INFORECERCA: Butlletí Informatiu del Servei de Recerca de l'IMIM
Número: 790
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Funds for New Investigator projects that focus on leukemia, lymphoma, multiple myeloma, and or myelodysplastic syndromes.
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En la línia de les anteriors convocatòries, vol continuar donant més rellevància a la investigació clínica d'excel·lència.
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La Fundació de l'Associació Espanyola de Pediatria amb l'objectiu de promoure la recerca a l'àmbit de la Pediatria i àrees afins convoca un ajut de Recerca.
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Es convoquen anualment ajuts a la Investigació en dues Àrees: Materials i Biomedicina / Salut, àrees en què es desenvolupen i / o apliquen els productes objecte de les activitats d'AMSA (gasos industrials i medicinals).
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Support fundamental, translational and clinical research projects that will strengthen the understanding, deepen the knowledge and/or will explore new therapeutic approaches for Down syndrome and other genetic diseases with intellectual disability.
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L'objectiu és promoure i donar suport a la realització de treballs d'Investigació Científica en el camp de la Nefrologia.
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Dues beques: un Projecte de Recerca (Beca Sènior) i un Projecte d'Iniciació a la Recerca (Beca Junior)
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Aportar tot el suport possible a la recerca independent per part dels seus socis i el moment del seu desenvolupament per a la generació i difusió del coneixement científic en el camp de la Coloproctologia.
Es convoquen 6 beques de recerca per a la realització de treballs a Espanya.
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La finalitat d'aquest ajut, és donar suport als millors investigadors en el camp del càncer de mama i promoure la ràpida transmissió dels avenços científics en aquest camp als pacients.
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Aquesta beca reconeix un projecte científic presentat per professionals novells que treballin en institucions espanyoles involucrades en el camp de l'Oncologia i promoure la rapida transmissió dels avenços científics
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Funding for projects dealing with maternal and child nutrition, including breastfeeding and complementary feeding, macro- and micronutrient deficiencies and imbalances,interactions between infection and nutrition and nutrition education and health promotion
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Projects aimed at advancing current knowledge in the inter-organ crosstalk and related pathophysiology in Diabetes and its complications through innovative basic or clinical research.
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The purpose of this call is to finance research projects that develop strategies, tools, technologies and with the intention of facilitating the development, optimization for surveillance systems and/or diagnosis of antimicrobial resistance.
Borses de viatge
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To provide opportunities for pre-/post-doctoral researchers from the US, Canada and Europe to conduct, under the guidance of their hosts, cooperative research with leading research groups in universities and other Japanese institutions.
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Fellowships for visits to Centers for Clinical or Diagnostic Virology in Europe, in order to learn special or new techniques that are of value for their future clinical or laboratory work.
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Augmentar l'intercanvi de coneixements i habilitats que repercuteixen de manera directa en la qualitat de la pràctica clínica i / o de la generació de nous coneixements en l'àrea de malalties renals.
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Destinades a joves titulats superiors que estiguen interessats a realitzar programes de Màster's o Ph.D. en universitats estatunidenques.
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Promoure el coneixement i incentivar experiències innovadores adreçades a la millora de la qualitat de vida de les persones amb discapacitat intel·lectual i trastorns del desenvolupament dins l'entorn economico-cultural de la Fundació.
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La Societat Espanyola de Medicina de l'Esport, en la seva aposta constant per la promoció de la Medicina de l'Esport i suport als metges en formació i investigadors joves en Ciències relacionades amb la Medicina de l'Esport i la activitat física, convoca QUATRE Premis SEMED a la investigació.
Recursos Humans
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La convocatòria ofereix oportunitats de formació i investigació a tots els camps de l'Agenda 2030:
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The CRI Irvington Postdoctoral Fellowship Program supports qualified young scientists at leading universities and research centers around the world who wish to receive training in fundamental immunology or cancer immunology.
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ICREA opens 20 senior research positions in the following areas:
  • Experimental Sciences & Mathematics
  • Engineering Sciences
    Informació últil
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    The aim of the call is to enable scientists in different countries to build an effective collaboration on a common interdisciplinary research project based on complementarities and sharing of expertise, with expected impact to use the results in the future for benefit of patients.
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    Funding for transnational projects on repair and/or regeneration of the heart and/or the blood vessels and/or chronic heart failure and atrial fibrillation.
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    Support fundamental, translational and clinical research projects that will strengthen the understanding, deepen the knowledge and/or will explore new therapeutic approaches for Down syndrome and other genetic diseases with intellectual disability.
