INFORECERCA: Butlletí Informatiu del Servei de Recerca de l'IMIM
Número: 657
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IMI brings together companies, universities, public laboratories, innovative small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), patient groups and regulators and offer funding for collaborative projects that will pave the way for breakthrough vaccines, medicines and treatments to tackle Europe’s growing health challenges.
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BCRP seeks to accelerate high-impact research with clinical relevance, encourage innovation and stimulate creativity,and facilitate productive collaborations.
Informació últil
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Banc Santander, SA, les universitats espanyoles i l'Agència Estatal Consell Superior d'Investigacions Científiques (CSIC), entitats amb les que Santander té subscrit conveni de col·laboració, han constituït el FONS SUPERA COVID-19
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Presentació d'expressions d' interès per al finançament de projectes d'investigació sobre la SARS-COV-2 i la malaltia COVID19, d'acord amb els principis de necessitat social, emergència i eficàcia donat l'interès general, a càrrec de l'FONS - COVID19 per part de l'ISCIII.
Les expressions d'interès propostes a l'empara d'aquesta convocatòria tenen com finalitat contribuir a un millor diagnòstic i tractament clínic de pacients de l'SNS infectats per SARS-CoV-19 així com a la preparació i resposta de salut pública al context de la pandèmia en curs de SARS-CoV-2.
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The aim of the call is to facilitate multinational, collaborative research projects that will address important questions regarding ethical, philosophical, legal and socio-cultural aspects related to the neurosciences and their recent advances.
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Està concebut com un ajut al finançament de projectes o línies de recerca que ja estan en marxa o bé com a incentiu per a nous estudis o nous equips que volen iniciar-se en aquest camp amb projectes de recerca bàsica, aplicada o clínica relacionats amb la base genètica i immunològica d'aquestes patologies, així com la seva prevenció, diagnòstic, seguiment i tractament.
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TThe PCRP seeks to promote highly innovative, groundbreaking research; high-impact research with near-term clinical relevance; the next generation of prostate cancer investigators through mentored research; and resources that will facilitate translational research.
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Premi mitjançant el qual es pretén donar visibilitat i finançar part de projectes que puguin ajudar tant en la prevenció com en la detecció i cura del coronavirus o altres virus similars, i evitar que es repeteixi una situació com l'actual.
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La Societat Catalana de Cirurgia convoca dues beques d'investigació per a la realització d’estudis multicèntrics realitzats als Hospitals Catalans en el camp de la Cirurgia General i Digestiva.
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Lung Cancer Research Foundation
Funding for innovative projects across the full spectrum of basic, translational, clinical, epidemiological, health services, and other research on lung cancer.
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Early support for exploratory ideas, particularly those with novel hypotheses. In particular, we encourage applications that propose research to link genetic or other ASD risk factors to molecular, cellular, circuit or behavioral mechanisms of ASD.
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La Secció d'Insuficiència Cardíaca convoca 3 beques a través de la Fundació Casa del Cor, per a projectes de recerca originals i inèdits que versin sobre qualsevol aspecte relacionat amb el camp de la insuficiència cardíaca.
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3 years funding for young investigators in the field of prostate cancer, especially on prostate cancer health disparities. Funds may be used innovatively and flexibly to advance the career and research efforts of the awardee (for example, funding “protected time” or direct costs for laboratory science).
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L'Associació Espanyola de Cirurgians té entre els seus fins contribuir al progrés de la cirurgia fomentant la investigació. Per aquest motiu es convoquen tres Beques de Recerca per a la realització d'estudis multicèntrics realitzats en els hospitals en el camp de la Cirurgia General i Aparell Digestiu.
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Funding for transnational networks to design and implement ways to support AMR
Borses de viatge
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The European Society of Cardiology (ESC) represents over 85 000 cardiology professionals, principally from across Europe and the Mediterranean basin, but also from the rest of the world.
