INFORECERCA: Butlletí Informatiu del Servei de Recerca de l'IMIM
Número: 446
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The aim of the AAL Programme is to provide innovative Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) based solutions including products, systems or services to enhance older adults’ quality of life and to strengthen the industrial base in Europe. The main goal is to improve the autonomy, participation in social life, skills, and employability of older adults.

The aim of this call is to support innovative, transnational and multi-disciplinary collaborative projects with a clear route to market and added-value for the different types of end-users. A key priority underlying this challenge will be to bring together technologies and services to create ICT based solutions addressing the aspirations and challenges that will enable the wellbeing of people with dementia and their communities (family, caregivers, neighbourhood, service providers, care system, etc…).
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Els projectes hauran d'estar orientats a la recerca clínica a qualsevol àrea de les Neurociències, podent tenir una orientació d'anàlisi retrospectiva i/o prospectiva.
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Fomentar i impulsar la recerca en l'àmbit de la prevenció de riscos laborals des del vessant científic i d'aplicació pràctica en la prevenció de riscos laborals. Els projectes han de ser projectes inequívocament de recerca en l'àmbit de la seguretat i la salut laboral, descartant-se tots aquells que el Comitè Científic consideri que no s'ajusten a aquesta descripció.
Millorar, mitjançant la recerca, les condicions de seguretat i salut laboral de tots els treballadors, i especialment, la dels treballadors especialment sensibles als riscos laborals.
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Ajudar a finançar l'intercanvi de coneixements i experiències entre grups de treball a Espanya i a l'estranger en els àmbits de la Microbiologia Clínica i de les Malalties Infeccioses. (1 a 3 setmanes)
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La Fundació Alfonso Martín Escudero convoca 40 beques per a realitzar treballs de recerca en una universitat o centre d´investigació a l´estranger, dins les següents temàtiques:
  • Agricultura i ramaderia
  • Ciències del mar
  • Ciències de la salut
  • Tecnologia dels aliments
    Informació últil
     No hi ha novetats
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    Fomentar la recerca científica d’excel·lència sobre aspectes etiològics, patogènics, clínics, terapèutics, epidemiològics, de salut pública i de serveis sanitaris, en l’àmbit de la diabetis i l’obesitat, com a elements nuclears del projecte.
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    The Joint Programming of the European Union aims to pool national research efforts in order to make better use of Europe’s public R&D resources and to tackle common European challenges more effectively.
    The primary aim of the third joint call of JPIAMR is to combine the resources, infrastructures, and research strengths of multiple countries in order to address transmission of antibiotic resistance following a ‘One Health Approach’. The goal is to foster multinational research collaborations to add value to and to build upon the research conducted independently at national level and to work together to improve the control of resistant bacterial infections of clinical and/or veterinary importance only.
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    Infect-ERA is an ERA-NET on human infectious diseases funded under the Seventh Research Framework Programme .
    Infect-ERA will support scientific research involving all basic aspects of human infection biology caused by bacteria, fungi, viruses and protozoa. More precisely, research addressing the cross-talk between host and pathogens, as well as the relationship between microbes’ environment and infection are in the scope of Infect-ERA.
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    ERA-NETs are projects funded by the European Commission in various research fields. Their goal is to create a European Research Area in which research is conducted and funded across countries, allowing research groups to jointly work on specific problems, exchange ideas, and benefit from cross border expertise.
    The current project NEURON II co-ordinates national and regional programmes for disease-related neuroscience research in 23 participant funding organisations across 14 European Member States, Israel as an Associated Country, and Norway and Canada.
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    The Alzheimer's Association International Research Grant Program funds investigations that advance our understanding of Alzheimer's disease, help identify new treatment strategies, provide information to improve care for people with dementia, and further our knowledge of brain health and disease prevention. Our awards support investigators at every professional stage.
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    Els projectes hauran d'estar orientats a la recerca clínica a qualsevol àrea de les Neurociències, podent tenir una orientació d'anàlisi retrospectiva i/o prospectiva.
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    Fomentar i impulsar la recerca en l'àmbit de la prevenció de riscos laborals des del vessant científic i d'aplicació pràctica en la prevenció de riscos laborals. Els projectes han de ser projectes inequívocament de recerca en l'àmbit de la seguretat i la salut laboral, descartant-se tots aquells que el Comitè Científic consideri que no s'ajusten a aquesta descripció.
    Millorar, mitjançant la recerca, les condicions de seguretat i salut laboral de tots els treballadors, i especialment, la dels treballadors especialment sensibles als riscos laborals.
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    CURE - Citizens United for Research in Epilepsy
    Citizens United for Research in Epilepsy (CURE), is a leading nongovernmental agency fully committed to funding research in epilepsy.

