INFORECERCA: Butlletí Informatiu del Servei de Recerca de l'IMIM
Número: 538
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ERANet-LAC is a Network of the European Union (EU) and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) on Joint Innovation and Research Activities. It strengthens the bi-regional partnership in Science, Technology and Innovation by planning and implementing concrete joint activities and by creating a sustainable framework for future bi-regional joint activities.
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Promoure projectes científics en el camp de l'antidopatge.
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TRANSCAN-2 has the goal of coordinating national and regional funding programmes for research in the area of translational cancer research. The specific challenge is to promote a transnational collaborative approach between scientific teams in demanding areas of translational cancer research while avoiding the duplication of efforts and ensuring a more efficient use of available resources, to produce significant results of higher quality and impact, and share data and infrastructures.
The EC co-funded call of TRANSCAN-2 (JTC 2017) will focus on: “Translational research on rare cancers”
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The aim of the E-Rare Joint Transnational Calls (JTCs) is to enable scientists in different countries to build an effective collaboration on a common interdisciplinary research project based on complementarities and sharing of expertise, with a clear translational research approach.

Projects shall involve a group of rare diseases or a single rare disease following the European definition i.e. a disease affecting not more than five in 10000 persons in the European Community, EC associated states and Canada.

The research projects have to focus on hypothesis-driven use of multi-omic integrated approaches for discovery of disease causes and/or on functional validation in the context of rare diseases.

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Gilead Sciences, Inc. is a research-based biopharmaceutical company that discovers, develops and commercializes innovative medicines in areas of unmet medical need. Gilead's portfolio of products and pipeline of investigational drugs includes treatments for HIV/AIDS, liver diseases, cancer, inflammatory and respiratory diseases, and cardiovascular conditions.
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The European Hematology Association (EHA) promotes excellence in patient care, research and education in hematology.
EHA Research Grants support postdocs in advancing their career, e.g. towards becoming the leader of a research group.
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The main target of the Fondation Jerome Lejeune, a non profit foundation, is research into genetic diseases with intellectual disability.
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The AIMM Research Award is intended to support highly creative and conceptually innovative high-risk research with the potential to accelerate critical discoveries or major advancements that will significantly impact military health and medicine. AIMM initiative funding supports novel research concepts and other efforts that initiate or enhance potential game-changers that may not be supported by other funding mechanisms or core programs. Applications using synthetic or systems biology-based approaches are highly encouraged.
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The Dementia Consortium supports collaborative target validation and drug discovery projects from academia and SMEs. We offer a unique collaborative model bringing together the charity and industry sectors to help accelerate development of therapies for novel dementia targets.
The Dementia Consortium provides drug discovery resources, project management, industry expertise and tools as well as full funding support for projects. We can support small molecule or antibody-based strategies and aim to generate tools to achieve preclinical target validation. Our ultimate goal is to progress successful projects from laboratories towards the clinic.
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L'objecte d'aquest ajut és promoure la investigació en Educació Terapèutica en Diabetis i hauran de destinar-lo obligatòriament a infraestructura, material o personal dedicat a la investigació.
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The Alzheimer's Drug Discovery Foundation supports promising, diverse international research projects to develop new drugs for Alzheimer's and related dementias, including vascular, Lewy body, and frontotemporal dementias.