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    La finalitat d'aquest ajut, és donar suport als millors investigadors en el camp del càncer de mama i promoure la ràpida transmissió dels avenços científics en aquest camp als pacients.
    Termini exhaurit
    Aquesta beca reconeix un projecte científic presentat per professionals novells que treballin en institucions espanyoles involucrades en el camp de l'Oncologia i promoure la rapida transmissió dels avenços científics
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    Amb la finalitat de millorar la qualitat de vida dels pacients amb mieloma múltiple.
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    Són objecte d'aquesta convocatòria aquells projectes relacionats amb recerca a intervencions infermeres al pacient crític adult i pediàtric (unitats de cures intensius, semicrítics/intermedis, emergències i urgències, també a l'àmbit extrahospitalari).
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    The New York Stem Cell Foundation
    NYSCF is soliciting applications from early career investigators, with the potential to transform the field of stem cell research, for awards to be used for exploring the basic biology and translational potential of stem cells.
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    FARA supports research through funding competitive grants across the spectrum from basic research through drug development and clinical research programs in Friedreich's Ataxia (FA).
    Borses de viatge
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    Afavorir i incentivar la mobilitat de joves doctors per a la realització d'estades de mobilitat a l'estranger, encaminades a l'actualització de coneixements, aprenentatge de noves tècniques i mètodes per a la docència o la investigació; així com a l'establiment de nous vincles acadèmics, o a l'enfortiment dels ja existents, entre docents i investigadors i entre institucions.
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    Té com a objectiu contribuir a la formació dels dirigents espanyols i al foment de l'esperit i l'activitat emprenedora a Espanya.
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    Per tal que els metges interns residents del programa MIR en Neurologia dels Hospitals o Centres Universitaris de tota Espanya puguin compartir i ampliar els seus coneixements i experiències a la pràctica clínica habitual i complementar la seva formació.
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    Donar suport a aquells professionals sanitaris que treballen cada dia per millorar els tractaments i els diagnòstics.
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    For junior researchers pursuing experimental projects in basic biomedical research and who wish to pursue a short-term research stay or attend a practical course of up to 3 months.
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    Per reconèixer i incentivar la feina dels periodistes i dels investigadors compromesos a traslladar al públic de manera rigorosa i atractiva els avenços de la ciència.
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    ERS Mid-Career Gold Medals aims to honour researchers with an excellent track record in the specific field of the awards on offer and the potential for further outstanding developments.
    The call for applications/nominations is now open and will close on 10 February 2023.
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    La FUNDACIÓ LILLY convoca els Premis Fundació Lilly d'Investigació Biomèdica Preclínica i Clínica 2023, per a investigadors que hagin contribuït de forma significativa al desenvolupament de la Biomedicina i les Ciències de la Salut a Espanya, i mantinguin una activitat de reconegut nivell científic.
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    The Lasker Foundation
    Lasker Awards recognize the contributions of researchers, clinician scientists, and public servants who have made major advances in the understanding, diagnosis, treatment, cure, or prevention of disease.
    Recursos Humans
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    L'objecte de la present ordre és aprovar, per tramitació anticipada, la convocatòria corresponent a 2022 d'ajuts a contractes predoctorals per a la formació investigadora en programes de doctorat per a la consecució del títol de Doctor/a i l'adquisició de competències docents universitàries a qualsevol àrea del coneixement científic, que facilitin la incorporació futura de nous doctors al sistema espanyol d'educació superior i de recerca científica (ajuts FPU).
    Concessió de 900 ajuts per finançar contractes predoctorals.
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    Contractació laboral de joves doctors per a completar la seva formació investigadora postdoctoral en centres de R+D espanyols diferents d'aquells on han realitzat la seva formació predoctoral
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    30 PhD fellowships to pursue PhD studies in any research domain and any university or research center in Spain or Portugal.
    The call for applications covers all areas of knowledge and is aimed at all individuals who fulfil the requirements to be admitted into a doctoral programme.
    Fellows should start at the host institutions between September and November 2023. Nevertheless, in duly justified cases, the ”la Caixa” Foundation may allow this to be delayed until January 31 2024.
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    The EMBO Postdoctoral Fellowships are awarded for a period of up to two years and support excellent postdoctoral researchers in laboratories throughout Europe and the world. International exchange is a key requirement.
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    The objective of the EFSD/Lilly Young Investigator Research Awards is to encourage innovative research in the fields of diabetes and its complications, and to promote excellence in medical education. Applicants should have demonstrated their ability in the field of diabetes research.