    The CURE Innovator Award supports the exploration of a highly innovative, often risky new concept or untested theory that addresses an important problem relevant to epilepsy. The Innovator Award proposed research must reflect ideas substantially different from those being pursued by anyone in the epilepsy research field. The program is not intended to support the logical progression of an already established research project but, instead, allows Principal Investigators (PIs) the opportunity to pursue radically unconventional, paradigm-shifting hypotheses. CURE AwardsThis award mechanism supports high-risk studies that have the potential to reveal entirely new areas of epilepsy research.
    Research completed through an Innovator Award must provide sufficient preliminary data to enable the PI to prove or disprove their groundbreaking, original, and/or unconventional hypothesis and have the potential, if the scope of work is successful, to move epilepsy research forward by leaps rather than by incremental steps.
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    CURE - Citizens United for Research in Epilepsy
    Citizens United for Research in Epilepsy (CURE), is a leading nongovernmental agency fully committed to funding research in epilepsy.

    CURE’s investigator-initiated grants program seeks to push the envelope and accelerate promising research leading to disease-modifying breakthroughs for people living with epilepsy. CURE prioritizes highly innovative, risky, paradigm-shifting projects that address CURE’s mission to cure epilepsy, affirming our core belief that the only acceptable final goal is “no seizures, no side-effects.”
    CURE strongly encourages multidisciplinary, collaborative projects, especially those that include investigators and expertise from fields outside of epilepsy.

    2016 Priority areas
  • Transformative research to enhance our understanding of the cellular, molecular, genetic and systems-level mechanisms that lead to any of the epilepsies, facilitating the continued investigation of disease-modifying or preventative strategies
  • Innovative approaches that can prevent, modify and/or arrest the development of acquired epilepsy after head injury, stroke, tumor, viral infection, etc.
  • Research that will inform the development of novel therapies to prevent onset or halt the progression of the severe pediatric epilepsies
  • Research focused on new, effective treatments for the >30% of the epilepsy population who are pharmacoresistant
  • Novel research that furthers our understanding of the causes and ultimate elimination of SUDEP

    Based on CURE’s current research objectives, lower priority will be given for research in the following areas:
  • Research that focuses solely on a comorbid condition without also seeking to address/understand the accompanying epilepsy
  • Research that focuses solely on improving localization of the epileptic seizure focus
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    CURE - Citizens United for Research in Epilepsy
    Citizens United for Research in Epilepsy (CURE), is a leading nongovernmental agency fully committed to funding research in epilepsy.

