats o altres centres de recerca espanyols o estrangers, preferentment en camps del coneixement econòmic, empresarial i social.
    Informació últil
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    ERA-CVD is a newly established European Research Area Network (ERA-Net) comprising 23 Partners from 18 countries/regions. The goal of ERA-CVD is to create a European Research Area in which cardiovascular research is conducted and funded across countries, allowing research groups to jointly work on specific problems, exchange ideas, and benefit from cross border expertise.
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    ERANet-LAC is a Network of the European Union (EU) and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) on Joint Innovation and Research Activities. It strengthens the bi-regional partnership in Science, Technology and Innovation by planning and implementing concrete joint activities and by creating a sustainable framework for future bi-regional joint activities.
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    Promoure la investigació científica convocant ajudes d'investigació en Neurociència per a investigadors que realitzin el seu treball a Espanya.
    L'objectiu de les ajudes és finançar la realització de projectes d'investigació en Neurociència enfocats a la comprensió del sistema nerviós humà i de les malalties que l'afecten.
    Termini exhaurit
    The Movember Foundation is committed to driving awareness of men’s health issues and strategically investing in key problem areas, helping men to live happier, healthier and longer lives. Since 2003, millions have joined the movement, raising over $685 million to fund breakthrough research and support services

    With a global presence across 21 countries, the Movember Foundation is uniquely placed to address key prostate and testicular cancer research challenges by facilitating and funding novel, collaborative and global approaches that will fast track translational research. Each project within the Global Action Plan (GAP) seeks to identify and fund research where integrated transnational collaboration has the potential to accelerate outcomes for the ultimate benefit of patients.
    Termini exhaurit
    Fomentar la investigació en el camp de la Urologia. Es persegueix promoure investigació de caràcter clínic, investigació en resultats de salut i investigació translacional.
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    The New York Stem Cell Foundation
    The mission of The New York Stem Cell Foundation is to accelerate cures for the major diseases of our time through stem cell research.
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    The New York Stem Cell Foundation
    The mission of The New York Stem Cell Foundation is to accelerate cures for the major diseases of our time through stem cell research.
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    Recolza la recerca clínica i té entre els seus objectius prioritaris aportar tot el suport possible a la recerca independent per part dels seus socis i el foment del seu desenvolupament per a la generació i difusió del coneixement científic en el camp de la Coloproctologia.
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    L'objectiu de la convocatòria Reptes-Col·laboració és el suport a projectes en cooperació entre empreses i organismes d'investigació, amb la finalitat de promoure el desenvolupament de noves tecnologies, l'aplicació empresarial de noves idees i tècniques, i contribuir a la creació de nous productes i serveis.
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    The Brain & Behavior Research Foundation is the largest philanthropic organization dedicated to research across all brain and behavior disorders (not disease specific). Recipients of NARSAD Grants represent an extraordinary variety of disciplines. Research has included (but is not limited to) studies in: genetics, neurobiology, molecular biology, imaging, neurochemical studies, neurophysiology, electrophysiology, clinical psychopharmacology, descriptive clinical studies, epidemiological research, treatment modalities, cognition studies, and outcome and prevention research.
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    The Prostate Cancer Foundation ( champions investment in human capital to fast-forward solutions for prostate cancer with the ultimate goal of ending death and suffering from metastatic prostate cancer.
    Research proposals submitted in consideration for the Young Investigator Award should, if successful, provide high impact to the field. “Small-step” or incremental proposals are usually non-competitive. Highly innovative basic science programs will be carefully considered, but priority will be given to “bench to bedside” translational research proposals with the potential to deliver near term benefit to patients.
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    Affymetrix now develops and provides innovative technologies that enable multiplex and parallel analysis of biological systems at the cell, protein, and gene level, facilitating the rapid translation of results into biology for a better world.
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    The main target of the Fondation Jerome Lejeune, a non profit foundation, is research into genetic diseases with intellectual disability.
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    EMD Serono Inc
    The Grant for Multiple Sclerosis Innovation(GMSI) supports promising translational research projects by academic researchers to improve understanding of multiple sclerosis (MS) for the ultimate benefit of patients.
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    Convoca una beca d'ajut a la recerca amb l’objecte de facilitar suport econòmic per a la realització de projectes en l'àrea de cirurgia ortopèdica i traumatologia.
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    JPND was established in 2009 to enable participating EU Member States to work together on the challenge of age-related neurodegenerative diseases, in particular Alzheimer’s. In the past five years, tremendous progress has been made by JPND in terms of increasing coordination, collaboration and alignment between national research programmes and projects related to neurodegenerative diseases.
    Termini exhaurit
    The European Foundation for the Study of Diabetes (EFSD) was created by the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD) to provide funding initiatives in all areas of diabetes research. The aims of EFSD are to encourage and support research in the field of diabetes, to rapidly diffuse acquired knowledge and to facilitate its application.