ADDF's goal is to fill the critical translational funding gap that exists between basic research and later-stage drug development. ADDF funds three categories of research:
  • Drug discovery and preclinical development, including high throughput screening, medicinal chemistry, lead optimization, in vivo efficacy, safety and toxicology, formulation of the drug, and scale-up
  • Clinical trials
  • Early detection, such as biomarkers and neuroimaging
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    La "Càtedra Celgene d'Innovació en Salut" llança una segona convocatòria de premis per a identificar i difondre els millors projectes d'innovació en l'àmbit sanitari nacional que demostrin un valor afegit a la qualitat de vida dels pacients i / o en l'eficiència del sistema sanitari en diferents àmbits sanitaris:
  • Oncologia (Càncer de Mama i Càncer de Pàncrees)
  • Hematologia (Mieloma Múltiple, Síndromes mielodisplàstiques i Leucèmia mieloide aguda)
  • Dermatologia (Psoriasi)
  • Reumatologia (Artritis Psoriàsica)
  • Gestió Sanitària i Farmàcia Hospitalària
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    Recursos Humans
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    Promoure la formació de doctors en programes de solvència formativa i investigadora, mitjançant la concessió de 850 ajuts
    que facilitin la seva futura incorporació al sistema espanyol d'educació superior i investigació científica.
    El procés de selecció serà en dues fases:
    1a fase de selecció de candidats: Oberta del 13 de desembre al 29 de desembre a les 14h.
    2a fase de selecció de candidats: El termini es fixarà un cop es publiqui la resolució definitiva de la primera fase de selecció.
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    The Matsumae International Foundation awards about 20 fellowships for post-doctoral stays in Japan.
    Informació últil
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    La finalitat de la present convocatòria és la concessió d'ajudes financeres per part de la Fundació Científica AECC a projectes de recerca de qualitat en càncer amb clara orientació translacional, que es desenvolupin sota la supervisió d'un investigador principal i que es realitzin en la seva totalitat a Espanya.
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    La finalitat de la present convocatòria és donar suport a grups emergents per consolidar les seves línies de recerca mitjançant la concessió d'ajudes financeres per part de la Fundació científica AECC a projectes de recerca de qualitat en càncer amb clara orientació translacional que es realitzin en la seva totalitat a Espanya.
    Es consideren grups emergents fins a 5 anys després d'haver iniciat una línia d'investigació independent acreditat pel seu lideratge, producció científica i / o projectes finançats. El període de 5 anys es comptabilitzarà fins al moment d'adjudicació del projecte (juny 2018).
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    La finalitat de la present convocatòria és promoure la investigació de qualitat en càncers poc freqüents i en càncer infantil mitjançant la concessió d'ajudes financeres per part de la Fundació Científica AECC a projectes de recerca amb clara orientació translacional, que es desenvolupin sota la supervisió d'un investigador principal i que es realitzin en la seva totalitat a Espanya.
    Càncers poc freqüents: es consideren dins de la categoria "càncers poc freqüents" aquells inclosos en el llistat RARECARE disponible al web
    En cas de no aparèixer en aquest llistat els projectes no podran optar a aquesta modalitat.
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    Gilead Sciences, Inc. is a research-based biopharmaceutical company that discovers, develops and commercializes innovative medicines in areas of unmet medical need. Gilead's portfolio of products and pipeline of investigational drugs includes treatments for HIV/AIDS, liver diseases, cancer, inflammatory and respiratory diseases, and cardiovascular conditions.
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    The European Hematology Association (EHA) promotes excellence in patient care, research and education in hematology.
    EHA Research Grants support postdocs in advancing their career, e.g. towards becoming the leader of a research group.
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    La Fundació Hergar per a la Recerca i Promoció Educativa té com a objectiu incentivar la investigació, així com el desenvolupament tecnològic i la innovació en l'àmbit educatiu i empresarial del nostre país, a través de la realització d'activitats d'investigació científica de qualitat i excel·lència que tinguin com a objecte d'investigació prioritari algun dels següents camps:
  • Aplicació de les TIC a l'Educació d'Adults i a les Ciències de la Salut.
  • Recerca aplicada i tecnològica en Ciències Socials, Jurídiques i Humanitats.
  • Investigació aplicada i tecnològica en Enginyeries.
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    CURE - Citizens United for Research in Epilepsy
    Citizens United for Research in Epilepsy (CURE), is a leading nongovernmental agency fully committed to funding research in epilepsy.