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    7-12 months scholarships for research projects within the context of doctoral programmes, in a German institution.
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    The Programme aims to identify promising and innovative young researchers in the field of diabetes. Selected candidates will have the opportunity to present their research activities during the symposium at the EASD Annual Meeting, and will receive a fellowship of € 30,000.
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    Els ajuts es concedeixen per sorteig entre tots els inscrits per finançar els cursos de preparació a les respectives especialitats d'interns residents.
    Coombes BJ*, Millischer V, Batzler A, Larrabee B, Hou L, Papiol S, Heilbronner U, Adli M, Akiyama K, Akula N, Amare AT, Ardau R, Arias B, Aubry JM, Backlund L, Bauer M, Baune BT, Bellivier F, Benabarre A, Bengesser S, Bhattacharjee AK, Cervantes P, Chen HC, Chillotti C, Cichon S, Clark SR, Colom F, Cruceanu C, Czerski PM, Dalkner N, Degenhardt F, Del Zompo M, DePaulo JR, Étain B, Falkai P, Ferensztajn-Rochowiak E, Forstner AJ, Frisen L, Gard S, Garnham JS, Goes FS, Grigoroiu-Serbanescu M, Grof P, Hashimoto R, Hauser J, Herms S, Hoffmann P, Jamain S, Jiménez E, Kahn JP, Kassem L, Kato T, Kelsoe JR, Kittel-Schneider S, König B, Kuo PH, Kusumi I, Laje G, Landén M, Lavebratt C, Leboyer M, Leckband SG, Maj M, Manchia M, Martinsson L, McCarthy MJ, McElroy SL, Mitchell PB, Mitjans M, Mondimore FM, Monteleone P, Nievergelt CM, Nöthen MM, Novák T, O'Donovan C, Osby U, Ozaki N, Pfennig A, Pisanu C, Potash JB, Reif A, Reininghaus E, Rietschel M, Rouleau GA, Rybakowski JK, Schalling M, Schofield PR, Schubert KO, Schweizer BW, Severino G, Shekhtman T, Shilling PD, Shimoda K, Simhandl C, Slaney CM, Squassina A, Stamm T, Stopkova P, Tortorella A, Turecki G, Vieta E, Witt SH, Zandi PP, Fullerton JM, Alda M, Frye MA, Schulze TG, McMahon FJ, Biernacka JM. Association of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Depression Polygenic Scores with Lithium Response: A Consortium for Lithium Genetics Study. Complex Psychiatry . 2021; 7(3-4): 80-89.
    Herranz A*, Pifarré-Benítez F, Martínez-Palmer A. Impact of intraoperative floppy IRIS syndrome in cataract surgery by phacoemulsification: Analysis of 622 cases. Arch Soc Esp Oftalmol 2023; 98(2): 78-82.
    Checa C*, Canelo-Aybar C, Suclupe S, Ginesta-López D, Berenguera A, Castells X, Brotons C, Posso Rivera M. Effectiveness and Cost-Effectiveness of Case Management in Advanced Heart Failure Patients Attended in Primary Care: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2022; 19(21): 13823.
    Blackman J, Stankeviciute L, Arenaza-Urquijo EM, Suarez-Calvet M, Sánchez-Benavides G, Vilor-Tejedor N, Iranzo A, Molinuevo JL, Gispert JD, Coulthard E, Grau-Rivera O, European Prevention of Alzheimer's Disease (EPAD) Consortium. Cross-sectional and longitudinal association of sleep and Alzheimer biomarkers in cognitively unimpaired adults. Brain Commun . 2022; 4(6): fcac257 (Acceptat).
    Gonzalez C, Morgades M, Lopes T, Fuster-Tormo F, García-Chica J, Zhao R, Montesinos P, Torrent A, Diaz-Beya M, Coll R, Hermosin L, Mercadal S, González-Campos J, Zamora L, Artola T, Vall-Llovera F, Tormo M, Gil-Cortés C, Barba P, Novo A, Ribera J, Bernal T, Lopez-de Ugarriza P, Queipo MP, Martínez-Sánchez P, Giménez A, González-Martínez T, Cladera A, Cervera J, Fernández-Martín R, Ardaiz MÁ, Vidal MJ, Baena Á, López-Bigas N, Bigas A, Maciejewski J, Orfao A, Ribera JM, Genescà E*. Genomics improves risk stratification of adults with T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia patients enrolled in measurable residual disease-oriented trials. Haematologica (online) 2023; 108(4): 969-980.