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Travelling Fellowships of up to £2,500 to graduate students and post-doctoral researchers wishing to make collaborative visits to other laboratories.
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Australian Academy of Science
Fellowships for distinguished overseas scientists to visit Australia for public lecture/seminar tours and to visit scientific centres in Australia.
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The LEO Foundation Awards constitute a global recognition and are given annually to outstanding young scientists whose work represent extraordinary contributions to dermatology research.
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Reconèixer als millors projectes en matèria de seguretat del pacient, qualitat assistencial, prevenció i gestió de riscos sanitaris realitzats a Espanya.
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This prestigious award honours outstanding research on biologically active molecules and systems in the fields of chemistry, biochemistry, and physiology as well as on their clinical importance.
Recursos Humans
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PhD fellowships to outstanding junior scientists worldwide who wish to pursue an ambitious PhD project in basic biomedical research in an internationally leading laboratory.
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The European Society for Clinical Virology (ESCV) provides fellowships to researchers to enable them to visit Centers for Clinical or Diagnostic Virology in Europe, in order to learn special or new techniques that are of value for their future clinical or laboratory work.
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La Fundació Espanyola de Qualitat Assistencial (FECA) concedeix dues beques econòmiques per dur a terme projectes d'investigació relacionats amb la millora de la qualitat i la seguretat de pacients, així com aquells projectes que suposin un avenç per al coneixement científic-mèdic en qualsevol disciplina.
L'objectiu primordial d'aquestes beques és finançar a un investigador o grup que no gaudeixi de qualsevol altra beca o ajuda pública o privada, espanyola o estrangera. No obstant això, la beca podrà compatibilitzar-se amb qualsevol de les situacions anteriors amb coneixement de la Comissió Avaluadora que ha de jutjar-la. En aquest cas, i segons les dades aportades pel sol·licitant, la comissió avaluadora podrà reduir la quantia per complementar les altres percepcions econòmiques.
Rivera-Romero O*, Konstantinidis S, Denecke K, Gabarrón E, Petersen C, Househ M, Merolli M, Mayer MA. Ethical Considerations for Participatory Health through Social Media: Healthcare Workforce and Policy Maker Perspectives. Yearb Med Inform. 2020; 29(1): 71-76.
Pedreira-Robles G*, VASCO A, Martínez-Delgado Y, HERRERA C, JUNYENT E. Traditional and complementary medicine in a nephrology department: practitioner knowledge and advice. Br J Nurs 2020; 29: 426-430.
Chadban SJ*, Ahn C, Axelrod DA, Foster BJ, Kasiske BL, Kher V, Kumar D, Oberbauer R, Pascual J, Pilmore HL, Rodrigue JR, Segev DL, Sheerin NS, Tinckam KJ, Wong G, Knoll GA. KDIGO Clinical Practice Guideline on the Evaluation and Management of Candidates for Kidney Transplantation. Transplantation 2020; 104(4S1 Suppl 1): S11-S103.
Sommer ME*, Selent J, Carlsson J, De Graaf C, Gloriam DE, Keseru GM, Kosloff M, Mordalski S, Rizk A, Rosenkilde MM, Sotelo E, Tiemann JKS, Tobin A, Vardjan N, Waldhoer M, Kolb P*. The European Research Network on Signal Transduction (ERNEST): Toward a Multidimensional Holistic Understanding of G Protein-Coupled Receptor Signaling. ACS Pharmacol Transl Sci. 2020; 3(2): 361-370 (Acceptat).
Ascaso JF*, Millán J, Hernández-Mijares A, Blasco M, Brea Á, Díaz Á, Pedro-Botet J, Pintó X, Grupo de trabajo sobre Dislipemia Aterogénica de la SEA.. Atherogenic Dyslipidaemia 2019. Consensus document of the Atherogenic Dyslipidaemia Group of the Spanish Arteriosclerosis Society. Clin Invest Arterioscl 2020; 32(3): 120-125.