    The CURE Innovator Award supports the exploration of a highly innovative, often risky new concept or untested theory that addresses an important problem relevant to epilepsy. The Innovator Award proposed research must reflect ideas substantially different from those being pursued by anyone in the epilepsy research field. The program is not intended to support the logical progression of an already established research project but, instead, allows Principal Investigators (PIs) the opportunity to pursue radically unconventional, paradigm-shifting hypotheses. CURE AwardsThis award mechanism supports high-risk studies that have the potential to reveal entirely new areas of epilepsy research.
    Research completed through an Innovator Award must provide sufficient preliminary data to enable the PI to prove or disprove their groundbreaking, original, and/or unconventional hypothesis and have the potential, if the scope of work is successful, to move epilepsy research forward by leaps rather than by incremental steps.
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    CURE - Citizens United for Research in Epilepsy
    Citizens United for Research in Epilepsy (CURE), is a leading nongovernmental agency fully committed to funding research in epilepsy.

    The CURE Taking Flight Award seeks to promote the careers of young investigators to allow them to develop a research focus independent of their mentor(s). Researchers may propose basic or clinical studies, but this award mechanism is not intended to support clinical trials. Research that involves collaboration and a multidisciplinary approach is desirable. Applicant will be required to discuss how this avenue of research is independent from his or her mentor’s research, and will lead him or her to a path of independent epilepsy research. We encourage studies that will provide new directions for epilepsy therapy, prevention and, ultimately, a cure and that will allow applicants to collect the data necessary to support a National Institutes of Health grant application
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    The European Society of Contraception and Reproductive Health (ESC) was founded on December 26, 1988 in Paris, France.
    The aims of the Society are as follows:
  • To improve and facilitate knowledge and use of contraception, abortion, sexually transmitted infections and reproductive health care in the countries of Europe.
  • To promote the harmonisation of different policies concerning contraception and reproductive health care in the countries of Europe.
  • To promote availability of all methods of contraception in the countries of Europe.
  • To carry out epidemiological and sociological studies and other types of research on contraception and reproductive health care in the countries of Europe.
  • To encourage relations between the European Society of Contraception and Reproductive Health and other appropriate organisations in Europe and throughout the world.
  • To share knowledge and experience of contraception with countries outside Europe.
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    La Beca Dr. Pedro Albert vol reconèixer i promoure l'esforç investigador que en l'àmbit de les Neurociències té lloc a nivell nacional i internacional, amb l'objectiu de millorar les pràctiques quirúrgiques i, en general, la salut i el benestar dels ciutadans.
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    The Nestlé Foundation supports basic and applied research in nutrition.
    At present the Foundation's work is primarily concerned with human nutrition research issues dealing with:
  • maternal and child nutrition, including breastfeeding and complementary feeding,
  • macro- and micronutrient deficiencies and imbalances,
  • interactions between infection and nutrition, and
  • nutrition education and health promotion
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    FRAXA is a nonprofit, tax-exempt organization based the US. Solely committed to finding a cure for fragile X, FRAXA has funded more than $25 million in biomedical research, yielding discoveries that are changing the lives of families coping with fragile X. FRAXA is one of the most efficient and effective charities in the world, with management and general expenses under 4 percent and research expenditures at 86 percent.
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    FRAXA is a nonprofit, tax-exempt organization based the US. Solely committed to finding a cure for fragile X, FRAXA has funded more than $25 million in biomedical research, yielding discoveries that are changing the lives of families coping with fragile X. FRAXA is one of the most efficient and effective charities in the world, with management and general expenses under 4 percent and research expenditures at 86 percent.
    Borses de viatge
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    ERS is the leading professional organisation in its field in Europe. It is broad-based, with some 10,000 members and counting in over 100 countries. Its scope covers both basic science and clinical medicine. ERS seeks to alleviate suffering from respiratory disease and promote lung health through research, sharing of knowledge and through medical and public education.
