INFORECERCA: Butlletí Informatiu del Servei de Recerca de l'IMIM
Número: 819
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One‐year grant to support research related to a rare disease represented in the 2023 Million Dollar Bike Ride.
Borses de viatge
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ERS Clinical Training Fellowships enable members in the early stages of their careers in respiratory medicine to visit a host institution in a European country other than their own to learn a skill or procedure not available at their home institution.
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ESCMID has evolved to become Europe’s leading society in clinical microbiology and infectious diseases with members from all European countries and all continents. For 40 years, ESCMID has been an influential component in the professional lives of microbiologists and infectious disease specialists.
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The Horizon Europe Health Cluster funds collaborative projects and complementary actions through different topics.
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One‐year grant to support research related to a rare disease represented in the 2023 Million Dollar Bike Ride.
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L'objectiu d'aquesta convocatòria és impulsar una línia de recerca en càncer dirigida per un Investigador independent en vies de consolidació.
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Els ajuts regulats en aquesta convocatòria finançaran programes estratègics de recerca, desenvolupament i innovació.
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Promocionar la recerca clínica de qualitat per part d'equips liderats i constituïts per internistes en projectes de recerca de contrastada qualitat i interès estratègic per a la Medicina Interna.
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Internationally collaborative basic, translational, and clinical research in cardiovascular and neurovascular disease involving two network coordinators from different continents.
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One-year research projects that advance understanding of the impact of the small intestine microbiome on human health.
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CHANSE (Collaboration of Humanities and Social Sciences in Europe)
The goal of the Well-being call is to fund innovative social science research addressing one or more of the call themes.
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The principal aim of this grant program is to support global research that advances the role of Sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) receptor modulation in the treatment of Ulcerative Colitis (UC).
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Funding for the establishment of EFIS-IL Study Groups on specific areas of immunology-related research.
Borses de viatge
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Funding for European fellows to pursue a period of research in Japan, or for whereas Japanese fellows to do their research in Europe, in all fields of research.
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The IBRO Travel Grant program aims to foster neuroscience research by providing support to early-career Ph.D. students and post-doctoral fellows from diverse geographical and scientific areas who wish to participate in international neuroscience meetings and events taking place in 2024.
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Proporcionar als residents en l’últim any de l’especialitat d’Oncologia Radioteràpica o als especialistes en Oncologia Radioteràpica en un Hospital acreditat de Catalunya, l’oportunitat d’ampliar o d’actualitzar la seva formació, tant clínica com de recerca, a un o més centres de l’estranger.
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The Short Term Fellowship programme is directed at postgraduate investigators (both basic and clinical investigators) who intend to spend a limited amount of time (usually 3-6 months) at a foreign institution to accomplish a very focused research project, to learn an experimental procedure or methodology, or to acquire in-depth knowledge about a sophisticated, clinical or diagnostic procedure not available at the Home Institution.
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The call offers funding for applicants conducting a research project in the field of rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases (RMD) in a host centre of choice for a period of 12 months.
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Estimular la recerca entre els professionals d'infermeria, contribuir en el desenvolupament de la innovació científica, promoure la qualitat en el procés de recerca i aportar un benefici al sistema sanitari. El premi s'adreça a professionals d'infermeria que desenvolupin la seva activitat professional relacionada amb els productes sanitaris.
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Les tres categories dels premis manifesten la paradoxa de l'alimentació a la societat contemporània: d'una banda es reconeixen iniciatives exemplars en el camp de la nutrició i, d'altra banda, es premien experiències en l'àmbit de l'assistència alimentària a l'entorn proper i de lluita contra la gana i la malnutrició en països en desenvolupament.
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El Premi Internista Jove distingeix metges internistes, clínics i / o investigadors, menors de 35 anys, amb una forta implicació en la SEMI durant almenys els últims 3 anys i amb una trajectòria clínica, docent i / o d'investigació d'excel·lència.
Amb aquest premi es pretén distingir una carrera científica d'excel·lència.
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Recognition for an outstanding interdisciplinary research team for their innovative and meritorious science that has advanced or may advance our fundamental knowledge of cancer, or a team that has applied existing knowledge to advancing the detection, diagnosis, prevention, or treatment of cancer.
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The AACR-Cancer Research Institute Lloyd J. Old Award in Cancer Immunology recognizes an active scientist whose outstanding and innovative research has had a major impact on the cancer field and has the potential to stimulate new directions in cancer immunology.