Yang J*, Antin P, Berx G, Blanpain C, Brabletz T, Bronner M, Campbell K, Cano A, Casanova J, Christofori G, Dedhar S, Derynck R, Ford HL, Fuxe J, García de Herreros A, Goodall GJ, Hadjantonakis AK, Huang RJY, Kalcheim C, Kalluri R, Kang Y, Khew-Goodall Y, Levine H, Liu J, Longmore GD, Mani SA, Massagué J, Mayor R, McClay D, Mostov KE, Newgreen DF, Nieto MA, Puisieux A, Runyan R, Savagner P, Stanger B, Stemmler MP, Takahashi Y, Takeichi M, Theveneau E, Thiery JP, Thompson EW, Weinberg RA, Williams ED, Xing J, Zhou BP, Sheng G, EMT International Association (TEMTIA).. Guidelines and definitions for research on epithelial-mesenchymal transition. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol 2020; 21(6): 341-352.
Benavides FG. [Workers'health and COVID-19]. Arch Prev Riesgos Labor 2020; 23(2): 154-158.
Castany-Aregall M*, Aparicio G, Grau N, Carceller A, Perez-Hoyos S, Català-Mora J, Anton A. Angioid streaks and obstructive sleep apnea syndrome: are they related?. Sleep Breath. 2021; 25(1): 163-169.
Plaza P*, Suarez-Piñera M, Mestre-Fusco A, Domenech B, Pifarré P, Rivera E. Clinical impact of Ga68-DOTATOC PET/CT on neuroendocrine tumors. A preliminary experience. Endocrinol Diabetes Nutr 2020; 67(10): 636-642.
Marruecos L, Bertran J, Guillén Y, González J, Batlle R, López-Arribillaga E, Garrido M, Ruiz-Herguido C, Lisiero D, González-Farré M, Arce S, Iglesias M, Nebreda AR, Miyamoto S, Bigas A*, Espinosa L*. IkBα deficiency imposes a fetal phenotype to intestinal stem cells. Embo Rep 2020; 21(6): e49708.
Tirado-Muñoz J, Lopez AB, Fonseca F, Farré M, Torrens M, Viveros MP*. Effects of cannabis exposure in the prenatal and adolescent periods: preclinical and clinical studies in both sexes. Front Neuroendocrin 2020; 57: 100841.
de la Torre R, Carbó M, Pujadas-Bastardes M, Biel S, Mesa MD, Covas MI, Expósito M, Espejo JA, Sanchez-Rodriguez E, Diaz-Pellicer P, Jimenez-Valladares F, Rosa C, Pozo O, Fitó Colomer M. Pharmacokinetics of maslinic and oleanolic acids from olive oil - Effects on endothelial function in healthy adults. A randomized, controlled, dose-response study. Food Chem 2020; 322: 126676.
Arenaza-Urquijo EM*, Vemuri P. Improving the resistance and resilience framework for aging and dementia studies. Alzheimers Res Ther 2020; 12(1): 41.
Posadas T, Oscullo G, Zaldivar E, Villa C, Dobarganes Y, Girón R, Olveira C, Maíz L, García-Clemente M, Sibila O, Golpe R, Rodriguez J, Barreiro E, Rodriguez J.L, Menéndez R, Prados C, de la Rosa D, Martinez García M.A*, SPANISH REGISTRY OF BRONCHIECTASIS GROUP. C-Reactive Protein Concentration in Steady-State Bronchiectasis: Prognostic Value of Future Severe Exacerbations. Data From the Spanish Registry of Bronchiectasis (RIBRON). Arch Bronconeumol 2021; 57(1): 21-27.