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    La Fundació Espanyola d'Hematologia i Hemoteràpia (FEHH) en conjunt amb la Fundació CRIS convoca un programa de 2 beques per al proper curs 2017-2018. Les beques van dirigides a socis de la Societat Espanyola d'Hematologia i Hemoteràpia (SEHH) que vulguin realitzar un projecte d'investigació en un centre de referència a l'estranger en l'àmbit de les àrees que conformen l'especialitat d'Hematologia i Hemoteràpia.
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    The aims of the Clinical Fellowships are to spread the medical specialty of Allergy and Clinical Immunology throughout Europe and to promote fellowships in allergy and clinical immunology in order to support highly skilled specialists in this field in Europe. The Fellowships are for EAACI members in training for allergy and clinical immunology early in their careers and are not intended for well-established specialists.
    These fellowships intend to fund a 3 month clinical fellowship in a foreign European hospital.
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    The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) carries out programs that provide overseas researchers who have an excellent record of research achievements with an opportunity to conduct collaborative research, discussions, and opinion exchanges with researchers in Japan. These programs are intended to help advance the overseas researchers' research activities while promoting science and internationalization in Japan.
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    The EAACI Research Fellowships supports research and training of EAACI Junior Members and Affiliates (JMAs) in another European country, fosters the exchange of knowledge and techniques and the implementation of new techniques throughout European laboratories. The work of EAACI JMAs will be highlighted through an increased publication activity and a dedicated event during the EAACI annual congress.

    Available fellowship types:
  • Long-term Fellowships at EUR 20,000 each – 12 month period
  • Medium-term Fellowships at EUR 10,000 each – 6 month period
    Long- and Medium-term Fellowships are intended to fund travel and living expenses for up to 6 or 12 months in a foreign European laboratory.
  • Short-term Fellowships at EUR 5,000 each. These fellowships intend to fund a 3 month research fellowships in a laboratory in another European country. Preference is given to specified acquirements of new techniques and establishment of collaborations.
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    Les beques d'investigació de curta estada s'atorguen per fer avenços en recerca en Biologia Molecular, ajudant als científics a visitar altres laboratoris amb l'objectiu d'aplicar una tècnica no disponible en el país d'origen. Aquesta beca no finança intercanvis entre dos laboratoris del mateix país.
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    The Albert Renold Travel Fellowships for Young Scientists will enable young scientists to travel to and to stay at other institutions in another country in order to learn different scientific techniques related to diabetes research.
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    La "Càtedra Celgene d'Innovació en Salut" llança una segona convocatòria de premis per a identificar i difondre els millors projectes d'innovació en l'àmbit sanitari nacional que demostrin un valor afegit a la qualitat de vida dels pacients i / o en l'eficiència del sistema sanitari en diferents àmbits sanitaris:
  • Oncologia (Càncer de Mama i Càncer de Pàncrees)
  • Hematologia (Mieloma Múltiple, Síndromes mielodisplàstiques i Leucèmia mieloide aguda)
  • Dermatologia (Psoriasi)
  • Reumatologia (Artritis Psoriàsica)
  • Gestió Sanitària i Farmàcia Hospitalària
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    The 2018 António Champalimaud Vision Award will be presented to active research groups involved in basic or clinical research which has led to a major breakthrough in the understanding and/or the preservation of vision. Candidates will be considered by a distinguished international jury for the outstanding quality and distinction of their original research contributions, the contemporary relevance of their work and measurable impact of their achievements.
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    The Eppendorf Award for Young European Investigators acknowledges outstanding contributions to biomedical research in Europe based on methods of molecular biology, including novel analytical concepts.
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    La "Càtedra Celgene d'Innovació en Salut" pretén transmetre a través de l'entorn docent el valor real de la innovació no només en funció de criteris econòmics, sinó atenent també al seu impacte social i la gravetat de la patologia a tractar, organitzant i desenvolupant activitats acadèmiques i científiques que despertin l'interès general i potenciïn al seu torn el desenvolupament de projectes d'investigació.