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Premi per a treballs inèdits sobre qualsevol àrea de coneixement de la infermeria.
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ASCI - American Society for Clinical Investigation
The Harrington Prize honors a physician-scientist who has moved science forward with achievements notable for innovation, creativity and potential for clinical application.
Recursos Humans
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2 year fellowships to enhance the creative and innovative potential of experienced researchers wishing to diversify their individual competence in terms of skill acquisition at multi- or interdisciplinary level through advanced training, international, interdisciplinary and intersectoral mobility.
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The CRI Irvington Postdoctoral Fellowship Program supports qualified young scientists at leading universities and research centers around the world who wish to receive training in fundamental immunology or cancer immunology.
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La FEHH convoca un programa de 9 beques per a gaudir en 2024: 6 de la FEHH, 2 en col·laboració amb Janssen (FEHH/Janssen), 1 en col·laboració amb AstraZeneca (FEHH/AstraZeneca).
Les Ajudes van dirigides a socis de la Societat Espanyola d'Hematologia i Hemoteràpia (SEHH) que desitgin realitzar un projecte de recerca en un centre espanyol, en l'àmbit de les àrees que conformen l'especialitat d'Hematologia i Hemoteràpia. Les 2 Ajudes de col·laboració FEHH/*Janssen quedaran circumscrites a l'àrea d'hemopaties malignes, amb prioritat per al mieloma múltiple i les síndromes limfoproliferatives cròniques. L'ajuda en col·laboració amb AstraZeneca també quedarà circumscrita a l'àrea de la LLC.
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This two-year award supports clinical research training in the field of epilepsy. It is hoped that this program, targeting fellows and new faculty, will foster the development of investigators interested in pursuing careers in patient-oriented research.
Marin-Bejar O*, Romero-Moya D, Rodriguez-Ubreva J, Distefano M, Lessi F, Aretini P, Liquori A, Castaño J, Kozyra E, Kotmayer L, Bueno C, Cervera J, Rodriguez-Gallego JC, Nomdedeu JF, Murillo-Sanjuán L, Diaz de Heredia C, Pérez-Martínez A, López-Cadenas F, Martínez-Laperche C, Dorado-Herrero N, Marco FM, Prósper F, Menendez P, Valcárcel D, Ballestar E, Bödör C, Bigas A, Catalá A, Wlodarski MW, Giorgetti A*. Epigenome profiling reveals aberrant DNA methylation signature in GATA2 deficiency. Haematologica (online) 2023; 108(9): 2551-2557.
Suñol M, Alemany S, Bustamante M, Diez I, Contreras-Rodríguez O, Laudo B, Macià D, Martínez-Vilavella G, Martínez-Zalacaín I, Menchón JM, Pujol J, Sunyer J, Sepulcre J*, Soriano-Mas C*. Neurogenetics of Dynamic Connectivity Patterns Associated With Obsessive-Compulsive Symptoms in Healthy Children. Biol Psychiatry Glob Open Sci 2021; 2(4): 411-420 (Acceptat).
Li X, Burn E*, Duarte-Salles T, Yin C, Reich C, Delmestri A, Verhamme K, Rijnbeek P, Suchard MA, Li K, Mosseveld M, John LH, Mayer MA, Ramírez-Anguita JM, Cohet C, Strauss V, Prieto-Alhambra D. Comparative risk of thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome or thromboembolic events associated with different covid-19 vaccines: international network cohort study from five European countries and the US. BMJ 2022; 379: e071594.
Klaric TS, Gudelj I, Santpere G, Sousa AMM, Novokmet M, Vuckovic F, Ma S, Beceheli I, Sherwood CC, Ely JJ, Hof PR, Josic D, Lauc G*, Sestan N*. Human-specific features and developmental dynamics of the brain N-glycome. bioRxiv . 2023; 2023.01.11.523525: .