    AstraZeneca is pushing the boundaries of science to create life-changing medicines that aim to reduce the global burden and complications of diabetes. Driven to redefine outcomes for people with diabetes, AstraZeneca's current portfolio comprises the newest classes of treatments that support individualised approaches to diabetes care. As a core strategic area the company is focusing its research and development efforts in diverse populations and patients with significant co-morbidities.

    Termini exhaurit
    IBRO is a union of neuroscience organizations with the aim to promote and support neuroscience training and collaborative research around the world.

    With the aim to foster cooperation among young European neuroscientists, IBRO-PERC awards partial funding for Meetings, Workshops and Symposia on important topics in neuroscience organized in European countries. Preference is given to activities that include younger scientists and offer training for scientists from countries with limited resources for research or teaching.
    Borses de viatge
    Termini exhaurit
    Convocar 10 beques per a realitzar estades, d'entre 3 i 6 mesos, per a ampliar la formació acadèmica, clínica, metodològica o col·laborar en projectes d'investigació en centres estrangers de prestigi en Psiquiatria Infanto-Juvenil i en Neurociències en el nen i adolescent.
    Termini exhaurit
    Concessió de 20 beques per realitzar estudis oficials de doctorat que culminin amb la lectura de la tesi doctoral en una universitat espanyola.
    La convocatòria comprèn totes les àrees del coneixement.
    Termini exhaurit
    European Society for Medical Oncology
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    Termini exhaurit
    ERS is the leading professional organisation in its field in Europe. It is broad-based, with some 10,000 members and counting in over 100 countries. Its scope covers both basic science and clinical medicine. ERS seeks to alleviate suffering from respiratory disease and promote lung health through research, sharing of knowledge and through medical and public education.
    Termini exhaurit
    ERS is the leading professional organisation in its field in Europe. It is broad-based, with some 10,000 members and counting in over 100 countries. Its scope covers both basic science and clinical medicine. ERS seeks to alleviate suffering from respiratory disease and promote lung health through research, sharing of knowledge and through medical and public education.
    Termini exhaurit
    ERS is the leading professional organisation in its field in Europe. It is broad-based, with some 10,000 members and counting in over 100 countries. Its scope covers both basic science and clinical medicine. ERS seeks to alleviate suffering from respiratory disease and promote lung health through research, sharing of knowledge and through medical and public education.
    Termini exhaurit
    ERS is the leading professional organisation in its field in Europe. It is broad-based, with some 10,000 members and counting in over 100 countries. Its scope covers both basic science and clinical medicine. ERS seeks to alleviate suffering from respiratory disease and promote lung health through research, sharing of knowledge and through medical and public education.
    Termini exhaurit
    Premiar el millor treball científic i/o de recerca i el millor treball de recerca realitzat a Espanya en el camp professional de la llevadora.
    Termini exhaurit
    Reconèixer el treball clau a l'hora d'afrontar l'enorme desafiament de trobar solucions a un dels grans mals de la humanitat i premiar l'esforç i la trajectòria científica en l'àrea de la investigació oncològica, i que suposi la generació, desenvolupament i/o aplicació dels nous coneixements biològics i clínics sobre el càncer.
    Termini exhaurit
    Els Premis Martín Villar Hemostàsia tenen com a objectiu reconèixer el valor dels joves investigadors que han dedicat les seves activitats a la investigació bàsica o clínica sobre trastorns de l'hemostàsia i la coagulació de la sang i recompensar la tasca científica publicada. El programa té com a objectiu fomentar més estudis en aquest camp.
    Recursos Humans
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    The EHA-JSH Collaborative Exchange Program is intended to provide European and Japanese research institutes the opportunity to exchange scientists and clinical researchers reciprocally for a short period.
    Termini exhaurit
    La Fundació Banc de Sabadell convoca 15 ajudes a la investigació científica per a aspirants predoctorals de nacionalitat espanyola, que estiguin en procés de realització de la tesi doctoral en qualsevol universitat espanyola o estrangera, destinades a la promoció i desenvolupament de treballs científics o estades en universitats o altres centres de recerca espanyols o estrangers, preferentment en camps del coneixement econòmic, empresarial i social.
    Engert A, Balduini C, Brand A, Coiffier B, Cordonnier C, Döhner H, de Wit TD, Eichinger S, Fibbe W, Green T, de Haas F, Iolascon A, Jaffredo T, Rodeghiero F, Salles G, Schuringa JJ, other authors of the EHA Roadmap for European Hematology Research (...,Bigas A,...). The European Hematology Association Roadmap for European Hematology Research: a consensus document. Haematologica 2016; 101(2): 115-208.
    Martí-Solano M, Schmidt D, Kolb P, Selent J*. Drugging specific conformational states of GPCRs: challenges and opportunities for computational chemistry. Drug Discov Today 2016; 21(4): 625-631.
    Pujol J*, Martínez-Vilavella G, Macià D, Fenoll R, Álvarez-Pedrerol M, Rivas I, Forns J, Blanco-Hinojo L, Capellades J, Querol X, Deus J, Sunyer J. Traffic pollution exposure is associated with altered brain connectivity in school children. Neuroimage 2016; 129: 175-184.