    Amb els mateixos objectius que en l'edició anterior, la "Càtedra Celgene d'Innovació en Salut" llança una segona convocatòria de premis per a identificar i difondre els millors projectes d'innovació en l'àmbit sanitari nacional que demostrin un valor afegit a la qualitat de vida dels pacients i / o en l'eficiència del sistema sanitari en diferents àmbits sanitaris:
  • Oncologia (Càncer de Mama i Càncer de Pàncrees)
  • Hematologia (Mieloma Múltiple, Síndromes mielodisplàstiques i Leucèmia mieloide aguda)
  • Dermatologia (Psoriasi)
  • Reumatologia (Artritis Psoriàsica)
  • Gestió Sanitària i Farmàcia Hospitalària
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    Generar oportunitats que afavoreixin la màxima autonomia i qualitat de vida.
    Els treballs han de tractar sobre qualsevol matèria o aspecte específic de les persones amb discapacitat intel·lectual i del desenvolupament
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    Recursos Humans
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    Les ajudes tenen com a objectiu fomentar la contractació laboral de joves doctors per un període de dos anys a fi de què afermin les capacitats adquirides durant una primera etapa de formació posdoctoral.
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    Contractació laboral de joves doctors per a completar la seva formació investigadora postdoctoral en centres de R+D espanyols diferents d'aquells on han realitzat la seva formació predoctoral
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    Pretén premiar a les institucions, centres, equips, grups i serveis de salut que s'hagin distingit en la realització d'activitats de millora en la qualitat dels serveis oferts als ciutadans i ciutadanes i reconèixer iniciatives per millorar la qualitat de l'atenció sanitària en totes les seves àrees a través de projectes innovadors, per això es preveu l'oportuna dotació econòmica. La beca està pensada per a grups emergents i petits treballs orientats a la pràctica clínica.
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    GEICO - Grupo Español de Investigación en Cáncer de Ovario
    L'objectiu d'aquesta beca és completar la formació acadèmica de joves oncòlegs mèdics o especialitats relacionades (Oncologia Ginecològica, Biologia Molecular, Patologia) a través d'una estada en un centre de prestigi molt vinculat al projecte de recerca del sol·licitant. Un cop completat, permetrà a aquests joves metges incorporar els seus coneixements adquirits a la seva pròpia pràctica, així com al seu lloc de treball i al grup GEICO.
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    Concessió de dues beques anuals destinades a desenvolupar un projecte d'investigació subvencionades per la FECA o en col·laboració amb altres organitzacions, permeti als nostres associats desenvolupar projectes d'investigació relacionats amb la millora de la qualitat i la seguretat de pacients.
    Pretenen, d'una banda, premiar les institucions, centres, equips, grups i serveis de salut que s'hagin distingit en la realització d'activitats de millora en la qualitat dels serveis oferts als ciutadans i ciutadanes i de l'altra, reconèixer iniciatives per millorar la qualitat de l'atenció sanitària en totes les seves àrees a través de projectes innovadors, per a això es preveu l'oportuna dotació econòmica. La beca està pensada per a grups emergents i petits treballs orientats a la pràctica clínica.
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    Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich
    Society in Science – The Branco Weiss Fellowship is a unique postdoc program. It awards young researchers around the world with a generous personal research grant, giving them the freedom to work on whatever topic they choose anywhere in the world, for up to five years.
    Ideally, fellows pursue unconventional projects in new areas of science, engineering and social sciences.
    The fellowship is designed for postdocs at home in sciences, engineering and social sciences who are willing to engage in a dialogue on relevant social, cultural, political or economic issues across the frontiers of their particular discipline.
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    The Innovative Training Networks (ITN) aim to train a new generation of creative, entrepreneurial and innovative early-stage researchers, able to face current and future challenges and to convert knowledge and ideas into products and services for economic and social benefit.