Giani A, VAN Ramshorst, Mazzola M, Bassi C, Esposito A, de Pastena M, Edwin B, Sahakyan M, Kleive D, Jah A, van Laarhoven S, Boggi U, Kauffman EF, Casadei R, Ricci C, Dokmak S, Ftériche FS, White SA, Kamarajah SK, Butturini G, Frigerio I, Zerbi A, Capretti G, Pando E, Sutcliffe RP, Marudanayagam R, Fusai GK, Fabre JM, Björnsson B, Timmermann L, Soonawalla Z, Burdío F, Keck T, Hackert T, Groot Koerkamp B, D'Hondt M, Coratti A, Pessaux P, Pietrabissa A, Al-Sarireh B, Marino MV, Molenaar Q, YIP V, Besselink M, Ferrari G, Hilal MA*, European Consortium on Minimally Invasive Pancreatic Surgery (E-MIPS). Benchmarking of minimally invasive distal pancreatectomy with splenectomy: European multicentre study.. Br J Surg 2022; 109(11): 1124-1130.
Rönsch H*, Schiffers F, Ofenloch R, Weisshaar E, Buse AS, Hansen A, John SM, Giménez-Arnau AM, Pesqué D, Agner T, Nørreslet LB, Loman L, Romeijn GLE, Schuttellaar MLA, Koscec A, Macan J, Apfelbacher C, Bauer A. Chronic hand eczema in Europe: Patient experiences and perspectives (CHEPEP) in qualitative interviews. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 2023; 37(7): 1396-1405.
García-Tornel Á, Millan M, Rubiera M, Bustamante A, Requena M, Dorado L, Olive-Gadea M, Jiménez X, Soto A, Querol M, Hernández-Pérez M, Gomis M, Cardona P, Urra X, Purroy F, Silva Y, Ustrell X, Esteve P, Salvat-Plana M, Gallofré M, Molina C, Dávalos A, Jovin T, Abilleira S, Ribo M*, Pérez de la Ossa N, RACECAT Trial Investigators (...,Rodríguez Campello A, Romeral G, Llop M, Giralt E, Cuadrado E, Ois A, Jiménez Conde J,...). Workflows and Outcomes in Patients With Suspected Large Vessel Occlusion Stroke Triaged in Urban and Nonurban Areas. Stroke 2022; 53(12): 3728-3740.
van de Munckhof A, Lindgren E, Kleinig TJ, Field TS, Cordonnier C, Krzywicka K, Poli S, Sánchez M, Borhani-Haghighi A, Lemmens R, Scutelnic A, Ciccone A, Gattringer T, Wittstock M, Dizonno V, Devroye A, Elkady A, Günther A, Cervera A, Mengel A, Chew BLA, Buck B, Zanferrari C, Garcia-Esperon C, Jacobi C, Soriano C, Michalski D, Zamani Z, Blacquiere D, Johansson E, Cuadrado E, Vuillier F, Bode FJ, Caparros F, Maier F, Tsivgoulis G, Katzberg HD, Duan J, Burrow J, Pelz J, Mbroh J, Oen J, Schouten J, Zimmermann J, Ng K, Garambois K, Petruzzellis M, Carvalho M, Ghiasian M, Romoli M, Miranda M, Wronski M, Skjelland M, Almasi-Dooghaee M, Cuisenier P, Murphy S, Timsit S, Coutts SB, Schönenberger S, Nagel S, Hiltunen S, Chatterton S, Cox T, Bartsch T, Shaygannejad V, Mirzaasgari Z, Middeldorp S, Levi MM, Kremer-Hovinga JA, Jood K, Tatlisumak T, Putaala J, Heldner MR, Arnold M, Aguiar de Sousa D, Ferro JM, Coutinho JM*, Cerebral Venous Sinus Thrombosis With Thrombocytopenia Syndrome Study Group. Outcomes of Cerebral Venous Thrombosis due to Vaccine-Induced Immune Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia After the Acute Phase. Stroke 2022; 53(10): 3206-3210.