Del Alcázar E*, Suárez-Pérez JA, Armesto S, Rivera R, Herrera-Acosta E, Herranz P, Martin I, Montesinos E, Hospital M, Vilarrasa E, Ferran M, Ruiz-Villaverde R, Sahuquillo-Torralba A, Ruiz-Genao DP, Pérez-Barri S, Muñoz C, Llamas M, Valentí F, Mitxelena MJ, López-Ferrer A, Carretero G, Vidal D, Mollet J, Belinchón I, Carrascosa JM. Real-world effectiveness and safety of apremilast in psoriasis at 52 weeks: a retrospective, observational, multicenter study by the Spanish Psoriasis Group. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 2020; 34(12): 2821-2829.
Bertran-Recasens B, Martínez-Llorens JM, Rodriguez JJ, Rubio MA*. Lack of dyspnea in Covid-19 patients; another neurological conundrum?. Eur J Neurol 2020; 27(9): e40.
Emdin CA, Haas ME, Khera AV, Aragam K, Chaffin M, Klarin D, Hindy G, Jiang L, Wei WQ, Feng Q, Karjalainen J, Havulinna A, Kiiskinen T, Bick A, Ardissino D, Wilson JG, Schunkert H, McPherson R, Watkins H, Elosua R, Bown MJ, Samani NJ, Baber U, Erdmann J, Gupta N, Danesh J, Saleheen D, Chang KM, Vujkovic M, Voight B, Damrauer S, Lynch J, Kaplan D, Serper M, Tsao P, Mercader J, Hanis C, Daly M, Denny J, Gabriel S, Kathiresan S*, Million Veteran Program. A missense variant in Mitochondrial Amidoxime Reducing Component 1 gene and protection against liver disease. PLoS Genet 2020; 16(4): e1008629.
Gallardo-Alfaro L, Bibiloni MDM, Mascaró CM, Montemayor S, Ruiz-Canela M, Salas-Salvadó J, Corella D, Fitó M, Romaguera D, Vioque J, Alonso-Gómez ÁM, Wärnberg J, Martínez JA, Serra-Majem L, Estruch R, Fernández-García JC, Lapetra J, Pintó X, García Ríos, Bueno-Cavanillas A, Gaforio JJ, Matía-Martín P, Daimiel L, Micó-Pérez RM, Vidal J, Vázquez C, Ros E, Fernandez-Lázaro CI, Becerra-Tomás N, Gimenez-Alba IM, Zomeño MD, Konieczna J, Compañ-Gabucio L, Tojal-Sierra L, Pérez-López J, Zulet MÁ, Casañas-Quintana T, Castro-Barquero S, Gómez-Pérez AM, Santos-Lozano JM, Galera A, Basterra-Gortari FJ, Basora J, Saiz C, Pérez-Vega KA, Galmés-Panadés AM, Tercero-Maciá C, Sorto-Sánchez C, Sayón-Orea C, García-Gavilán J, Muñoz-Martínez J, Tur JA*. Leisure-Time Physical Activity, Sedentary Behaviour and Diet Quality are Associated with Metabolic Syndrome Severity: The PREDIMED-Plus Study. Nutrients 2020; 12(4): E1013.
Westerman K, Fernández-Sanlés A, Patil P, Sebastiani P, Jacques P, Starr JM, J Deary, Liu Q, Liu S, Elosua R, DeMeo DL, Ordovás JM*. Epigenomic Assessment of Cardiovascular Disease Risk and Interactions With Traditional Risk Metrics. J Am Heart Assoc 2020; 9(8): e015299.
Martinez García M.A*, Oscullo G, Posadas T, Zaldivar E, Villa C, Dobarganes Y, Girón R, Olveira C, Maíz L, García-Clemente M, Sibila O, Golpe R, Rodríguez J, Barreiro E, Rodriguez J.L, Feced-Olmos L, Prados C, Muriel A, de la Rosa D, on behalf the Spanish Registry of Bronchiectasis Group of SEPAR (RIBRON). Pseudomonas aeruginosa and lung function decline in patients with bronchiectasis. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis 2021; 27(3): 428-434.