    The CURE Taking Flight Award seeks to promote the careers of young investigators to allow them to develop a research focus independent of their mentor(s). Researchers may propose basic or clinical studies, but this award mechanism is not intended to support clinical trials. Research that involves collaboration and a multidisciplinary approach is desirable. Applicant will be required to discuss how this avenue of research is independent from his or her mentor’s research, and will lead him or her to a path of independent epilepsy research. We encourage studies that will provide new directions for epilepsy therapy, prevention and, ultimately, a cure and that will allow applicants to collect the data necessary to support a National Institutes of Health grant application
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    La xarxa espanyola d'Atenció Primària convoca ajudes per projectes que s'apliquin i desenvolupin en el camp de l'Atenció Primària.
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    Finançar estudis relacionats amb la recerca en el diagnòstic i/o tractament del adenocarcinoma de pàncrees.
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    El projecte d'investigació haurà de versar sobre un tema lliure de Pediatria valorant-se especialment els projectes multicèntrics i/o internivells assistencials.
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    Mitjançant aquesta XII Convocatòria es concediran un màxim de 15 ajudes a equips d'investigadors amb reconeguda experiència, que treballin en els següents camps d'investigació:
  • Oncologia. Centrada en tumors sòlids en la infància;
  • Trasplantament. Referint-nos exclusivament a vies de millora en l'obtenció i utilització d'òrgans per a trasplantament
  • Traumatologia i seqüeles, tant traumatològiques com neurològiques.
  • Malalties rares. Limitada a les quals es manifesten clínicament durant la infància.
    Els projectes que es presentin a aquesta convocatòria haurien de ser exclusivament treballs d'investigació clínica
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    Amb aquesta convocatòria la SEIMC vol facilitar la recerca traslacional de qualitat en Malalties Infeccioses i Microbiologia Clínica, proporcionant als socis el finançament necessari per a això.
    La convocatòria té un objectiu principal:
    - Seleccionar projectes que produeixin un impacte elevat en salut, que siguin capaces de modificar la pràctica estàndard.
    - Es valorarà positivament que el projecte tingui potencial per facilitar la posterior consecució d'un projecte europeu.
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    Promoure el desenvolupament del coneixement a Espanya de la Psiquiatria, Psicologia i/o Neurociències del Nen i l'Adolescent mitjançant el suport a Projectes de Recerca originals.
    S'atorgaran 7 ajudes a la recerca.
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    Bayer's mission is to provide new treatment options for diseases with high unmet medical need.
    Bayer HealthCare’s R&D focuses on identifying and developing new active substances for treating diseases with high unmet medical need.
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    EFSD has established this independent research programme called the EFSD/Boehringer Ingelheim European Research Programme in Microvascular Complications of Diabetes to encourage new products aimed at advancing current knowledge in this domain through innovative basic or clinical research.
    This EFSD/Boehringer Ingelheim European Diabetes Research Programme is intended to stimulate and accelerate European basic and clinical research in the specific area of microvascular complications (retinopathy, nephropathy and neuropathy) of diabetes. Proposals dealing with the following are especially but not exclusively welcome: investigations of various cell types in the eye and kidney and their role and interaction during the course of development of diabetic retinopathy and diabetic nephropathy.
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    The Human Frontier Science Program (HFSP) is a niche program that supports innovative basic research into fundamental biological problems with emphasis placed on novel and interdisciplinary approaches that involve scientific exchanges across national and disciplinary boundaries. The participation of scientists from disciplines outside the traditional life sciences such as biophysics, chemistry, computational biology, computer science, engineering, mathematics, nanoscience or physics has made biological research increasingly quantitative and will continue to do so. Such collaborations have opened up new approaches for understanding the complex structures and regulatory networks that characterize living organisms, their evolution and interactions.
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    Bayer's mission is to provide new treatment options for diseases with high unmet medical need.
    Bayer HealthCare allocates grants for the exploration of attractive, novel drug targets in the fields of: Oncology, Gynecology, Cardiology and Hematology.
    Borses de viatge
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    The European Association for the Study of the Liver is a major European Association with international influence dedicated to the liver and liver disease. EASL has over 4,000 members from all over the world and provides an annual platform, The International Liver Congress™, for 11,000 liver experts to meet and discuss latest scientific research.