    Pascual S, Amati F, Marin J, Aliberti S, Gea J, Soni NJ, Rodriguez A, Sibila O, Sanz F, Sotgiu G, Marcos PJ, Uranga A, Milenkovic B, Meyer CN, Kolditz M, Anzueto AR, Restrepo MI*, GLIMP investigators. Bacterial Patterns and Empiric Antibiotic Use in COPD Patients With Community-Acquired Pneumonia. Arch Bronconeumol 2023; 59(2): 90-100.
    Martinelli E*, Cremolini C, Mazard T, Vidal J, Virchow I, Tougeron D, Cuyle PJ, Chibaudel B, Kim S, Ghanem I, Asselain B, Castagné C, Zkik A, Khan S, Arnold D. Real-world first-line treatment of patients with BRAF V600E-mutant metastatic colorectal cancer: the CAPSTAN CRC study. ESMO Open 2022; 7(6): 100603.
    Kiekens G*, Claes L, Hasking P, Mortier P, Bootsma E, Boyes M, Myin-Germeys I, Demyttenaere K, Cuijpers P, Kessler RC, Nock MK, Bruffaerts R. A longitudinal investigation of non-suicidal self-injury persistence patterns, risk factors, and clinical outcomes during the college period. Psychol Med 2023; 53(13): 6011-6026.
    Clará A*, Romero L, Mellado M, Casajuana E, Elosua R, Subirana I. The Long Term Risk of Endoleak Related Complications May Be Falsely Elevated According to a Competing Risk Analysis. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg 2023; 65(3): 449-450.
    Sanchez-Carro Y, de la Torre-Luque A, Leal I, Salvat-Pujol N, Massaneda C, de Arriba-Arnau A, Urretavizcaya M, Pérez V, Toll A, Martínez-Ruiz A, Ferreiros-Martinez R, Perez S, Sastre J, Álvarez-López P, Soria V, López-García P*. Importance of immunometabolic markers for the classification of patients with major depressive disorder using machine learning. Prog Neuro-Psychopharmacol Biol Psychiatr 2022; 121: 110674.
    Pattanayak B, Lameirinhas A, Torres-Ruiz S, Burgués O, Rovira A, Martínez-Larrad MT, Tapia M, ZAZO S, Albanell J, Rojo F, Bermejo B, Eroles P*. Role of SALL4 in HER2+ Breast Cancer Progression: Regulating PI3K/AKT Pathway. Int J Mol Sci 2022; 23(21): 13292.
    Castro Barquero S, Casas R, Rimm EB, Tresserra Rimbau A, Romaguera D, Martínez J.A, Salas Salvadó J, Martínez-González MA, Vidal J, Ruiz Canela M, Konieczna J, Sacanella E, García-Gavilán J, Fitó Colomer M, García-Arellano A, Estruch R*. Loss of Visceral Fat is Associated with a Reduction in Inflammatory Status in Patients with Metabolic Syndrome. Mol Nutr Food Res 2023; 67(4): e2200264.
    Pérez-Vega KA, Castañer O, Sanllorente A, Lassale C, Ros E, Pintó X, Estruch R, Salas Salvadó J, Corella D, Alonso Gómez A.M, Serra Majem LL, Razquin C, Fiol M, Lapetra J, Gómez Gracia E, Tinahones FJ, Hernáez A*, Fitó Colomer M. Mediterranean Diet, Energy Restriction, Physical Activity, and Atherogenicity of Very-Low Density Lipoproteins: Findings from Two Randomized Controlled Trials. Mol Nutr Food Res 2023; 67(1): e2200338.
    Magro-Checa C*, Ramiro S, Rúa-Figueroa I, Jimenez N, del Campo-Perez V, Martínez-Barrio J, Galindo-Izquierdo M, Calvo-Alen J, Uriarte-Isacelaya E, Tomero-Muriel E, Freire-Gonzalez M, Martínez-Taboada V, Salgado E, Vela P, Mena-Vázquez N, Olivé A, Narváez J, Menor-Almagro R, Santos-Soler G, Hernández-Beriain J, Manero-Ruiz J, Aurrecoechea-Aguinaga E, Ibarguengoitia O, Montilla-Morales C, Bonilla-Hernán G, Torrente V, Salman-Monte TC, Ros-Vilamajo I, García-Villanueva MJ, Moriano-Morales C, Fito-Manteca C, Lozano-Rivas N, Bohórquez C, Pego-Reigosa J. Central nervous system involvement in systemic lupus erythematosus: Data from the Spanish Society of Rheumatology Lupus Register (RELESSER). Semin Arthritis Rheu 2023; 58: 152121.