Sastre J*, Orden V, Martínez A, Bando I, Balbín M, Bellosillo B, Palanca S, Peligros Gomez, Mediero B, Llovet P, Moral VM, Viéitez JM, García-Alfonso P, Calle SG, Ortiz-Morales MJ, Salud A, Quintero G, Lopez C, Díaz-Rubio E, Aranda E, Spanish Cooperative Group for the Treatment of Digestive Tumors (TTD). Association Between Baseline Circulating Tumor Cells, Molecular Tumor Profiling, and Clinical Characteristics in a Large Cohort of Chemo-naïve Metastatic Colorectal Cancer Patients Prospectively Collected. Clin Colorectal Cancer 2020: (en Premsa).
Smerilli G, Castell S, Cipolletta E, Farah S, Carotti M, Salaffi F, Grassi W, Filippucci E. Ultrasound measurement of muscle thickness at the proximal forearm in rheumatologic setting. Clin Exp Rheumatol 2020; 38(5): 985-988.
Matías-Guiu JA*, Sánchez-Benavides G, Rivera N, Cortés-Martínez A, Delgado-Alonso C, Delgado-Álvarez A, Montero P, Pytel V, Matías-Guiu J, Peña-Casanova J. Validation of the Neuronorma battery for neuropsychological assessment in multiple sclerosis. Mult Scler Relat Disord 2020; 42: 102070.
Llinàs L, Redondo D, Raïch-Regué D, Pérez-Sáez MJ, Yelamos J, Duran X, Faura A, López-Botet M, Pascual J*, Crespo M*. Long-Term Redistribution of Peripheral Lymphocyte Subpopulations after Switching from Calcineurin to mTOR Inhibitors in Kidney Transplant Recipients. J Clin Med 2020; 9(4): E1088.
Hollanda A*, Lecube A, Rubio MA, Sánchez E, Vilarrasa N, Oliva JG, Fernández-Soto ML, Salas-Salvadó J, Ballesteros-Pomar MD, Ciudin A, Torres F, Vidal C, Morales MJ, Valdés S, Pellitero S, Miñambres I, Masmiquel L, Goday A, Suarez L, Flores L, Bueno M, Caixàs A, Bretón I, Cámara R, Olbeyra R, Penso R, José de, Simó-Servat A, Pereyra-García FM, López-Mezquita ET, Gils A, Fidilio E, Bandrés O, Martínez Á, Abuín J, Marques-Pamies M, Tuneu L, Arteaga M, Castañer O, Goñi F, Arrizabalaga C, Botana MA, Calañas A, Rebollo Á. New Metrics to Assess Type 2 Diabetes After Bariatric Surgery: The "Time-Within-Remission Range". J Clin Med 2020; 9(4): E1070.
Barrubés L, Babio N, Hernández-Alonso P, Toledo E, Ramírez JB, Estruch R, Ros E, Fitó M, Alonso-Gómez AM, Fiol M, Lapetra J, Serra-Majem L, Pintó X, Ruiz-Canela M, Corella D, Castañer O, Macías-González M, Salas-Salvadó J*. Association between the 2018 WCRF/AICR and the Low-Risk Lifestyle Scores with Colorectal Cancer Risk in the Predimed Study. J Clin Med 2020; 9(4): E1215.
Peñacoba P, Llauger MA, Fortuna AM, Flor X, Sampol G, Pedro-Pijoan AM, Grau N, Santiveri C, Juvanteny J, Aoiz JI, Bayó J, Lloberes P, Mayos M. Primary care and sleep unit agreement in management decisions for sleep apnea: a prospective study in Spain. J Clin Sleep Med. 2020; 16(9): 1579-1589.