Mishra A, Malik R, Hachiya T, Jürgenson T, Namba S, Posner DC, Kamanu FK, Koido M, LE Grand, Shi M, He Y, Georgakis MK, Caro I, Krebs K, Liaw YC, Vaura FC, Lin K, Winsvold BS, Srinivasasainagendra V, Parodi L, Bae HJ, Chauhan G, Chong MR, Tomppo L, Akinyemi R, Roshchupkin GV, Habib N, Jee YH, Thomassen JQ, Abedi V, Cárcel-Márquez J, Nygaard M, Leonard HL, Yang C, Yonova-Doing E, Knol MJ, Lewis AJ, Judy RL, Ago T, Amouyel P, Armstrong ND, Bakker MK, Bartz TM, Bennett DA, Bis JC, Bordes C, Børte S, Cain A, Ridker PM, Cho K, Chen Z, Cruchaga C, Cole JW, DE Jager, de Cid R, Endres M, Ferreira LE, Geerlings MI, Gasca NC, Gudnason V, Hata J, He J, Heath AK, Ho YL, Havulinna AS, Hopewell JC, Hyacinth HI, Inouye M, Jacob MA, Jeon CE, Jern C, Kamouchi M, Keene KL, Kitazono T, Kittner SJ, Konuma T, Kumar A, Lacaze P, Launer LJ, Lee KJ, Lepik K, Li J, Li L, Manichaikul A, Markus HS, Marston NA, Meitinger T, Mitchell BD, Montellano FA, Morisaki T, Mosley TH, Nalls MA, Nordestgaard BG, O'Donnell MJ, Okada Y, Onland-Moret NC, Ovbiagele B, Peters A, Psaty BM, Rich SS, Rosand J, Sabatine MS, Sacco RL, Saleheen D, Sandset EC, Salomaa V, Sargurupremraj M, Sasaki M, Satizabal CL, Schmidt CO, Shimizu A, Smith NL, Sloane KL, Sutoh Y, Sun YV, Tanno K, Tiedt S, Tatlisumak T, Torres-Aguila NP, Tiwari HK, Trégouët DA, Trompet S, Tuladhar AM, Tybjærg-Hansen A, van Vugt M, Vibo R, Verma SS, Wiggins KL, Wennberg P, Woo D, Wilson PWF, Xu H, Yang Q, Yoon K, Millwood IY, Gieger C, Ninomiya T, Grabe HJ, Jukema JW, Rissanen IL, Strbian D, Kim YJ, Chen PH, Mayerhofer E, Howson JMM, Irvin MR, Adams H, Wassertheil-Smoller S, Christensen K, Ikram MA, Rundek T, Worrall BB, Lathrop GM, Riaz M, Simonsick EM, Kõrv J, França PHC, Zand R, Prasad K, Frikke-Schmidt R, de Leeuw FE, Liman T, Haeusler KG, Ruigrok YM, Heuschmann PU, Longstreth WT, Jung KJ, Bastarache L, Paré G, Damrauer SM, Chasman DI, Rotter JI, Anderson CD, Zwart JA, Niiranen TJ, Fornage M, Liaw YP, Seshadri S, Fernández-Cadenas I, Walters RG, Ruff CT, Owolabi MO, Huffman JE, Milani L, Kamatani Y, Dichgans M*, Debette S*, COMPASS Consortium; INVENT Consortium; Dutch Parelsnoer Initiative (PSI) Cerebrovascular Disease Study Group; Estonian Biobank; PRECISE4Q Consortium; FinnGen Consortium; NINDS Stroke Genetics Network (SiGN); MEGASTROKE Consortium; SIREN Consortium; China Kadoorie Biobank Collaborative Group; VA Million Veteran Program; International Stroke Genetics Consortium (ISGC); Biobank Japan; CHARGE Consortium; GIGASTROKE Consortium (...,Jiménez Conde J,...). Stroke genetics informs drug discovery and risk prediction across ancestries. Nature 2022; 611(7934): 115-123.
Terceño M*, Silva Y, Bashir S, Chamorro Á, Pérez de la Ossa N, Hernandez M, Castaño C, Camps Renom P, Wenger D, Cardona P, Molina C, Rodríguez Campello A, Cánovas D, Purroy F, Salvat-Plana M, Serena J. First pass effect in posterior circulation occlusions: Analysis from the CICAT registry. Int J Stroke 2023; 18(2): 221-228.
Parent P, Auclin E, Patrikidou A, Mezquita L, Martinez-Chanza N, Dumont C, Rodríguez-Vida A, Llacer C, Lozano R, Ratta R, Merseburger AS, Sternberg CN, Baciarello G, Colomba E, Fuerea A, Besse B, Loriot Y*, Lavaud P*. Prognostic Value of the Lung Immune Prognosis Index Score for Patients Treated with Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors for Advanced or Metastatic Urinary Tract Carcinoma. Cancers 2023; 15(4): 1066.