    Pujol J*, Blanco-Hinojo L, Doreste A, Ojeda FA, Martínez-Vilavella G, Pérez V, Deus J, Monfort J. Distinctive alterations in the functional anatomy of the cerebral cortex in pain-sensitized osteoarthritis and fibromyalgia patients. Arthritis Res Ther 2022; 24(1): 252.
    Sendra E, Lopez Montesinos I, Rodriguez-Alarcon A, Du J, Siverio-Pares A, Arenas-Miras MM, Cañas-Ruano E, Prim N, Duran X, Blasco F, Garcia-Alzórriz E, Cots F, Ferrández O, Gómez-Zorrilla S*. Comparative Analysis of Complicated Urinary Tract Infections Caused by Extensively Drug-Resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Extended-Spectrum β-Lactamase-Producing Klebsiella pneumoniae. Antibiotics (Basel) . 2022; 11(11): 1511.
    Lopez Montesinos I, Montero MM*, Domene-Ochoa S, López Causapé C, Echeverría-Esnal D, Sorli L, Campillo N, Luque S, Padilla E, Prim N, Grau S, Oliver A, Horcajada JP*. Suboptimal Concentrations of Ceftazidime/Avibactam (CAZ-AVI) May Select for CAZ-AVI Resistance in Extensively Drug-Resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa: In Vivo and In Vitro Evidence. Antibiotics (Basel) . 2022; 11(11): 1456.
    Hogg B, Valiente-Gómez A, Redolar D, Gardoki-Souto I, Fontana-Mcnally M, Lupo W, Jiménez E, Madre M, Blanco-Presas L, Reinares M, Cortizo R, Massó-Rodriguez A, Castaño J, Argila I, Castro JI, Comes M, Doñate M, Herrería E, Macias C, Mur-Milà E, Novo P, Rosa AR, Vieta E, Radua J, Padberg F, Pérez V, Moreno-Alcazar A*, Amann BL. High incidence of PTSD diagnosis and trauma-related symptoms in a trauma exposed bipolar I and II sample. Front Psychiatry 2022; 13: 931374 (Acceptat).
    Alvarez-Monell A, Subias-Gusils A, Mariné-Casadó R, Belda X, Gagliano H, Pozo O, Boqué N, Caimari A, Armario A, Solanas M*, Escorihuela RM*. Restricted cafeteria feeding and treadmill exercise improved body composition, metabolic profile and exploratory behavior in obese male rats. Sci Rep 2022; 12(1): 19545.
    Sánchez-Brau M*, Seguí-Crespo M*, Cantó-Sancho N, Tauste A, Ramada JM. What Are the Dry Eye Questionnaires Available in the Scientific Literature Used for? A Scoping Review. Am J Ophthalmol 2023; 246 : 174-191.
    Raïch-Regué D, Gimeno J, Llinàs Mallol L, Menéndez S, Benito-Guasch D, Redondo D, Pérez Sáez MJ, Riera M, Reed EF, Pascual J*, Crespo M*. Phosphorylation of S6RP in peritubular capillaries of kidney grafts and circulating HLA donor-specific antibodies. Front Med (Lausanne) . 2022; 9: 988080 (Acceptat).
    Ielpo B*, Anselmo A, Masuda Y, Xuan MYH, Burdío F, de Blasi V, Sánchez-Velázquez P, Giuliani A, Azagra JS, Viola GM, Podda M, Pellino G, Rosso E. Superior Mesenteric Artery First Approach for Minimally Invasive Pancreaticoduodenectomy: A Step-By-Step Surgical Technique Video. Ann Surg Oncol 2023; 30(3): 1500-1503.
    Greiner BA*, Leduc C, O'Brien C, Cresswell-Smith J, Rugulies R, Wahlbeck K, Abdulla K, Amann BL, Pashoja AC, Coppens E, Corcoran P, Maxwell M, Ross V, de Winter L, Arensman E, Aust B. The effectiveness of organisational-level workplace mental health interventions on mental health and wellbeing in construction workers: A systematic review and recommended research agenda. PLoS One . 2023; 17(11): e0277114 (Acceptat).
    Martorell-de Fortuny L*, Coelho A, Sánchez-Soler JF, Martínez-Díaz S, León A, Marqués F. Mini-invasive approach vs. traditional open reduction for periprosthetic hip fracture osteosynthesis with the NCB® plate. Inj Prev 2023; 54(2): 706-711.