Almanza E, Hernáez A, Corella D, Muñoz D, Ros E, Portolés O, Valussi J, Estruch Riba R, Coltell O, Subirana I, Salas Salvadó J, Ruiz Canela M, de la Torre R, Nonell L, Fitó Colomer M, Castañer O*. Transcriptional response to a Mediterranean diet intervention exerts a modulatory effect on neuroinflammation signaling pathway. Nutr Neurosci 2022; 25(2): 256-265.
Garon EB*, Winfree KB, Molife C, Cui ZL, Arriola E, Levy B, Mekhail T, Pérol M. Healthcare resource utilization in advanced non-small-cell lung cancer: post hoc analysis of the randomized phase 3 REVEL study. Support Care Cancer 2021; 29(1): 117-125.
Luiso D, Villanueva JA, Belarte L, Fort A, Blázquez Z, Ruiz-Bustillo S, Farré R, Rigau J, Martí Almor J, Farré N*. Surface respiratory electromyography and dyspnea in acute heart failure patients. PLoS One . 2020; 15(4): e0232225 (Acceptat).
Trebicka J*, Gu W*, Ibáñez-Samaniego L, Hernández-Gea V, Pitarch C, Garcia E, Procopet B, Giráldez Á, Amitrano L, Villanueva C, Thabut D, Silva-Junior G, Martínez J, Genescà J, Bureau C, Llop E, Laleman W, Palazon JM, Castellote J, Rodrigues S, Gluud LL, Noronha C, Barcelo R, Cañete N, Rodriguez M, Ferlitsch A, Mundi JL, Gronbaek H, Hernández-Guerra M, Sassatelli R, Dell'Era A, Senzolo M, Gonzalez-Abraldes J, Romero-Gómez M, Zipprich A, Casas M, Masnou H, Primignani M, Weiss E, Catalina MV, Erasmus HP, Uschner FE, Schulz M, Brol M, Praktiknjo M, Chang J, Krag A, Nevens F, Calleja JL, Robic MA, Conejo I, Albillos A, Rudler M, Alvarado E, Guardascione MA, Tantau M, Bosch J, Torres F, Pavesi M, Garcia-Pagán JC, Jansen C, Bañares R, International Variceal Bleeding Observational Study Group and Baveno Cooperation.. Rebleeding and mortality risk are increased by ACLF but reduced by pre-emptive TIPS. J Hepatol 2020; 73(5): 1082-1091.
Azuaga AB, Frade-Sosa B, Laiz A, Estrada P, Prior-Español A, Horcada L, Polino L, Moreno M, Moragues C, Urruticoechea-Arana A, Sellas A, Tandaipan JL, Torrente-Segarra V, Garcia-Miguel J, Ros I, Ordoñez S, Moya P, Reina D, Mateo-Soria L, Fito C, Beltrán E, Pujol M, Cuervo AM, Cañete JD, Ramírez J*, ESPOCAT group. Effectiveness of ustekinumab in patients with psoriatic arthritis in a real-world, multicenter study. Clin Rheumatol 2020; 39(10): 2963-2971.
Burballa C, Pérez Sáez MJ, Redondo D, García-Pérez C, Mir M, Arias-Cabrales C, Valenzuela NM, Reed EF, Pascual J*, Crespo M*. Luminex screening first vs. direct single antigen bead assays: Different strategies for HLA antibody monitoring after kidney transplantation. Hum Immunol 2020; 81(6): 293-299.
Bayés-de-Luna A*, Martínez-Sellés M, Elosua R, Bayés-Genís A, Mendieta G, Baranchuk A, Breithardt G. Relation of Advanced Interatrial Block to Risk of Atrial Fibrillation and Stroke. Am J Cardiol 2020; 125(11): 1745-1748.
Parra E*, Arenas MD, Fernandez-Reyes MJ, Blasco A, Alvarez-Ude F, Aguarón J, Altuzarra A, Moreno-Jiménez JM. Evaluation of dialysis centres: values and criteria of the stakeholders. BMC Health Serv Res 2020; 20(1): 297.