    The Andrew K. Burroughs Short-Term Training Fellowship is open to all registered EASL members, and its aim is to enhance the mobility of investigators within different European institutions through actively promoting scientific exchange among research units in Hepatology.
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    Les beques del DAAD ofereixen la possibilitat a acadèmics estrangers i científics de dur a terme la seva recerca o continuar la seva formació acadèmica a Alemanya. Existeixen programes de finançament per a diverses fases de qualificació i nivells de carrera professional.
    Beques de recerca de curta durada del DAAD ofereixen a doctorands i joves acadèmics i investigadors estrangers l'oportunitat d'investigar a Alemanya. Hi ha diversos programes de finançament per a les diferents fases de qualificació acadèmica i per als diferents estadis professionals.
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    ERS is the leading professional organisation in its field in Europe. It is broad-based, with some 10,000 members and counting in over 100 countries. Its scope covers both basic science and clinical medicine. ERS seeks to alleviate suffering from respiratory disease and promote lung health through research, sharing of knowledge and through medical and public education.
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    La Fundació Pfizer atorga premis a aquells investigadors que dediquen el seu esforç a la recerca de solucions innovadores a favor de la salut, mitjançant el desenvolupament científic, amb la finalitat d'assolir aplicacions beneficioses per al benestar, solucions per a les necessitats mèdiques més apressants, i la millora de la qualitat de vida de les persones, així com el foment de l'avanç del coneixement científic.
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    El premi es concedirà a aquella persona que la seva tasca hagi estat altament significativa.
    Els candidats podran ser proposats per investigadors, universitats, acadèmies, col·legis professionals, hospitals, empreses, fundacions i altres.
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    Per vuitè any consecutiu la Fundació Caser obre la convocatòria dels seus premis Dependència i Societat , amb l'objectiu de reconèixer les millors iniciatives en aquesta matèria, podran presentar-se les candidatures a qualsevol de les tres categories que integren aquests guardons a:
  • Excel·lència en Dependencia
  • R+D en Dependencia
  • Comunicació en Dependència
    Recursos Humans
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    López-Botet M*, Muntasell A. Natural Killer Cell-Based Immunotherapy in Acute Myeloid Leukemia: Lessons for the Future. Clin Cancer Res 2016; 22(8): 1831-1833.
    Dauber A, Muñoz-Calvo MT, Barrios V, Domené HM, Kloverpris S, Serra-Juhé C, Desikan V, Pozo J, Muzumdar R, Martos-Moreno GA, Hawkins F, Jasper HG, Conover CA, Frystyk J, Yakar S, Hwa V, Chowen JA, Oxvig C, Rosenfeld RG, Pérez-Jurado L, Argente J*. Mutations in pregnancy-associated plasma protein A2 cause short stature due to low IGF-I availability. EMBO Mol Med 2016; 8(4): 363-374.
    Ruiz Canela M, Toledo E, Clish CB, Hruby A, Liang L, Salas Salvadó J, Razquin C, Corella D, Estruch Riba R, Ros E, Fitó Colomer M, Gómez Gracia E, Arós F, Fiol M, Lapetra J, Serra Majem L, Martínez-González MA, Hu FB*. Plasma Branched-Chain Amino Acids and Incident Cardiovascular Disease in the PREDIMED Trial. Clin Chem 2016; 62(4): 582-592.
    Davey CG*, Pujol J, Harrison BJ. Mapping the self in the brain's default mode network. Neuroimage 2016; 132: 390-397.
    Álvarez-Larran A*, Kerguelen A, Hernández-Boluda JC, Pérez-Encinas M, Ferrer-Marin F, Bárez A, Martínez-López J, Cuevas B, Mata MI, García-Gutiérrez V, Aragües P, Montesdeoca S, Burgaleta C, Caballero G, Hernández-Rivas JA, Duran MA, Gómez-Casares MT, Besses C, and on behalf of the Grupo Español de Enfermedades Mieloproliferativas Filadelfia Negativas (GEMFIN). Frequency and prognostic value of resistance/intolerance to hydroxycarbamide in 890 patients with polycythaemia vera. Br J Haematol 2016; 172: 786-793.
    Leventakou V*, Roumeliotaki T, Sarri K, Koutra K, Kampouri M, Kyriklaki A, Vassilaki M, Kogevinas M, Chatzi L. Dietary patterns in early childhood and child cognitive and psychomotor development: the Rhea mother-child cohort study in Crete. Br. J. Nutr. 2016; 115(8): 1431-1437.
    Messager M, de Steur, Boelens PG, Jensen LS, Mariette C, Reynolds JV, Osorio J, Pera MR, Johansson J, Kolodziejczyk P, Roviello F, De Manzoni, Mönig SP, Allum WH*, The EURECCA Upper GI group (European Registration of Cancer Care). Description and analysis of clinical pathways for oesophago-gastric adenocarcinoma, in 10 European countries (the EURECCA upper gastro intestinal group - European Registration of Cancer Care). Eur J Surg Oncol 2016; 42(9): 1432-1447.
    Romeu M, Rubio L, Sánchez-Martos V, Castañer O, de la Torre R, Valls RM, Ras R, Pedret A, Catalan U, López de las Hazas MC, Motilva MJ, Fitó Colomer M, Solá R*, Giralt M. Virgin olive oil enriched with its own phenolics or complemented with thyme phenols improves DNA protection against oxidation and antioxidant enzyme activity in hyperlipidemic subjects. J Agr Food Chem 2016; 64(9): 1879-1888.
    Besses C*, Hernández-Boluda JC, Pérez-Encinas M, Raya JM, Hernández-Rivas JM, Jiménez-Velasco A, Martínez-López J, Vicente V, Burgaleta C, on behalf of GEMFIN. Current opinion and consensus statement regarding the diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment of patients with essential thrombocythemia: a survey of the Spanish Group of Ph-negative Myeloproliferative Neoplasms (GEMFIN) using the Delphi method. Ann Hematol 2016; 95(5): 719-732.
    Vilarrasa N*, Goday A, Rubio MA, Caixas A, Pellitero S, Ciudin A, Calañas A, Botella JI, Breton I, Morales MJ, Díaz-Fernández MJ, García-Luna PP, Lecube A. Hyperinsulinemic Hypoglycemia after Bariatric Surgery: Diagnosis and Management Experience from a Spanish Multicenter Registry. Obes Facts 2016; 9(1): 41-51.
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    08003 Barcelona
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    En compliment de la Llei 34/2002, de Serveis de la Societat de la Informació i de Comerç Electrònic, aquest correu li hem enviat a partir de les dades de contacte que vostè ens ha facilitat. Si vostè no desitja rebre més comunicats, pot donar-se de baixa dirigint-se per escrit al Servei de Recursos Humans-IMIM ( tot indicant la paraula “baixa base de dades” a l’assumpte.
    Li recordem que podrà exercir els drets d’accés, rectificació, cancel·lació i oposició dirigint-se per escrit al Servei de Recursos Humans-IMIM (