Pérez-Lamas L, Luna A, Boque C, Xicoy B, Giraldo P, Perez-Lopez R, Ruiz-Nuño C, De Las Heras N, Mora-Casterá E, López-Marín J, Segura-Díaz A, Gómez V, Vélez P, Sierra-Pacho M, Vera-Goñi JA, Moreno-Vega M, Álvarez-Larran A, Cortés M, Pérez-Encinas M, Carrascosa-Mastell P, Angona A, Rosell A, Lakhwani S, Colorado M, Ramila E, Cervero C, Cuevas B, Villalón-Blanco L, de Paz R, Paz-Coll A, Fernández MJ, Felipe-Casado L, Alonso JM, Anguita-Arance MM, Salamanca-Cuenca A, Jiménez-Velasco A, Osorio-Prendes S, Santaliestra M, Lis-Chulvi MJ, Hernández-Boluda JC, García-Gutiérrez V*. Toxicity of Asciminib in Real Clinical Practice: Analysis of Side Effects and Cross-Toxicity with Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors. Cancers 2023; 15(4): 1045.
Ródenas-Quiñonero I, Chen-Liang T, Martín-Santos T, Salar A, Fernandez-González M, Celades C, Navarro JT, Martínez-Garcia AB, Andreu R, Balaguer A, Martin A, Baile M, López-Jiménez J, Marquet-Palomanes J, Teruel AI, Terol MJ, Benet C, Frutos L, Navarro JL, Uña J, Suarez-Piñera M, Cortes M, Contreras J, Ruiz C, Tamayo P, Mucientes J, Sopena-Novales P, Reguilón-Gallego L, Sánchez-Blanco JJ, Pérez-Ceballos E, Jerez A, Ortuño FJ*. Accuracy and prognostic impact of FDG PET/CT and biopsy in bone marrow assessment of follicular lymphoma at diagnosis: A Nation-Wide cohort study. Cancer Med 2023; 12(6): 6536-6546.
Manchon-Walsh P, Borja-de Lacy F, Pera M, Espín-Basany E, Targarona-Soler EM, Biondo S, Sanchez LA, Pallarès N, Tebé C, Pata F, Lacy AM, Guarga A, Borràs JM. Reply. Dis Colon Rectum 2022; 65(12): e1080-e1081.
Ielpo B*, Anselmo A, Masuda Y, Xuan MYH, Burdío F, de Blasi V, Sánchez-Velázquez P, Giuliani A, Azagra JS, Viola GM, Podda M, Pellino G, Rosso E. ASO Visual Abstract: Superior Mesenteric Artery-First Approach for Minimally-Invasive Pancreaticoduodenectomy: A Step-by-Step Surgical Technique Video.. Ann Surg Oncol 2022; 30(3): 1506-1507.
Zaslansky R*, PAIN OUT Research Group Jena; Chinese PAIN OUT network; Dutch PAIN OUT network; Méxican PAIN OUT network; Serbian PAIN OUT network; Spanish PAIN OUT network; French PAIN OUT network; Italian PAIN OUT network; Swiss PAIN OUT network; Irish PAIN OUT network; Belgian PAIN OUT network (...,Trillo L, Montes A,...). Status quo of pain-related patient-reported outcomes and perioperative pain management in 10,415 patients from 10 countries: Analysis of registry data. Eur J Pain 2022; 26(10): 2120-2140.
Talukder R, Makrakis D, Lin GI, Diamantopoulos LN, Dawsey S, Gupta S, Carril-Ajuria L, Castellano D, De Kouchkovsk I, Jindal T, Koshkin VS, Park JJ, Alva A, Bilen MA, Stewart TF, McKay RR, Tripathi N, Agarwal N, Vather-Wu N, Zakharia Y, Morales-Barrera R, Devitt ME, Cortellini A, Fulgenzi CAM, Pinato DJ, Nelson A, Hoimes CJ, Gupta K, Gartrell BA, Sankin A, Tripathi A, Zakopoulou R, Bamias A, Murgic J, Fröbe A, Rodríguez-Vida A, Drakaki A, Liu S, Lu E, Kumar V, di Lorenzo G, Joshi M, Isaacsson-Velho P, Alonso-Buznego L, Duran I, Moses M, Barata P, Sonpavde G, Wright JL, Yu EY, Montgomery RB, Hsieh AC, Grivas P*, Khaki AR*. Association of the Time to Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor (ICI) Initiation and Outcomes With Second Line ICI in Patients With Advanced Urothelial Carcinoma. Clin Genitourin Cancer 2022; 20(6): 558-567.