Martos T, Casadevall D, Albanell J*. Circulating Tumor Cells: Applications for Early Breast Cancer. Adv Exp Med Biol 2020; 1220: 135-146.
Olaechea PM*, Álvarez-Lerma F, Beato C, Gimeno-Costa R, Gordo F, Durá-Navarro R, Ruano C, Aldabó T, Garnacho-Montero J, Listado de responsables y unidades participantes en estudio ONCOENVIN ordenados por número de pacientes aportados al estudio epidemiológico. Epidemiology and prognosis of patients with a history of cancer admitted to intensive care. A multicenter observational study. Medicina Intensiva 2020: (en Premsa).
Lopez V, Vázquez T, Alonso-Titos J, Cabello M, Alonso A, Beneyto I, Crespo M, Díaz-Corte C, Franco A, González-Roncero F, Gutiérrez E, Guirado L, Jiménez C, Jironda C, Lauzurica R, Llorente S, Mazuecos A, Paul J, Rodríguez-Benot A, Ruiz JC, Sánchez-Fructuoso A, Sola E, Torregrosa V, Zárraga S, Hernández D*, Grupo de Estudio GREAT (Grupo Español de Actualizaciones en Trasplante).. Recommendations on management of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus pandemic (Covid-19) in kidney transplant patients. Nefrología 2020; 40(3): 265-271.
Reixachs-Solé M, Ruiz-Orera J, Albà MM, Eyras E*. Ribosome profiling at isoform level reveals evolutionary conserved impacts of differential splicing on the proteome. Nat Commun 2020; 11(1): 1768.
Fernández D, Vigo D, Sampson NA, Hwang I, Aguilar-Gaxiola S, Al-Hamzawi AO, Alonso J, Andrade LH, Bromet EJ, de Girolamo G, de Jonge P, Florescu S, Gureje O, Hinkov H, Hu C, Karam EG, Karam G, Kawakami N, Kiejna A, Kovess-Masfety V, Medina-Mora ME, Navarro-Mateu F, Ojagbemi A, O'Neill S, Piazza M, Posada-Villa J, Rapsey C, Williams DR, Morales X, Ziv Y, Kessler RC, Haro JM*. Patterns of care and dropout rates from outpatient mental healthcare in low-, middle- and high-income countries from the World Health Organization's World Mental Health Survey Initiative. Psychol Med 2021; 51(12): 2104-2116.
Falcone GJ*, Kirsch E, Acosta JN, Noche RB, Leasure A, Marini S, Chung J, Selim M, Meschia J, Brown DL, Worrall B, Tirschwell DL, Jagiella JM, Schmidt H, Jiménez Conde J, Fernandez-Cadenas I, Lindgren A, Slowik A, Gill D, Holmes M, Phuah L, Petersen NH, Matouk CN, Gunel M, Sansing L, Bennett D, Chen Z, Sun LL, Clarke R, Walters RG, Gill TM, Biffi A, Kathiresan S, Langefeld CD, Woo D, Rosand J, Sheth KN, Anderson CD, International Stroke Genetics Consortium.. Genetically Elevated LDL Associates with Lower Risk of Intracerebral Hemorrhage. Ann Neurol 2020; 88(1): 56-66.
Marco E*, Sánchez-Rodríguez D, López-Escobar J, Meza D, Dávalos-Yerovi V, Duran X, Messaggi-Sartor M, Guillén A, Muniesa JM, Duarte E. Is peak expiratory flow an accurate sarcopenia screening tool in older patients referred to respiratory rehabilitation?. Eur Geriatr Med 2020; 11(2): 297-306.
Sánchez-Rodríguez D*, Marco E, Meza D, Dávalos-Yerovi V, Duarte E. Taking a step toward implementation of Global Leadership Initiative on Malnutrition (GLIM) criteria in geriatric rehabilitation. Eur Geriatr Med 2020; 11(3): 349-352.
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