    Salamanca J, Garcia-Guimarâes M, Sabate M, Sanz-Ruiz R, Macaya F, Roura G, Jiménez-Kockar M, Nogales JM, Tizon H, Velazquez-Martin M, Veiga G, Camacho-Freire SJ, Pérez-Guerrero A, Flores-Ríos X, Alvarado T, Díez-Villanueva P, del Val D, Bastante T, Alfonso F*. Multivessel spontaneous coronary artery dissection: Clinical features, angiographic findings, management, and outcomes. Int J Cardiol 2023; 370: 65-71.
    Bertran-Recasens B, Guillén A, Martínez-Llorens JM, Balañá A, Villatoro M, Agustí A, García-Escobar G, Rubio MA*. Ultrasonographic and manometric study of the tongue as biomarkers of dysphagia in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Neurol Sci 2023; 44(3): 931-939.
    Sánchez-Velázquez P*, Pueyo EM, Álamo JM, Suarez-Artacho G, Gómez-Bravo MÁ, Marcello M, Vicente E, Quijano Y, Ferri V, Caruso R, Dorcaratto D, Sabater L, González-Chávez P, Noguera J, Navarro-Gonzalo A, Bellido-Luque J, Tellez C, Ielpo B, Burdío F. Radiofrequency-assisted transection of the pancreas versus stapler in distal pancreatectomy: study protocol for a multicentric randomised clinical trial (TRANSPAIRE). BMJ Open 2023; 12(11): e062873.
    Escolà H*, March-Rodriguez A, Pujol RM. Symmetrical drug-related intertriginous and flexural exanthema-like rash related to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 infection. Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 2023; 89(1): 119-121.
    Soler-Cataluña JJ, Puente-Maestu L, Roman Rodriguez M, Esteban C, Gea J, Bernabeu-Mora R, Pleguezuelos E, Ancochea J, García-Río F*. Validation of the Spanish Activity Questionnaire in COPD (SAQ-COPD) in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Int J Chron Obstruct Pulmon Dis 2023; 17: 2835-2846 (Acceptat).
    Ielpo B*, Anselmo A, Koh Y, Burdío F, de Blasi V, Sánchez-Velázquez P, Azagra JS, Huscher C, Giuliani A, Pellino G*, Rosso E. Minimally invasive pancreatic anastomosis after pancreaticoduodenectomy: multi-institutional step by step video description of the technique. Updates Surg 2023; 75(1): 255-259.
    Fabregues F*, García-Velasco JA, Llácer J, Requena A, Checa MA, Bellver J, Espinos J. The role of thrombophilias in reproduction: A swot analysis. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 2023; 280: 12-21.
    López-Jiménez V*, Mazuecos A, Villanego-Fernandez F, López-Oliva MO, Alonso A, Beneyto I, Crespo M, Diaz-Corte C, Franco A, González-Roncero F, Guirado L, Jiménez C, Juega J, Llorente S, Paul J, Rodríguez-Benot A, Ruiz JC, Sánchez-Fructuoso A, Torregrosa V, Zárraga S, Rodrigo E, Hernández D, Grupo de Estudio GREAT y SENTRA. [Update of the recommendations on the management of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) in kidney transplant patients.]. Nefrología 2023: (en Premsa).
    Canillas L, Puigvehí M*. Reply to: 'Abnormal liver function tests and coronavirus disease 2019: A close relationship'. J Viral Hepatitis 2023; 30(1): 81.
    Gómez-Duque M, Medina R, Enciso C, Beltran E, Hernandez K, Molano-Franco D, Masclans JR. Usefulness of Inhaled Sedation in Patients With Severe ARDS Due to COVID-19. Respir Care 2023; 68(3): 293-299.
    Maitre L, Bustamante M, Hernández-Ferrer C, Thiel D, Lau CE, Siskos AP, Vives M, Ruiz-Arenas C, Pelegrí-Sisó D, Robinson O, Mason D, Wright J, Cadiou S, Slama R, Heude B, Casas M, Sunyer J, Papadopoulou EZ, Gutzkow KB, Andrusaityte S, Grazuleviciene R, Vafeiadi M, Chatzi L, Sakhi AK, Thomsen C, Tamayo I, Nieuwenhuijsen M, Urquiza J, Borràs E, Sabidó E, Quintela I, Carracedo Á, Estivill X, Coen M, González JR, Keun HC, Vrijheid M*. Multi-omics signatures of the human early life exposome. Nat Commun 2022; 13/(1): 7024.
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