Pérez Sáez MJ*, Gutiérrez-Dalmau A, Moreso F, Rodríguez-Mañas L, Pascual J. Frailty and kidney transplant candidates. Nefrología 2021; 41(3): 237-243.
Cillóniz C*, Motos A, Castañeda T, Gabarrús A, Barbé F, Torres A*, CIBERESUCICOVID Project (COV20/00110, ISCIII) (...,Masclans JR, Salazar-Degracia A, Bigas J, Muñoz-Bermúdez R, Vilà C, Parrilla FJ, Dot I, Zapatero A, Díaz-Buendía Y, Gracia-Arnillas MP, Pérez-Terán P, Castellvi A, Climent C,...). Remdesivir and survival outcomes in critically ill patients with COVID-19: A multicentre observational cohort study. J. Infect. 2023; 86(3): 256-308.
Fradera M, Ouchi D, Prat O, Morros R, Martin-Fumadó C, Palao D, Cardoner N, Campillo MT, Pérez V, Pontes-García C*. Can routine Primary Care Records Help in Detecting Suicide Risk? A Population-Based Case-Control Study in Barcelona. Arch Suicide Res 2022; 26(3): 1395-1409.
Butragueño-Laiseca L, Marco-Ariño N, Troconiz IF, Grau S, Campillo N, García X, Padilla B, Fernández SN, Slöcker M, Santiago MJ*. Population pharmacokinetics of piperacillin in critically ill children including those undergoing continuous kidney replacement therapy. Clin Microbiol Infec 2022; 28(9): 1287.e9-1287.e15.
Ashton NJ, Puig-Pijoan A, Milà M, Fernández A, García-Escobar G, Gonzalez-Ortiz F, Kac P, Brum WS, Benedet AL, Lantero J, Day TA, Vanbrabant J, Stoops E, Vanmechelen E, Triana G, Moughadam S, Kolb H, Ortiz-Romero P, Karikari TK, Minguillón C, Hernández-Sánchez JJ, Navalpotro I, Grau-Rivera O, Manero RM, de la Torre R, Roquer-González J, Dage JL, Zetterberg H, Blennow K*, Suarez-Calvet M*. Plasma and CSF biomarkers in a memory clinic: Head-to-head comparison of phosphorylated tau immunoassays. Alzheimers Dement 2023; 19(5): 1913-1924.
Català A, Clavo-Escribano P, Riera-Monroig J, Martín-Ezquerra G, Fernández-González P, Revelles-Peñas L, Simon-Gozalbo A, Rodríguez-Cuadrado FJ, Guilera-Castells V, de la Torre FJ, Comunión-Artieda A, de Fuertes L, Blanco JL, Puig S, García-Miñarro ÁM, Fiz-Benito E, Muñoz-Santos C, Repiso-Jiménez JB, López-Llunell C, Ceballos-Rodríguez C, García-Rodríguez V, Castaño-Fernández JL, Sánchez-Gutiérrez I, Calvo-López R, Berna-Rico E, de Nicolás-Ruanes B, Corella-Vicente F, Tarín-Vicente EJ, de la Fernandez L, Riera-Martí N, Gallego-Descalzo MA, Grau-Perez M, García-Doval I, Fuertes I. Monkeypox outbreak in Spain: clinical and epidemiological findings in a prospective cross-sectional study of 185 cases. Br J Dermatol 2022; 187(5): 765-772.
Retamar-Gentil P, Cantón R*, Abril-Lopez de Medrano V, Barberán J, Canut A, Dueñas C, García-Vidal C, Larrosa-Escartín N, Lora-Tamayo J, Martínez-Marcos FJ, Martín-Ruíz C, Pasquau-Liaño J, Rascado P, Sanz-Peláez O, Yagüe-Girao G, Horcajada JP. Antimicrobial resistance in Gram-negative bacilli in Spain: an experts' view. Rev Esp Quimioter 2023; 36(1): 65-81.
Ielpo B*, Podda M, Burdío F, Sánchez-Velázquez P, Guerrero MA, Nuñez J, Toledano M, Morales-Conde S, Mayol J, López-Cano M, Espín-Basany E, Pellino G, ROBOCOSTES Study Collaborators. Cost-Effectiveness of Robotic vs. Laparoscopic Surgery for Different Surgical Procedures: Protocol for a Prospective, Multicentric Study (ROBOCOSTES). Front Surg 2022; 9: 866041 (Acceptat).
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