    Sayols-Baixeras S, Lluís-Ganella C, Subirana I, Salas LA, Vilahur N, Corella D, Muñoz D, Segura A, Jiménez Conde J, Moran S, Soriano Tàrrga C, Roquer González J, Lopez-Farré A, Marrugat J, Fitó Colomer M, Elosua R*. Identification of a new locus and validation of previously reported loci showing differential methylation associated with smoking. The REGICOR study. Epigenetics 2015; 10: 1156-65.
    Casabonne D*, Gracia E, Espinosa A, Bustamante M, Benavente Moreno Y, Robles C, Costas Caudet L, Alonso E, González-Barca E, Tardón A, Dierssen-Sotos T, Gimeno E, Aymerich M, Campo E, Jiménez-Moleón JJ, Marcos-Gragera R, Castaño Vinyals G, Aragonés Sanz N, Pollán M, Kogevinas M, Urtiaga C, Amiano P, Moreno V, de Sanjosé S. Fruit and vegetable intake and vitamin C transporter gene (SLC23A2) polymorphisms in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia. Eur J Nutr 2017; 56(3): 1123-1133.
    Gramunt N, Sánchez-Benavides G, Buschke H, Lipton RB, Masramon X, Gispert JD, Peña-Casanova J, Fauria K, Molinuevo JL. Psychometric Properties of the Memory Binding Test: Test-Retest Reliability and Convergent Validity. J Alzheimers Dis 2016; 50(4): 999-1010.
    Burdío F, Dorcaratto D, Hernández-Martínez L, Andaluz A, Moll X, Quesada R, Poves I, Grande L, Cáceres M, Berjano E*. Radiofrequency-induced heating versus mechanical stapler for pancreatic stump closure: in vivo comparative study. Int J Hyperther 2016; 32(3): 272-280.
    Valeiro B, Hernández C, Barberan-García A, Rodríguez DA, Aibar J, Llop L, Vilaró J*. Viabilidad de la evaluación domiciliaria del estado funcional de pacientes con enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica en fase de recuperación de una exacerbación. Arch Bronconeumol 2016; 52(5): 256-261.
    Parera-Ruiz A, Gómez-Durán EL, Martin-Fumadó C, Bisbe E, Arimany-Manso J. Insurance claims' of alleged anesthesiology malpractice in a spanish series. Minerva Anestesiol 2016; 82(7): 805-806.
    Lotte J*, Bast T, Borusiak P, Coppola A, Cross JH, Dimova P, Fogarasi A, Graneß I, Guerrini R, Hjalgrim H, Keimer R, Korff CM, Kurlemann G, Leiz S, Linder-Lucht M, Loddenkemper T, Makowski C, Mühe C, Nicolai J, Nikanorova M, Pellacani S, Philip S, Ruf S, Sánchez-Fernández I, Schlachter K, Striano P, Sukhudyan B, Valcheva D, Vermeulen RJ, Weisbrod T, Wilken B, Wolf P, Kluger G. Effectiveness of antiepileptic therapy in patients with PCDH19 mutations. Seizure 2016; 35: 106-110.
    Pérez-García A*, Landecho MF, Beunza JJ, Conde-Estevez D, Horcajada JP, Grau S, Gea A, Mauleón E, Sorli L, Gómez J, Terradas R, Lucena JF, Alegre F, Huerta A, del Pozo JL*. Enterococcal bloodstream infection. Design and validation of a mortality prediction rule. Int J Clin Pract 2016; 70(2): 147-55.
    Castellsagué X*, Alemany L, Quer M, Halec G, Quirós B, Tous S, Clavero O, Alòs L, Biegner T, Szafarowski T, Alejo M, Holzinger D, Cadena E, Claros E, Hall G, Laco J, Poljak M, Benevolo M, Kasamatsu E, Mehanna H, Ndiaye C, Guimera N, Lloveras B, León X, Ruiz-Cabezas JC, Alvarado-Cabrero I, Kang CS, Oh JK, Garcia-Rojo M, Iljazovic E, Ajayi OF, Duarte F, Nessa A, Tinoco L, Duran-Padilla MA, Pirog EC, Viarheichyk H, Morales H, Costes V, Felix A, Germar MJ, Mena M, Ruacan A, Jain A, Mehrotra R, Goodman MT, Lombardi LE, Ferrera A, Malami S, Albanesi EI, Dabed P, Molina C, López-Revilla R, Mandys V, González ME, Velasco J, Bravo IG, Quint W, Pawlita M, Muñoz N, Sanjosé Sd, Xavier Bosch, ICO International HPV in Head and Neck Cancer Study Group. HPV Involvement in Head and Neck Cancers: Comprehensive Assessment of Biomarkers in 3680 Patients. J Natl Canc Inst 2016; 108(6): djv403.
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