    ITN supports competitively selected joint research training and/or doctoral programmes, implemented by partnerships of universities, research institutions, research infrastructures, businesses, SMEs, and other socio-economic actors from different countries across Europe and beyond.

    Partnerships take the form of collaborative European Training Networks (ETN), European Industrial Doctorates (EID) or European Joint Doctorates (EJD).
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    The IBSA Foundation is to be a recognised leader in science and scientific education for researchers, medical professionals, students and enthusiasts, patients and their families, as well as the broader public. It promotes science and a science culture worldwide through meetings, lectures, workshops, books, articles, communicating science innovatively, engaging audiences in interactive discussions that cut across disciplines and transcend borders.
    Castro-Dominguez F, Salman-Monte TC, Ojeda F, CORZO P, Carrión-Barberá I, Garcia-Duitama I, Monfort J. Artritis erosiva por virus Chikungunya, caso y revisión de la literatura. Reumatol Clin 2019; 15(6): e119-e121.
    Ferrer-Catasús T*, León A, Tey M, Arenas-Díaz AL, Marqués F. Artroplastía total de cadera en osteogénesis imperfecta. A propósito de un caso. Acta Ortop Mex 2017; 31(4): 202-205.
    Martinez-Laguna D, Soria-Castro A, Carbonell-Abella C, Orozco-López P, Estrada-Laza P, Nogués X, Díez-Pérez A, Prieto-Alhambra D*. Validation of fragility fractures in primary care electronic medical records: A population-based study. Reumatol Clin 2019; 15(5): e1-e4.
    Bonfill X, Martinez-Zapata MJ*, Vernooij RWM, Sánchez MJ, Suárez-Varela MM, De la Cruz J, Emparanza JI, Ferrer M, Pijoan JI, Palou J, Schmidt S, Madrid E, Abraira V, Zamora J, EMPARO-CU study group. Clinical interval and diagnostic characteristics in a cohort of bladder cancer patients in Spain: a multicenter observational study. BMC Res Notes 2017; 10: 708.
    Farré A, Tirado-Muñoz J, Torrens M*. Dual Depression: A Sex Perspective. Addictive Disorders & Their Treatment 2017; 16(4): 180-186.
    Hidalgo M*, Martinez-Garcia M, Le Tourneau C, Massard C, Garralda E, Boni V, Taus A, Albanell J, Sablin MP, Alt M, Bahleda R, Varga A, Boetsch C, Franjkovic I, Heil F, Lahr A, Lechner K, Morel A, Nayak TK, Rossomanno S, Smart K, Stubenrauch KG, Krieter O. First-in-human phase I study of single-agent vanucizumab, a first-in-class bi-specific anti-Ang-2/anti-VEGF antibody, in adult patients with advanced solid tumors. Clin Cancer Res 2018; 24(7): 1536-1545.
    Miró Ò*, Estruch Riba R, Martín-Sánchez FJ, Gil V, Jacob J, Herrero-Puente P, Herrera Mateo, Aguirre A, Andueza JA, Llorens P, ICA-SEMES Research Group. Adherence to Mediterranean Diet and All-Cause Mortality After an Episode of Acute Heart Failure: Results of the MEDIT-AHF Study. JACC-Heart Failure 2018; 6(1): 52-62.
    Tobías A, Rivas I, Reche C, Alastuey A, Rodríguez S, Fernández-Camacho R, Sánchez de la Campa AM, de la Rosa J, Sunyer J, Querol X. Short-term effects of ultrafine particles on daily mortality by primary vehicle exhaust versus secondary origin in three Spanish cities. Environ Int 2018; 111: 144-151.
    Garcia-Gil M, Comas-Cufí M, Blanch J, Martí R, Ponjoan A, Alves-Cabratosa L, Petersen I, Marrugat J, Elosua R, Grau M, Ramos R*. Effectiveness of statins as primary prevention in people with different cardiovascular risk: A population-based cohort study. Clin Pharmacol Ther 2018; 104(4): 719-732.
    Wickman M*, Lupinek C, Andersson N, Belgrave D, Asarnoj A, Benet M, Pinart M, Wieser S, Garcia-Aymerich J, Baar A, Pershagen G, Simpson A, Kull I, Bergström A, Melén E, Hamsten C, Antó JM, Bousquet J, Custovic A, Valenta R, van Hage M. Detection of IgE Reactivity to a Handful of Allergen Molecules in Early Childhood Predicts Respiratory Allergy in Adolescence. EBioMedicine 2017; 26: 91-99.
    Miranda-Mendizábal A, Alonso J. Authors' reply. Br J Psychiatry 2017; 211(6): 399-400.
    Cabo M, Offringa R, Zitvogel L, Kroemer G, Muntasell A*, Galluzzi L*. Trial Watch: Immunostimulatory monoclonal antibodies for oncological indications. OncoImmunology 2017; 6(12): e1371896.
    De Mol E, Szulc E, Di Sanza C, Martínez-Cristóbal P, Bertoncini CW, Fenwick RB, Frigolé-Vivas M, Masín M, Hunter I, Buzón V, Brun-Heath I, García J, de Fabritiis G, Estébanez-Perpiñá E, McEwan IJ, Nebreda ÁR, Salvatella X*. Regulation of Androgen Receptor Activity by Transient Interactions of Its Transactivation Domain with General Transcription Regulators. Structure 2018; 26(1): 145-152.e3.
    Armario P*, Calhoun DA, Oliveras A, Blanch P, Vinyoles E, Banegas JR, Gorostidi M, Segura J, Ruilope LM, Dudenbostel T, de la Sierra A. Prevalence and Clinical Characteristics of Refractory Hypertension. J Am Heart Assoc 2017; 6(12): e007365.
    Félez MA*, Grau N, Ruiz A, Guardiola E, Sanjuás C, Estirado C, ____________, Pascual JA, Orozco-Levi M, Gea J. El síndrome de apneas-hipoapneas del sueño (SAHS) grave incrementa la excreción urinaria de eritropoyetina. Efecto del tratamiento con CPAP. Arch Bronconeumol 2018; 54(5): 255-259.
    Navarra-Ventura G, Fernandez-Gonzalo S*, Turon M, Pousa E, Palao D, Cardoner N, Jodar M. Gender Differences in Social Cognition: A Cross-Sectional Pilot Study of Recently Diagnosed Patients with Schizophrenia and Healthy Subjects. Can J Psychiat 2018; 63(8): 538-546.
    Bellmunt J*, Nadal R*. Urothelial cancer in 2017: Changes in expectations for metastatic urothelial carcinoma. Nat Rev Clin Oncol 2018; 15(2): 73-74.
    Sosa C*, Zuccarino F. Floating Aortic Thrombus in a Non-aneurysmal and Non-atherosclerotic Aorta. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg 2017; 55(4): 491.
    Fröhlich M, Pinart M, Keller T, Reich A, Cabieses B, Hohmann C, Postma DS, Bousquet J, Antó JM, Keil T*, Roll S. Is there a sex-shift in prevalence of allergic rhinitis and comorbid asthma from childhood to adulthood? A meta-analysis. Clin Transl Allergy 2017; 7: 44.
    Pippias M*, Jager KJ, Caskey F, Casula A, Erlandsson H, Finne P, Heaf J, Heinze G, Hoitsma A, Kramar R, Lempinen M, Magaz A, Midtvedt K, Mumford LL, Pascual J, Prütz KG, Sørensen SS, Traynor JP, Massy ZA, Ravanan R, Stel VS. Kidney transplant outcomes from older deceased donors: A paired kidney analysis by the ERA-EDTA Registry. Transpl Int 2018; 31(7): 708-719.
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